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Otonari No Tenshi-sama Ni Itsu No Ma Ni Ka Dame Ningen Ni Sareteita Ken

2 Votes
Amane Fujimiya's neighbor in the apartment he lives in is the school's number one lovable angel: Excellent and with a level of beauty that can only be described as angelic – Mahiru Shiina. Amane, an ordinary student who doesn't stand out, is her neighbour, but until now, they didn't interact with each other. After meeting the soggy angel in the rain: “I'm returning what I borrowed. By the way, clean up your room. It's filthy.” “None of your business.” A relationship with a slightly sharp-tongued angel begins, starting with handing over an umbrella. From catching a cold and having someone take care of you, to making a meal for someone because they neglected their health, to joint work (cleaning rooms)… This is a short comic intended to only introduce the light novel. The serialization of the actual manga will be done by 三描子 and 優木すず.
2 Votes
Amane Fujimiya's neighbor in the apartment he lives in is the school's number one lovable angel: Excellent and with a level of beauty that can only be described as angelic – Mahiru Shiina. Amane, an ordinary student who doesn't stand out, is her neighbour, but until now, they didn't interact with each other. After meeting the soggy angel in the rain: “I'm returning what I borrowed. By the way, clean up your room. It's filthy.” “None of your business.” A relationship with a slightly sharp-tongued angel begins, starting with handing over an umbrella. From catching a cold and having someone take care of you, to making a meal for someone because they neglected their health, to joint work (cleaning rooms)… This is a short comic intended to only introduce the light novel. The serialization of the actual manga will be done by 三描子 and 優木すず.

Otonari No Tenshi-sama Ni Itsu No Ma Ni Ka Dame Ningen Ni Sareteita Ken


Otonari No Tenshi-sama Ni Itsu No Ma Ni Ka Dame Ningen Ni Sareteita Ken

(2 Votes)
She is the Neighbor Angel I am Spoiled by Her (EN); Tôi được làm hư bởi Thiên thần hàng xóm kế bên (VN); お隣の天使様にいつの間にか駄目人間にされていた件
Comedy;  Romance;  Slice of Life;  
Amane Fujimiya's neighbor in the apartment he lives in is the school's number one lovable angel: Excellent and with a level of beauty that can only be described as angelic – Mahiru Shiina. Amane, an ordinary student who doesn't stand out, is her neighbour, but until now, they didn't interact with each other. After meeting the soggy angel in the rain: “I'm returning what I borrowed. By the way, clean up your room. It's filthy.” “None of your business.” A relationship with a slightly sharp-tongued angel begins, starting with handing over an umbrella. From catching a cold and having someone take care of you, to making a meal for someone because they neglected their health, to joint work (cleaning rooms)… This is a short comic intended to only introduce the light novel. The serialization of the actual manga will be done by 三描子 and 優木すず.
Comments 2
Chapters 73
Amane Fujimiya's neighbor in the apartment he lives in is the school's number one lovable angel: Excellent and with a level of beauty that can only be described as angelic – Mahiru Shiina. Amane, an ordinary student who doesn't stand out, is her neighbour, but until now, they didn't interact with each other. After meeting the soggy angel in the rain: “I'm returning what I borrowed. By the way, clean up your room. It's filthy.” “None of your business.” A relationship with a slightly sharp-tongued angel begins, starting with handing over an umbrella. From catching a cold and having someone take care of you, to making a meal for someone because they neglected their health, to joint work (cleaning rooms)… This is a short comic intended to only introduce the light novel. The serialization of the actual manga will be done by 三描子 and 優木すず.
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Sep 23, 2024
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Sep 08, 2024
The series Otonari No Tenshi-sama Ni Itsu No Ma Ni Ka Dame Ningen Ni Sareteita Ken contain intense violence, blood/gore,sexual content and/or strong language that may not be appropriate for underage viewers thus is blocked for their protection. So if you're above the legal age of 18.
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