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The Princess Stans In Secret

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I've been reincarnated into a novel with my living and breathing bias. Now I'm the Princess of the Empire, who is known by all sorts of epithets, Agnes Saint! It's great that she's filthy rich and a royal and all, but there's just one problem… the hateful trash who just insulted by bias's honor is none other than 'me.' Regardless, I'm here now and… I will do anything, and everything, within my power to prevent my bias's death and ensure he experiences nothing but smooth sailing going forward! I would never wish for Kylo, my kitten, to suffer any sort of shock. That's why I have to hide my fervent adoration. Besides, nothing good would come from revealing my stanning anyways. So, for the time being, I'll be perfect at… 'stanning in secret.'
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I've been reincarnated into a novel with my living and breathing bias. Now I'm the Princess of the Empire, who is known by all sorts of epithets, Agnes Saint! It's great that she's filthy rich and a royal and all, but there's just one problem… the hateful trash who just insulted by bias's honor is none other than 'me.' Regardless, I'm here now and… I will do anything, and everything, within my power to prevent my bias's death and ensure he experiences nothing but smooth sailing going forward! I would never wish for Kylo, my kitten, to suffer any sort of shock. That's why I have to hide my fervent adoration. Besides, nothing good would come from revealing my stanning anyways. So, for the time being, I'll be perfect at… 'stanning in secret.'

The Princess Stans In Secret


The Princess Stans In Secret

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Princess Who Hides Her Fandom;;The Princess is Secretly a Fan
I've been reincarnated into a novel with my living and breathing bias. Now I'm the Princess of the Empire, who is known by all sorts of epithets, Agnes Saint! It's great that she's filthy rich and a royal and all, but there's just one problem… the hateful trash who just insulted by bias's honor is none other than 'me.' Regardless, I'm here now and… I will do anything, and everything, within my power to prevent my bias's death and ensure he experiences nothing but smooth sailing going forward! I would never wish for Kylo, my kitten, to suffer any sort of shock. That's why I have to hide my fervent adoration. Besides, nothing good would come from revealing my stanning anyways. So, for the time being, I'll be perfect at… 'stanning in secret.'
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Chapters 24
I've been reincarnated into a novel with my living and breathing bias. Now I'm the Princess of the Empire, who is known by all sorts of epithets, Agnes Saint! It's great that she's filthy rich and a royal and all, but there's just one problem… the hateful trash who just insulted by bias's honor is none other than 'me.' Regardless, I'm here now and… I will do anything, and everything, within my power to prevent my bias's death and ensure he experiences nothing but smooth sailing going forward! I would never wish for Kylo, my kitten, to suffer any sort of shock. That's why I have to hide my fervent adoration. Besides, nothing good would come from revealing my stanning anyways. So, for the time being, I'll be perfect at… 'stanning in secret.'
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