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Be Delicious!

1 Votes
Choi Seon Ha, the top-selling employee at the men\s maid cafe \Moe.\ One day, while smoking in the staff-only area, he is illegally filmed. Police aspirant Eun Geon, who works part-time at a nearby convenience store, witnesses the incident by chance and, unable to stand by in the face of injustice, helps Seon Ha out of simple goodwill. In return, Seon Ha invites Eun Geon to the maid cafe where he works, but Eun Geon refuses. After that, Seon Ha visits the convenience store every day, trying to cross the line Eun Geon has drawn, and Eun Geon finds it increasingly difficult to turn away the persistent Seon Ha....
1 Votes
Choi Seon Ha, the top-selling employee at the men\s maid cafe \Moe.\ One day, while smoking in the staff-only area, he is illegally filmed. Police aspirant Eun Geon, who works part-time at a nearby convenience store, witnesses the incident by chance and, unable to stand by in the face of injustice, helps Seon Ha out of simple goodwill. In return, Seon Ha invites Eun Geon to the maid cafe where he works, but Eun Geon refuses. After that, Seon Ha visits the convenience store every day, trying to cross the line Eun Geon has drawn, and Eun Geon finds it increasingly difficult to turn away the persistent Seon Ha....

Be Delicious!


Be Delicious!

(1 Votes)
Baek Jam
Long strip;  Romance;  Web comic;  Full color;  
Choi Seon Ha, the top-selling employee at the men\s maid cafe \Moe.\ One day, while smoking in the staff-only area, he is illegally filmed. Police aspirant Eun Geon, who works part-time at a nearby convenience store, witnesses the incident by chance and, unable to stand by in the face of injustice, helps Seon Ha out of simple goodwill. In return, Seon Ha invites Eun Geon to the maid cafe where he works, but Eun Geon refuses. After that, Seon Ha visits the convenience store every day, trying to cross the line Eun Geon has drawn, and Eun Geon finds it increasingly difficult to turn away the persistent Seon Ha....
Comments 1
Chapters 7
Choi Seon Ha, the top-selling employee at the men\s maid cafe \Moe.\ One day, while smoking in the staff-only area, he is illegally filmed. Police aspirant Eun Geon, who works part-time at a nearby convenience store, witnesses the incident by chance and, unable to stand by in the face of injustice, helps Seon Ha out of simple goodwill. In return, Seon Ha invites Eun Geon to the maid cafe where he works, but Eun Geon refuses. After that, Seon Ha visits the convenience store every day, trying to cross the line Eun Geon has drawn, and Eun Geon finds it increasingly difficult to turn away the persistent Seon Ha....
This silence is getting a little too loud. Let's see if our bodies can speak a more interesting language... with a touch that ignites a fire that lingers long after the last word is spoken. f1nd me on tracylowe_mooo_com change _ to dot
Aug 24, 2024
The series Be Delicious! contain intense violence, blood/gore,sexual content and/or strong language that may not be appropriate for underage viewers thus is blocked for their protection. So if you're above the legal age of 18.
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