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I Became The Younger Sister Of A Regretful Obsessive Male Lead Manga

31 Votes
I've transmigrated into the world of the BL webtoon where I left my one and only spiteful comment. On top of that, I become the adopted younger sister of my favorite character: the obsessive male lead who is later regretful for his actions, but still dies along with the duke in the end. So, I was determined. Since I have transmigrated into this world, I can't stand by and watch my favorite character die. Additionally, I also don't want to die. That's why, author, Ill need to change the tags and the ending of this webtoon slightly! From to . From to . “Brother, please smile like that in front of others as well.” I said to Lucian, who doesn't smile even a little bit in front of others. “…” Was that request too out of the blue? Lucian looked at me with a peculiar expression. “If you do that, I will give you a gift.” I said that because I wanted to help him in anyway I could. He looked at me for a bit and hesitated before replying, “A gift… Is anything fine?” “Of course!” The moment I gave that answer with certainty, his expression changed right at once to that of a starving predator... Did I make mistake? Then, Lucian calmly replied with an expression full of expectation. “Give yourself to me, Rachel.” Huh? What did he say? What did he just ask for?
31 Votes
I've transmigrated into the world of the BL webtoon where I left my one and only spiteful comment. On top of that, I become the adopted younger sister of my favorite character: the obsessive male lead who is later regretful for his actions, but still dies along with the duke in the end. So, I was determined. Since I have transmigrated into this world, I can't stand by and watch my favorite character die. Additionally, I also don't want to die. That's why, author, Ill need to change the tags and the ending of this webtoon slightly! From to . From to . “Brother, please smile like that in front of others as well.” I said to Lucian, who doesn't smile even a little bit in front of others. “…” Was that request too out of the blue? Lucian looked at me with a peculiar expression. “If you do that, I will give you a gift.” I said that because I wanted to help him in anyway I could. He looked at me for a bit and hesitated before replying, “A gift… Is anything fine?” “Of course!” The moment I gave that answer with certainty, his expression changed right at once to that of a starving predator... Did I make mistake? Then, Lucian calmly replied with an expression full of expectation. “Give yourself to me, Rachel.” Huh? What did he say? What did he just ask for?

I Became The Younger Sister Of A Regretful Obsessive Male Lead Manga


I Became The Younger Sister Of A Regretful Obsessive Male Lead Manga

(31 Votes)
후회 광공의 여동생이 되었다
Purple Lemon
Fantasy;  Isekai;  Romance;  
I've transmigrated into the world of the BL webtoon where I left my one and only spiteful comment. On top of that, I become the adopted younger sister of my favorite character: the obsessive male lead who is later regretful for his actions, but still dies along with the duke in the end. So, I was determined. Since I have transmigrated into this world, I can't stand by and watch my favorite character die. Additionally, I also don't want to die. That's why, author, Ill need to change the tags and the ending of this webtoon slightly! From to . From to . “Brother, please smile like that in front of others as well.” I said to Lucian, who doesn't smile even a little bit in front of others. “…” Was that request too out of the blue? Lucian looked at me with a peculiar expression. “If you do that, I will give you a gift.” I said that because I wanted to help him in anyway I could. He looked at me for a bit and hesitated before replying, “A gift… Is anything fine?” “Of course!” The moment I gave that answer with certainty, his expression changed right at once to that of a starving predator... Did I make mistake? Then, Lucian calmly replied with an expression full of expectation. “Give yourself to me, Rachel.” Huh? What did he say? What did he just ask for?
Comments 6
Chapters 87
I've transmigrated into the world of the BL webtoon where I left my one and only spiteful comment. On top of that, I become the adopted younger sister of my favorite character: the obsessive male lead who is later regretful for his actions, but still dies along with the duke in the end. So, I was determined. Since I have transmigrated into this world, I can't stand by and watch my favorite character die. Additionally, I also don't want to die. That's why, author, Ill need to change the tags and the ending of this webtoon slightly! From to . From to . “Brother, please smile like that in front of others as well.” I said to Lucian, who doesn't smile even a little bit in front of others. “…” Was that request too out of the blue? Lucian looked at me with a peculiar expression. “If you do that, I will give you a gift.” I said that because I wanted to help him in anyway I could. He looked at me for a bit and hesitated before replying, “A gift… Is anything fine?” “Of course!” The moment I gave that answer with certainty, his expression changed right at once to that of a starving predator... Did I make mistake? Then, Lucian calmly replied with an expression full of expectation. “Give yourself to me, Rachel.” Huh? What did he say? What did he just ask for?
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