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A compilation of Junji Itos works. Story 1 - Blood-slurping Darkness A girl, after being dumped by her boyfriend, decides to loose weight to get her boyfriend back. In the end she becomes anorexic, and meets a boy who supposedly will not eat either until she does. But why is it he lost weight so fast after just introducing himself? Story 2 - The Ghost of Golden Time A boy who never laughs or smiles is invited to a comedy show by a friend. After a rather good comedy duo, still not getting a laugh out of the boy, a female duo called Twilight Pacific Peace comes on stage, whom the audience didnt really enjoy at first due to their rather poor and nonsensical jokes. But somehow, by the end of their routine, they manage to get the whole audience laughing. How is it that despite how bad they are at comedy they are capable of getting entire audiences to laugh to the point of hysterics? Story 3 - Roar Story 4 - Mystery of the Haunted House Story 5 - Glyceride Story 6 - The Earth-bound People Story 7 - The Call of the Condemned
2 Votes
A compilation of Junji Itos works. Story 1 - Blood-slurping Darkness A girl, after being dumped by her boyfriend, decides to loose weight to get her boyfriend back. In the end she becomes anorexic, and meets a boy who supposedly will not eat either until she does. But why is it he lost weight so fast after just introducing himself? Story 2 - The Ghost of Golden Time A boy who never laughs or smiles is invited to a comedy show by a friend. After a rather good comedy duo, still not getting a laugh out of the boy, a female duo called Twilight Pacific Peace comes on stage, whom the audience didnt really enjoy at first due to their rather poor and nonsensical jokes. But somehow, by the end of their routine, they manage to get the whole audience laughing. How is it that despite how bad they are at comedy they are capable of getting entire audiences to laugh to the point of hysterics? Story 3 - Roar Story 4 - Mystery of the Haunted House Story 5 - Glyceride Story 6 - The Earth-bound People Story 7 - The Call of the Condemned




(2 Votes)
Itou Junji
Horror;  Supernatural;  
A compilation of Junji Itos works. Story 1 - Blood-slurping Darkness A girl, after being dumped by her boyfriend, decides to loose weight to get her boyfriend back. In the end she becomes anorexic, and meets a boy who supposedly will not eat either until she does. But why is it he lost weight so fast after just introducing himself? Story 2 - The Ghost of Golden Time A boy who never laughs or smiles is invited to a comedy show by a friend. After a rather good comedy duo, still not getting a laugh out of the boy, a female duo called Twilight Pacific Peace comes on stage, whom the audience didnt really enjoy at first due to their rather poor and nonsensical jokes. But somehow, by the end of their routine, they manage to get the whole audience laughing. How is it that despite how bad they are at comedy they are capable of getting entire audiences to laugh to the point of hysterics? Story 3 - Roar Story 4 - Mystery of the Haunted House Story 5 - Glyceride Story 6 - The Earth-bound People Story 7 - The Call of the Condemned
Comments 1
Chapters 13
A compilation of Junji Itos works. Story 1 - Blood-slurping Darkness A girl, after being dumped by her boyfriend, decides to loose weight to get her boyfriend back. In the end she becomes anorexic, and meets a boy who supposedly will not eat either until she does. But why is it he lost weight so fast after just introducing himself? Story 2 - The Ghost of Golden Time A boy who never laughs or smiles is invited to a comedy show by a friend. After a rather good comedy duo, still not getting a laugh out of the boy, a female duo called Twilight Pacific Peace comes on stage, whom the audience didnt really enjoy at first due to their rather poor and nonsensical jokes. But somehow, by the end of their routine, they manage to get the whole audience laughing. How is it that despite how bad they are at comedy they are capable of getting entire audiences to laugh to the point of hysterics? Story 3 - Roar Story 4 - Mystery of the Haunted House Story 5 - Glyceride Story 6 - The Earth-bound People Story 7 - The Call of the Condemned
That husky voice of yours sends shivers down my spine. Whisper something dirty in my ear. f1nd me on adelineblack_mooo_com change _ to dot
Jul 09, 2024
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