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The Obsessive Second Male Lead Has Gone Wild Manga

22 Votes
I remember the story of a novel I had read in my previous life just before my marriage. If you don't mess up the wedding, you'll be poisoned by your husband! So I just kissed the pastor who was in charge of the ceremony. Commander, are you alright? One of the holy knights shouted as he approached the pastor who was kissed. Huh, what? Wait... are you the commander of the Holy Knights? **** Rurutia, who was about to die, wanted to spend her last moment in a temple where she felt at ease the most. She started a business with her friends for the temple, and itwas a big hit. Miss, you have the world in the palm of your hands! Are you a God who descended to earth? In the midst of being embarrassed by the large crown, the commander of the holy knights himself was also acting strange. “All I wish for is to be your husband.” He said that with eyes shining with obsession. Take responsibility for stealing my first kiss. This is all so wrong. It seems that I changed my future.
22 Votes
I remember the story of a novel I had read in my previous life just before my marriage. If you don't mess up the wedding, you'll be poisoned by your husband! So I just kissed the pastor who was in charge of the ceremony. Commander, are you alright? One of the holy knights shouted as he approached the pastor who was kissed. Huh, what? Wait... are you the commander of the Holy Knights? **** Rurutia, who was about to die, wanted to spend her last moment in a temple where she felt at ease the most. She started a business with her friends for the temple, and itwas a big hit. Miss, you have the world in the palm of your hands! Are you a God who descended to earth? In the midst of being embarrassed by the large crown, the commander of the holy knights himself was also acting strange. “All I wish for is to be your husband.” He said that with eyes shining with obsession. Take responsibility for stealing my first kiss. This is all so wrong. It seems that I changed my future.

The Obsessive Second Male Lead Has Gone Wild Manga


The Obsessive Second Male Lead Has Gone Wild Manga

(22 Votes)
집착 서브 남주가 미쳐날뛴다
Fantasy;  Romance;  
I remember the story of a novel I had read in my previous life just before my marriage. If you don't mess up the wedding, you'll be poisoned by your husband! So I just kissed the pastor who was in charge of the ceremony. Commander, are you alright? One of the holy knights shouted as he approached the pastor who was kissed. Huh, what? Wait... are you the commander of the Holy Knights? **** Rurutia, who was about to die, wanted to spend her last moment in a temple where she felt at ease the most. She started a business with her friends for the temple, and itwas a big hit. Miss, you have the world in the palm of your hands! Are you a God who descended to earth? In the midst of being embarrassed by the large crown, the commander of the holy knights himself was also acting strange. “All I wish for is to be your husband.” He said that with eyes shining with obsession. Take responsibility for stealing my first kiss. This is all so wrong. It seems that I changed my future.
Comments 3
Chapters 61
I remember the story of a novel I had read in my previous life just before my marriage. If you don't mess up the wedding, you'll be poisoned by your husband! So I just kissed the pastor who was in charge of the ceremony. Commander, are you alright? One of the holy knights shouted as he approached the pastor who was kissed. Huh, what? Wait... are you the commander of the Holy Knights? **** Rurutia, who was about to die, wanted to spend her last moment in a temple where she felt at ease the most. She started a business with her friends for the temple, and itwas a big hit. Miss, you have the world in the palm of your hands! Are you a God who descended to earth? In the midst of being embarrassed by the large crown, the commander of the holy knights himself was also acting strange. “All I wish for is to be your husband.” He said that with eyes shining with obsession. Take responsibility for stealing my first kiss. This is all so wrong. It seems that I changed my future.
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The series The Obsessive Second Male Lead Has Gone Wild Manga contain intense violence, blood/gore,sexual content and/or strong language that may not be appropriate for underage viewers thus is blocked for their protection. So if you're above the legal age of 18.
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