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The Kang's Yeesu

6 Votes
I am Han Yeesu, this city\s coolest gay guy. But in the name of my love for Kang Jihyung, I\m willing to become a chaebol family\s daughter-in-law. However- \She\s the girl you used to always treasure and adore, father. I brought her here to marry her, so why are you mad?\ One day, Kang Jihyung brought home a random girl. All just to screw over his father, Kang Joongman. What am I going to do alone, you nothing-but-a-handsome-face jerk! Although I was angry, I held onto my father-in-law Joongman for a new start. \It\s because of you I ended up in this situation! Take some responsibility! You have to replace that guy!\ After my father-in-law\s scolding and constant nagging to become the group\s successor died down, I came back to my senses to find myself buried in files and papers and working overtime. But even if it\s mentally and physically painful and tiring, the desire never withers- Is it going to be the hot-tempered sexy old man Kang Joonman, Or my ideal type who betrayed me, Kang Jihyung? A sitcom filled with Yeesu\s wavering love and hatred between the two filthy rich men.
6 Votes
I am Han Yeesu, this city\s coolest gay guy. But in the name of my love for Kang Jihyung, I\m willing to become a chaebol family\s daughter-in-law. However- \She\s the girl you used to always treasure and adore, father. I brought her here to marry her, so why are you mad?\ One day, Kang Jihyung brought home a random girl. All just to screw over his father, Kang Joongman. What am I going to do alone, you nothing-but-a-handsome-face jerk! Although I was angry, I held onto my father-in-law Joongman for a new start. \It\s because of you I ended up in this situation! Take some responsibility! You have to replace that guy!\ After my father-in-law\s scolding and constant nagging to become the group\s successor died down, I came back to my senses to find myself buried in files and papers and working overtime. But even if it\s mentally and physically painful and tiring, the desire never withers- Is it going to be the hot-tempered sexy old man Kang Joonman, Or my ideal type who betrayed me, Kang Jihyung? A sitcom filled with Yeesu\s wavering love and hatred between the two filthy rich men.

The Kang's Yeesu


The Kang's Yeesu

(6 Votes)
I am Han Yeesu, this city\s coolest gay guy. But in the name of my love for Kang Jihyung, I\m willing to become a chaebol family\s daughter-in-law. However- \She\s the girl you used to always treasure and adore, father. I brought her here to marry her, so why are you mad?\ One day, Kang Jihyung brought home a random girl. All just to screw over his father, Kang Joongman. What am I going to do alone, you nothing-but-a-handsome-face jerk! Although I was angry, I held onto my father-in-law Joongman for a new start. \It\s because of you I ended up in this situation! Take some responsibility! You have to replace that guy!\ After my father-in-law\s scolding and constant nagging to become the group\s successor died down, I came back to my senses to find myself buried in files and papers and working overtime. But even if it\s mentally and physically painful and tiring, the desire never withers- Is it going to be the hot-tempered sexy old man Kang Joonman, Or my ideal type who betrayed me, Kang Jihyung? A sitcom filled with Yeesu\s wavering love and hatred between the two filthy rich men.
Comments 6
Chapters 62
I am Han Yeesu, this city\s coolest gay guy. But in the name of my love for Kang Jihyung, I\m willing to become a chaebol family\s daughter-in-law. However- \She\s the girl you used to always treasure and adore, father. I brought her here to marry her, so why are you mad?\ One day, Kang Jihyung brought home a random girl. All just to screw over his father, Kang Joongman. What am I going to do alone, you nothing-but-a-handsome-face jerk! Although I was angry, I held onto my father-in-law Joongman for a new start. \It\s because of you I ended up in this situation! Take some responsibility! You have to replace that guy!\ After my father-in-law\s scolding and constant nagging to become the group\s successor died down, I came back to my senses to find myself buried in files and papers and working overtime. But even if it\s mentally and physically painful and tiring, the desire never withers- Is it going to be the hot-tempered sexy old man Kang Joonman, Or my ideal type who betrayed me, Kang Jihyung? A sitcom filled with Yeesu\s wavering love and hatred between the two filthy rich men.
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May 15, 2023
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The series The Kang's Yeesu contain intense violence, blood/gore,sexual content and/or strong language that may not be appropriate for underage viewers thus is blocked for their protection. So if you're above the legal age of 18.
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