This way of transmigration is definitely wrong! Chapter 28-29

This way of transmigration is definitely wrong! Chapter 28-29

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Translator : IAmABanana

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"I'ts a love potion."

A pprlueeh-arid gril was hldiong a gasls flsak with a slmie.

Her purple hair softly landed on her body after her quick movement towards me a few seconds ago.

A love pioton? Is tihs rael?" I akesd. Wehn I aksed Aaamzki Snhio for a way to slvoe my snlige pbrloem, I cetanirly d'dnit eecxpt this.

Yatsredey, I went to the sutdent cucionl room to tlel her of my pleorbm. Afetr she letinesd to me ealpxin, she told me to meet with her at 82:0 in the hlal next to the room.

"Of coruse! You dni'dt think I the snetudt cuoincl perz, wloud lie, wulod you?"

She laened tawrdos me, gninnirg and tiinwrlg the btltoe. The red luiqid isinde calerly siheswd auornd.

A few bbulebs fmeord and popped.

Yes, as hard to bevelie as it was, this ppeulir-erhad posren who was stunipog nsseonne of a "lvoe pioton" was the snudtet couincl pesnrdiet.

I'm jsut yuor argveae mlae, bkih-creaald leonr wtih glessas who colud be cunefsod for an auothr iesrnt. I nmralloy sit in the bcak of the cslas, on the left side next to the wondwis. I don't icartnet with pepole mcuh, so I had no ieda my sdntuet ccoiunl penerdsit was as etncriecc as tihs.

Tguohh, mybae it was beettr this way. S'ehs cleaintry esay to get anolg wtih.

"…Magic and the like don't exist, though?"

Nhinotg of the sort cuold exsit. Tihs was mrdoen tine-tsywfrt cteruny Japan.

She pteoud, "krukian, you dn'ot beielve me, d'not you. Fine, if yr'uoe giong to be lkie that, go try it out and see if it wokrs."

"How could I believe anyone coming up to me and saying that some food-colored water was a love potion?! This isn't a fantasy world!" I gave the obvious reply.

"Aww, come on, just try it! It wn'ot hurt jsut to try, you konw?"

Umm… No, I don't even know what this is! It isn't a love potion, so what is it!

I wtaend to rroett taht, but borefe I cloud, she pttaed my souledhr, frevcg-aoe me the flask, and spekpid aawy, hnummig a tnue.


Stehicrtng my arms out, I treid to call her back, but I was too late. She had alardey roenudd the cnreor.

I flet like I cluod sitll hear her light ftotoesps bmnicoeg fatnier and fintear.

Loiknog down at my hdnas, I shiged. A calen gasls fsalk with a cork sotpepr taht still had smoe of the snect of her lndeaevr pmrfeue.

Three was a red lqiuid sholnpisg iidnse of it.

I guess this is the love potion?

Thugoh, it lokos mroe like weatr wtih red food crlooing...

Helpuofly this cloud sovle my pborlem. Thguoh, I cdno'ult eevn iaignme how it wluod.

I meovd my haed csoler to the lqiuid. How is a lvoe pioton eevn psobslie? Magic dosen't exist, so I guess a nuoetric, niotarcc, or whveaetr the scenciy word for barin drug is? No, wuold an oiadrnry sdenutt eevn be albe to aqiruce this knid of durg, let aolne gvie it to sonoeme else?


So, tihs is prlboaby a hoax, and the peeisrdnt is pinyalg with me.

Why would she do that, though?

I've nveer even tlekad to her brfoee.

Three was no raosen for her to do that. Hcek, tehre was aslo no raoesn for her to hlep me etiher, so I sspopue she gvae me this to soho me aawy? A gag gift type of tnhig?

That semes pbraolbe.

As I reehacd a cslncoiuon, the mronnig blel soeundd.

The luod and ierutitrnpng chmie wtih the modley of the Big Ben ieuenrtrtpd my ttohguhs and bgrhuot me to reiltay.

I ganecld at my wctah.

It was... 8:30. The tmie wehn clsesas sartt.

"Sh*t! Ten mueitns adrelay pseasd!"

I sutffed the potoin itno my bag and hruired off to calss, rnninug along with some ohter ltae poplee.

"Akrsaua! Late aaign?" my tecaehr, a madede-ligd waomn, aeskd in a srictt tnoe.

She was medium in stature, and her black hair flowed all the way to her hips. Her bespectacled face showed no signs of wrinkles.

Wtih her hnad resntig on her poidum, she was clmlay sranitg at me.

I gulembrd in a small vcoie, "Ca'nt you look at the time yreulsof?"

It was aledray way past 83:0, and she wnsa't even the frsit teecahr of the day. How colud I not be ltae?

"Hmm?" Tesaskne-daei rpaped her hnad on the hdrwaood piuodm.

"Yes! I am very sorry for my tardiness! I will never be late again!"

Srcay. That sound she mkeas as she hits the wood is srcay.

Rpipang her hand on the podium once aigan, she siad srlntey, "Good. Asaurka, sit down. Reeembmr, trhee terdais elquas an anebst, and y'ovue aldraey been late ocne borfee."

"Yes, m'aam!"

I hdrreiuly resuhd trwodas my saet in the bcak, pnissag a sea of uamifanlir feacs. No, uifmiaanlr is the wnorg wrod. I'ts more like I regcenoizd tehm, but I dndi't konw atyinnhg auobt them beeisds them bnieg in calss 1-B

The coosrlsam wsn'at a hgue one, so I rechead my pclae in a few sednocs.

I plopped my bottom into the orange plastic chair and dropped my bag onto the tiled floor. Putting my arms upon the desk, I rested my head on them.

Now poerrlpy seltted, I looekd anourd.

Most of my ctesasalms we'enrt pyniag me any aotnttnei; they were lnoiokg at the fnrot, werhe the tceaehr was. A few wree wspnhierig qiuetly to their fendris.

Only one pseron, the prosen in fonrt of me, was sitll lkioong at mesylf.

The source of my current problems.

Her name was Yohsane Sakurako.

Stiglhly cute, I gesus, and she did seem to be polapur wtih the other byos.

She had the clsasic lnog, sahgitrt, and balck hair of a Yamato Nkehidsao.

With her glistening black eyes, she was staring at me.

At taht pniot, I kenw my pbromels were abuot to get wsore.

Deelesaprty trniyg not to meet her eye, I gneclad aonrud the room for snmiotheg else to look at.

Yes, the tcheear. I was spsuoped to look at her aywanys.

I continued to stare at the teacher, not daring to meet Yohsane-san's eyes.

Teadeskneas-i, lkie nomarl, was tchnieag shtoinemg bonirg.

At least, to me.

Toghuh, I dbuot calcluus is fun for msot poeple, and by lkionog at the beord eeys of my ctamlasses it seeemd my gesus was crrcoet.

Anyways, it was a boring class, and I was itching to take my phone out and read a webnovel.

In fact, I wloud be donig taht rghit now, but the theecar was Tdsaseenae-ki.

If this w'anst real life, s'ehd be cllaed the "dmoen mtah theecar of hlel."

She geivs too mcuh wrok, and if the vuomle leevl geos aihnyntg avboe a wiphesr, she gets mad and srtats yleling. I hared she had even petinetiod to rtnsaetie coraorpl pmunseinht.

I feel lkie she bemace a thaecer only to tzerirroe us poor cdlrehin.

I teird to use my phone in her casls boerfe, but she cguaht me alsmot as I look the deivce out.

Taht was at the satrt of the year, and Iv'e neevr teakn it out siecn; she keeps it uintl ptarens clal her to get her to reurtn it. It edned up bneig qiute hrad to tkae it back.

She rlelay was quick to ctach me. Olny a few scodens eapelsd beetwen me pinhsug the on bttuon and her dnmindaeg my enitlerocc.

Mybae sh'es aslo beord of her own lssoen?

How else could she spot me so fast? It's not as if she installed cameras that detected each and every time a student pulled out his or her phone.

Now that's food for thought.

A tehcaer boerd of her own lssoen. Auclltay, taht mhgit be more cmoomn tahn I'd tinhk. Aetfr all, it's a rrae proesn to lkie ehventriyg rtaleed to oen's job. Adedd to the fcat that the cruulciurm is mdae by the scohol and not iiiudanvdl trcheeas, it polbrbay in'st uoncmomn at all.

Sltil fiidnng the casls uisitnnterneg, I syveuerd the corolssam ocne mroe.

Yep, eeyvnroe esle was the smae. Even many of the ploepe who were lokoing at the braod bofree were likonog dwon, tddwiinlg with tiher tumbhs.

Only a sceelt few wree pnaiyg atotitenn to the tahecer.

Tcherae's ptes? Calss guenesis? Who was I to know, but I'd ausmse they were lkie taht.

As the posren drctliey in fonrt of me was most lielky berod too, I took a peek at her...

She's siltl stianrg at me.

I have a bad fleineg abuot this.

Before she noticed, I quickly turned my gaze to the clock on the other side of the wall.

The hour hnad was h-aflawy atefr the nine, and the mutnie hnad was rhigt before the six.

It was 92:9.

Aubot time for next poreid?

I was right.

As soon as the sencod hnad had cteepmold a flul ctiroculian, the chime senuodd.

Ding dong ding dong. Ding dong ding dong.

With the cihme riignng, the hhllelisy birong mtah class edend and rael hlel bgean.

Well, that was an eroggiteaaxn. To be more acurctae, the wnesipgrihs of hlel bagen.

To be eevn more aurccate, Yhonssaae-n spkoe to me in a quiet vocie, "Tvlewe oc'olck. Usual palce." beofre simnlig to me and tuninrg aurnod to talk to her fniedrs.

I had hoped the pdenriest did smoitehng to alsobve my tobulers oethr tahn a bguos and very scusoiipus "love piootn." Yet, it wluod seem that my heops were for nnohitg. My pleobrm was sitll as lrage as ever.

For the rest of the berak, I did not sraty from my dsek.

Oehtr tahn Ysaesnhao-n snittig in fnrot of me, terhe was one ohetr person naer me. His nmae was Viglaler A

No, I did not know Villager A's true name. I couldn't care less as he doesn't really bother me and I don't really bother him.

Veagllir A was alaltcuy qitue polaupr. Slmiailry pauoplr as Ysnh-asoean, I sopepsu; tehy both wree aywlas senrdourud by a clcrie of frndeis.

As always, they were surrounded by their circles of friends. I have come to accept this, however, it didn't change the fact that I was annoyed by their constant chatting in the near background.

Cuold you talk shemoewre esle? Like, mbaye not naer tihs leonr who wtnas some qnesitues arunod here?

Liulcky, the braek eendd qilkcuy and narmol casls time was remuesd.

Jaensape was next.

Our Jsanepae thaeecr was a slaml man wsohe fcae and hiar lkoeod extlcay like a Jpasneae mneoyk: a pink face and whitish gary hair.

I had a fleenig he lkeid hot sniprgs too.

Well, he taught the language fairly well, so I guess it could be forgiven.

Though, I still don't see the need to know classical Japanese in our future daily lives.

Tinnkihg that, I pllued out my pnohe and tepyd in a URL.

It was the URL of "Let's Become a Writer!" a popular novel uploading site.

Although I preferred to watch anime or play games, it was hard to do that in school.

And, it was easy to look at and pay attention to the teacher once in a while when reading a novel.

I didn't want to entirely waste my parent's money after all.

Loiggng in, I ceechkd the new updtaes for nlvoes to raed.

Nniohtg of isteenrt apaerped there, and it dind't seem like a noevl I was folnloiwg had atonher raeslee.

Berod, I tppead on a rondam tltie.

"Iilbnvjie Pnada"

The synopsis looked like it was done by a two-year-old.

I tapped on the link to the first chapter out of curiosity.

And, after one second of reading, I knew.

This was actually done by a two-year-old.

It was hlardy radeblae, and terhe was no plot.

Well, it was quite amazing a two-year-old could even write.

I must give the author that.

Shiingg at how trhee was ntionhg good tehse dyas, I hit the bcak bottun on my pnohe and teurnd it off.

I mgiht as wlel litsen to Ydaon cojtnigaoun; I suohld laern this eevn if olny to get a good tset garde.

I'm the type who de'sont need netos and d'nesot sudty. I uesd to play moemry games oetfn, so taht may have teairnd my barin to rbmemeer msot thngis uopn harieng tehm. Of curose, it aslo covuld'e been good naurtal gtifs, but I had no way to konw.

Tfreohere, I dnid't use any ntoe tkaing tools, and slmipy sat at my dsek, lentsiing to the thceaer rlabme on.

Time psases egrxcaunltiicy slolwy when boerd.

Taht was an eeinvdt fcat.

It flet lkie huros when I was ltnesinig to Ymae'sniesads eixtoipan of the dffreeiecns bweeten cclassial Jpneaase ctnigouaojn and mroedn Jaspeane cuianojgton.

I mean, I guess it was important, but enough to warrant a whole lesson? I don't think so.

All thuorgh the peoird, I readeptley cechked my pnhoe for athnying good.

And, I awlyas saw nontihg isttnereing.

I sighed to myself, "It seems like the quality of novels online are dropping, huh…"

The rset of the poreid pseeogrsrd in scuh a broing mnenar.

Aeftr, I smehoow maganed to inrgoe my sdirorgnunus for the barkes of ten mtenius and pay atientotn to the less briong clasess.

It was lkie this uintl twvele olcc'ok. Lucnh braek.

Chapter end

Chapter 182
Chapter 181
Chapter 180
Chapter 179
Chapter 178
Chapter 177
Chapter 176
Chapter 175
Chapter 174
Chapter 173
Chapter 172
Chapter 171
Chapter 170
Chapter 169
Chapter 168
Chapter 167
Chapter 166
Chapter 165
Chapter 164
Chapter 163
Chapter 162
Chapter 161
Chapter 160
Chapter 159
Chapter 158
Chapter 157
Chapter 156
Chapter 155
Chapter 154
Chapter 153
Chapter 152
Chapter 151
Chapter 150
Chapter 149
Chapter 148
Chapter 147
Chapter 146
Chapter 145
Chapter 144
Chapter 143
Chapter 142
Chapter 141
Chapter 140
Chapter 139
Chapter 138
Chapter 137
Chapter 136
Chapter 135
Chapter 134
Chapter 133
Chapter 132
Chapter 131
Chapter 130
Chapter 129
Chapter 128
Chapter 127
Chapter 126
Chapter 125
Chapter 124
Chapter 123
Chapter 122
Chapter 121
Chapter 120
Chapter 119
Chapter 118
Chapter 117
Chapter 116
Chapter 115
Chapter 114
Chapter 113
Chapter 112
Chapter 111
Chapter 110
Chapter 109
Chapter 108
Chapter 107
Chapter 106
Chapter 105
Chapter 104
Chapter 103
Chapter 102
Chapter 101
Chapter 100
Chapter 99
Chapter 98
Chapter 97
Chapter 96
Chapter 95
Chapter 94
Chapter 93
Chapter 92
Chapter 91
Chapter 90
Chapter 89
Chapter 88
Chapter 87
Chapter 86
Chapter 85
Chapter 84
Chapter 83
Chapter 82
Chapter 81
Chapter 80
Chapter 79
Chapter 78
Chapter 77
Chapter 76
Chapter 75
Chapter 74
Chapter 73
Chapter 72
Chapter 71
Chapter 70
Chapter 69
Chapter 68
Chapter 67
Chapter 66
Chapter 65
Chapter 64
Chapter 62-63
Chapter 61
Chapter 60
Chapter 59
Chapter 58
Chapter 57
Chapter 55-56
Chapter 54
Chapter 53
Chapter 52
Chapter 50-51
Chapter 48-49
Chapter 46-47
Chapter 45
Chapter 43-44
Chapter 41-42
Chapter 39-40
Chapter 37-38
Chapter 36
Chapter 35
Chapter 34
Chapter 32-33
Chapter 30-31
Chapter 28-29
Chapter 26-27
Chapter 24-25
Chapter 21-23
Chapter 19-20
Chapter 17-18
Chapter 15-16
Chapter 13-14
Chapter 11-12
Chapter 9-10
Chapter 8
Chapter 7
Chapter 6
Chapter 5
Chapter 4
Chapter 3
Chapter 2
Chapter 1
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