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Class Ga Isekai Shoukan Sareta Naka Ore Dake Nokotta N Desu Ga Manga

75 Votes
A god of a different world had abruptly appeared in Kamiya Yatos classroom and forcibly summoned the entire class to his world... except for him—because he was sleeping in a seat in the corner of the class, the round summoning magic circle didnt reach him—and he ended up staying here on Earth, but with brand-new skills.After he made it through a whole year full of police interviews and journalism reports, he finally became a high school student, but the quiet days he had hoped for were far from over—be it terrorists who decide to occupy his school or even monsters from different world, one by one new incidents take place in the town he lives in...Will a boy without any motivation be able to save the world?
75 Votes
A god of a different world had abruptly appeared in Kamiya Yatos classroom and forcibly summoned the entire class to his world... except for him—because he was sleeping in a seat in the corner of the class, the round summoning magic circle didnt reach him—and he ended up staying here on Earth, but with brand-new skills.After he made it through a whole year full of police interviews and journalism reports, he finally became a high school student, but the quiet days he had hoped for were far from over—be it terrorists who decide to occupy his school or even monsters from different world, one by one new incidents take place in the town he lives in...Will a boy without any motivation be able to save the world?

Class Ga Isekai Shoukan Sareta Naka Ore Dake Nokotta N Desu Ga Manga


Class Ga Isekai Shoukan Sareta Naka Ore Dake Nokotta N Desu Ga Manga

(75 Votes)
クラスが異世界召喚されたなか俺だけ残ったんですが; My Entire Class Was Summoned to Another World except for Me
Action;  Fantasy;  Romance;  School Life;  
A god of a different world had abruptly appeared in Kamiya Yatos classroom and forcibly summoned the entire class to his world... except for him—because he was sleeping in a seat in the corner of the class, the round summoning magic circle didnt reach him—and he ended up staying here on Earth, but with brand-new skills.After he made it through a whole year full of police interviews and journalism reports, he finally became a high school student, but the quiet days he had hoped for were far from over—be it terrorists who decide to occupy his school or even monsters from different world, one by one new incidents take place in the town he lives in...Will a boy without any motivation be able to save the world?
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Chapters 40
A god of a different world had abruptly appeared in Kamiya Yatos classroom and forcibly summoned the entire class to his world... except for him—because he was sleeping in a seat in the corner of the class, the round summoning magic circle didnt reach him—and he ended up staying here on Earth, but with brand-new skills.After he made it through a whole year full of police interviews and journalism reports, he finally became a high school student, but the quiet days he had hoped for were far from over—be it terrorists who decide to occupy his school or even monsters from different world, one by one new incidents take place in the town he lives in...Will a boy without any motivation be able to save the world?
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The series Class Ga Isekai Shoukan Sareta Naka Ore Dake Nokotta N Desu Ga Manga contain intense violence, blood/gore,sexual content and/or strong language that may not be appropriate for underage viewers thus is blocked for their protection. So if you're above the legal age of 18.
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