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I Am The Precious Daughter Of The Greatest Villain In The Fantasy World Manga

103 Votes
I thought I was reincarnated as the daughter of a wealthy family, but it turns out I was born as the child of the greatest villain in the fantasy world of martial arts. My father doesnt care about me, Im ostracized by the others, and Ill eventually be murdered as a side antagonist by the male lead, after suffering from my one-sided love. Even worse, this is a world where the weak are the prey of the strong, conceited antagonists. So, before its late, I need to learn martial arts and escape! However, there was a fatal flaw in my plan... Because of my notorious father, there were too many people who sought to end my life. Wahhh! Dadda! (Daddy!) ...Will I ever be able to escape safely? [One-shot Promo Manhwa for the Novel]
103 Votes
I thought I was reincarnated as the daughter of a wealthy family, but it turns out I was born as the child of the greatest villain in the fantasy world of martial arts. My father doesnt care about me, Im ostracized by the others, and Ill eventually be murdered as a side antagonist by the male lead, after suffering from my one-sided love. Even worse, this is a world where the weak are the prey of the strong, conceited antagonists. So, before its late, I need to learn martial arts and escape! However, there was a fatal flaw in my plan... Because of my notorious father, there were too many people who sought to end my life. Wahhh! Dadda! (Daddy!) ...Will I ever be able to escape safely? [One-shot Promo Manhwa for the Novel]

I Am The Precious Daughter Of The Greatest Villain In The Fantasy World Manga


I Am The Precious Daughter Of The Greatest Villain In The Fantasy World Manga

(103 Votes)
Precious Daughter of Martial Arts; 무협지 최고 악당의 귀한 딸입니다
Fantasy;  Historical;  Romance;  
I thought I was reincarnated as the daughter of a wealthy family, but it turns out I was born as the child of the greatest villain in the fantasy world of martial arts. My father doesnt care about me, Im ostracized by the others, and Ill eventually be murdered as a side antagonist by the male lead, after suffering from my one-sided love. Even worse, this is a world where the weak are the prey of the strong, conceited antagonists. So, before its late, I need to learn martial arts and escape! However, there was a fatal flaw in my plan... Because of my notorious father, there were too many people who sought to end my life. Wahhh! Dadda! (Daddy!) ...Will I ever be able to escape safely? [One-shot Promo Manhwa for the Novel]
Comments 9
Chapters 134
I thought I was reincarnated as the daughter of a wealthy family, but it turns out I was born as the child of the greatest villain in the fantasy world of martial arts. My father doesnt care about me, Im ostracized by the others, and Ill eventually be murdered as a side antagonist by the male lead, after suffering from my one-sided love. Even worse, this is a world where the weak are the prey of the strong, conceited antagonists. So, before its late, I need to learn martial arts and escape! However, there was a fatal flaw in my plan... Because of my notorious father, there were too many people who sought to end my life. Wahhh! Dadda! (Daddy!) ...Will I ever be able to escape safely? [One-shot Promo Manhwa for the Novel]
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The series I Am The Precious Daughter Of The Greatest Villain In The Fantasy World Manga contain intense violence, blood/gore,sexual content and/or strong language that may not be appropriate for underage viewers thus is blocked for their protection. So if you're above the legal age of 18.
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