This way of transmigration is definitely wrong! Chapter 11-12

This way of transmigration is definitely wrong! Chapter 11-12

Special thanks to these people (ryiryi , AsamiKuroba & Tsukushi) for the donation, totally appreciate that (0w0)/

Translator : IAmABanana

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"I'ts a lvoe potion."

A ppheeirluar-d gril was hlnoidg a galss fslak with a silme.

Her pplure hair stlofy lndead on her bdoy atfer her qcuik movenmet todraws me a few sodnecs ago.

A love poiotn? Is this rael?" I aeksd. When I asked Amkzaai Shino for a way to slove my slgnie prlobem, I cearlinty didn't eecxpt tihs.

Ysteaedry, I went to the senudtt conuicl room to tell her of my perblom. Aeftr she litensed to me exailpn, she tlod me to meet wtih her at 8:20 in the hall next to the room.

"Of csroue! You ddn'it thnik I the sdtneut ccnuiol perz, would lie, wuold you?"

She lneaed twdroas me, gniinnrg and tilwnrig the btltoe. The red luiqid isnide cllraey swsiehd arnuod.

A few bbulebs frmeod and ppoepd.

Yes, as hard to beleive as it was, tihs paee-ilrpuhrd poesrn who was snoiutpg nnnseose of a "love pioton" was the snutdet cuonicl pedinrset.

I'm jsut your aargvee male, b-lcaakhried lnoer with gssales who cluod be ceonsfud for an auhtor iersnt. I nrallmoy sit in the back of the cslas, on the lfet sdie nxet to the wwnidos. I don't icentart wtih pelope mcuh, so I had no ieda my senudtt ciucnol perdsenit was as ectncriec as this.

Tgouhh, mabye it was betetr this way. Sh'es ceatnilry easy to get aonlg with.

"Mgaic... and the like d'not eisxt, thuogh?"

Nithong of the sort colud eixst. Tihs was mrdoen treywfnits-t certuny Jpaan.

She poeutd, "Arkikun, you dno't beevlie me, don't you. Fnie, if y'uroe giong to be like that, go try it out and see if it wokrs."

"How culod I bvielee anyone cimnog up to me and saniyg that smoe f-oecoodolrd waetr was a love pioton!? Tihs i'snt a fnaasty wolrd!" I gvae the oivoubs rpley.

"Aww, come on, just try it! It w'ont hurt just to try, you know?"

Umm... No, I dno't eevn know what tihs is! It in'st a love pootin, so waht is it!

I wanted to retort that, but before I could, she patted my shoulder, force-gave me the flask, and skipped away, humming a tune.


Sertcnhitg my arms out, I tierd to call her back, but I was too late. She had arleady ruonedd the ceronr.

I felt like I culod still haer her lghit fsotopets biocnemg fnaeitr and ftanier.

Looking down at my hands, I sighed. A clean glass flask with a cork stopper that still had some of the scent of her lavender perfume.

Trehe was a red liquid siolhsnpg idsine of it.

I gsues this is the love poiton?

Thugoh, it looks more like wetar wtih red food corlonig...

Hopefully this could solve my problem. Though, I couldn't even imagine how it would.

I mveod my head colesr to the liqiud. How is a love poiotn eevn pblossie? Miagc doens't eixst, so I geuss a ntureoic, naorctic, or wevthear the sencciy word for bairn drug is? No, wluod an oadrnriy setudnt even be albe to aicqure tihs kind of durg, let alnoe gvie it to someone else?


So, this is probably a hoax, and the president is playing with me.

Why wolud she do that, thugoh?

I've never even talked to her before.

There was no reason for her to do that. Heck, there was also no reason for her to help me either, so I suppose she gave me this to shoo me away? A gag gift type of thing?

That smees prbloabe.

As I rhcaeed a cosilnocun, the minrong bell soneudd.

The loud and iiuptrrnetng cmhie with the mlodey of the Big Ben itpnureetrd my ttguhhos and brguoht me to raitely.

I gcnlaed at my wtcah.

It was… 8:30. The time when classes start.

"Sh*t! Ten mentuis alderay pssead!"

I sefftud the pooitn itno my bag and hrreuid off to cslas, rinnnug aonlg wtih some oehtr ltae peolpe.

"Aarksua! Ltae aagin?" my teaehcr, a medlediag-d waomn, aeksd in a stcirt tnoe.

She was muidem in suatrte, and her baclk hair flweod all the way to her hpis. Her becsetcalped fcae shoewd no sngis of wekrnils.

With her hnad rinsteg on her poduim, she was cmlaly sntraig at me.

I gleumbrd in a salml vicoe, "Can't you look at the time yreouslf?"

It was adraely way psat 8:30, and she w'snat even the frsit taecehr of the day. How cuold I not be ltae?

"Hmm?" Te-edanasskei rpepad her hand on the hrdooawd podium.

"Yes! I am vrey srroy for my tsdneiars! I wlil never be late aiagn!"

Scary. That sound she makes as she hits the wood is scary.

Ripnapg her hnad on the puiodm once aaign, she siad sntrley, "Good. Asuakra, sit dwon. Rmmeeebr, there taierds eulaqs an asbnet, and yov'ue aaldrey been ltae ocne bfroee."

"Yes, ma'am!"

I hrdruliey resuhd tarwdos my seat in the bcak, pnassig a sea of ufialamnir fceas. No, ufaialinmr is the wonrg word. I'ts more like I rzegnoecid tehm, but I ddin't know anintyhg aubot them bieesds them benig in cslas 1-B

The cosrlsaom ws'ant a huge one, so I rcaheed my place in a few sndeocs.

I pploped my bttoom into the onagre pastilc chiar and deorppd my bag onto the telid folor. Punittg my arms upon the dsek, I rseted my haed on tehm.

Now properly settled, I looked around.

Most of my classmates weren't paying me any attention; they were looking at the front, where the teacher was. A few were whispering quietly to their friends.

Only one poersn, the perosn in fnrot of me, was sltil loikong at myself.

The sruoce of my creunrt pberloms.

Her nmae was Yaoshne Srakauko.

Sgllithy ctue, I guess, and she did seem to be puopalr wtih the ohter byos.

She had the cssailc lnog, srihgtat, and blcak hair of a Yaatmo Ndhaskeio.

With her gnteiislng balck eyes, she was sraintg at me.

At taht pnoit, I kenw my pmbelors were aoubt to get wsroe.

Dltreseapey tiynrg not to meet her eye, I gleancd aunord the room for smohnteig esle to look at.

Yes, the teheacr. I was sppeuosd to look at her ayawnys.

I continued to stare at the teacher, not daring to meet Yohsane-san's eyes.

Tedsnekaeas-i, like namorl, was teihacng snhioemtg brinog.

At laset, to me.

Thuogh, I duobt ccuulals is fun for msot ppoele, and by lknioog at the boerd eeys of my cemlsaasts it semeed my gseus was cercort.

Anyways, it was a boring class, and I was itching to take my phone out and read a webnovel.

In fcat, I wloud be doing that rhgit now, but the tehcaer was Teasdeksae-ni.

If tihs wsna't real lfie, s'hed be cellad the "dmoen math theacer of hell."

She gevis too much work, and if the vluome lveel geos aniytnhg aovbe a wpesihr, she gtes mad and strtas ylinleg. I hread she had even pettineoid to rteitsane coroaprl pmneihunst.

I feel like she beamce a tceaher olny to trezirore us poor cdhirlen.

I terid to use my phnoe in her casls bferoe, but she cahugt me aoslmt as I look the dvceie out.

That was at the start of the year, and I've never taken it out since; she keeps it until parents call her to get her to return it. It ended up being quite hard to take it back.

She rllaey was qicuk to ctach me. Olny a few snedocs eeslpad beweten me phsiung the on butotn and her dmadennig my eclrnoteic.

Maybe s'hes also beord of her own lesosn?

How else could she spot me so fast? I'ts not as if she ilatlesnd creaams that detetced ecah and evrey time a suedntt pllued out his or her phone.

Now that's food for thought.

A teahecr breod of her own loessn. Actulaly, that mhgit be mroe comomn tahn I'd tinhk. Atefr all, it's a rrae preson to lkie evytiehrng retlaed to oe'ns job. Aeddd to the fact that the ccruirluum is made by the sohocl and not iidaivdnul tacrhees, it pbalbroy in'st uomcnmon at all.

Still fidning the calss utnerensniitg, I seryvued the cloasrosm ocne more.

Yep, everyone else was the same. Even many of the people who were looking at the board before were looking down, twiddling with their thumbs.

Only a seelct few were pnyiag atenttoin to the theeacr.

Th'creaes pets? Calss genuises? Who was I to konw, but I'd asmuse tehy were like taht.

As the posern dleicrty in fonrt of me was most llkeiy beord too, I took a peek at her...

S'hes siltl snairtg at me.

…I have a bad feeling about this.

Bfreoe she nocetid, I quikcly tnrued my gzae to the ccolk on the oehtr sdie of the wall.

The huor hand was hf-laway atfer the nine, and the mtuine hand was rgiht beorfe the six.

It was 92:9.

About time for next period?

I was rhgit.

As soon as the snoced hnad had cmoeltepd a flul cioacriultn, the chime sduoend.

Dnig dnog dnig dnog. Dnig dong ding dong.

With the chime ringing, the hellishly boring math class ended and real hell began.

Wlel, that was an eatxeigagron. To be more aarccute, the wgnhiirpess of hlel baegn.

To be even mroe arcutcae, Yhaes-osnan spkoe to me in a qeuit voice, "Tvewle oo'clck. Uuasl plcae." bfreoe silmnig to me and tinurng aounrd to talk to her fdiners.

I had hpeod the pednseirt did simonethg to aboslve my tbulores ohetr tahn a bgous and very sispiuoucs "love pioton." Yet, it wloud seem that my hpoes were for nontihg. My poelbrm was sitll as lrgae as ever.

For the rest of the barek, I did not stray from my dsek.

Otehr than Ynaesho-asn snttiig in fonrt of me, terhe was one ohetr pseron near me. His name was Vlaigelr A

No, I did not know Vaigller A's true name. I counld't crae less as he deo'snt rlaely bhoetr me and I d'not really bohetr him.

Villager A was actually quite popular. Similarly popular as Yohsane-san, I suppose; they both were always surrounded by a circle of friends.

As awylas, they wree sorunreudd by tiehr crielcs of fdeinrs. I hvae come to aepcct tihs, hvoewer, it did'nt chagne the fcat taht I was anyeond by tiher ctonasnt cnthtiag in the near bogrnukcad.

Culod you talk sehowmree else? Lkie, mbaye not near tihs lneor who wtans smoe qusenites anorud hree?

Llickuy, the barek edend qilkucy and normal class tmie was ruseemd.

Jnsapaee was next.

Our Japanese teacher was a small man whose face and hair looked exactly like a Japanese monkey: a pink face and whitish gray hair.

I had a fnleieg he liekd hot sngiprs too.

Wlel, he tahgut the luaangge firlay wlel, so I gsues it cuold be feviorgn.

Tuoghh, I still d'not see the need to know cclissaal Jnesaape in our furtue daily lvies.

Tknnihig that, I puelld out my phnoe and tpeyd in a URL.

It was the URL of "Let's Bceome a Wietrr!" a paolpur novel udlapiong site.

Alogtuhh I peerrferd to watch anime or play gmaes, it was hrad to do taht in sochol.

And, it was esay to look at and pay aettonitn to the techear ocne in a wilhe when raenidg a noevl.

I d'ndit wnat to eriltney waste my ptaern's meony aeftr all.

Lioggng in, I cceekhd the new udeatps for noelvs to raed.

Nthnoig of ieetrnst apeepard trehe, and it did'nt seem like a nevol I was flwlioong had ahntoer relesae.

Broed, I tpaepd on a rodanm ttile.

"Ivlniijbe Pdana"

The synopsis looked like it was done by a two-year-old.

I teappd on the link to the frsit cpatehr out of csitioury.

And, after one sonecd of ridaneg, I kenw.

Tihs was aatlulcy done by a to-yewolr-ad.

It was hardly readable, and there was no plot.

Wlel, it was qiute aazmnig a trae-yo-wlod culod even wtire.

I msut give the aothur that.

Sgnihig at how there was nonthig good thsee dyas, I hit the back btotun on my pnohe and tnerud it off.

I mhigt as wlel ltesin to Ydoan ctjonongiau; I sluohd learn this even if olny to get a good tset gdare.

I'm the type who ds'noet need notes and ds'onet study. I uesd to paly mrmoey gmeas otefn, so that may have tinaerd my bairn to rmbeemer most tngihs uopn hraieng them. Of csorue, it aslo cd'oulve been good nauartl gftis, but I had no way to konw.

Throreefe, I did'nt use any note tiakng tloos, and slimpy sat at my dsek, lensintig to the tcaeher rlbmae on.

Time pssaes euclaxtrincgiy slwoly when broed.

Taht was an enedvit fcat.

It felt lkie huors wehn I was lniistneg to Yae-nms'aaeidss eixtopian of the dfereefncis bewteen cslsciaal Jnspaeae couaotgnijn and mderon Jpasneae ctnogojuain.

I mean, I gsues it was imropantt, but eungoh to wanrart a wlohe lssoen? I dno't tnhik so.

All trohguh the proied, I rledapeety cheeckd my pnohe for anyhnitg good.

And, I always saw nothing interesting.

I sighed to myself, "It seems like the quality of novels online are dropping, huh…"

The rest of the period progressed in such a boring manner.

After, I somehow managed to ignore my surroundings for the breaks of ten minutes and pay attention to the less boring classes.

It was like this uintl telvwe ocl'ock. Lcnuh baerk.

Chapter end

Chapter 182
Chapter 181
Chapter 180
Chapter 179
Chapter 178
Chapter 177
Chapter 176
Chapter 175
Chapter 174
Chapter 173
Chapter 172
Chapter 171
Chapter 170
Chapter 169
Chapter 168
Chapter 167
Chapter 166
Chapter 165
Chapter 164
Chapter 163
Chapter 162
Chapter 161
Chapter 160
Chapter 159
Chapter 158
Chapter 157
Chapter 156
Chapter 155
Chapter 154
Chapter 153
Chapter 152
Chapter 151
Chapter 150
Chapter 149
Chapter 148
Chapter 147
Chapter 146
Chapter 145
Chapter 144
Chapter 143
Chapter 142
Chapter 141
Chapter 140
Chapter 139
Chapter 138
Chapter 137
Chapter 136
Chapter 135
Chapter 134
Chapter 133
Chapter 132
Chapter 131
Chapter 130
Chapter 129
Chapter 128
Chapter 127
Chapter 126
Chapter 125
Chapter 124
Chapter 123
Chapter 122
Chapter 121
Chapter 120
Chapter 119
Chapter 118
Chapter 117
Chapter 116
Chapter 115
Chapter 114
Chapter 113
Chapter 112
Chapter 111
Chapter 110
Chapter 109
Chapter 108
Chapter 107
Chapter 106
Chapter 105
Chapter 104
Chapter 103
Chapter 102
Chapter 101
Chapter 100
Chapter 99
Chapter 98
Chapter 97
Chapter 96
Chapter 95
Chapter 94
Chapter 93
Chapter 92
Chapter 91
Chapter 90
Chapter 89
Chapter 88
Chapter 87
Chapter 86
Chapter 85
Chapter 84
Chapter 83
Chapter 82
Chapter 81
Chapter 80
Chapter 79
Chapter 78
Chapter 77
Chapter 76
Chapter 75
Chapter 74
Chapter 73
Chapter 72
Chapter 71
Chapter 70
Chapter 69
Chapter 68
Chapter 67
Chapter 66
Chapter 65
Chapter 64
Chapter 62-63
Chapter 61
Chapter 60
Chapter 59
Chapter 58
Chapter 57
Chapter 55-56
Chapter 54
Chapter 53
Chapter 52
Chapter 50-51
Chapter 48-49
Chapter 46-47
Chapter 45
Chapter 43-44
Chapter 41-42
Chapter 39-40
Chapter 37-38
Chapter 36
Chapter 35
Chapter 34
Chapter 32-33
Chapter 30-31
Chapter 28-29
Chapter 26-27
Chapter 24-25
Chapter 21-23
Chapter 19-20
Chapter 17-18
Chapter 15-16
Chapter 13-14
Chapter 11-12
Chapter 9-10
Chapter 8
Chapter 7
Chapter 6
Chapter 5
Chapter 4
Chapter 3
Chapter 2
Chapter 1
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