Why does the moon goddess sing so loudly in the middle of the night? Why do the 7 ladies make off with the forbidden fruits? Why do all kinds of mythological beasts unceasingly suffer at the hands of malignant agents? And what does lie hidden at the rear of the hundreds of immortal daoists dancing in the square? At the root of it all, is it that the immortals have gone mad or their morality has withered away? Let us follow this manhua, and enter Anlins imaginary immortal world, to start on this journey of exploration and discovery!
Why does the moon goddess sing so loudly in the middle of the night? Why do the 7 ladies make off with the forbidden fruits? Why do all kinds of mythological beasts unceasingly suffer at the hands of malignant agents? And what does lie hidden at the rear of the hundreds of immortal daoists dancing in the square? At the root of it all, is it that the immortals have gone mad or their morality has withered away? Let us follow this manhua, and enter Anlins imaginary immortal world, to start on this journey of exploration and discovery!
Why does the moon goddess sing so loudly in the middle of the night? Why do the 7 ladies make off with the forbidden fruits? Why do all kinds of mythological beasts unceasingly suffer at the hands of malignant agents? And what does lie hidden at the rear of the hundreds of immortal daoists dancing in the square? At the root of it all, is it that the immortals have gone mad or their morality has withered away? Let us follow this manhua, and enter Anlins imaginary immortal world, to start on this journey of exploration and discovery!
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Chapters 315
Why does the moon goddess sing so loudly in the middle of the night? Why do the 7 ladies make off with the forbidden fruits? Why do all kinds of mythological beasts unceasingly suffer at the hands of malignant agents? And what does lie hidden at the rear of the hundreds of immortal daoists dancing in the square? At the root of it all, is it that the immortals have gone mad or their morality has withered away? Let us follow this manhua, and enter Anlins imaginary immortal world, to start on this journey of exploration and discovery!
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The series I Might Be A Fake Cultivator Manga contain intense violence, blood/gore,sexual content and/or strong language that may not be appropriate for underage viewers thus is blocked for their protection. So if you're above the legal age of 18.
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