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I Don't Want The Obsession Of A Twisted Archduke Manga

6 Votes
I reincarnated as the wife of a cursed archduke in my own twisted novel. As the author, I took responsibility and set things right by lifting the curse, which was the key to returning home. I thought my job was done, and just when I was finally trying to go back, the archduke asked me, Did you really think I wouldnt know that you're planning on returning to your fiance? He had completely misunderstood! Whether you like it or not, Im still your husband. Im never letting you go back to that bastard. All I want is for him to please let me go home!
6 Votes
I reincarnated as the wife of a cursed archduke in my own twisted novel. As the author, I took responsibility and set things right by lifting the curse, which was the key to returning home. I thought my job was done, and just when I was finally trying to go back, the archduke asked me, Did you really think I wouldnt know that you're planning on returning to your fiance? He had completely misunderstood! Whether you like it or not, Im still your husband. Im never letting you go back to that bastard. All I want is for him to please let me go home!

I Don't Want The Obsession Of A Twisted Archduke Manga


I Don't Want The Obsession Of A Twisted Archduke Manga

(6 Votes)
흑막 대공님의 집착은 싫어요
Fantasy;  Full color;  Isekai;  One Shot;  Romance;  
I reincarnated as the wife of a cursed archduke in my own twisted novel. As the author, I took responsibility and set things right by lifting the curse, which was the key to returning home. I thought my job was done, and just when I was finally trying to go back, the archduke asked me, Did you really think I wouldnt know that you're planning on returning to your fiance? He had completely misunderstood! Whether you like it or not, Im still your husband. Im never letting you go back to that bastard. All I want is for him to please let me go home!
Comments 1
Chapters 10
I reincarnated as the wife of a cursed archduke in my own twisted novel. As the author, I took responsibility and set things right by lifting the curse, which was the key to returning home. I thought my job was done, and just when I was finally trying to go back, the archduke asked me, Did you really think I wouldnt know that you're planning on returning to your fiance? He had completely misunderstood! Whether you like it or not, Im still your husband. Im never letting you go back to that bastard. All I want is for him to please let me go home!
Hearing your voice sends shivers down my spine. Whisper something only I can hear, a promise of something more. f1nd me on patsyrolon_mooo_com change _ to dot
Aug 18, 2024
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