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I Met The Male Lead In Prison Manga

65 Votes
One day, I opened my eyes and found myself in... prison?! Thats right. Out of all the characters I couldve reincarnated into, I woke up inside a 19+ rated romance novel as the villains younger sister. To make things even worse, I was locked up inside the infamous Kambrakam Prison for my brothers crimes. Deep within the very same prison lies Henrich Doran von Hel, whos rumored to be suffering from a curse that turns him into a beast. In the original novel, hes supposed to meet the female lead and spend an erotic night with her here in prison... but of course, the plots gone awry thanks to my existence. What kind of future lies in store for me now that Ive gotten myself tangled up between the novels greatest villain and its male lead?! --- This is a promotional comic for the Korean novel of the same name.
65 Votes
One day, I opened my eyes and found myself in... prison?! Thats right. Out of all the characters I couldve reincarnated into, I woke up inside a 19+ rated romance novel as the villains younger sister. To make things even worse, I was locked up inside the infamous Kambrakam Prison for my brothers crimes. Deep within the very same prison lies Henrich Doran von Hel, whos rumored to be suffering from a curse that turns him into a beast. In the original novel, hes supposed to meet the female lead and spend an erotic night with her here in prison... but of course, the plots gone awry thanks to my existence. What kind of future lies in store for me now that Ive gotten myself tangled up between the novels greatest villain and its male lead?! --- This is a promotional comic for the Korean novel of the same name.

I Met The Male Lead In Prison Manga


I Met The Male Lead In Prison Manga

(65 Votes)
감방에서 남자주인공을 만났습니다
Moon Sihyun
Fantasy;  Isekai;  Romance;  
One day, I opened my eyes and found myself in... prison?! Thats right. Out of all the characters I couldve reincarnated into, I woke up inside a 19+ rated romance novel as the villains younger sister. To make things even worse, I was locked up inside the infamous Kambrakam Prison for my brothers crimes. Deep within the very same prison lies Henrich Doran von Hel, whos rumored to be suffering from a curse that turns him into a beast. In the original novel, hes supposed to meet the female lead and spend an erotic night with her here in prison... but of course, the plots gone awry thanks to my existence. What kind of future lies in store for me now that Ive gotten myself tangled up between the novels greatest villain and its male lead?! --- This is a promotional comic for the Korean novel of the same name.
Comments 4
Chapters 33
One day, I opened my eyes and found myself in... prison?! Thats right. Out of all the characters I couldve reincarnated into, I woke up inside a 19+ rated romance novel as the villains younger sister. To make things even worse, I was locked up inside the infamous Kambrakam Prison for my brothers crimes. Deep within the very same prison lies Henrich Doran von Hel, whos rumored to be suffering from a curse that turns him into a beast. In the original novel, hes supposed to meet the female lead and spend an erotic night with her here in prison... but of course, the plots gone awry thanks to my existence. What kind of future lies in store for me now that Ive gotten myself tangled up between the novels greatest villain and its male lead?! --- This is a promotional comic for the Korean novel of the same name.
next chapter plss
Oct 08, 2024
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Sep 26, 2024
this is so good! waiting for more chapters 🙀🥰🤩
Sep 14, 2024
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