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Hazure Hantei Kara Hajimatta Cheat Majutsushi Seikatsu

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One day, all the students in the second grade of junior high school were transferred to another world. The princess of another world summoned them to make up for the lack of strength. Students who are threatened and decide to follow the princess are given a magical check to check their abilities. While everyone was sorted according to the results, the results of Kento Kokubuns judgment were missing. I was banished because it was judged to be useless. However, there is actually a terrible ability hidden in Kento ... Kento, a second-year middle-aged student of life-size, aims to rescue his classmates with his fellow skeleton RAW: https://futabanet.jp/list/monster/work/5dd4f51f77656175d2030000
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One day, all the students in the second grade of junior high school were transferred to another world. The princess of another world summoned them to make up for the lack of strength. Students who are threatened and decide to follow the princess are given a magical check to check their abilities. While everyone was sorted according to the results, the results of Kento Kokubuns judgment were missing. I was banished because it was judged to be useless. However, there is actually a terrible ability hidden in Kento ... Kento, a second-year middle-aged student of life-size, aims to rescue his classmates with his fellow skeleton RAW: https://futabanet.jp/list/monster/work/5dd4f51f77656175d2030000

Hazure Hantei Kara Hajimatta Cheat Majutsushi Seikatsu


Hazure Hantei Kara Hajimatta Cheat Majutsushi Seikatsu

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Action;  Adventure;  Fantasy;  Isekai;  
One day, all the students in the second grade of junior high school were transferred to another world. The princess of another world summoned them to make up for the lack of strength. Students who are threatened and decide to follow the princess are given a magical check to check their abilities. While everyone was sorted according to the results, the results of Kento Kokubuns judgment were missing. I was banished because it was judged to be useless. However, there is actually a terrible ability hidden in Kento ... Kento, a second-year middle-aged student of life-size, aims to rescue his classmates with his fellow skeleton RAW: https://futabanet.jp/list/monster/work/5dd4f51f77656175d2030000
Comments 1
Chapters 75
One day, all the students in the second grade of junior high school were transferred to another world. The princess of another world summoned them to make up for the lack of strength. Students who are threatened and decide to follow the princess are given a magical check to check their abilities. While everyone was sorted according to the results, the results of Kento Kokubuns judgment were missing. I was banished because it was judged to be useless. However, there is actually a terrible ability hidden in Kento ... Kento, a second-year middle-aged student of life-size, aims to rescue his classmates with his fellow skeleton RAW: https://futabanet.jp/list/monster/work/5dd4f51f77656175d2030000
Let's rewrite the script for tonight. Passionate touches instead of polite conversation. f1nd me on albertabraden_mooo_com change _ to dot
Aug 31, 2024
The series Hazure Hantei Kara Hajimatta Cheat Majutsushi Seikatsu contain intense violence, blood/gore,sexual content and/or strong language that may not be appropriate for underage viewers thus is blocked for their protection. So if you're above the legal age of 18.
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