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Once Ruled Over Fifteen Demonic Ghost Realm

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Gong Rosette was raised in Spirit Ghost Valley since he was three years old. For a long time he was called crippled because he was unable to awaken his warrior spirit and he didnt have any cultivation base which made him a laughing stock for the entire family. After thirteen years being away from home he was called back saying he will take his brother place to marry a cold blood crown prince who is known to get bored easily when he gets new toys he just throws them away without a second thought. For Gong as long as he makes it out and runs away he doesnt care with weird dreams and seals that he must slowly unlock he really doesnt want to be part of this crazy crown prince concubine or palace. But it seems like the prince has taken a liking to him.
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Gong Rosette was raised in Spirit Ghost Valley since he was three years old. For a long time he was called crippled because he was unable to awaken his warrior spirit and he didnt have any cultivation base which made him a laughing stock for the entire family. After thirteen years being away from home he was called back saying he will take his brother place to marry a cold blood crown prince who is known to get bored easily when he gets new toys he just throws them away without a second thought. For Gong as long as he makes it out and runs away he doesnt care with weird dreams and seals that he must slowly unlock he really doesnt want to be part of this crazy crown prince concubine or palace. But it seems like the prince has taken a liking to him.

Once Ruled Over Fifteen Demonic Ghost Realm


Once Ruled Over Fifteen Demonic Ghost Realm

(0 Votes)
Gong Rosette was raised in Spirit Ghost Valley since he was three years old. For a long time he was called crippled because he was unable to awaken his warrior spirit and he didnt have any cultivation base which made him a laughing stock for the entire family. After thirteen years being away from home he was called back saying he will take his brother place to marry a cold blood crown prince who is known to get bored easily when he gets new toys he just throws them away without a second thought. For Gong as long as he makes it out and runs away he doesnt care with weird dreams and seals that he must slowly unlock he really doesnt want to be part of this crazy crown prince concubine or palace. But it seems like the prince has taken a liking to him.
Gloria Drinka
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Gong Rosette was raised in Spirit Ghost Valley since he was three years old. For a long time he was called crippled because he was unable to awaken his warrior spirit and he didnt have any cultivation base which made him a laughing stock for the entire family. After thirteen years being away from home he was called back saying he will take his brother place to marry a cold blood crown prince who is known to get bored easily when he gets new toys he just throws them away without a second thought. For Gong as long as he makes it out and runs away he doesnt care with weird dreams and seals that he must slowly unlock he really doesnt want to be part of this crazy crown prince concubine or palace. But it seems like the prince has taken a liking to him.
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