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Shi Bu Li

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Xue Tao had to face the harsh reality that his father passed away from a mysterious illness, which left his mother shaken. To clarify the cause of his father\s death and ensure his survival, Xue Tao volunteered to enter the “music registration” to get more information. Xue Tao\s wit and creativity made her move with ease among powerful people of all colors. But then her friend Zhi Nian became the first “victim” in the exchange of power in the land of Shu! She deeply realized that with her little identity as a courtesan, she was not able to unravel the plot behind the deaths of her family and friends. At this moment, Xue Tao had an opportunity: with her skill and poetry as bargaining chips, she won the esteem of the new military governor Wei Gao. From then on, she officially entered the power core of the land of Shu, facing the forces from all sides that were making waves… However, as she cautiously went through a series of power conflicts, what awaited her in the end was the difficult decision between \survive\ and \truth\...
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Xue Tao had to face the harsh reality that his father passed away from a mysterious illness, which left his mother shaken. To clarify the cause of his father\s death and ensure his survival, Xue Tao volunteered to enter the “music registration” to get more information. Xue Tao\s wit and creativity made her move with ease among powerful people of all colors. But then her friend Zhi Nian became the first “victim” in the exchange of power in the land of Shu! She deeply realized that with her little identity as a courtesan, she was not able to unravel the plot behind the deaths of her family and friends. At this moment, Xue Tao had an opportunity: with her skill and poetry as bargaining chips, she won the esteem of the new military governor Wei Gao. From then on, she officially entered the power core of the land of Shu, facing the forces from all sides that were making waves… However, as she cautiously went through a series of power conflicts, what awaited her in the end was the difficult decision between \survive\ and \truth\...

Shi Bu Li


Shi Bu Li

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Inseparable Ten
Xue Tao had to face the harsh reality that his father passed away from a mysterious illness, which left his mother shaken. To clarify the cause of his father\s death and ensure his survival, Xue Tao volunteered to enter the “music registration” to get more information. Xue Tao\s wit and creativity made her move with ease among powerful people of all colors. But then her friend Zhi Nian became the first “victim” in the exchange of power in the land of Shu! She deeply realized that with her little identity as a courtesan, she was not able to unravel the plot behind the deaths of her family and friends. At this moment, Xue Tao had an opportunity: with her skill and poetry as bargaining chips, she won the esteem of the new military governor Wei Gao. From then on, she officially entered the power core of the land of Shu, facing the forces from all sides that were making waves… However, as she cautiously went through a series of power conflicts, what awaited her in the end was the difficult decision between \survive\ and \truth\...
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Chapters 2
Xue Tao had to face the harsh reality that his father passed away from a mysterious illness, which left his mother shaken. To clarify the cause of his father\s death and ensure his survival, Xue Tao volunteered to enter the “music registration” to get more information. Xue Tao\s wit and creativity made her move with ease among powerful people of all colors. But then her friend Zhi Nian became the first “victim” in the exchange of power in the land of Shu! She deeply realized that with her little identity as a courtesan, she was not able to unravel the plot behind the deaths of her family and friends. At this moment, Xue Tao had an opportunity: with her skill and poetry as bargaining chips, she won the esteem of the new military governor Wei Gao. From then on, she officially entered the power core of the land of Shu, facing the forces from all sides that were making waves… However, as she cautiously went through a series of power conflicts, what awaited her in the end was the difficult decision between \survive\ and \truth\...
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