The Second Coming of Gluttony Chapter 61

The Second Coming of Gluttony Chapter 61

Seol Jihu stared at the march of hundreds of beasts as they kicked up a mighty dust storm on the rugged terrain.


Ian raised his hand and waved it while shouting out. Someone from the march also raised a hand as if to reply back. When that happened, the cavalry slowly decreased their ground-shaking march.

A beast boasting the greatest size among them approached the location where the expedition team was. Shortly thereafter, the beast stopped in front of Ian.

When the rider pulled on the reins hard, the horse-like creature growled and reared on its hind legs.

"I didn't expect you to arrive before us, Ian."

A voice that sounded light and energetic but also refined rang out from the top of the beast.

Ian replied with a short bow and a smile.

"What gentleman would dare to be tardy when invited by Princess Teresa Hussey?"

"Thank you for your kind words. I was worried that you might ignore the invitation."

Teresa smiled before turning her shapely chin away to shout at her men.

"We will take a short break here! With the exception of the soldiers entering the Arden Valley, the rest will immediately prepare to return to Haramark with the carriages and the Horuses!!"

Instantly, lots of activity broke out behind her.

Ian slowly rubbed his beard.

"But isn't there a road leading to the fortress? By riding on Horuses, we should get there much faster compared to running on foot."

"Well, the communication with the sentries posted on the road to the fortress has been cut off as well."

Teresa replied in a clear voice and elegantly dismounted from her Horus. When her feet landed on the ground, a loud metallic clank resounded out.

"Which means…."

"It's obvious. The sentry posts have been lost already. And we don't know if there's an ambush lying in wait for us. Rather than taking on the risk, it'll be better to climb up the Dawn Peak to survey the situation first."

Ian nodded his head as if he understood her intention.

With a fatigued look on her face, Teresa Hussey scanned her surroundings, and upon finding the team of Carpe Diem silently standing to the side, she winked at them.

"Been a while, Dylan, Chohong, Hugo."

Dylan bowed slightly to greet her, while Hugo raised his hand and waved it. A cold aura was oozing out of Chohong as she deliberately avoided the princess's gaze.

Next up, Teresa's disinterested gaze shifted over to an unknown young man staring back at her; he kind of looked dazed at the moment.

"….And this gentleman here is?"

"He's an Earthling that graduated from the Neutral Zone during March this year. He's a comrade who participated in the scouting of the Forest of Denial with us."

"Oh…. Wait a minute? Hold on. If you're talking about this year, then he's only Level 1?"

Without realising it himself, Dylan took a look at Seol Jihu. And then, didn't open his mouth anymore.

The youth was simply staring, utterly dumbstruck… at the beautiful woman and her pale smooth skin that seemed to have shunned sunlight until now.

Suddenly, there was a gust of wind.

As she was not wearing a helm, Teresa's hair flowing down to her shoulders like a waterfall danced in the air. Her pale pink-colored hair playfully wavered about, scattering reddish-golden sparkles around at the same time.

When Seol Jihu gazed into her deep, profound eyes that were seemingly carved out from the Pink Star diamond and emitted the same golden hue like her hair, he was finally able to regain his senses.

Sunlight reflected off her marvelous silvery-platinum armor, making it hard to keep his eyes open.

Seol Jihu placed his hand on his chest.

Thump, thump - his heart was beating wildly.

‘But why?'

He failed to hide his flustered state.

The moment he saw her, he was captured by an unexplainable emotion. Although it didn't violently rampage about in his head, he was overcome with this inexplicable sense of deja vu.

'….Right. Must be….'

"Argh! Let's chat after we sit down first. I haven't caught a wink of sleep for the past two days, so…. Ouch, even my butt hurts."

Teresa tore her gaze away from him with ‘Oops!', and as if she was performing a light exercise routine, she began to turn and loosen her lower half. Then, after finding a boulder with the right size, she strode there and plopped down on it.

She even beckoned others to come and join her.

Ian opened his mouth first.

"It is truly praiseworthy that you have set off as soon as possible with a contingent of elite troops, but the Parasites have been making a mockery out of our expectations every time. If they are using radio wave interference to block the communication, then we do need to hurry, but you must consider the possibility that the fortress has already fallen."

"I know that. That's why we're climbing up the Dawn Peak first."

"In that case, I shall follow. However, what are your plans if it's the latter situation?"

"You mean, if the fortress has fallen already? Just thinking about such a dogshit situation… Cough, cough!! Argh, goddamn it!"

Kaahk, ptooi!!

Teresa's rather beautiful eyes suddenly narrowed to a slit; she roughly spat on the ground before taking several large gulps of water from a bottle.

"Oops, excuse me. My throat was hurting a little, what with riding hard and fast on this dry desert sand."

Teresa covered her mouth ‘primly' and grinned brightly. Others didn't mind that at all, but Seol Jihu's face looked as if he was struck dumb by a huge culture shock.

‘The hell…'

Her outer appearance of a dignified knight was straight out of an old-school fantasy epic, yet the way she acted was straight out of those backstreet hooligans.

‘Is this what he meant?'

Seol Jihu recalled what Ian had said not too long ago and told himself that he should try to be more understanding.

Well, going by the examples of both Maria and Chohong, he should be able to get used to this too.

"In that case, we go back home. What else can we do? However, I think the possibility of the fortress falling to their hands is very low. The Arden Fortress is a heaven-defying defensive structure. Simply by utilizing the surrounding topography well, the fortress's personnel can defend against an army several times bigger in size."

"Che, it's not even finished, you know."

"Well, it's almost finished, you know."

When Chohong spoke up in an icy voice, Teresa eloquently returned the volley. Then, she crossed her arms and frowned slightly.

"However, something just doesn't add up. I definitely had lots of sentries stationed all over the place, so how did the enemy manage to ambush us…?"

"I have something to report in that regard."

Ian informed her in a swift but well-organised fashion on the result of the scouting of the Forest of Denial. Teresa's eyes narrowed to a fine slit when they got to the part about the ambush of Lioners.

"That's impossible. How could the bastards calling the mountains on the other side their home enter there?"

"If I were to offer up an opinion, then I believe they were chased away."

"Chased away?"

Teresa quickly let out "Ah!" after that.

"That certainly does make sense. Sensing the presence of the scouts, the Parasites traversed through the mountainside next to the forest, and the Lioners ended up running away towards the Forest of Denial after sensing the approaching danger…. Damn it. I should've commissioned the scouting of that damn forest sooner."

"And also…."
Ian then made a short report regarding the demise of Samuel's and Kahn's teams. Teresa hid her face while sounding deeply unhappy.

"Screw this. Losing Vanessa already hurt like hell, but now, Kahn's and Samuel's teams are all annihilated…..? Now of all when every High Ranker is important?"

"I understand your concern, but the current situation is far too urgent. Right now, the soldiers of the Arden Fortress could be locked in a bitter battle of attrition, believing only in the timely arrival of the kingdom's support."

Teresa wordlessly nodded her head. She let out a soft groan and rubbed her cheeks before shifting her gaze over to Dylan.

One of the reasons the army decided to stop here, even though the situation was urgent, was to take a short break. But, there was also another much more important reason as well.

"Whew…. Dylan, what are your thoughts?"

Dylan quietly waited for her to finish.

"I'm well aware that you're tired from the scouting of the Forest of Denial. However, I'd feel a lot more reassured with a trustworthy Arch Shooter and two experienced warriors watching my back."

She extended an invitation while sneakily raising the evaluation of the other party. However, Dylan remained impassive as he opened his mouth.

"How many Earthlings heeded the recruitment call?"

"….Not even 100."

"Surely, you should know the exact number of them."

"It's 68. 12 Level 4s, 56 Level 3s. Ian is the sole Magician, while we have four Priests."

"That's far too few."

As soon as Dylan displayed signs of doubt, Teresa squeezed her eyes shut.

Chohong snorted loudly.

"Of course there are only a few. Aren't these the consequences of your actions?"


Chohong had been waiting for this moment, so when Teresa curtly replied back, she went on a full-on snide attack.

"You know what I'm talking about. You forcibly got this thing off the ground, so we all thought you had the confidence to take care of stuff by yourselves. From what I hear, not one answered your draft notice, right?"

"If you really thought like that, I'm disappointed."

Teresa shot back in a tone of voice that said, "How can you even say such things?"

"How many times do we need to say it before you finally understand? This is something we simply had to do. Once completed, we'll have ourselves a sturdy fortress that will encompass the entire mountain range."

"Give me a break. You honestly thought the Parasites would sit by and let that happen? Look, they came invading already! Why did you have to poke a…..?"

"But that's not such a bad thing."

Teresa cut Chohong off there.


"At a bare minimum, we'd be helping indirectly."

"And we'd be helping who now?"

"Who do you think it is? The Federation, obviously."

Chohong formed a dumbfounded expression.

"I can't even bring myself to call you a thick-headed idiot. Have you forgotten the fact that the core of the Federation is actually made up of those foreign races that invaded Paradise in the first place?"

"Of course I remember. I fought them off several times myself."

Teresa nonchalantly replied and began her explanation.

"Currently, the warfare between the Federation and the Parasites are getting far more intense."

"I know that."

"I acknowledge my oversight in failing to consider the possibility of the Parasites traversing through the rugged, hostile terrain of the neighboring mountain range. However, it is undeniable that we managed to draw their attention away by building a fortress there. And they even attacked us, too."

"Oh, so you wanna split their focus, is it?"

"That's right. The Federation has been expending all of their military might to fight the Parasites, but with us doing this, they should be feeling less pressured now. Of course, it'd be no more than splashing a couple of cups of water on the bonfire, though."

"Oh boy~. You must be feeling pretty comfy with your life now? Worrying about the folks over at the Federation and all."

"You shouldn't take this issue so lightly like that."

Ian cautiously offered his opinion, having been quietly listening to the tit-for-tat between the two ladies.

"I don't know what your thoughts are, but I wholeheartedly agree with the princess's opinion."

Ian slowly stroked his salt-and-pepper beard and continued on.

"Once upon a time, the Beastmen Alliance boasted the second greatest power in this land, but eventually, they couldn't withstand the Parasites' offensive and ended up being destroyed. Meanwhile, we humans stood by the side and did nothing. The end result was that only a few remnants of the formerly-glorious Beastmen survived and they had to enter the Federation in order to survive."

"And a result of that, the battlefront we have to deal with doubled. Not to mention, the Parasite army grew even stronger after preying on the corpses of the Beastmen."

Teresa wrapped the strand of her attractive hair around her index finger while muttering out helplessly. Ian, too, looked rather bitter about that.

"You all heard about the Cave Fairies joining the Federation recently. To be more specific, they have entered the Federation that the Sky Fairies have entered first."

Now that Seol Jihu thought about it, he could just about recall Dylan and Ian discussing that very matter earlier.

"Those two might have come from the same ancestors, sure. The important point here is that these two opposing forces that had been at constant loggerheads with each other for centuries - nay, millenniums - are joining hands. I want you to think carefully about how pressed and desperate the Federation must have been for such a situation to occur."

Seol Jihu listened to those words and quietly agreed with them.

It was just like the proverb, 'without lips the teeth will feel cold'. Right now, the humans and the Federation were in a similar relationship of interdependence.

‘It makes sense.'

It was a simple enough story.

What if they stood by the sidelines once more sucking on thumbs and doing nothing as the Federation fell?

"Listen to me. If us royals really wished to do whatever we wanted, then we would have tried to invade the Parasite's territory. After all, that would make it clear whose side we are in. But that's not what we did. We're simply building a fortress. As long as that is completed, we'd have ourselves a trustworthy fortress to rely on."

Teresa suddenly began pleading with the group, sounding rather earnest now.

Chohong hmphed and turned her head away, but she kept her mouth shut as if she couldn't think of anything clever to say.

"That's why, please aid us. You already know this. Even though I'm a High Ranker, Earthlings don't respond well to directives issued by the royal families."


"Dylan, not only are you a High Ranker, but you're also the leader of the famed Carpe Diem. I believe you'll be able to control them."

"I must think about my comrades first. We were supposed to be returning to Haramark, but this…. Moreover, this friend here is still only a Level 1."

When Dylan pointed at Seol Jihu, Teresa shook her head.

"I'm not that much of a shameless and brazen bitch. I'll have him return alongside the carriages and Horuses."


"Dylan~ You can earn experience points from the battles, and you'll also earn lots of achievement points by participating in the war. Since the royal family will also give out suitable rewards, it will be like killing three birds with one stone. What is there to even think about? We've never short-changed you when it came to rewards, haven't we?"

Teresa spoke while folding her thumb, index, and middle finger one at a time. Even then, Dylan didn't show a single trace of being convinced. She let out a long sigh and raised her head to the sky.

It was a bit out of nowhere, but Seol Jihu found her deer-like neckline quite pretty and rather pale to the view.

A short while later, Teresa spoke in a powerless voice.

"….I understand. I won't ask you for anything excessive. I promise. I won't rashly order you to start fighting, so please, safeguard Ian if nothing else."

"We can do that."

Finally, Dylan agreed.

As if everyone was waiting for that…

Hugo's mouth opened and closed several times, and as for Chohong, she did look wholly unsatisfied but still, didn't say anything. It seemed that Dylan did indeed have a chat with those two earlier.

"Thank you."

As if she was relieved by this, Teresa expressed her gratitude in a soft voice and eventually, pushed herself up rather lethargically.

"We'll set off again in five minutes. I wish we could rest for a bit longer, but the situation remains too urgent, you see. Please forgive me."

She then walked away.

Seol Jihu watched her departing back as she strode forward, and activated ‘Nine Eyes'.

"Seol, now that the situation has come down to this, I'd like to ask you for an important favor."

Dylan suddenly spoke to the youth.

"A favor?"

"Mm. We'd be grateful if you returned to Haramark and safely guarded our loot. Until we return, of course."

Ian revealed a toothy grin. It was a clear sign that Dylan was looking after the youth. But then, Seol Jihu looked behind him again at the distant back of the princess.


"I'd like to go with you."


Dylan refused right away.

"If you are thinking of your loyalty to the team or about your feelings, then let me tell you this, you've done more than enough already. You're a Level 1. There's no need for you to participate in a war yet."

"Am I going to be a hindrance by going there with you?"

Was that an unexpected question for them?

Dylan quickly waved his hand.

"Not at all. You even managed to stand your ground against a female Lioner whose strength should have exceeded a Level 4 Warrior. Never mind your skills, that kind of balls means that you'll be helpful in any situation."

"That's a relief. In that case, let me go with you."

"Look at this kid. Hey, are you saying that for real?"

At Chohong's question, Seol Jihu simply nodded his head.

"Whether I want to or not, I'm bound to get involved in the war anyway. I figured that it wouldn't be so bad to experience it first-hand here."

Of course, that was just the surface explanation. There was another reason Seol Jihu wanted to participate in the war.

Teresa Hussey, the person he felt an unknown but powerful attraction from the moment he saw her. He was curious about the reason for this.

He even thought that, were he to let her slip through his fingers here, then he'd never find another opportunity to see her again.

In other words, he was moving according to his emotions.

"Mm…. If that's what you want, I won't try to stop you. Looks like we'll have to add one more person to the list of those we protect."

"You know, you shouldn't be acting like this already."

Dylan shrugged his shoulders and spoke, while Chohong massaged her forehead as if she had given up now.

"I'm grateful about you guys wanting to protect me, but doesn't that mean I gotta pay you guys something?"

"Not at all. We still haven't even paid you back for the rest of the change, yet."

Dylan chuckled gently.

Whatever the case may be, this youth was an Earthling that saved their lives a few times already back in the Forest of Denial. For some reason, he made others hold high expectations of him.

"This is why I like you so much, Seol!"

Hugo suddenly pounced on him.

Seol Jihu did his best to push the bald and muscular black dude away from him and looked back at Teresa once more.

His ‘Nine Eyes' did not see a color on her.

The expedition joined up with the reinforcements led by Teresa Hussey and immediately set off towards the Arden Valley.

Although it was already expected to some degree, the path leading to the Dawn Peak was an arduous one to take, with boulders and jutting rocks of varying sizes strewn about everywhere.

Not to forget, they were marching forward at a breakneck pace, so cases of Priests falling behind occurred as well. Of course, that didn't mean the army would abandon them and continue on, so the warriors had to go back and give them a piggy-back ride.

Before long, the sun was about to dip below the horizon; the fading twilight drew shadows, big and small, on several places of the steep ridge.

While being carried on Hugo's back, Ian was tirelessly manipulating the communication crystal to get in touch with the fortress.

For a time, these communication crystals played the strategically important role of swiftly transmitting the unfolding situation to elsewhere. But that was only until the Parasite Queen developed an ability to emit the communication-disrupting interference.

With that, the Parasites also changed the way they attacked.

In the beginning stages of the conflict, they pushed forward with absolutely overwhelming numbers, but nowadays, the Parasites began performing sneak attacks after interfering with communication first.

From the perspective of the human alliance, this was a truly maddening development, but still, they couldn't stop using the crystals to communicate with each other.

When the distance between two crystals shortened, the strength of mana being sent between the two, not to mention the amount of time the two stayed connected, would improve greatly. Which meant that it was possible to break through the interference.

That was precisely why Ian tried his best to communicate with the fortress, even now. As long as they had not fallen, then the closer the reinforcement army got, the greater the odds of getting through to the fortress.


Ian's once-worried eyes opened wider. A noisy discharge of energy came from the crystal.

"Yes!! It worked!"

Ian shouted loudly.

His shout was so loud that it even took Seol Jihu by surprise as the youth was breathlessly running up the steep slope.

"This reinforcement effort wasn't in vain. At the very least, it's not the worst-case scenario!"

Ian declared so, and hurriedly poured more mana into the crystal. Almost right away, it began emitting an ear-splitting mess of noises that contained all sorts of buzzes and crackles.

Dylan opened his mouth.

"Master Ian. Should I speak to the princess and stop the march?"

"No! It's fine. I'll continue to connect to them while we're on the move."

Ian brought his face closer to the crystal.

"Can you hear me? This is the Magician Ian in the direct employ of the Haramark's royal family!"


Tzzzt, tzzzt.

Perhaps because he hadn't completely gotten through the interference, the cracking noise was still quite severe, but still, one could hear the urgent voice coming through.

Hell, the listeners could even sense desperation in the voice, too.

—Wait a second! If you're coming, then….?!

"As soon as all communications with the Arden Fortress had been cut-off, we summoned Earthlings and set off from Haramark with elite troops. We're on our way to the fortress."

—But, the interference….!

When hearing that disbelieving voice, Ian began to carefully explain the situation.

"We already entered the Arden Valley earlier in the afternoon."

—Truly? Did the Haramark royal family really figure out the situation on this side and dispatch reinforcements? This quickly??

"Yes, they have. Her Majesty Teresa Hussey is personally leading the troops."

—The Princess is personally leading the troops?!

It was then, a loud cheer could be heard coming from the crystal.


That couldn't have been made by just one or two people. They must have been elated because there were a couple of tearful voices mixed in there as well.

The sounds of thing exploding intermittently, as well as strange beastly roars in the background, were simply an added bonus.

"How does the situation look?"

—We're giving everything we have to defend against the enemy horde, but their number is far too overwhelming! The defensive line will fall at any second now!

"Just wait a little bit longer! We'll arrive at the Dawn Peak soon! Reaching the fortress will only be a matter of time!"

—Thank you! I beg of you, please hurry!!

The guy on the other side of the line shouted out in an elated, emotional voice.

The moment they realized that the royal family had not forsaken the Arden Fortress, the fighting spirit that was running dangerously low had been re-ignited.

"Can you tell us the enemy's size?"

—Understood! The invading Parasites are….!


Another wave of interference abruptly ended the communication. Ian clicked his tongue, poured more mana into the crystal, and shouted out.

"Dylan! Please go inform the Princess!"

Dylan ran forward hard as if he had developed a pair of wings.

Meanwhile, Seol Jihu swallowed down his saliva nervously.

During this rushed march forward, the whole thing felt intolerably tough, and he only wished that they could get there sooner. But, now that he heard the communication, his tension was shooting up through the roof.

Those people, just how much of a desperate struggle were they in right now?

Seol Jihu's eyes drifted upwards.

They were about to arrive at the Dawn Peak.

Chapter end

Chapter 883
Chapter 872
Chapter 861
Chapter 752
Chapter 489. Epilogue
Chapter 488. After
Chapter 487. That Day
Chapter 486. A Playful Ending
Chapter 485. Finis Belli (9)
Chapter 484. Finis Belli (8)
Chapter 483. Finis Belli (7)
Chapter 482. Finis Belli (6)
Chapter 481. Finis Belli (5)
Chapter 480. Finis Belli (4)
Chapter 479. Finis Belli (3)
Chapter 478. Finis Belli (2)
Chapter 477. Finis Belli (1)
Chapter 476. The Crumbling Line of Defense (6)
Chapter 475. The Crumbling Line of Defense (5)
Chapter 474. Crumbling Line of Defense (4)
Chapter 473. Crumbling Line of Defense (3)
Chapter 472. The Crumbling Line of Defense (2)
Chapter 471. The Crumbling Line of Defense (1)
Chapter 470. Collision (2)
Chapter 469. Collision (1)
Chapter 468. Fierce Battle (2)
Chapter 467. Fierce Battle (1)
Chapter 466. Two Cards (2)
Chapter 465. Two Cards (1)
Chapter 464. Golden Current Undulates in the Empire (2)
Chapter 463. Golden Current Undulates in the Empire (1)
Chapter 462. Preparation for the End (4)
Chapter 461. Preparation for the End (3)
Chapter 460. Preparation for the End (2)
Chapter 459. Preparation for the End (1)
Chapter 458. Yoo Seonwha
Chapter 457. Sign of Reconciliation (2)
Chapter 456. Sign of Reconciliation (1)
Chapter 455. Different Choices
Chapter 454. (4)
Chapter 453. (3)
Chapter 452. (2)
Chapter 451. (1)
Chapter 450. While He is Gone (7)
Chapter 449. While He is Gone (6)
Chapter 448. While He is Gone (5)
Chapter 447. While He is Gone (4)
Chapter 446. While He is Gone (3)
Chapter 445. While He is Gone (2)
Chapter 444. While He is Gone (1)
Chapter 443. The Star Sets in the Valley (2)
Chapter 442. The Star Sets in the Valley (1)
Chapter 441. With One Spear and Two Legs (6)
Chapter 440. With One Spear and Two Legs (5)
Chapter 439. With One Spear and Two Legs (4)
Chapter 438. With One Spear and Two Legs (3)
Chapter 437. With One Spear and Two Legs (2)
Chapter 436. With One Spear and Two Legs (1)
Chapter 435. Past, Present, and Future (4)
Chapter 434. Past, Present, and Future (3)
Chapter 433. Past, Present, and Future (2)
Chapter 432. Past, Present, and Future (1)
Chapter 431. Seo Yuhui
Chapter 430. Supernova (4)
Chapter 429. Supernova (3)
Chapter 428. Supernova (2)
Chapter 427. Supernova (1)
Chapter 426. Variable, and Variable (4)
Chapter 425. Variable, and Variable (3)
Chapter 424. Variable, and Variable (2)
Chapter 423. Variable, and Variable (1)
Chapter 422. Yun Seohui
Chapter 421. If a Different Choice Was Made (2)
Chapter 420. If a Different Choice Was Made (1)
Chapter 419. The Future That Could Not Be Avoided (3)
Chapter 418. The Future That Could Not Be Avoided (2)
Chapter 417. The Future That Could Not Be Avoided (1)
Chapter 416. Omen (7)
Chapter 415. Omen (6)
Chapter 414. Omen (5)
Chapter 413. Omen (4)
Chapter 412. Omen (3)
Chapter 411. Omen (2)
Chapter 410. Omen (1)
Chapter 409. Secret Weapon (2)
Chapter 408. Secret Weapon (1)
Chapter 407. Short and Thick Rather Than Long and Thin
Chapter 406. For the End (4)
Chapter 405. For the End (3)
Chapter 404. For the End (2)
Chapter 403. For the End 1
Chapter 402. To Change 4
Chapter 401. To Change 3
Chapter 400. To Change 2
Chapter 399. To Change 1
Chapter 398. You're Either With Us or Against Us 2
Chapter 397. You're Either With Us or Against Us
Chapter 396. Resolve 2
Chapter 395. Resolve 1
Chapter 394. Intention 2
Chapter 393. Intention 1
Chapter 392. To the Whole World 2
Chapter 391. To the Whole World 1
Chapter 390. Revenge is a Dish Best Served Cold 3
Chapter 389. Revenge is a Dish Best Served Cold 2
Chapter 388. Revenge is a Dish Best Served Cold 1
Chapter 387. Mockumentary 3
Chapter 386. Mockumentary 2
Chapter 385. Mockumentary 1
Chapter 384. The Shade of the Giant Tree 3
Chapter 383. The Shade of the Giant Tree 2
Chapter 382. The Shade of the Giant Tree 1
Chapter 381. Spring, the Season That Flowers Bloom 3
Chapter 380. Spring, the Season That Flowers Bloom 2
Chapter 379. Spring, the Season That Flowers Bloom 1
Chapter 378. Thank You 2
Chapter 377. Thank you 1
Chapter 376. Sentiment Du Fer 2
Chapter 372. Penance 3
Chapter 371. Penance 2
Chapter 370. Penance 1
Chapter 369. The Awaiting One 3
Chapter 368. The Awaiting One 2
Chapter 367. The Awaiting One 1
Chapter 366. Level 7, and 3
Chapter 365. Level 7, and 2
Chapter 364. Level 7, and 1
Chapter 363. Those Who Meet Eventually Bid Farewell While Those Who Have Parted Eventually Meet Again
Chapter 362. What It Means to Change 4
Chapter 361. What It Means to Change 3
Chapter 360. What It Means to Change 2
Chapter 359. What It Means to Change 1
Chapter 358. I'm Sorry
Chapter 357. A Hero in Paradise, but on Earth 2
Chapter 356. A Hero In Paradise, But on Earth 1
Chapter 355. Confession 2
Chapter 354. Confession 1
Chapter 353. Settlement of Accounts
Chapter 352. Reform 2
Chapter 351. Reform 1
Chapter 350. The End of the War 4
Chapter 349
Chapter 348
Chapter 347
Chapter 346
Chapter 345
Chapter 344. Comeback 2
Chapter 343. Comeback 1
Chapter 342. Counterattack 2
Chapter 341. Counterattack 1
Chapter 340. Freeze, World! 4
Chapter 339. Freeze, World! 3
Chapter 338. Freeze, World! 2
Chapter 337. Freeze, World! 1
Chapter 336. The Twisting Gears
Chapter 335
Chapter 334
Chapter 333
Chapter 332
Chapter 331
Chapter 330
Chapter 329
Chapter 328
Chapter 327
Chapter 326. Immediate Battle 5
Chapter 325. Immediate Battle 4
Chapter 324. Immediate Battle 3
Chapter 323. Immediate Battle 2
Chapter 322. Immediate Battle 1
Chapter 321. Simultaneous Outbreak of War 2
Chapter 320. Simultaneous Outbreak of War 1
Chapter 319. A Tiger Father Does Not Beget a Dog Son 4
Chapter 318. A Tiger Father Does Not Beget a Dog Son 3
Chapter 317
Chapter 316
Chapter 315
Chapter 314
Chapter 313
Chapter 312. The Eve 1
Chapter 311. Preparations 4
Chapter 310. Preparations 3
Chapter 309. Preparations 2
Chapter 308
Chapter 307
Chapter 306
Chapter 305
Chapter 304
Chapter 303
Chapter 302
Chapter 301
Chapter 300
Chapter 299
Chapter 298
Chapter 297
Chapter 296
Chapter 295
Chapter 294
Chapter 293
Chapter 292
Chapter 291
Chapter 290
Chapter 289
Chapter 288
Chapter 287
Chapter 286
Chapter 285
Chapter 284
Chapter 283. After the Setup 4
Chapter 282
Chapter 281
Chapter 280
Chapter 279
Chapter 278
Chapter 277
Chapter 276
Chapter 275
Chapter 274
Chapter 273
Chapter 272
Chapter 271
Chapter 270
Chapter 269
Chapter 268
Chapter 267
Chapter 266
Chapter 265
Chapter 264
Chapter 263
Chapter 262
Chapter 261
Chapter 260
Chapter 259
Chapter 258
Chapter 257
Chapter 256
Chapter 255
Chapter 254
Chapter 253
Chapter 252
Chapter 251
Chapter 250
Chapter 249
Chapter 248
Chapter 247
Chapter 246
Chapter 245
Chapter 244
Chapter 243
Chapter 242
Chapter 241
Chapter 240
Chapter 239
Chapter 238. When a Woman Bears a Grudge, It Snows Even in the Middle of Summer
Chapter 237. The Scam Couple
Chapter 236. Flone's True Nature
Chapter 235
Chapter 234. Follow Me, I'll Carry You 1
Chapter 233. Threads of Bonds Gathering Together 2
Chapter 232. Threads of Bonds Gathering Together 1
Chapter 231. Internal Crackdown 2
Chapter 230. Internal Crackdown 1
Chapter 229. Fox Princess, Rabbit Prince 3
Chapter 228. Fox Princess, Rabbit Prince 2
Chapter 227. Fox Princess, Rabbit Prince 1
Chapter 226. I am an Egg 2
Chapter 225. I am an Egg 1
Chapter 224. Teresa's Tears 2
Chapter 223. Teresa's Tears 1
Chapter 222
Chapter 221. The Spear and the Treasure Chest 1
Chapter 220
Chapter 219. The Inheritance of Roselle La Grazia 1
Chapter 218. Unfulfillable Wish 2
Chapter 217. Unfulfillable Wish 1
Chapter 216. A Dream Inside a Dream 4
Chapter 215. A Dream Inside A Dream 3
Chapter 214
Chapter 213. A Dream Within a Dream 1
Chapter 212. An Unexpected Gain 3
Chapter 211. An Unexpected Gain 2
Chapter 210. An Unexpected Gain 1
Chapter 209. Slave Hunt 3
Chapter 208. Slave Hunt 2
Chapter 207. Slave Hunt 1
Chapter 206. Seol Jihu Faithfully Plants Flags Today As Always
Chapter 205. The Lucky Charm Soul
Chapter 204. Chohong's Vow 2
Chapter 203. Chohong's Vow 1
Chapter 202. There Is a Time to Avoid Fighting, Even in the Absence of the Law 2
Chapter 201. There Is a Time to Avoid Fighting, Even in the Absence of the Law 1
Chapter 200. Paradise and Earth 6
Chapter 199. Paradise and Earth 5
Chapter 198. Paradise and Earth 4
Chapter 197. Paradise and Earth 3
Chapter 196. Paradise and Earth 2
Chapter 195. Paradise and Earth 1
Chapter 194. High Ranker 2
Chapter 193. High Ranker 1
Chapter 192. Doubt 2
Chapter 191
Chapter 190
Chapter 189
Chapter 188. An Expected Change of Pace 3
Chapter 187
Chapter 186
Chapter 185
Chapter 184
Chapter 183
Chapter 182
Chapter 181
Chapter 180
Chapter 179
Chapter 178
Chapter 177
Chapter 176
Chapter 175
Chapter 174
Chapter 173
Chapter 172
Chapter 171
Chapter 170
Chapter 169
Chapter 168
Chapter 167
Chapter 166
Chapter 165
Chapter 164
Chapter 163
Chapter 162
Chapter 161
Chapter 160
Chapter 159
Chapter 158
Chapter 157
Chapter 156
Chapter 155
Chapter 154
Chapter 153
Chapter 152
Chapter 151
Chapter 150
Chapter 149
Chapter 148
Chapter 147
Chapter 146
Chapter 145
Chapter 144
Chapter 143
Chapter 142
Chapter 141
Chapter 140
Chapter 139
Chapter 138
Chapter 137
Chapter 136
Chapter 135
Chapter 134
Chapter 133
Chapter 132
Chapter 131
Chapter 130
Chapter 129
Chapter 128
Chapter 127
Chapter 126
Chapter 125
Chapter 124
Chapter 123
Chapter 122
Chapter 121
Chapter 120
Chapter 119
Chapter 118
Chapter 117
Chapter 116
Chapter 115
Chapter 114
Chapter 113
Chapter 112
Chapter 111
Chapter 110
Chapter 109
Chapter 108
Chapter 107
Chapter 106
Chapter 105
Chapter 104
Chapter 103
Chapter 102
Chapter 101
Chapter 100
Chapter 99
Chapter 98
Chapter 97
Chapter 96
Chapter 95
Chapter 94
Chapter 93
Chapter 92
Chapter 91
Chapter 90
Chapter 89
Chapter 88
Chapter 87
Chapter 86
Chapter 85
Chapter 84
Chapter 83
Chapter 82
Chapter 81
Chapter 80
Chapter 79
Chapter 78
Chapter 77
Chapter 76
Chapter 75
Chapter 74
Chapter 73
Chapter 72
Chapter 71
Chapter 70
Chapter 69
Chapter 68
Chapter 67
Chapter 66
Chapter 65
Chapter 64
Chapter 63
Chapter 62
Chapter 61
Chapter 60
Chapter 59
Chapter 58
Chapter 57
Chapter 56
Chapter 55
Chapter 54
Chapter 53
Chapter 52
Chapter 51
Chapter 50
Chapter 49
Chapter 48
Chapter 47
Chapter 46
Chapter 45
Chapter 44
Side Story 43. Denouement
Side Story 42. IF
Side Story 41. IF
Side Story 40. IF
Side Story 39. IF
Side Story 38. Fate Does Not Change
Side Story 37. Penalty
Side Story 36. Cave Exploration
Side Story 35. Operation
Side Story 34. Operation
Side Story 33. The Rabbit's Resistance
Side Story 32. Invitation from the Haramark Royal Palace
Side Story 31. A Small Miracle
Side Story 30. An Unexpected Help
Side Story 29. Ji
Side Story 28. Kim Hannah vs. Seol Jinhee
Chapter 27. I know Even If You Don't Tell Me
Side Story 26. That Man, and That Man
Side Story 25. That Man and Those People
Side Story 24. That Man
Side Story 23. At Least It Changed a Little
Side Story 22. If You're Going to Get a Beating, It's Best to Get It Over With
Side Story 21. Coming Back
Side Story 20. Stories of the Future Wives
Side Story 19. The Future Seol Jihu
Side Story 18. The Outcome of Playing With Fire
Side Story 17. Playing With Fire
Side Story 16. Reunion
Side Story 15. After
Chapter 14
Side Story 13. The Star Shines Again
Side Story 12. Undefeated Record, Broken
Chapter 11
Side Story 10. Life is About Connections
Side Story 11. Between Heaven–rank 9 and Heaven
Side Story 8. Gabriel's Request
Side Story 7. An Extraordinary Genius
Side Story 6. What Should Have Been Left Alone
Side Story 5. The Corrupted Hero
Side Story 47. Dark Clouds (4)
Side Story 56. Poison With Poison, Evil With Evil (3)
Side Story 58. And That's Where the Pantyhose Comes In (2)
Side Story 59. Epilogue (1)
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