Tilea's Worries Reika-sama – 138

Tilea's Worries Reika-sama – 138

Mao-chan had been hesitant but Okaasama had half forced her to accept, so in the end Mao-chan turned into her dress-up doll.

“Sorry, Mao-chan…” I apologised as Okaasama was happily choosing dresses.

I was used to it, but I’ll bet Mao-chan wasn’t.

“No, I’m fine with it, but is it really okay to buy me something? I’m starting to feel really shameless… Okaasama might get angry at me…”

“No, that is not something you need to be worried about. In fact I should be apologising for forcing you to go along with my mother’s fun. I will make sure to speak to your parents, do not worry. And perhaps you should try to at least let her know which you like. If not, she will choose everything on her own.”


Mao-chan was still a little hesitant at first, but before long she was happily trying on this and that for Okaasama. As I watched I started to want to choose clothes for her too, and in the end I joined in. Could you blame me? Mao-chan was just so cute that everything looked good on her!

The one that they settled on was a cute lemon yellow party dress, with a wide, light skirt.

“Cute! It suits you so well, Mao-chan!” I clapped, causing Mao-chan to thank me shyly.

What I had picked for her was a white flower-patterned summer dress. It was maidenly and very cute too!

Mao-chan wore the white dress out of the store. Okaasama looked a little dissatisfied about that but the party dress was too fancy to walk about in, so there wasn’t any choice. But Mao-chan’s next words cheered her up right.

“Do you think it would be okay if I wore that dress to the summer party this year?”

Sorry that you had to worry about her feelings, Mao-chan.

Then Okaasama brought her to a hair salon and curled her hair. Uwaahh!

She had turned into me in miniature. The two of us stood in front of the mirror like sisters with perfect curls.

I was genuinely apologising to her in my mind but…

“It’s like I’m a princess!”

Mao-chan seemed overjoyed.

“I’ve always adored your hair, Reika-oneesama. I thought you looked just like a princess from a fairy tale,” she said as she happily touched her own hair.

Mao-chan kept glancing back to her reflection in the mirror. Eh? She actually thought that?

Apparently I really was the Rococo Queen’s successor.

After a visit to a tea shop and then some more shopping and whatnot we returned home to find Otousama coming back with a cake. The tanuki had literally no other ideas for gifts to women except sweets. It was no wonder he was tubby if food was all he could think of.

I was a little worried because Mao-chan was on a diet but she was kind so she thanked him with a smile. What a good kid…

After an enjoyable dinner where we asked Mao-chan about her school life, the two of us returned to my room and relaxed.

Mao-chan seemed interested in my needle felting things, so I told her about what I was making for the school festival and then showed her the photos and the sketchbook.

“Waah! These are so good! Did you draw these, Reika-oneesama.”

“No, it was my Oniisama that drew these.”

“Your Oniisama is amazing at drawing. Ah! This one is wonderful too. Waah… Hm? Huh? What’s this one…?”

What? Ahh! That was the one that I drew!

“Ummm, what is this…?” she asked me awkwardly.

“Ah, that was the one that I tried using my left hand to draw. I wanted to see how well I could do it.”

“Wow, is that what this was!? No wonder it looked so strange. But if you drew this with your left hand then aren’t you pretty talented?”

“My, hohoho…”

Can I cry?

I hurriedly put the sketchbook away and decided to help Mao-chan with her summer homework instead.

“The truth is I haven’t done it at all…”

“Truly? Then shall we work hard at it together?”


Teaching Mao-chan how to do her homework. The ‘oneesan feeling’ I got was amazing. She was so cute. If only she really was my little sister.

A while later Oniisama came back from work and popped into my room.

“Good evening, Mao-chan. I’m Reika’s brother, Kisshouin Takateru. It’s nice to meet you.”

“My name is Sawarabi Mao! I’ll be intruding tonight!” she replied with a bow.

I always wondered this but even though Oniisama always worked so late, how come Otousama could always came home early? Wasn’t he pushing all the work onto Oniisama?

Oniisama spent a bit of time in my room, kindly helping Mao-chan with her homework before heading back to his own room.

After some more homework the night was getting late so I thought it would be good to prepare for bed. Mao-chan was really excited to try the canopy bed. I was fine as long as she was happy, but if you slept in one each day it took surprisingly little time to get bored of it. It got dusty too, you know?

The two of us climbed in next to each other.

“Sorry for treating you like a doll today, Mao-chan. It must have been tiring.”

“No. I had a really good time.”

I had planned to played more with her, but the unexpected Okaasama attack threw the schedule off course. Honestly!

But Mao-chan said that she had fun. I asked a little more and found out that her grandparents and relatives had come over again this summer. They had only paid her brother heed again and she was feeling a little lonely because of it.

So that’s how it was. They might have been annoying, and swarmed her with attention, but I suppose my parents were at least a little use. I guess it was okay then.

But I went to sleep next to her with thoughts of tomorrow on my mind. Tomorrow was going to be mine turn to play with her.

──At least that’s what should have happened but there was another assault in the form of Ririna. For whatever reason she came to visit the following day.

“Reika-san! Good news! I’ve come over to play!”

Uh, nobody asked you to. Look. Mao-chan has no idea why you’re here.

“Oh? Who’s this girl?”

Ririna stared without restraint at Mao-chan who was doing needle felting next to me.

“Her name is Sawarabi Mao-chan, and is something like a cute little sister to me,” I said to look out for her, “She goes to Suiran in the primary section. Mao-chan, sorry for surprising you. This girl is Kotou Ririna, my younger cousin.”


Ririna’s eyebrow twitched.


Ririna looked back and forth between us unhappily, and Mao-chan seemed frightened of her. It was situations like this that I had to tell her off!



I was about to chide her when she suddenly stepped forward, pushed me aside, and put her hands on her hips.


“So your name is Mao. Very well! From today onwards you have the privilege of being my little sister!” Ririna announced.

“Eh!?” Mao-chan exclaimed.

“Haaah!?” I blurted.

It was so shocking that I couldn’t help myself. Making Mao-chan her little sister!? What the hell was she on about!?


“If you’re Reika-san’s sister, then you’re as good as mine. Call me Ririna-oneesama from today onwards!”

“Eh… Ririna… oneesama…?”

Ririna gave her a contented nod.

“Wai-, Ririna…”

“So you’re from our primary section, Mao. I see, and you’ve come over today to play? Wai-, you’re staying over!? Then I’ll stay over too.”

I called out to stop her but the conversation was progressing quickly without me. Before I knew it, the two of them were really getting along. Wai-, and it was settled that Ririna would be staying over too!?

Just like I had yesterday, Ririna was enjoying the feeling of being an oneesan. She told Mao-chan that she would teach her, and then began helping her with homework. I was about to stop her but Ririna was surprisingly good at teaching. And she was smart, too. I casually asked Ririna how she was doing in her exams only to find out to my shocking truth that she ranked 20th in her last one!

“Wahh! You’re so smart, Ririna-oneesama!”

“20th place isn’t much. I actually dropped ranks compared to my mid-terms.”

I had lost… Mao-chan’s eyes were filled with complete respect for Ririna. I quietly left the room.

“Oh? What’s up, Reika? Where’s Mao-chan?” asked Oniisama.

Today was his day off, so he had just been leaving his room in preparation to go out. I answered him with a glum face.

“Ririna came over…”


After a quick peek into my room he muttered “I see.”

Even from outside, I could hear their excitedly voices.

“So Ririna stole Mao-chan from you.”


“Well, just try to have fun, the three of you. When I’m back I’ll join in.”


Oniisama was going to come home early then. I saw Oniisama out and then headed back to the storehouse by myself.

The other day I discovered something terrifying when I came in here to store my hula hoop. There was a large wooden box in the back of the room. Out of curiosity I opened it up,

Inside was a bobcut Japanese doll in a red Kimono.

“Gyaaaaaahhh!” I had screamed.

I hated dolls. Worse yet, it turned out to be one of those mechanical chahakobi dolls that could walk and carry tea. Despite knowing better, I wound up the spring and it began walking my way with clattering noises. Scaaary! Dolls were scary already, but dolls that could move on their own were too much!

Behind me was an antique hinamatsuri doll whose hair grew. In front of me was a creepy chahakobi doll who could move. Had that happened at night my hair would have turned white from the fright.

I had quickly returned the doll into its box and then made my escape from the storehouse. All while trembling at the worry of those dolls visiting me in the night…

Now was the time to reawaken her.

I took the chahakobi doll out of the storeroom and began winding up the spring. When it was ready, I put it down in the gap between my opened door and the doorframe.

It didn’t take long before the whole house heard the screams of Ririna and Mao-chan. Uhehehehe. This was punishment for taking away my position as oneesan~

Afterwards, Ririna furiously demanded to know what the hell I thought I was doing, and I ended up apologising over and over as Mao-chan was half in tears.

Later at night when Oniisama was back, the four of us played games like cards and jenga. It was nice having the numbers for things like these.

My bed wasn’t huge so I told Ririna so many times to go sleep in the guest room, but she wouldn’t budge and kept saying that she was going to sleep with us as well. In the end the three of us ended up glued to each other in bed. Cramped…

When Ririna heard about Mao-chan’s family situation she was infuriated.

“What’s wrong with them! That’s so exasperating! You should have just come clear and given them a good telling off!”


“Ririna, Mao-chan is not like you. She is a gentle girl,” I objected.

“Hmph. Then if she isn’t going to tell them off she should just snatch the heirship off her brother. Show everyone just how much better she is. Huhuhu, fool brother. You’ll rue the day you made an enemy of us.”

“Eh… Umm, I don’t hate my little brother or anything… And I don’t really want the heirship either.”

“Really?” asked Ririna.

“Yes,” replied Mao-chan.

That’s right. That’s because Mao-chan was the successor to the Rococo throne instead.

“Huh. Then all you have to do is start laying the groundwork so that you can marry the man you want when the time comes.”

“Where did marriage come from.” I commented.

The conversation was making so many leaps that I couldn’t keep up.

“Obviously because if we don’t pay attention we’ll end up in some political marriage chosen by our parents. If she already has somebody she likes then she has to start planning now.”

“Hahh… You are still just a child and you already think about these things?”

“Of course I’m thinking about these things. I’m an only child so I have to get married. You’re being too carefree, Reika-san. You never think about anything, do you.”


That night I realised that for all that she acted spoilt, Ririna had a serious side to her that was already prepared to take a husband.

I only ever thought about how I would live my life after my family fell to ruin, but if I continued on the way I was would I eventually end up in an arranged marriage as well…?

No, no, I had to marry for love. Ririna was right, I had to start preparing! Not that I had a partner in mind, though!

While I was muttering to myself, Ririna and Mao-chan had fallen fast asleep,

I had once heard that sleeping in a symmetrical pose made you more prone to sleep paralysis. As Ririna slept soundly, I gently moved her arms and legs so that they matched.

A chahakobi doll is a traditional mechanical doll powered by varying mechanisms, designed to carry tea to somebody, stop, and then turn around and leave.

Chapter end

Volume 3 Chapter 19
Vol3 Turf War – Chapter 12
Vol3 Turf War – Chapter 11
Vol3 Turf War – Chapter 10
Vol3 Turf War – Chapter 9
Vol3 Turf War – Chapter 8
Vol3 Turf War – Chapter 7
Vol3 Turf War – Chapter 6
Vol3 Turf War – Chapter 5
Vol3 Turf War – Chapter 4
Vol3 Turf War – Chapter 3
Vol3 Turf War – Chapter 2
Vol3 Turf War – Chapter 1
Vol3 Turf War – Chapter 0
Vol2 Raid on the Capital – Chapter 32
Vol2 Raid on the Capital – Chapter 31
Vol2 Raid on the Capital – Chapter 30
Vol2 Raid on the Capital – Chapter 29
Vol2 Raid on the Capital – Chapter 28
Vol2 Raid on the Capital – Chapter 27
Vol2 Raid on the Capital – Chapter 26
Vol2 Raid on the Capital – Chapter 25
Vol2 Raid on the Capital – Chapter 24
Vol2 Raid on the Capital – Chapter 23
Vol2 Raid on the Capital – Chapter 22
Vol2 Raid on the Capital – Chapter 21
Vol2 Raid on the Capital – Chapter 20
Vol2 Raid on the Capital – Chapter 19
Vol2 Raid on the Capital – Chapter 18
Vol2 Raid on the Capital – Chapter 17
Vol2 Raid on the Capital – Chapter 16
Vol2 Raid on the Capital – Chapter 15
Vol2 Raid on the Capital – Chapter 14
Vol2 Raid on the Capital – Chapter 13
Vol2 Raid on the Capital – Chapter 12
Vol2 Raid on the Capital – Chapter 11
Vol2 Raid on the Capital – Chapter 10
Vol2 Raid on the Capital – Chapter 9
Vol2 Raid on the Capital – Chapter 8
Vol2 Raid on the Capital – Chapter 7
Vol2 Raid on the Capital – Chapter 6
Vol2 Raid on the Capital – Chapter 5
Vol2 Raid on the Capital – Chapter 4
Vol2 Raid on the Capital – Chapter 3
Vol2 Raid on the Capital – Chapter 2
Vol2 Raid on the Capital – Chapter 1
Volume 1 Chapter 38
Volume 1 Chapter 19
Kimi no After [NSFW] – [Kimi no Na wa][SC2016 Autumn][RYU-SEKI-DO]
Reika-sama – 217
Reika-sama – 216
Reika-sama – 215
Reika-sama – 214
Reika-sama – 213
Reika-sama – 212
Reika-sama – 211
Reika-sama – 210
Reika-sama – 209
Reika-sama – 208
Reika-sama – 207
Reika-sama – 206
Reika-sama – 205
Reika-sama – 204
Reika-sama – 203
Reika-sama – 202
Reika-sama – 201
Reika-sama – 200
Reika-sama – 199
Reika-sama – 198
Reika-sama – 197
Reika-sama – 196
Reika-sama – 195
Reika-sama – 194 – Takamichi Kanta
Reika-sama – 193
Reika-sama – 192
Reika-sama – 191
Reika-sama – 190
Reika-sama – 189
Reika-sama – 188
Reika-sama – 187
Reika-sama – 186
Reika-sama – 185
Reika-sama – 184
Reika-sama – 183
Reika-sama – 182
Reika-sama – 181
Reika-sama – 180
Reika-sama – 179
Reika-sama – 178
Reika-sama – 177
Reika-sama – 176
Reika-sama – 175
Reika-sama – 174
Reika-sama – 173
Reika-sama – 172
Reika-sama – 171
Reika-sama – 170
Reika-sama – 169
Reika-sama – 168
Reika-sama – 167
Reika-sama – 166
Reika-sama – 165
Reika-sama – 164
Reika-sama – 163
Reika-sama – 162
Reika-sama – 161
Reika-sama – 160 – Ririna KGB Agent: Saika Tsugumi
Reika-sama – 159
Reika-sama – 158
Reika-sama – 157
Reika-sama – 156
Reika-sama – 155
Reika-sama – 154
Reika-sama – 153
Reika-sama – 152
Reika-sama – 151
Reika-sama – 150
Reika-sama – 149
Reika-sama – 148
Reika-sama – 147
Reika-sama – 146
Reika-sama – 145
Reika-sama – 144
Reika-sama – 143
Reika-sama – 142
Reika-sama – 141
Reika-sama – 140
Reika-sama – 139
Reika-sama – 138
Reika-sama – 137
Reika-sama – 136
Reika-sama – 135
Reika-sama – 134
Reika-sama – 133
Reika-sama – 132
Reika-sama – 131
Reika-sama – 130
Reika-sama – 129
Reika-sama – 128
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Reika-sama – 126
Reika-sama – 125
Reika-sama – 124
Reika-sama – 123
Reika-sama – 122
Reika-sama – 121
Reika-sama – 120
Reika-sama – 119
Reika-sama – 118
Reika-sama – 117
Reika-sama – 116
Reika-sama – 115
Reika-sama – 114
Reika-sama – 113
Reika-sama – 112
Reika-sama – 111
Reika-sama – 110
Reika-sama – 109
Reika-sama – 108
Reika-sama – 107
Reika-sama – 106
Reika-sama – 105
Reika-sama – 104
Reika-sama – 103
Reika-sama – 102
Reika-sama – 101
Reika-sama – 100
Reika-sama – 099 – A Girl With a Name / A Boy Without a One
Reika-sama – 098
Reika-sama – 097
Reika-sama – 096
Reika-sama – 095
Reika-sama – 094
Reika-sama – 093
Reika-sama – 092
Reika-sama – 091
Reika-sama – 090
Reika-sama – 089
Reika-sama – 088
Reika-sama – 087
Reika-sama – 086
Reika-sama – 085
Reika-sama – 084
Reika-sama – 083
Reika-sama – 082
Reika-sama – 081
Chapter 43
Chapter 42
Chapter 41
Chapter 40
Chapter 39
Chapter 37
Chapter 36
Chapter 35
Chapter 34
Chapter 33
Chapter 32
Chapter 31
Chapter 30
Chapter 29
Chapter 28
Volume 1 Chapter 27
Chapter 26
Chapter 25
Chapter 24
Chapter 23
Chapter 22
Chapter 21
Chapter 20
Chapter 19
Chapter 18
Chapter 17
Chapter 16
Chapter 15
Chapter 14
Chapter 13
Chapter 12
Chapter 11
Volume 1 Chapter 10
Chapter 9
Chapter 8
Chapter 7
Chapter 6
Chapter 5
Volume 1 Chapter 4
Chapter 3
Chapter 2 – Evil God Statue – Part 3
Cat's Globe Prologue Part 2
Chapter 2
Cat's Globe Prologue Part 1
Volume 1 char profile + illustrations
side story
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