I reincarnated as the Villainess In a novel I had read, Jubellian Eloy Floyen. I was doomed to die, but no! With the memories of my previous life, I will avoid my death flag!
“I will not marry a man who has no honor, no family, no property, and no Power!”
As I declared my will to live a glorious and glamorous life, my Dad decided to make the crown prince my fiancé?! Is he Mad?! I'll just treat the engagement contract as a last measure.
“Why are you avoiding your engagement with the Crown Prince?”
“Because it scares me! He kills people who don't obey him right away!”
A few days later the Crown Prince sent me a letter. “Don't worry, I won't kill you.”
Oh no….did I already do something worth dying for?
I reincarnated as the Villainess In a novel I had read, Jubellian Eloy Floyen. I was doomed to die, but no! With the memories of my previous life, I will avoid my death flag!
“I will not marry a man who has no honor, no family, no property, and no Power!”
As I declared my will to live a glorious and glamorous life, my Dad decided to make the crown prince my fiancé?! Is he Mad?! I'll just treat the engagement contract as a last measure.
“Why are you avoiding your engagement with the Crown Prince?”
“Because it scares me! He kills people who don't obey him right away!”
A few days later the Crown Prince sent me a letter. “Don't worry, I won't kill you.”
Oh no….did I already do something worth dying for?
I reincarnated as the Villainess In a novel I had read, Jubellian Eloy Floyen. I was doomed to die, but no! With the memories of my previous life, I will avoid my death flag!
“I will not marry a man who has no honor, no family, no property, and no Power!”
As I declared my will to live a glorious and glamorous life, my Dad decided to make the crown prince my fiancé?! Is he Mad?! I'll just treat the engagement contract as a last measure.
“Why are you avoiding your engagement with the Crown Prince?”
“Because it scares me! He kills people who don't obey him right away!”
A few days later the Crown Prince sent me a letter. “Don't worry, I won't kill you.”
Oh no….did I already do something worth dying for?
Comments 7
Chapters 170
I reincarnated as the Villainess In a novel I had read, Jubellian Eloy Floyen. I was doomed to die, but no! With the memories of my previous life, I will avoid my death flag!
“I will not marry a man who has no honor, no family, no property, and no Power!”
As I declared my will to live a glorious and glamorous life, my Dad decided to make the crown prince my fiancé?! Is he Mad?! I'll just treat the engagement contract as a last measure.
“Why are you avoiding your engagement with the Crown Prince?”
“Because it scares me! He kills people who don't obey him right away!”
A few days later the Crown Prince sent me a letter. “Don't worry, I won't kill you.”
Oh no….did I already do something worth dying for?
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Sep 24, 2024
Paula Fox
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The series Father, I Don't Want To Get Married! Manga contain intense violence, blood/gore,sexual content and/or strong language that may not be appropriate for underage viewers thus is blocked for their protection. So if you're above the legal age of 18.
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