Collection of short stories:
1. Ikenie no Koiwazurai (Oblation Love)
Suzuki Noriko is this years Freshman Oblation. For the sake of peace for all freshman, she must be sacrificed! Whats more this has been ordained by the most troublesome person in school, Sakikimi!
2. Daisuki na Hito, Sayonara
3. Binetsu Snow
Rui is eagerly awaiting a visit from her cousin Ricchan, unfortunately the girl she was expecting turns out to be a boy! Rui is afraid of men and shes expected to share a house with Ricchan?
4. Dare nimo Ienai
5. Mayonaka no Kichiku Shounen
Collection of short stories:
1. Ikenie no Koiwazurai (Oblation Love)
Suzuki Noriko is this years Freshman Oblation. For the sake of peace for all freshman, she must be sacrificed! Whats more this has been ordained by the most troublesome person in school, Sakikimi!
2. Daisuki na Hito, Sayonara
3. Binetsu Snow
Rui is eagerly awaiting a visit from her cousin Ricchan, unfortunately the girl she was expecting turns out to be a boy! Rui is afraid of men and shes expected to share a house with Ricchan?
4. Dare nimo Ienai
5. Mayonaka no Kichiku Shounen
Collection of short stories:
1. Ikenie no Koiwazurai (Oblation Love)
Suzuki Noriko is this years Freshman Oblation. For the sake of peace for all freshman, she must be sacrificed! Whats more this has been ordained by the most troublesome person in school, Sakikimi!
2. Daisuki na Hito, Sayonara
3. Binetsu Snow
Rui is eagerly awaiting a visit from her cousin Ricchan, unfortunately the girl she was expecting turns out to be a boy! Rui is afraid of men and shes expected to share a house with Ricchan?
4. Dare nimo Ienai
5. Mayonaka no Kichiku Shounen
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Chapters 1
Collection of short stories:
1. Ikenie no Koiwazurai (Oblation Love)
Suzuki Noriko is this years Freshman Oblation. For the sake of peace for all freshman, she must be sacrificed! Whats more this has been ordained by the most troublesome person in school, Sakikimi!
2. Daisuki na Hito, Sayonara
3. Binetsu Snow
Rui is eagerly awaiting a visit from her cousin Ricchan, unfortunately the girl she was expecting turns out to be a boy! Rui is afraid of men and shes expected to share a house with Ricchan?
4. Dare nimo Ienai
5. Mayonaka no Kichiku Shounen
The series Ikenie No Koiwazurai contain intense violence, blood/gore,sexual content and/or strong language that may not be appropriate for underage viewers thus is blocked for their protection. So if you're above the legal age of 18.
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