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Celestial Supreme Ruler God Direct Disciple

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He was raised up in the mountains in a small town that was known as the Lost Ghost Town no one knew where it was or what happened to that town but for a young sixteen year old Luca Xiao Tang he was raised by a old man who was known as his master on his sixteenth birthday his master left him a note telling him to travel around the world and meet knew master and join a sect but he must always be careful after all the world is full of danger. For an Innocent Luca Xiao Tang he took that as a note for him to do everything in his power to get stronger. When he accidentally meets the celestial supreme ruler god who everyone fears Luca Xiao Tang didnt know any better then steal from him which coursed him to be in trouble and he was asked hundreds of question but to him he wont kneel down to anyone but his master. Luca Xiao Tang is to beautiful for his own good the supreme takes him as his direct disciple deciding to shut the other gods immortal elders, and fairy lords up so he didnt have to worry anything else. For Luca Xiao Tang he thought join the most powerful sect in the gods realm would be the best it seems like when the supreme ruler isnt looking he is bullied he is strong enough to not ask for help but they are times he wonders what went wrong. Some say he is just the Celestial Supreme Ruler plaything Other say he has no talent his way to innocent Some what to protect him Other want him dead. Other are trying to hunt him down and kill him Luca Xiao Tang has nightmares some are good dreams other a bad dreams they are times when he just cant sleep. But he found himself always asking for his new master help. Even when they bunch of powerful people Luca Xiao Tang isnt weak he will still fight. He also has a system that helps so he knows what he does is right deep within his heart. The question many have is who is Luca Xiao Tang And how come the Celestial Supreme Ruler God who is known to scare anyone is ever so kind to him yet he can also be extremely mean to him?
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He was raised up in the mountains in a small town that was known as the Lost Ghost Town no one knew where it was or what happened to that town but for a young sixteen year old Luca Xiao Tang he was raised by a old man who was known as his master on his sixteenth birthday his master left him a note telling him to travel around the world and meet knew master and join a sect but he must always be careful after all the world is full of danger. For an Innocent Luca Xiao Tang he took that as a note for him to do everything in his power to get stronger. When he accidentally meets the celestial supreme ruler god who everyone fears Luca Xiao Tang didnt know any better then steal from him which coursed him to be in trouble and he was asked hundreds of question but to him he wont kneel down to anyone but his master. Luca Xiao Tang is to beautiful for his own good the supreme takes him as his direct disciple deciding to shut the other gods immortal elders, and fairy lords up so he didnt have to worry anything else. For Luca Xiao Tang he thought join the most powerful sect in the gods realm would be the best it seems like when the supreme ruler isnt looking he is bullied he is strong enough to not ask for help but they are times he wonders what went wrong. Some say he is just the Celestial Supreme Ruler plaything Other say he has no talent his way to innocent Some what to protect him Other want him dead. Other are trying to hunt him down and kill him Luca Xiao Tang has nightmares some are good dreams other a bad dreams they are times when he just cant sleep. But he found himself always asking for his new master help. Even when they bunch of powerful people Luca Xiao Tang isnt weak he will still fight. He also has a system that helps so he knows what he does is right deep within his heart. The question many have is who is Luca Xiao Tang And how come the Celestial Supreme Ruler God who is known to scare anyone is ever so kind to him yet he can also be extremely mean to him?

Celestial Supreme Ruler God Direct Disciple


Celestial Supreme Ruler God Direct Disciple

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Honey Sien
He was raised up in the mountains in a small town that was known as the Lost Ghost Town no one knew where it was or what happened to that town but for a young sixteen year old Luca Xiao Tang he was raised by a old man who was known as his master on his sixteenth birthday his master left him a note telling him to travel around the world and meet knew master and join a sect but he must always be careful after all the world is full of danger. For an Innocent Luca Xiao Tang he took that as a note for him to do everything in his power to get stronger. When he accidentally meets the celestial supreme ruler god who everyone fears Luca Xiao Tang didnt know any better then steal from him which coursed him to be in trouble and he was asked hundreds of question but to him he wont kneel down to anyone but his master. Luca Xiao Tang is to beautiful for his own good the supreme takes him as his direct disciple deciding to shut the other gods immortal elders, and fairy lords up so he didnt have to worry anything else. For Luca Xiao Tang he thought join the most powerful sect in the gods realm would be the best it seems like when the supreme ruler isnt looking he is bullied he is strong enough to not ask for help but they are times he wonders what went wrong. Some say he is just the Celestial Supreme Ruler plaything Other say he has no talent his way to innocent Some what to protect him Other want him dead. Other are trying to hunt him down and kill him Luca Xiao Tang has nightmares some are good dreams other a bad dreams they are times when he just cant sleep. But he found himself always asking for his new master help. Even when they bunch of powerful people Luca Xiao Tang isnt weak he will still fight. He also has a system that helps so he knows what he does is right deep within his heart. The question many have is who is Luca Xiao Tang And how come the Celestial Supreme Ruler God who is known to scare anyone is ever so kind to him yet he can also be extremely mean to him?
Gloria Drinka
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He was raised up in the mountains in a small town that was known as the Lost Ghost Town no one knew where it was or what happened to that town but for a young sixteen year old Luca Xiao Tang he was raised by a old man who was known as his master on his sixteenth birthday his master left him a note telling him to travel around the world and meet knew master and join a sect but he must always be careful after all the world is full of danger. For an Innocent Luca Xiao Tang he took that as a note for him to do everything in his power to get stronger. When he accidentally meets the celestial supreme ruler god who everyone fears Luca Xiao Tang didnt know any better then steal from him which coursed him to be in trouble and he was asked hundreds of question but to him he wont kneel down to anyone but his master. Luca Xiao Tang is to beautiful for his own good the supreme takes him as his direct disciple deciding to shut the other gods immortal elders, and fairy lords up so he didnt have to worry anything else. For Luca Xiao Tang he thought join the most powerful sect in the gods realm would be the best it seems like when the supreme ruler isnt looking he is bullied he is strong enough to not ask for help but they are times he wonders what went wrong. Some say he is just the Celestial Supreme Ruler plaything Other say he has no talent his way to innocent Some what to protect him Other want him dead. Other are trying to hunt him down and kill him Luca Xiao Tang has nightmares some are good dreams other a bad dreams they are times when he just cant sleep. But he found himself always asking for his new master help. Even when they bunch of powerful people Luca Xiao Tang isnt weak he will still fight. He also has a system that helps so he knows what he does is right deep within his heart. The question many have is who is Luca Xiao Tang And how come the Celestial Supreme Ruler God who is known to scare anyone is ever so kind to him yet he can also be extremely mean to him?
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