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Standard Of Reincarnation

4 Votes
Standard of Reincarnation manhwa, The greatest martial family, Samion. Dayven, a member of the Samion family, is a one-armed martial soldier without a right arm. Despite the ridicule and contempt he got for only having a left arm, he surpassed the direct line of the Samion family like a genius. However, he got betrayed by his family and parents in the end, thus meeting a poor end. But, he was reincarnated. I have a right arm? He had a new family tradition. A naturally gifted body. Experience from his past life. And the god Yulion with him as well. After his reincarnation, everything changed, and a new adventure started.
4 Votes
Standard of Reincarnation manhwa, The greatest martial family, Samion. Dayven, a member of the Samion family, is a one-armed martial soldier without a right arm. Despite the ridicule and contempt he got for only having a left arm, he surpassed the direct line of the Samion family like a genius. However, he got betrayed by his family and parents in the end, thus meeting a poor end. But, he was reincarnated. I have a right arm? He had a new family tradition. A naturally gifted body. Experience from his past life. And the god Yulion with him as well. After his reincarnation, everything changed, and a new adventure started.

Standard Of Reincarnation


Standard Of Reincarnation

(4 Votes)
Standard of Reincarnation
Standard of Reincarnation manhwa, The greatest martial family, Samion. Dayven, a member of the Samion family, is a one-armed martial soldier without a right arm. Despite the ridicule and contempt he got for only having a left arm, he surpassed the direct line of the Samion family like a genius. However, he got betrayed by his family and parents in the end, thus meeting a poor end. But, he was reincarnated. I have a right arm? He had a new family tradition. A naturally gifted body. Experience from his past life. And the god Yulion with him as well. After his reincarnation, everything changed, and a new adventure started.
Comments 4
Chapters 151
Standard of Reincarnation manhwa, The greatest martial family, Samion. Dayven, a member of the Samion family, is a one-armed martial soldier without a right arm. Despite the ridicule and contempt he got for only having a left arm, he surpassed the direct line of the Samion family like a genius. However, he got betrayed by his family and parents in the end, thus meeting a poor end. But, he was reincarnated. I have a right arm? He had a new family tradition. A naturally gifted body. Experience from his past life. And the god Yulion with him as well. After his reincarnation, everything changed, and a new adventure started.
partial chapters are not good for reputation. why it ended up here if it's incomplete
Aug 12, 2024
It's not as standard as the title suggests
Jul 26, 2024
The way you talk about your dreams makes me want to be a part of them. Perhaps tonight we can create a space where fantasies take flight, with a touch that sparks a fire that lingers long after the last word is spoken. f1nd me on albertabraden_mooo_com change _ to dot
Jul 14, 2024
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The series Standard Of Reincarnation contain intense violence, blood/gore,sexual content and/or strong language that may not be appropriate for underage viewers thus is blocked for their protection. So if you're above the legal age of 18.
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