There is a family, who for generations, were rumored to be monsters. The lord of the Halstead castle, Erden.
He adorns a mask to hide his scary face. Leticia, who was sent to marry Lord Halstead in place of her sisters, began to be referred to as the woman who married the monster and was pitied by others. but there is a secret that they dont know.
Im always grateful to you, wife. Youre so kind to the unsightly me...
well, since Im Erdens wife.
I need to divorce you soon so you wont be troubled by such things anymore... Im sorry but I lost the divorce papers.
Well of course, thats because I burnt them.
So I need more time...I think itll take more time.
I need to spread more scary rumors about the north to the lawyers. I am definitely not divorcing such a handsome husband!!!
There is a family, who for generations, were rumored to be monsters. The lord of the Halstead castle, Erden.
He adorns a mask to hide his scary face. Leticia, who was sent to marry Lord Halstead in place of her sisters, began to be referred to as the woman who married the monster and was pitied by others. but there is a secret that they dont know.
Im always grateful to you, wife. Youre so kind to the unsightly me...
well, since Im Erdens wife.
I need to divorce you soon so you wont be troubled by such things anymore... Im sorry but I lost the divorce papers.
Well of course, thats because I burnt them.
So I need more time...I think itll take more time.
I need to spread more scary rumors about the north to the lawyers. I am definitely not divorcing such a handsome husband!!!
There is a family, who for generations, were rumored to be monsters. The lord of the Halstead castle, Erden.
He adorns a mask to hide his scary face. Leticia, who was sent to marry Lord Halstead in place of her sisters, began to be referred to as the woman who married the monster and was pitied by others. but there is a secret that they dont know.
Im always grateful to you, wife. Youre so kind to the unsightly me...
well, since Im Erdens wife.
I need to divorce you soon so you wont be troubled by such things anymore... Im sorry but I lost the divorce papers.
Well of course, thats because I burnt them.
So I need more time...I think itll take more time.
I need to spread more scary rumors about the north to the lawyers. I am definitely not divorcing such a handsome husband!!!
Comments 5
Chapters 119
There is a family, who for generations, were rumored to be monsters. The lord of the Halstead castle, Erden.
He adorns a mask to hide his scary face. Leticia, who was sent to marry Lord Halstead in place of her sisters, began to be referred to as the woman who married the monster and was pitied by others. but there is a secret that they dont know.
Im always grateful to you, wife. Youre so kind to the unsightly me...
well, since Im Erdens wife.
I need to divorce you soon so you wont be troubled by such things anymore... Im sorry but I lost the divorce papers.
Well of course, thats because I burnt them.
So I need more time...I think itll take more time.
I need to spread more scary rumors about the north to the lawyers. I am definitely not divorcing such a handsome husband!!!
❤️ Come in, I'll show you my tits:
The series My Husband Hides His Beauty Manga contain intense violence, blood/gore,sexual content and/or strong language that may not be appropriate for underage viewers thus is blocked for their protection. So if you're above the legal age of 18.
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