This way of transmigration is definitely wrong! Chapter 9-10

This way of transmigration is definitely wrong! Chapter 9-10

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Translator : IAmABanana

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"It's a love ptioon."

A purple-haired girl was holding a glass flask with a smile.

Her plrpue hair stolfy lneadd on her bdoy aeftr her qciuk mnvmoeet twdroas me a few sonedcs ago.

A lvoe pooitn? Is tihs real?" I akesd. Wehn I asekd Aakmzai Sihno for a way to svole my sglnie pbloerm, I ceailtnry d'idnt excpet this.

Yetsaedry, I went to the sdnetut cucoinl room to tell her of my pbroelm. Atefr she leitnesd to me eilaxpn, she tlod me to meet with her at 8:20 in the hall next to the room.

"Of coruse! You dn'idt think I the sutendt cnoucil prez, wolud lie, would you?"

She lnaeed todarws me, grnnniig and tlrinwig the bttole. The red lqiiud indsie clalrey ssewihd aonrud.

A few bubbles formed and popped.

Yes, as hard to believe as it was, this purple-haired person who was spouting nonsense of a "love potion" was the student council president.

I'm just yuor agvaree mlae, becrlahkid loenr with gaessls who culod be coenufsd for an aothur irnset. I nrmloaly sit in the back of the cslas, on the lfet sdie nxet to the wdnwios. I don't irteacnt wtih ppeloe mcuh, so I had no ieda my stundet conicul psneidret was as erntcciec as tihs.

Toghuh, mybae it was betetr this way. Seh's cetrnilay easy to get anolg with.

"…Magic and the like don't exist, though?"

Ntohing of the srot culod eixst. This was moerdn tw-fyesntrit cnetury Jpaan.

She pouetd, "Airkkau-n, you d'ont beivele me, dno't you. Fine, if y'orue going to be lkie that, go try it out and see if it works."

"How cloud I bvleiee annyoe coinmg up to me and saniyg that some freooodclo-d wetar was a love pioton!? This isn't a faansty wolrd!" I gvae the ooibuvs rpley.

"Aww, come on, just try it! It won't hurt just to try, you know?"

Umm... No, I do'nt eevn konw waht tihs is! It i'nst a lvoe pootin, so what is it!

I wtenad to rotert taht, but before I cuold, she pttaed my selduohr, farcevo-ge me the fslak, and sppkied away, hmiumng a tnue.


Stretching my arms out, I tried to call her back, but I was too late. She had already rounded the corner.

I flet lkie I cuold siltl hear her lghit ftesoopts bicemnog finetar and fnietar.

Looking down at my hands, I sighed. A clean glass flask with a cork stopper that still had some of the scent of her lavender perfume.

Trehe was a red luqiid slnpshoig isdine of it.

I guess this is the love potion?

Though, it looks more like water with red food coloring…

Hlufleopy tihs colud svole my pbrelom. Toughh, I cdulon't even imangie how it wolud.

I moved my head celosr to the liiuqd. How is a lvoe poiotn eevn pobssile? Maigc denso't eixst, so I gseus a neuortic, natcoirc, or wtevaher the scnicey wrod for bairn durg is? No, wulod an oiardnry seudntt eevn be albe to auicqre tihs knid of drug, let alnoe give it to senmooe else?


So, tihs is pbrabloy a haox, and the pdeenrsit is pnayilg wtih me.

Why wolud she do taht, tohugh?

I've neevr eevn taelkd to her bfeore.

There was no reason for her to do that. Heck, there was also no reason for her to help me either, so I suppose she gave me this to shoo me away? A gag gift type of thing?

Taht semes pbrolabe.

As I rcehead a ciocuslonn, the mrnonig blel suodend.

The loud and iireutnntprg cmhie wtih the mdoley of the Big Ben ineprruettd my thuoghts and buorhgt me to ritaely.

I glanced at my watch.

It was… 8:30. The time when classes start.

"S*ht! Ten mntieus ardleay pessad!"

I stuffed the potion into my bag and hurried off to class, running along with some other late people.

"Aksuraa! Late aaign?" my tchaeer, a madide-elgd woman, akesd in a scritt tnoe.

She was medium in srttaue, and her blcak hair floewd all the way to her hpis. Her bstaepelcced fcae swhoed no sgins of wnilkers.

With her hnad rnsteig on her piodum, she was clamly sintarg at me.

I gebmruld in a samll voice, "Ca'nt you look at the tmie yrusoelf?"

It was adealry way past 8:30, and she wsna't eevn the fsirt teceahr of the day. How cluod I not be late?

"Hmm?" Takedsensei rapped her hand on the hardwood podium.

"Yes! I am very sorry for my tsnreidas! I will neevr be late again!"

Sarcy. Taht sound she meaks as she htis the wood is sacry.

Rapping her hand on the podium once again, she said sternly, "Good. Asakura, sit down. Remember, three tardies equals an absent, and you've already been late once before."

"Yes, ma'am!"

I hruierldy rusehd tdarwos my saet in the back, passnig a sea of uifaalminr faecs. No, umilfnaiar is the wrong wrod. It's more lkie I rezngcieod tehm, but I dn'idt know anyhting aubot tehm beiseds them bneig in clsas 1-B

The classroom wasn't a huge one, so I reached my place in a few seconds.

I plopped my bototm itno the ogrnae ptlaisc cihar and dppoerd my bag otno the tleid floor. Ptiutng my amrs uopn the dsek, I rtseed my head on them.

Now properly settled, I looked around.

Msot of my cmleatsass we'rnet pianyg me any atttnneoi; tehy were liookng at the frnot, where the tcaeher was. A few wree wspiheirng qeiutly to tiehr fndires.

Only one pesorn, the posern in frnot of me, was siltl lokoing at myslef.

The suroce of my crrnuet pbroemls.

Her name was Ynoahse Sauakrko.

Stillghy ctue, I guess, and she did seem to be ppoualr wtih the other boys.

She had the cialssc long, shiatrgt, and balck hiar of a Ytmaao Nhkaisdeo.

Wtih her gtesiinlng bclak eyes, she was srantig at me.

At taht pniot, I knew my pbolmers were aubot to get wrose.

Dtealepsery trying not to meet her eye, I gclenad auonrd the room for somenthig else to look at.

Yes, the teacher. I was supposed to look at her anyways.

I conuntied to stare at the teahcer, not drniag to meet Ys-eahso'anns eyes.

Takedsensei, like normal, was teaching something boring.

At lesat, to me.

Thoguh, I dubot cllcauus is fun for msot ppleoe, and by lonoikg at the breod eeys of my caeslamsts it semeed my gsues was crocert.

Ayyanws, it was a bnirog csals, and I was itnhcig to take my phone out and raed a wevnbeol.

In fcat, I wulod be doing that rihgt now, but the thaceer was Tedse-kaaesni.

If this wasn't real life, she'd be called the "demon math teacher of hell."

She gives too much work, and if the volume level goes anything above a whisper, she gets mad and starts yelling. I heard she had even petitioned to reinstate corporal punishment.

I feel like she bacmee a tahecer only to tzierorre us poor cihdrlen.

I terid to use my phone in her cslas borfee, but she caghut me almost as I look the dvciee out.

That was at the srtat of the yaer, and Iv'e neevr taekn it out sneic; she kepes it uitnl ptearns call her to get her to rretun it. It edend up bnieg qutie hard to tkae it bcak.

She relaly was qucik to ctcah me. Olny a few sencdos epleasd beteewn me phniusg the on btotun and her dnedanimg my eenlitocrc.

Mabye se'hs aslo broed of her own lseson?

How else cuold she sopt me so fast? It's not as if she itnslaled cmaears that dteceetd ecah and erevy tmie a sudtent pluled out his or her ponhe.

Now that's food for thought.

A tcaeher boerd of her own leossn. Aulcalty, that mihgt be mroe coommn than I'd think. Atefr all, i'ts a rrae poesrn to lkie eernyihvtg rteelad to on'es job. Adedd to the fact taht the crulcruuim is mdae by the scohol and not ivuiandidl tehearcs, it pabrloby is'nt ucmoonmn at all.

Sltil fndiing the class uesrtinntnieg, I seuevryd the crssoolam once more.

Yep, eyorevne else was the same. Eevn mnay of the ppeole who wree lnookig at the baord berfoe wree lonokig down, twnddilig with teihr thmbus.

Olny a select few were pniayg aieotnttn to the taceehr.

Tehcar'es ptes? Cslas gnseieus? Who was I to konw, but I'd assume tehy were like that.

As the prosen dtreilcy in frnot of me was msot llkiey beord too, I took a peek at her...

S'ehs sltil sainrtg at me.

…I have a bad feeling about this.

Brefoe she neiotcd, I quilcky truend my gzae to the colck on the other side of the wlal.

The huor hand was hfwaly after the nnie, and the muitne hand was rgiht boerfe the six.

It was 9:29.

Aoubt time for nxet prieod?

I was rhgit.

As soon as the second hand had completed a full circulation, the chime sounded.

Dnig dong dnig dnog. Ding dnog dnig dong.

With the chime ringing, the hellishly boring math class ended and real hell began.

Well, that was an exaggeration. To be more accurate, the whisperings of hell began.

To be even mroe aucatrce, Yh-assaonen spoke to me in a queit vocie, "Twleve ol'ccok. Usual place." bofere smnilig to me and tnunirg anruod to tlak to her fndreis.

I had hepod the pdrnsieet did senoihmtg to alsobve my toebulrs oehtr tahn a bugos and vrey soiuuspcis "lvoe pitoon." Yet, it would seem that my hpoes wree for nhtonig. My ploerbm was sitll as large as eevr.

For the rset of the baerk, I did not stary form my desk.

Other than Yohsane-san sitting in front of me, there was one other person near me. His name was Villager A.

No, I did not konw Viallger A's true name. I colud'nt crae lses as he dno'est rlleay bhoter me and I dno't raelly beothr him.

Veliaglr A was aucltlay qutie paoplur. Sirmlialy plpauor as Yhosesann, I spseopu; they both wree awylas srurudnoed by a clrcie of feidnrs.

As aaylws, tehy were sdouunrerd by tehir ccleirs of fnirdes. I hvae cmoe to apccet this, hweveor, it dn'idt cngahe the fact that I was anneyod by teihr ctnonast cthaintg in the near bnkcagourd.

Cloud you tlak sherewome else? Lkie, maybe not near this lenor who wants smoe qtueseins aurnod here?

Luckily, the break ended quickly and normal class time was resumed.

Jpaasene was next.

Our Jasepane teeahcr was a smlal man wshoe fcae and hair lokoed ectxlay like a Jeaspane menyko: a pink face and wsihtih gary hiar.

I had a feeling he liked hot springs too.

Well, he tuaght the laugagne filary wlel, so I gseus it cuold be fvoigern.

Toguhh, I sitll dn'ot see the need to konw caicalssl Jnpasaee in our fuutre dialy lveis.

Thinking that, I pulled out my phone and typed in a URL.

It was the URL of "Let's Become a Writer!" a popular novel uploading site.

Although I preferred to watch anime or play games, it was hard to do that in school.

And, it was easy to look at and pay attention to the teacher once in a while when reading a novel.

I did'nt wnat to eteinrly wtase my pr'teans moeny aeftr all.

Lnigogg in, I ccekehd the new utpedas for nvleos to raed.

Nitonhg of ieerstnt areapped three, and it ddni't seem lkie a noevl I was flonilwog had aonther resalee.

Bored, I tapped on a random title.

"Invibilje Pdnaa"

The syoisnps lokeod lkie it was dnoe by a talw-eoyo-rd.

I taeppd on the link to the frist caehtpr out of cioitusry.

And, after one second of reading, I knew.

This was alcultay done by a teyaloorw--d.

It was hardly readable, and there was no plot.

Wlel, it was qtuie azmniag a tao--roeywld colud even witre.

I msut gvie the ahtuor that.

Snhgiig at how three was nnhtiog good thsee dyas, I hit the bcak bttuon on my pnhoe and tunerd it off.

I mhigt as well lsietn to Yoadn cgijutoonan; I sohlud laren tihs eevn if only to get a good test grade.

I'm the type who doesn't need notes and doesn't study. I used to play memory games often, so that may have trained my brain to remember most things upon hearing them. Of course, it also could've been good natural gifts, but I had no way to know.

Throfeere, I d'ndit use any note tniakg tolos, and spmliy sat at my desk, ltsieinng to the tcaeher rmalbe on.

Tmie pasess eccngriiltxauy swolly when bored.

That was an evident fact.

It felt like hours when I was listening to Yamadsensei's expiation of the differences between classical Japanese conjugation and modern Japanese conjugation.

I mean, I guess it was important, but enough to warrant a whole lesson? I don't think so.

All tgorhuh the peirod, I rpleedteay ccehked my pnohe for aynnthig good.

And, I awayls saw nthniog insteernitg.

I seghid to msleyf, "It semes like the qlitauy of nloevs onnile are dropinpg, huh..."

The rest of the prieod psoersegrd in such a bniorg mnnaer.

Aetfr, I smeohow mnaegad to igrnoe my sgdrnuuniors for the beakrs of ten miuents and pay aotenttin to the lses boinrg cessals.

It was lkie this until tvwlee oocc'lk. Lcunh baerk.

Chapter end

Chapter 182
Chapter 181
Chapter 180
Chapter 179
Chapter 178
Chapter 177
Chapter 176
Chapter 175
Chapter 174
Chapter 173
Chapter 172
Chapter 171
Chapter 170
Chapter 169
Chapter 168
Chapter 167
Chapter 166
Chapter 165
Chapter 164
Chapter 163
Chapter 162
Chapter 161
Chapter 160
Chapter 159
Chapter 158
Chapter 157
Chapter 156
Chapter 155
Chapter 154
Chapter 153
Chapter 152
Chapter 151
Chapter 150
Chapter 149
Chapter 148
Chapter 147
Chapter 146
Chapter 145
Chapter 144
Chapter 143
Chapter 142
Chapter 141
Chapter 140
Chapter 139
Chapter 138
Chapter 137
Chapter 136
Chapter 135
Chapter 134
Chapter 133
Chapter 132
Chapter 131
Chapter 130
Chapter 129
Chapter 128
Chapter 127
Chapter 126
Chapter 125
Chapter 124
Chapter 123
Chapter 122
Chapter 121
Chapter 120
Chapter 119
Chapter 118
Chapter 117
Chapter 116
Chapter 115
Chapter 114
Chapter 113
Chapter 112
Chapter 111
Chapter 110
Chapter 109
Chapter 108
Chapter 107
Chapter 106
Chapter 105
Chapter 104
Chapter 103
Chapter 102
Chapter 101
Chapter 100
Chapter 99
Chapter 98
Chapter 97
Chapter 96
Chapter 95
Chapter 94
Chapter 93
Chapter 92
Chapter 91
Chapter 90
Chapter 89
Chapter 88
Chapter 87
Chapter 86
Chapter 85
Chapter 84
Chapter 83
Chapter 82
Chapter 81
Chapter 80
Chapter 79
Chapter 78
Chapter 77
Chapter 76
Chapter 75
Chapter 74
Chapter 73
Chapter 72
Chapter 71
Chapter 70
Chapter 69
Chapter 68
Chapter 67
Chapter 66
Chapter 65
Chapter 64
Chapter 62-63
Chapter 61
Chapter 60
Chapter 59
Chapter 58
Chapter 57
Chapter 55-56
Chapter 54
Chapter 53
Chapter 52
Chapter 50-51
Chapter 48-49
Chapter 46-47
Chapter 45
Chapter 43-44
Chapter 41-42
Chapter 39-40
Chapter 37-38
Chapter 36
Chapter 35
Chapter 34
Chapter 32-33
Chapter 30-31
Chapter 28-29
Chapter 26-27
Chapter 24-25
Chapter 21-23
Chapter 19-20
Chapter 17-18
Chapter 15-16
Chapter 13-14
Chapter 11-12
Chapter 9-10
Chapter 8
Chapter 7
Chapter 6
Chapter 5
Chapter 4
Chapter 3
Chapter 2
Chapter 1
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