A cute collection of short stories, packed full of love!
• Omae no Karada ni Kiitemiro (Swear Love On Your Knees) : I work with Naoe, who is the same age as me, and he makes my heart beat like crazy!? Turns out, hes my fathers bodyguard and so now he accompanies me. And now Im in (unrequited) love with him. But hes not kind to me at all...
• Try Asking Your Body : Jun is a typical player. There is no one in high school who hasnt heard of him and his seducing ways. One day a tom-boy girl challenges to a duel for playing around with one of her classmates. Whats this feeling in his heart? It wont stop beating. Could this infamous playboy be feeling.... love?
• Yokubou Star : Amemiya Kou, already an accomplished novelist and still in high school. Ever since I first read his book Ive loved him. But now that I go to the same high school as him and work under him in the literature club he doesnt seem a thing like the beautiful words in his book. In fact hes very bossy and seems to only pick on me! Gwah, what? That means Im his favorite? That doesnt make sense! Whys he so mean?!
• Koibito. Zenyasai (Lover. The Eye):
He is cold, and does not act like a boyfriend, she wants to believe they DO are going out... What will it become of their relationship?!
• Tennen Ecstasy (Natural Ecstasy)
Hoshina izumi, whose looks are like an elementary student, does not have any friend at school. While everyone was befriend-ling she... received a confession from a guy?! Wait, he wants to be her friend or... not?!
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A cute collection of short stories, packed full of love!
• Omae no Karada ni Kiitemiro (Swear Love On Your Knees) : I work with Naoe, who is the same age as me, and he makes my heart beat like crazy!? Turns out, hes my fathers bodyguard and so now he accompanies me. And now Im in (unrequited) love with him. But hes not kind to me at all...
• Try Asking Your Body : Jun is a typical player. There is no one in high school who hasnt heard of him and his seducing ways. One day a tom-boy girl challenges to a duel for playing around with one of her classmates. Whats this feeling in his heart? It wont stop beating. Could this infamous playboy be feeling.... love?
• Yokubou Star : Amemiya Kou, already an accomplished novelist and still in high school. Ever since I first read his book Ive loved him. But now that I go to the same high school as him and work under him in the literature club he doesnt seem a thing like the beautiful words in his book. In fact hes very bossy and seems to only pick on me! Gwah, what? That means Im his favorite? That doesnt make sense! Whys he so mean?!
• Koibito. Zenyasai (Lover. The Eye):
He is cold, and does not act like a boyfriend, she wants to believe they DO are going out... What will it become of their relationship?!
• Tennen Ecstasy (Natural Ecstasy)
Hoshina izumi, whose looks are like an elementary student, does not have any friend at school. While everyone was befriend-ling she... received a confession from a guy?! Wait, he wants to be her friend or... not?!
Read this manga from right to left
A cute collection of short stories, packed full of love!
• Omae no Karada ni Kiitemiro (Swear Love On Your Knees) : I work with Naoe, who is the same age as me, and he makes my heart beat like crazy!? Turns out, hes my fathers bodyguard and so now he accompanies me. And now Im in (unrequited) love with him. But hes not kind to me at all...
• Try Asking Your Body : Jun is a typical player. There is no one in high school who hasnt heard of him and his seducing ways. One day a tom-boy girl challenges to a duel for playing around with one of her classmates. Whats this feeling in his heart? It wont stop beating. Could this infamous playboy be feeling.... love?
• Yokubou Star : Amemiya Kou, already an accomplished novelist and still in high school. Ever since I first read his book Ive loved him. But now that I go to the same high school as him and work under him in the literature club he doesnt seem a thing like the beautiful words in his book. In fact hes very bossy and seems to only pick on me! Gwah, what? That means Im his favorite? That doesnt make sense! Whys he so mean?!
• Koibito. Zenyasai (Lover. The Eye):
He is cold, and does not act like a boyfriend, she wants to believe they DO are going out... What will it become of their relationship?!
• Tennen Ecstasy (Natural Ecstasy)
Hoshina izumi, whose looks are like an elementary student, does not have any friend at school. While everyone was befriend-ling she... received a confession from a guy?! Wait, he wants to be her friend or... not?!
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Chapters 5
A cute collection of short stories, packed full of love!
• Omae no Karada ni Kiitemiro (Swear Love On Your Knees) : I work with Naoe, who is the same age as me, and he makes my heart beat like crazy!? Turns out, hes my fathers bodyguard and so now he accompanies me. And now Im in (unrequited) love with him. But hes not kind to me at all...
• Try Asking Your Body : Jun is a typical player. There is no one in high school who hasnt heard of him and his seducing ways. One day a tom-boy girl challenges to a duel for playing around with one of her classmates. Whats this feeling in his heart? It wont stop beating. Could this infamous playboy be feeling.... love?
• Yokubou Star : Amemiya Kou, already an accomplished novelist and still in high school. Ever since I first read his book Ive loved him. But now that I go to the same high school as him and work under him in the literature club he doesnt seem a thing like the beautiful words in his book. In fact hes very bossy and seems to only pick on me! Gwah, what? That means Im his favorite? That doesnt make sense! Whys he so mean?!
• Koibito. Zenyasai (Lover. The Eye):
He is cold, and does not act like a boyfriend, she wants to believe they DO are going out... What will it become of their relationship?!
• Tennen Ecstasy (Natural Ecstasy)
Hoshina izumi, whose looks are like an elementary student, does not have any friend at school. While everyone was befriend-ling she... received a confession from a guy?! Wait, he wants to be her friend or... not?!
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The series HIZAMAZUITE AI WO CHIKAE contain intense violence, blood/gore,sexual content and/or strong language that may not be appropriate for underage viewers thus is blocked for their protection. So if you're above the legal age of 18.
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