Having suffered several setbacks in her attempt to be a voice actor, Chi Yu no longer dares to bring up her hobby of dubbing in front of others. Instead, she covertly tunes in to voice drama broadcasts on Lily Radio. One day, during a public lecture at her university, she discovers that Yu Chen from the neighboring college shares a strikingly similar voice to the host of Lily Radio.
Having suffered several setbacks in her attempt to be a voice actor, Chi Yu no longer dares to bring up her hobby of dubbing in front of others. Instead, she covertly tunes in to voice drama broadcasts on Lily Radio. One day, during a public lecture at her university, she discovers that Yu Chen from the neighboring college shares a strikingly similar voice to the host of Lily Radio.
Having suffered several setbacks in her attempt to be a voice actor, Chi Yu no longer dares to bring up her hobby of dubbing in front of others. Instead, she covertly tunes in to voice drama broadcasts on Lily Radio. One day, during a public lecture at her university, she discovers that Yu Chen from the neighboring college shares a strikingly similar voice to the host of Lily Radio.
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Chapters 38
Having suffered several setbacks in her attempt to be a voice actor, Chi Yu no longer dares to bring up her hobby of dubbing in front of others. Instead, she covertly tunes in to voice drama broadcasts on Lily Radio. One day, during a public lecture at her university, she discovers that Yu Chen from the neighboring college shares a strikingly similar voice to the host of Lily Radio.
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Jul 31, 2024
The night is young, and the possibilities are endless. Let's explore them together, shall we? Perhaps we can find some hidden treasures along the way, the kind that leave us wanting more tomorrow. f1nd me on patricianoren_mooo_com change _ to dot
The series Listening To The Stars contain intense violence, blood/gore,sexual content and/or strong language that may not be appropriate for underage viewers thus is blocked for their protection. So if you're above the legal age of 18.
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