“The fourth primogenitor” – That's the world's strongest vampire that should only exist in legends. Accompanied even by twelve Kenjuu and spreading calamity, this phantom vampire appeared in Japan.
For the observation and obliteration of this “fourth primogenitor”, the government and Lion King decided to dispatch an attack mage referred as a “swords shaman”. However, for some reason, the one chosen for the observation was an apprentice “swords shaman” girl, Himeragi Yukina.
Wielding the strongest anti-primogenitor spirit spear, Yukina arrived at Demon Sanctuary, “Itogami City”. What was the true identity of the “fourth primogenitor”, Akatsuki Kojou, she encountered over there!?
“The fourth primogenitor” – That's the world's strongest vampire that should only exist in legends. Accompanied even by twelve Kenjuu and spreading calamity, this phantom vampire appeared in Japan.
For the observation and obliteration of this “fourth primogenitor”, the government and Lion King decided to dispatch an attack mage referred as a “swords shaman”. However, for some reason, the one chosen for the observation was an apprentice “swords shaman” girl, Himeragi Yukina.
Wielding the strongest anti-primogenitor spirit spear, Yukina arrived at Demon Sanctuary, “Itogami City”. What was the true identity of the “fourth primogenitor”, Akatsuki Kojou, she encountered over there!?
“The fourth primogenitor” – That's the world's strongest vampire that should only exist in legends. Accompanied even by twelve Kenjuu and spreading calamity, this phantom vampire appeared in Japan.
For the observation and obliteration of this “fourth primogenitor”, the government and Lion King decided to dispatch an attack mage referred as a “swords shaman”. However, for some reason, the one chosen for the observation was an apprentice “swords shaman” girl, Himeragi Yukina.
Wielding the strongest anti-primogenitor spirit spear, Yukina arrived at Demon Sanctuary, “Itogami City”. What was the true identity of the “fourth primogenitor”, Akatsuki Kojou, she encountered over there!?
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Chapters 22
“The fourth primogenitor” – That's the world's strongest vampire that should only exist in legends. Accompanied even by twelve Kenjuu and spreading calamity, this phantom vampire appeared in Japan.
For the observation and obliteration of this “fourth primogenitor”, the government and Lion King decided to dispatch an attack mage referred as a “swords shaman”. However, for some reason, the one chosen for the observation was an apprentice “swords shaman” girl, Himeragi Yukina.
Wielding the strongest anti-primogenitor spirit spear, Yukina arrived at Demon Sanctuary, “Itogami City”. What was the true identity of the “fourth primogenitor”, Akatsuki Kojou, she encountered over there!?
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The series Strike The Blood contain intense violence, blood/gore,sexual content and/or strong language that may not be appropriate for underage viewers thus is blocked for their protection. So if you're above the legal age of 18.
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