“Did you cum when I thrust it in your throat?...pervert'' Miyama, who is in his third year of IT sales, was assigned a large project, but he couldn't find a system engineer to work with him in the company! The only person he can count on is Odagiri, a gloomy coworker who entered the company at the same time as him but has hardly ever interacted with. When he was drunk and throwing a fit, Odagiri told him, “Then come right now - right in front of me.'' The cold, dark gaze as if he's licking all over his body gives him a pleasure that can't be compared to fucking a girl…!? Erotic development love between a cool and unaware sadist and a flirtatious, lewd, and a masochist office worker.
“Did you cum when I thrust it in your throat?...pervert'' Miyama, who is in his third year of IT sales, was assigned a large project, but he couldn't find a system engineer to work with him in the company! The only person he can count on is Odagiri, a gloomy coworker who entered the company at the same time as him but has hardly ever interacted with. When he was drunk and throwing a fit, Odagiri told him, “Then come right now - right in front of me.'' The cold, dark gaze as if he's licking all over his body gives him a pleasure that can't be compared to fucking a girl…!? Erotic development love between a cool and unaware sadist and a flirtatious, lewd, and a masochist office worker.
“Did you cum when I thrust it in your throat?...pervert'' Miyama, who is in his third year of IT sales, was assigned a large project, but he couldn't find a system engineer to work with him in the company! The only person he can count on is Odagiri, a gloomy coworker who entered the company at the same time as him but has hardly ever interacted with. When he was drunk and throwing a fit, Odagiri told him, “Then come right now - right in front of me.'' The cold, dark gaze as if he's licking all over his body gives him a pleasure that can't be compared to fucking a girl…!? Erotic development love between a cool and unaware sadist and a flirtatious, lewd, and a masochist office worker.
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Chapters 1
“Did you cum when I thrust it in your throat?...pervert'' Miyama, who is in his third year of IT sales, was assigned a large project, but he couldn't find a system engineer to work with him in the company! The only person he can count on is Odagiri, a gloomy coworker who entered the company at the same time as him but has hardly ever interacted with. When he was drunk and throwing a fit, Odagiri told him, “Then come right now - right in front of me.'' The cold, dark gaze as if he's licking all over his body gives him a pleasure that can't be compared to fucking a girl…!? Erotic development love between a cool and unaware sadist and a flirtatious, lewd, and a masochist office worker.
The music is slow, the air is thick with anticipation... perhaps we can rewrite the melody with our bodies? f1nd me on janethutto_mooo_com change _ to dot
The series If You Want Me To Hold You, You'll Have To Cry contain intense violence, blood/gore,sexual content and/or strong language that may not be appropriate for underage viewers thus is blocked for their protection. So if you're above the legal age of 18.
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