The day after the most festive night in the year, Ilya has opened her eyes and was greeted with a naked mans hard, muscular back.
Ilya quickly recognized him as Cairat, the emperor known for his cruelty, so she left at the speed of light before he would wake up.
Ilya hopes to forget the previous night and move on like nothing had happened. But things dont go as she expects
I am pregnant??
The tyrants child was conceived from a one-night stand.
What happens if a woman with His Majestys child appears?
A child who shouldnt exist, so of course I'd to deal with it.”
In a way, he said that he would kill both the woman and the child.
You should never tell the emperor that you are pregnant.
Ilan decided to keep this secret to herself forever, afraid of what may happen to her child if was discovered who the father was.
But the Emperors actions are a bit unusual...
The day after the most festive night in the year, Ilya has opened her eyes and was greeted with a naked mans hard, muscular back.
Ilya quickly recognized him as Cairat, the emperor known for his cruelty, so she left at the speed of light before he would wake up.
Ilya hopes to forget the previous night and move on like nothing had happened. But things dont go as she expects
I am pregnant??
The tyrants child was conceived from a one-night stand.
What happens if a woman with His Majestys child appears?
A child who shouldnt exist, so of course I'd to deal with it.”
In a way, he said that he would kill both the woman and the child.
You should never tell the emperor that you are pregnant.
Ilan decided to keep this secret to herself forever, afraid of what may happen to her child if was discovered who the father was.
But the Emperors actions are a bit unusual...
The day after the most festive night in the year, Ilya has opened her eyes and was greeted with a naked mans hard, muscular back.
Ilya quickly recognized him as Cairat, the emperor known for his cruelty, so she left at the speed of light before he would wake up.
Ilya hopes to forget the previous night and move on like nothing had happened. But things dont go as she expects
I am pregnant??
The tyrants child was conceived from a one-night stand.
What happens if a woman with His Majestys child appears?
A child who shouldnt exist, so of course I'd to deal with it.”
In a way, he said that he would kill both the woman and the child.
You should never tell the emperor that you are pregnant.
Ilan decided to keep this secret to herself forever, afraid of what may happen to her child if was discovered who the father was.
But the Emperors actions are a bit unusual...
Comments 3
Chapters 103
The day after the most festive night in the year, Ilya has opened her eyes and was greeted with a naked mans hard, muscular back.
Ilya quickly recognized him as Cairat, the emperor known for his cruelty, so she left at the speed of light before he would wake up.
Ilya hopes to forget the previous night and move on like nothing had happened. But things dont go as she expects
I am pregnant??
The tyrants child was conceived from a one-night stand.
What happens if a woman with His Majestys child appears?
A child who shouldnt exist, so of course I'd to deal with it.”
In a way, he said that he would kill both the woman and the child.
You should never tell the emperor that you are pregnant.
Ilan decided to keep this secret to herself forever, afraid of what may happen to her child if was discovered who the father was.
But the Emperors actions are a bit unusual...
❤️ Come in, I'll show you my tits:
Sep 22, 2024
nice story
Nov 30, 2023
Really is worth reading. Absolutely love it. ? The artwork is stunning, but its funny because in the first couple chapters they all look like they have a drop of cum on their faces ?✋
The series I Gave Birth To The Tyrant's Child contain intense violence, blood/gore,sexual content and/or strong language that may not be appropriate for underage viewers thus is blocked for their protection. So if you're above the legal age of 18.
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