Sekai Saikyou No Kouei: Meikyuukoku No Shinjin Tansakusha
6 Votes
Workaholic assistant Atobe Arihito fell asleep in his companys bus that was traveling for a vacation. When he awoke he learned he had died due to the bus getting into an accident, and that he had reincarnated into a world of reincarnators - to the Labyrinth Country. To his surprise he was discovered by his slave driving manager, Igarashi Kyouka, who further explains their role in this world.
In Labyrinth Country, Reincarnators are expected to choose a job and form parties to fight against monsters in Labyrinths. Valkyrie Kyouka had expected Arihito to work with her once again, but he declines due to his knowledge of her demanding nature. As they depart she vows to make him regret not choosing her. And thus starts Arihitos adventure as a Rear Guard.
Based off of the LN/WN series of the same name.
Workaholic assistant Atobe Arihito fell asleep in his companys bus that was traveling for a vacation. When he awoke he learned he had died due to the bus getting into an accident, and that he had reincarnated into a world of reincarnators - to the Labyrinth Country. To his surprise he was discovered by his slave driving manager, Igarashi Kyouka, who further explains their role in this world.
In Labyrinth Country, Reincarnators are expected to choose a job and form parties to fight against monsters in Labyrinths. Valkyrie Kyouka had expected Arihito to work with her once again, but he declines due to his knowledge of her demanding nature. As they depart she vows to make him regret not choosing her. And thus starts Arihitos adventure as a Rear Guard.
Based off of the LN/WN series of the same name.
Sekai Saikyou No Kouei: Meikyuukoku No Shinjin Tansakusha
(6 Votes)
Language: English
Workaholic assistant Atobe Arihito fell asleep in his companys bus that was traveling for a vacation. When he awoke he learned he had died due to the bus getting into an accident, and that he had reincarnated into a world of reincarnators - to the Labyrinth Country. To his surprise he was discovered by his slave driving manager, Igarashi Kyouka, who further explains their role in this world.
In Labyrinth Country, Reincarnators are expected to choose a job and form parties to fight against monsters in Labyrinths. Valkyrie Kyouka had expected Arihito to work with her once again, but he declines due to his knowledge of her demanding nature. As they depart she vows to make him regret not choosing her. And thus starts Arihitos adventure as a Rear Guard.
Based off of the LN/WN series of the same name.
Comments 2
Chapters 44
Workaholic assistant Atobe Arihito fell asleep in his companys bus that was traveling for a vacation. When he awoke he learned he had died due to the bus getting into an accident, and that he had reincarnated into a world of reincarnators - to the Labyrinth Country. To his surprise he was discovered by his slave driving manager, Igarashi Kyouka, who further explains their role in this world.
In Labyrinth Country, Reincarnators are expected to choose a job and form parties to fight against monsters in Labyrinths. Valkyrie Kyouka had expected Arihito to work with her once again, but he declines due to his knowledge of her demanding nature. As they depart she vows to make him regret not choosing her. And thus starts Arihitos adventure as a Rear Guard.
Based off of the LN/WN series of the same name.
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Aug 07, 2024
❤️ Come in, I'll show you my tits:
The series Sekai Saikyou No Kouei: Meikyuukoku No Shinjin Tansakusha contain intense violence, blood/gore,sexual content and/or strong language that may not be appropriate for underage viewers thus is blocked for their protection. So if you're above the legal age of 18.
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