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Aqua Regia

2 Votes
Aqua Regia is about a mercenary in a dictatorial country, a fairly typical Cyberpunk setting, set in South America (Specifically Argentina, but only at the beginning), which has been on a dictatorship since 1976 (and counting). The year is 2056, Daniel, a mercenary, who in a twist of fate, interrupts a robbery in a local market, fighting with a thief, and ends with him joining a group of resistance led by a woman called Nimsi. From that point onwards theyll be battling off against criminals, terrorists, and even a corrupt government, while recruiting people for the cause, all over the globe. Nevertheless, nothing is as easy as it seems, from the rift of time humanoids called Moaerus emerge and have a vendetta against his group, for some unidentified reason at the beginning, but later is revealed that the world was rebooted, so to speak. And the souls of those who defeated them in the previous cycle have reincarnated, and the only survivor of the massacre, wants to take revenge on them, first reviving the leader of the Moaerus, and later remaking the world like it used to be in reality, full of nightmarish creatures (The designs of the monsters will be inspired in those of Hieronymus Bosch, Salvatore Rosa, and Zdizlaw Beksinski. The ending will be either with the world becoming a post-apocalyptic fantasy world, a nightmarish landscape with advanced technology but terrifying creatures, or a more upbeat ending with the heroes winning, but the world pretty much screwed either way.
2 Votes
Aqua Regia is about a mercenary in a dictatorial country, a fairly typical Cyberpunk setting, set in South America (Specifically Argentina, but only at the beginning), which has been on a dictatorship since 1976 (and counting). The year is 2056, Daniel, a mercenary, who in a twist of fate, interrupts a robbery in a local market, fighting with a thief, and ends with him joining a group of resistance led by a woman called Nimsi. From that point onwards theyll be battling off against criminals, terrorists, and even a corrupt government, while recruiting people for the cause, all over the globe. Nevertheless, nothing is as easy as it seems, from the rift of time humanoids called Moaerus emerge and have a vendetta against his group, for some unidentified reason at the beginning, but later is revealed that the world was rebooted, so to speak. And the souls of those who defeated them in the previous cycle have reincarnated, and the only survivor of the massacre, wants to take revenge on them, first reviving the leader of the Moaerus, and later remaking the world like it used to be in reality, full of nightmarish creatures (The designs of the monsters will be inspired in those of Hieronymus Bosch, Salvatore Rosa, and Zdizlaw Beksinski. The ending will be either with the world becoming a post-apocalyptic fantasy world, a nightmarish landscape with advanced technology but terrifying creatures, or a more upbeat ending with the heroes winning, but the world pretty much screwed either way.

Aqua Regia


Aqua Regia

(2 Votes)
Fantasy;  Horror;  Sci fi;  
Aqua Regia is about a mercenary in a dictatorial country, a fairly typical Cyberpunk setting, set in South America (Specifically Argentina, but only at the beginning), which has been on a dictatorship since 1976 (and counting). The year is 2056, Daniel, a mercenary, who in a twist of fate, interrupts a robbery in a local market, fighting with a thief, and ends with him joining a group of resistance led by a woman called Nimsi. From that point onwards theyll be battling off against criminals, terrorists, and even a corrupt government, while recruiting people for the cause, all over the globe. Nevertheless, nothing is as easy as it seems, from the rift of time humanoids called Moaerus emerge and have a vendetta against his group, for some unidentified reason at the beginning, but later is revealed that the world was rebooted, so to speak. And the souls of those who defeated them in the previous cycle have reincarnated, and the only survivor of the massacre, wants to take revenge on them, first reviving the leader of the Moaerus, and later remaking the world like it used to be in reality, full of nightmarish creatures (The designs of the monsters will be inspired in those of Hieronymus Bosch, Salvatore Rosa, and Zdizlaw Beksinski. The ending will be either with the world becoming a post-apocalyptic fantasy world, a nightmarish landscape with advanced technology but terrifying creatures, or a more upbeat ending with the heroes winning, but the world pretty much screwed either way.
Comments 2
Chapters 1
Aqua Regia is about a mercenary in a dictatorial country, a fairly typical Cyberpunk setting, set in South America (Specifically Argentina, but only at the beginning), which has been on a dictatorship since 1976 (and counting). The year is 2056, Daniel, a mercenary, who in a twist of fate, interrupts a robbery in a local market, fighting with a thief, and ends with him joining a group of resistance led by a woman called Nimsi. From that point onwards theyll be battling off against criminals, terrorists, and even a corrupt government, while recruiting people for the cause, all over the globe. Nevertheless, nothing is as easy as it seems, from the rift of time humanoids called Moaerus emerge and have a vendetta against his group, for some unidentified reason at the beginning, but later is revealed that the world was rebooted, so to speak. And the souls of those who defeated them in the previous cycle have reincarnated, and the only survivor of the massacre, wants to take revenge on them, first reviving the leader of the Moaerus, and later remaking the world like it used to be in reality, full of nightmarish creatures (The designs of the monsters will be inspired in those of Hieronymus Bosch, Salvatore Rosa, and Zdizlaw Beksinski. The ending will be either with the world becoming a post-apocalyptic fantasy world, a nightmarish landscape with advanced technology but terrifying creatures, or a more upbeat ending with the heroes winning, but the world pretty much screwed either way.
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Sep 22, 2024
The way you talk about your passions makes my heart skip a beat. Perhaps we can explore them further, a little closer? f1nd me on patricianoren_mooo_com change _ to dot
Sep 05, 2024
The series Aqua Regia contain intense violence, blood/gore,sexual content and/or strong language that may not be appropriate for underage viewers thus is blocked for their protection. So if you're above the legal age of 18.
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