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Nidome No Yuusha

418 Votes
Ukei Kaito, the protagonist who desperately saved the world after being summoned in another world as a hero to defeat the Demon Lord. Though he did defeat the demon lord and saved the world, but he was betrayed by the people he trusted as friends and is stabbed to death by a sword. At that time, he swore: If there is a next time, he would no longer cling to the word called 'believe'. If there is a next time, he would pay them back as cruelly as possible. If there is a next time, he wouldn't make another mistake. 「I… All of you… I will absolutely kill you all……」 After leaving his last words, he died. And then a voice resounded. 【System Message: Tutorial Mode has ended. 】
418 Votes
Ukei Kaito, the protagonist who desperately saved the world after being summoned in another world as a hero to defeat the Demon Lord. Though he did defeat the demon lord and saved the world, but he was betrayed by the people he trusted as friends and is stabbed to death by a sword. At that time, he swore: If there is a next time, he would no longer cling to the word called 'believe'. If there is a next time, he would pay them back as cruelly as possible. If there is a next time, he wouldn't make another mistake. 「I… All of you… I will absolutely kill you all……」 After leaving his last words, he died. And then a voice resounded. 【System Message: Tutorial Mode has ended. 】

Nidome No Yuusha


Nidome No Yuusha

(418 Votes)
Nidome no Yuusha wa Fukushuu no Michi wo Warai Ayumu. ~Maou yo, Sekai no Hanbun wo Yaru Kara Ore to Fukushuu wo Shiyou~; NNY; Path of Vengeance While Laughing; The Hero is Walking the Second Time on the Path of Vengeance While Laughing ~ Maou, I'm Going t
Action;  Adventure;  Fantasy;  Psychological;  Romance;  Tragedy;  
Ukei Kaito, the protagonist who desperately saved the world after being summoned in another world as a hero to defeat the Demon Lord. Though he did defeat the demon lord and saved the world, but he was betrayed by the people he trusted as friends and is stabbed to death by a sword. At that time, he swore: If there is a next time, he would no longer cling to the word called 'believe'. If there is a next time, he would pay them back as cruelly as possible. If there is a next time, he wouldn't make another mistake. 「I… All of you… I will absolutely kill you all……」 After leaving his last words, he died. And then a voice resounded. 【System Message: Tutorial Mode has ended. 】
Comments 4
Chapters 161
Ukei Kaito, the protagonist who desperately saved the world after being summoned in another world as a hero to defeat the Demon Lord. Though he did defeat the demon lord and saved the world, but he was betrayed by the people he trusted as friends and is stabbed to death by a sword. At that time, he swore: If there is a next time, he would no longer cling to the word called 'believe'. If there is a next time, he would pay them back as cruelly as possible. If there is a next time, he wouldn't make another mistake. 「I… All of you… I will absolutely kill you all……」 After leaving his last words, he died. And then a voice resounded. 【System Message: Tutorial Mode has ended. 】
Kenneth Corley
So, you've been summoned to save the world, and after succeeding, your allies show their true face and betray and murder you. Well, The joke is on them, because you revert to a safe point immediately after first being summoned. After that, well it's time for revenge. And revenge there will be!
Mar 25, 2024
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Mar 10, 2024
Onyx Zess
hell to the yeah kaito mmmm hes bb
Sep 30, 2020
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The series Nidome No Yuusha contain intense violence, blood/gore,sexual content and/or strong language that may not be appropriate for underage viewers thus is blocked for their protection. So if you're above the legal age of 18.
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Chapter 1
Nidome no Yuusha Volume 1 Chapter 1

Dirty, filthy, unpleasant, It gives me nausea.
Looking at my surroundings again, I’m surrounded by these types of people.
With a smile on their faces I’m betrayed, stepping my good intentions with a grin, their laughter is mixed with poison.

I want to kill myself for fighting desperately like an idiot for these types of people, without being able to rewind time I can only be in despair.

I’m the bad guy here because I was deceived, so, this end might be inevitable.
But if you told me if I can accept that, I can’t.

「……We did it」
「Good grief, is a monster, really」
「Even so, this is the end. Everything like God wants, the evil has been purified」

While I feel that my life is going away for the sword that is piercing me, in my surroundings are my former friends, no, I looked at what I thought were my friends.

This is surely a punishment, a punishment for the me who believed blindly.

That’s why, if there is a second chance, this time I’m not going to make the same mistake.
That’s why, if I have a second chance, certainly I will kill them.

I’m going to kill the princess, I’m going to kill the knight, I’m going to kill the villager, I’m going to kill the wizard, I’m going to kill the soldier, I’m going to kill the saint, I’m going to kill the martial artist, I’m going to kill the assassin, I’m going to kill the dancer, I’m going to kill the merchant, I’m going to kill the king, I’m going to kill the queen, I’m going to kill the noble.

I’m going to slaughter everyone, with the most cruel method, with the most longest suffering.
In order to not forget, I’m going to carve it in the deepest, deepest, deepest part of my heart.

【System Message ・The holy sword of revenge was released】

In the midst of my consciousness fading I heard that voice. But, I can not move my body more, I can’t do anything.

『Hey, where we went wrong… Tell me what I had to do in the midst of our playtime… Or maybe, from the beginning everything was useless… I pray, In a more different form… 』

And the last thing that I remember is, a girl who has no choice but to kill each other. Just like me, she has a sword piercing her body, it can’t be helped that she let out a feeble laugh, she was the so called maou.

「Kuku, ahahaha, abahavahahhahahaha!!」

She was spitting blood with her laughter. Certainly is a funny story, the world enemy and the so called old enemy of the hero, the maou, is the only one who didn’t lie in anything. Even a clown can dance a bit better.

「Che, he is not dead yet!」

「No, he doesn’t have the power to stand up any longer. But, it might take time for the purification of a great devil 」

「That must be it, the only thing he can do is only glare」

While I heard their laughing without worrying, it’s like they said.
I already lost so much blood so I can’t think clearly. That’s why only I can say words that are carved in my instincts.

「Aah, all of you, I’m going to kill you all absolutely…」

*Kachiri*, the total loss of HP was fixed, the consciousness has fallen into the depth of the darkness.

I, Ukei Kaito has died.

【System Message. Tutorial mode has been completed
Time to Completion : 4 Years 112 days 17 hours 52 Minutes 35 Seconds

Commencing Level and experience point regression based on Time to Completion.
Because the experience point had been regressed beyond the amount of acquired experience point, commencing reset to initial level with -20000 debt pool (of experience point)
Placing Exp Lock for Level Cap every 10 levels.
The regression had surpassed the maximum debt limit.
Because the maximum debt limit had been surpassed, suitable/corresponding skill will be deprived. Commencing skill regression.
Because the excess regression of the skills, Native Skill [Spirit Sword] will be deprived. Commencing regression.
Execution failure due to the effect of Holy Sword of Revenge.
Deprivation will be halted, switching to sealing it with Exp Lock.
Sealing is success. 53 forms from 58 forms of [Spirit Sword] forms had been sealed.
Offsetting excess regression had been completed.

Restoring parameters to starting Mode. Complete.
Starting Mode restoration had been completed.】

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