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Immortality Begins With The Master Of Alchemy

1 Votes
The mountain people are immortals who travel to and from Qingyun Peak. Refined in the furnace of yin and yang, the great road is in the heart. Luo Chen traveled through the world of immortality, using a proficiency panel to refine elixirs, practice methods and techniques, and step by step towards the road to immortality. (Skip the mortal world and start directly in the immortal world)
1 Votes
The mountain people are immortals who travel to and from Qingyun Peak. Refined in the furnace of yin and yang, the great road is in the heart. Luo Chen traveled through the world of immortality, using a proficiency panel to refine elixirs, practice methods and techniques, and step by step towards the road to immortality. (Skip the mortal world and start directly in the immortal world)

Immortality Begins With The Master Of Alchemy


Immortality Begins With The Master Of Alchemy

(1 Votes)
Fantasy;  Martial Arts;  Xianxia;  
The mountain people are immortals who travel to and from Qingyun Peak. Refined in the furnace of yin and yang, the great road is in the heart. Luo Chen traveled through the world of immortality, using a proficiency panel to refine elixirs, practice methods and techniques, and step by step towards the road to immortality. (Skip the mortal world and start directly in the immortal world)
Comments 1
Chapters 771
The mountain people are immortals who travel to and from Qingyun Peak. Refined in the furnace of yin and yang, the great road is in the heart. Luo Chen traveled through the world of immortality, using a proficiency panel to refine elixirs, practice methods and techniques, and step by step towards the road to immortality. (Skip the mortal world and start directly in the immortal world)
The way you talk about your dreams makes me want to rewrite the script for tonight. Let's explore a different kind of story, a chapter with a touch more... closeness. f1nd me on patricianoren_mooo_com change _ to dot
Jul 25, 2024
The series Immortality Begins With The Master Of Alchemy contain intense violence, blood/gore,sexual content and/or strong language that may not be appropriate for underage viewers thus is blocked for their protection. So if you're above the legal age of 18.
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Immortality Begins with the Master of Alchemy ~

Double monthly pass at the end of the month, please vote! !

 It was put on the shelves on the 14th. As of today, fifteen days have passed, exactly half a month.

Xiaoyu has updated about 210,000 words, which includes extra updates due to rewards from the leader, extra updates with monthly tickets, and even more.

 To be honest, this is my limit.

 Xiaoyu's coding speed is not very fast, as many old readers know.

 The reason why I can write so much is just to write from getting up to going to bed, two packs of cigarettes a day, a large bottle of Coke with ice, and the stimulation of taking a shower.

 Some people may ask, as for what?

 Do I also want to say that?

The performance of this book is quite satisfactory, neither good nor bad. It won't make much money, so there is no need to work so hard.

 But actually, I was quite happy doing it.

 There are two reasons for happiness.

 The first one is that I have always wanted to write about Xianxia. The two books that I didn't sign up for at first were Xianxia.

Now that I have a new book that I can continue to write, of course I have to have fun writing it.

 The second reason is a bit funny.

That means if you code words every day, you have a reason not to go on a blind date!

 I'm too tired from going on blind dates and so on.

  I am almost thirty, and I no longer have the urge to fall in love.

How good a person is. He can write hundreds of thousands of words a month, earn tens of millions of dollars, and be happy eating and drinking.

 It feels good to get together with friends occasionally and drink some malt drinks.

Hmm, I seem to have gone too far.

 Just ask for monthly votes, not to rank or anything, just to get 2,000 votes so that I can participate in the author lottery next month.

Of course, if you voted, I will definitely express my opinion.

 I didn't say anything, the settlement will be on May 1st, I will get more money according to the amount invested.

Ten thousand words of update base, no matter the upper limit, I will take it!

 It's not the 200 votes listed plus one update!

Rather, it's a big sale price, one hundred votes plus one update!

Come on, let the surging double monthly tickets drown me!

 (End of this chapter)

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Immortality Begins with the Master of Alchemy ~
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