The Sage Who Transcended Samsara 531 The Tes

The Sage Who Transcended Samsara 531 The Tes

A long black curtain draped the front of the brownish-yellow carriage. It shielded the insides of the carriage from the prying eyes outside. Images of deities drifted freely with grace on the curtain, suggesting an air of ethereality and remoteness.

The jet-black automaton drawing the carriage screeched and squealed incessantly as it galloped up the slopes of the mountains with ease. It was as if it was treading on level ground.

With their most strenuous effort, the martial artists kept their pace with the speed of the carriage relentlessly moving forward. Despite their struggles, they were unable to steal any glimpses of Meng Qi nor Jiang Zhiwei in the cabin.

The carriage pushed forward into the pits of the mountain, steadfast in its drudging toil as if being stalked by some unseen pursuer behind. The journey continued ceaselessly for several days until the carriage reached a barren wildernesses. The howling of beasts in the distance sounded now and continually, a terror in the which would have made one's heart race wildly.

"Where do Master Su and Lady Jiang intent to go?" Pain ran through their legs as the martial artists toiled with fatigue and soreness to follow the trail of the carriage. Doubt began to creep into their dismayed hearts.

"They have embarked on such a sudden excursion right after the visit by Immortal Yunhe of the Plenitude Sect," the black-robed man with a knife scar on his forehead scowled as he panted for breath. "They have traveled far into desolate wastelands, traveling only on the deserted and difficult terrain. Are they mounting an escape? Have their negotiations with the Plenitude Sect have gone sour?"

The more he reflected upon it, it seemed that his speculations were not far from the truth.

"Master... Master Su had offended Principal Zhu earlier. The Darkness Palace had insisted that they were recruiting them, to salvage whatever honor, it seems..." said the dainty woman.

Her voice trailed off into silence as the companions shared a look amongst themselves. "The two mysterious strangers might not have anywhere else to flee from the wrath of the two most powerful factions in the land! Not when the Darkness Palace might be seeking to exact retribution and the bungled negotiations with the Plenitude Sect!"

Master Su and Lady Jiang might only be a cut above the strength of a common Principal. Yet, they were not be able to stand against the might of the Principal Elders and Immortals of both orders. The latter were rumored to have defeated common Principals with ease!

"Should... should we still follow then?", the man with a squared-jaw asked hesitantly.

"Not even the accession of potent martial disciplines would deliver them from the furious vengeance of the two greatest factions in the land! They will live a worse life than before, fearing each and every moment of their lives like skittish rodents!"

"These are baseless speculations on our part," interjected the female leader with stout features. "Would Master Su and Lady Jiang need to escape in a horse carriage? They could have just taken to the skies easily if they were fleeing!"

"There might not have been anyone in the carriage after all! We've been tricked to follow behind them as a diversion for any pursuers behind!" exclaimed the man with a knife scar, his gaze fixed upon the carriage hell-bent on continuing its journey ahead. A sudden impulse had almost compelled him to catch up with the carriage and steal a glance inside, but he was fearful of a fatal reproach by its occupants within.

"Indeed! Never have they answered our pleas. Our beggings have fallen on deaf ears as if they had no intent to impart any teachings of martial disciplines to us! It would be folly for us to continue trailing behind!" Grim weariness and doubt had driven the dainty woman to slacken her pace.

The rigors of the cruel world left many in great distress despite several desperate pleas for help.

The female leader looked at her companions. Her expression turned grim and somber as she spoke quietly, "I have failed in my learnings of the skills of automation, I have not the gifts and talents in learning to conjure talismans and charms. I have studied martial disciplines and have focused on the skills of the sword, only to be admonished that the path of the warrior is but a grueling and laborious endeavor. Only a few days before, I have lost all hope, like all the warriors around and before us. All of whom had traversed the Jianghu with swelling ambition only to be pummeled into despair and sorrow, relenting only to be a chaperone to defend residences like a common guard. Or I could be waiting for a husband of a similar and lamentable fate, hoping that our offsprings could fare better than us."

"But when Master Su flicked off the Sword Ball with a snap of his fingers, he opened a whole new world to me. A world where we could attune ourselves with Nature, with Heaven and Earth. Our heads no longer drooped with anguish and despondency before architects of automation and conjurers of talismans and charms. With mere gestures, we could unleash wonders and amazing feats like deities and immortals."

"For twenty and three winters, I, Fang Huayin have endured. For twenty and three winters, I have lingered with a forlorn melancholy. But no more. No longer shall I tread with grim despair. There is no telling how hard the road ahead might be. There is no telling how small the hope that might await me from a great distance. But, no matter how bleak a future that is in store, I will not give up. I will tread the path of pursuing the hope for greatness in my study of martial disciplines, Heaven forbid the pain of death that might await me!"

With ardent fervor, she spoke as her companions beheld her break of silence with awe. "Wang Dong, Mo Yan, Lu Fengming, Wan Yu," Fang Huayin addressed her companions, "I shall not begrudge you if you are hesitant to continue in following my lead. But I shall persist, until the day Master Su and Lady Jiang would accept me."

Mo Yan, the dainty woman pondered in silence. She first spoke, "We have knelt for an entire night. Still, Master Su had given us no response. I do not want to prolong my efforts in a vain quest."

"For days they have traveled. It looks as if they are fleeing from something. They are escaping. It would be nothing short of dangerous and perilous to continue behind them. Why should we endanger ourselves when there might be hope elsewhere?" asserted Wang Dong, with a knife scar on his forehead.

Lu Fengming, who had a squared jaw avoided Fang Huayin's gaze. His eyes flashed with doubt as he spoke, "I... I have the same thoughts as well."

"And what of you?" Fang Huayin turned to Wan Yu.

A foreboding dread grew within her. A fear that she had chosen a path where only loneliness, rejection and shame loomed ahead.

Desolation, hesitation, and unease seeped slowly into her.

The white-hair young man, Wan Yu had been quiet since their debate. He looked far ahead, at the view of the brown carriage departing out of view. Softly he spoke, "I have never decided to leave, not since I saw Master Su had displayed the mystics of his powers and strength. This is a once-in-lifetime opportunity. I shall continue, even if it costs my life. I would not live my later days regretting my decision today."

Wang Dong and the other three of the company beheld Fang Huayin and Wan Yu morosely. Wearily, they clasped their hands and bowed their heads in respect, "We shall hope that your wish comes true."

Without a further word, they turned on their heels and left, their departing backs drifting out of view into the lush bushes and thickets of the wild.

Fang Huayin turned to Wan Yu. "Let us push on, lest we lose the trail of the carriage," she said quietly.

With a smaller group, the pair managed to gain a better headway in their pursuit of the carriage, following closely behind the carriage which was draped by a black curtain. Oddly enough, the carriage seemed to have lessened its pace.

A few more days passed quietly. Still, the automaton carriage continued its unfaltering climb over the ridges and hills of the rocky terrain. Despite persevering through the strenuous tribulations, soreness and fatigue continuously stabbed and stung at Fang Huayin's and Wan Yu's battered selves.

The carriage slowed to a halt. Seeing their chance, Fang Huayin and Wan Yu rushed to consume their dry rations and refreshed themselves with water hastily.

All of a sudden, a band of horsemen broke from the thick of the woods. Masked and armed with shiny swords and sabers, the marauding horsemen galloped menacingly as they aimed for the carriage.

The leader of the bandits set his sights upon the brownish-yellow carriage. He swallowed hard at the sight of the carriage, the posh and upscale-looking automaton beast drawing the carriage, and the embroidered illustration of immortals and deities on the black drapes hanging at the front of the carriage. Thoughts and imaginations of wealth and riches clouded his mind.

"Nothing moved from the other side of the curtains, it seemed to be empty, " thought the leader, "We would just have to kill the man and woman escorting the carriage and there shall not be any need to incur the wrath of any invincible architects of the Darkness Palace!"

"Let's go, brothers!" cried the leader, brandishing his saber.

Rapid clop-clop, clop-clop of galloping horses sped forth. The horsemen closed in on both Fang Huayin and Wan Yu.

Feeling amused and ludicrous, Fang Huayin and Wan Yu could not help but thought, you lot are courting death? The horsemen could barely summon enough strength to defeat both Fang Huayin and Wan Yu. Yet they dare to trespass before both Master Su and Lady Jiang?

The galloping of the horses drew closer, fueled by hunger and greed for wealth. Nothing moved from the other side of the curtains. Everything was silent and calm within. A dreadful fear began to slither into Fang Huayin and Wan Yu who were trailing behind the carriage: is the carriage really empty?

"Yet, holding the carriage to recurring pauses and driving the carriage again seemed hardly difficult for a man like Master Su even if he is not in the carriage..."

"The carriage might have been empty after all!"

"Should we leave the carriage to the marauders?" thought the pair, taking into account of their weary bodies and the sheer number of the onrushing bandits. Thoughts of a speedy retreat began to kindle in their minds.

The embers of her thoughts glowed brightly in red, urging her to flee. Instead, she gritted her teeth. She cursed herself for the indication of weakness. "I have promised myself to persevere no matter the odds! How would I face Master Su and Lady Jiang if I fail to defend a mere horse carriage?"

A puff of dust lifted into the wind as she stomped hard and landed outside of the group of the attacking horsemen, freeing her from the surrounding circle of the bandits closing in on them. She dove to the ground and leaped into the air, slashing at the horses before attacking the riders.

Boldly, Wan Yu followed tightly behind, delivering blows as best he could by matching her attacks.

Still, fatigue took its toll on them, wearing them down as their movements slowed and turned sluggish. The bandits would never have proved to be a challenge should Fang Huayin and Wan Yu were in their best condition.

The bandits returned blows after blows at them. Fang Huayin sidestepped around, barely avoiding the blows of the blades that tried to sink their fangs into her as she leaped to safety. Still, the merciless exhaustion that she has endured for the entire journey overwhelmed her. Her legs gave way painfully in such grave a moment, Fang Huayin collapsed on to a knee.

Blankly she beheld the cold glint of blades boring down on her, the overture of her impending doom.

"Am I to perish here…"

"Is this the end of the pursuit of my path…"

"No! I yield not to Fate!"

She summoned up the strength and courage as her emotions flared. She dove and rolled on the ground the best she could as her life depended on it, avoiding the blows that her foes slashed at her.

Suddenly, a soft but warm voice of a man shook her mind,

Lift your blade, thrust it upwards, said the voice

"Master Su?" Fang Huayin shuddered at the realization of the person who spoke through her mind. With absolute and unfaltering faith, she did as she was bidden to, piercing upwards with her sword. Her leap of faith delivered its reward; her sword struck true, striking at the side of a saber.

The saber was deflected by her blow, its blade knocking off two other blades strokes which were aimed at her.

All it took was a mere stroke, decisive and true, to completely turn the tables around!

Adrenaline and surprise rushed like a torrential wave through Fang Huayin. Fueled by her renewed strength and will, she sprang to her feet, brandishing her sword as she claimed the initiative of the battle.

The status quo seemed to have been toppled with such ease! The bandits had been brimming with confidence when they thought they have the advantage of numbers on their side. Never have they expected that the male and female warriors have drifted amongst them like apparitions, avoiding their blows and retaliation. Yet each and every stroke of their blows bit true and deep, claiming the lives of theirs each time their blades bared their fangs!

It did not take long for Fang Huayin and Wan Yu to make short work of the bandits. Only a herd of horses remained idling about by the edges of the woods not long after.

Soon the carriage continued on its endless journey. In its wake, one of the bandits, one whose life was draining slowly out of him, watched the carriage leave. With a blurred vision, he saw the carriage passing him by, the black curtains remained still, not a movement more. An ambiance of unspeakable mystery and enigma seemed to linger around the carriage. The two, the male and female who have wrought such trampling defeat on to them, were now seated at the driver's seat, driving the automaton horse forward.

The carriage galloped lazily away, disappearing from his sight.

The band of warriors of the Jianghu were in hused conversations in the inn's common room.

"Haven't you heard? Word is that a mysterious carriage was travelling around, draped with a black curtain on its front. People were saying that the carriage was moving towards the Darkness Palace. Two warriors sat at the front of the carriage, both of whom had defeated the Five Ghosts of Jing River and the Dangshan Seven! None of the practitioners of talismans and charms and the architects of automation could have done this?" exclaimed the interested and the curious men as the rumors spread like a pandemic.

"Has there ever been any warrior who possessed such invincibility? Who was riding in the carriage? Could it have been a practitioner of the Plenitude Sect or an architect from the Darkness Palace?" All who heard of the tale could not help but feel amazed by the unbelievable myth.

"Impossible. The Five Ghosts of Jing River would never dare lay their hands on the carriage if disciples of the Plenitude Sect or the Darkness Palace rode within. The carriage is empty, from what I am told. A secret lies within! A great and powerful secret!"

"No. Somebody is definitely in the carriage! But not a practitioner from the Plenitude Sect, not an automaton architect as well..."

Conflicting tales that differed from one another abounded the streets and alleys. Members of the Jianghu would hide on trees or creep behind rocks and boulders in empty paths and roads, trying to steal a glance at the mysterious carriage that was rumored to be passing by.

No one would know how long time has passed them by. Idly they waited until the gentle clop-clop of hoofs could be heard from afar. From their hiding lairs, they saw at the distant horizon a carriage looming near. At the front of the carriage hung a black cloak that shielded the innards of the carriage from outside. No movements were observed of within the cabin, so secretive and mysterious was the carriage that approached.

At the front of the carriage, sat a man and a woman. Their eyes were half-closed as if deep in trance, or meditation.

Suddenly, two shadows lunged and halted the carriage. The flash of a sword, a glint of dark green, shone dangerously. The sword tore through the air and struck at the female riding at the front of the carriage.

A black automaton figure, clutching in his hands a long halberd, trampled furiously towards the carriage.

"Somebody has attacked the carriage!"

"Remarkable! Disciples from the Darkness Palace and the Plenitude Sect really do differ in power!"

"The secrets of the carriage shall be unveiled at long last!"

A flurry of thoughts flashed through the minds of everyone witnessing the coming of the fabled carriage. Suddenly, much to their amazement, the male driver of the carriage leaped from his seat. In a few steps, he reached the black automaton. In the blink of an eye, he narrowly dove and avoided the swing of the automaton's halberd. A glimmer of steel shimmered coldly and the man had rolled to the back of the automaton.

The automaton screeched to a sliding stop before it truly halted. Its body crumbled into pieces, tumbling on to the ground in countless bits and pieces.

The cold glimmer of the male driver's sword gleamed once more. The architect of the fallen automaton dropped to his knees, clawing at his throat as blood poured out uncontrollably.

A dark green sword hacked forth. The female driver leaped up into the air to meet the incoming blow of the flying sword.

Clang! The clangs of steel rang through the air. The assailant, the master of the dark-green, flying sword had failed to exploit his early offense.

Clang! Clang! Clang! Blades of steel and metal gnawed furiously as they clashed. A series of blows were exchanged until a shriek of pain tore through the air a short distance away. To the ground another man fell, clothed in black. Streams of blood trickled from his nose, his eyes, his ears and his mouth as the assailant collapsed lifelessly to the ground.

Each of her strokes struck a connection between the flying sword and its master? Fear and amazement took hold of everyone witnessing the unbelievable turn of events that unfolded before the contracted pupils of their eyes.

Calmly, the man returned to his seat in the front of the carriage. The carriage continued on its journey, trotting slowly past the two corpses that lay sprawling on the ground. Still, nothing came from behind the black curtain.

The members of the Jianghu who had been watching froze in their movements. They held the image of the carriage that was moving further away from them slowly as all voices have escaped them. From afar, they stared at the carriage withdrawing from sight. Gold, black and white sparkles seemed to encircle the carriage, revolving around the horse-drawn conveyance as if it was a heavenly chariot of a deity that had stepped foot upon the lands of the common!

In a mountain estate owned by a wealthy and powerful member of the Jianghu, multitudes of warriors from all corners of the land congregated for a common purpose.

"A deity rides in the carriage!"

"No, there are rare artifacts within! Artifacts that imbue one with great powers, allowing one to harness the powers of gods and deities!"

"I have not any concern for immortals or artifacts! If only I have the skills of the carriage drivers! I shall not be any lesser compared to the practitioners of the Plenitude Sect nor will I pale in comparison to the architects of the Darkness Palace!"

Wang Dong and his two other companions sulked with displeasure and silence amidst the cacophony of the squabbling debate.

"The present whereabouts of the carriage remains our utmost concern!"

A little boy, the ten-year-old son of the master of the estate, watched curiously as his elders and seniors bickering on about the carriage. It was most peculiar and bizarre. He gazed upon them with great interest, witnessing the agitated and excited exchange of words that deposed the inexplicable charisma of its wondrous journey.

His hands rose curiously, trying to touch the sparkles of black and white twinkles that floated before him.

"What is this?" he asked, his eyes gleamed with interest.

Despite the meekness of his youthful voice, his words pierce through the din of the heated debate with a chilling clarity. Everyone turned to him and noticed the sparkles of black and white that floated around.

"The carriage!"

"The mysterious carriage is here!"

The very same thought flashed through the minds of everyone present. Noises of running footsteps rang through the halls and aisles of the estate. Everyone was rushing to the entrance.

The great doors of the estate swung open. In the gloom of night, they saw a carriage approaching. A black drape hung at the front of the brownish-yellow carriage.

At the front of the carriage sat a man and a woman. Mystifying twinkles of gold, white and black glittered in the backdrop of darkness around the carriage like the advent of sacred beings. Images of deities and immortals decorated the black curtain that hung at the front of the carriage. All was still and silent within.

It was none other than the fabled carriage of enigma!

Chapter end

Chapter 1411
Chapter 1410
Chapter 1409
Chapter 1408
Chapter 1407
Chapter 1406
Chapter 1405
Chapter 1404
Chapter 1403
Chapter 1402
Chapter 1401
Chapter 1400
Chapter 1399
Chapter 1398
Chapter 1397
Chapter 1396
Chapter 1395
Chapter 1394
Chapter 1393
Chapter 1392
Chapter 1391
Chapter 1390
Chapter 1389
Chapter 1388
Chapter 1387
Chapter 1386
Chapter 1385
Chapter 1384
Chapter 1383
Chapter 1382
Chapter 1381
Chapter 1380
Chapter 1379
Chapter 1378
Chapter 1377
Chapter 1376
Chapter 1375
Chapter 1374
Chapter 1373
Chapter 1372
Chapter 1371
Chapter 1370
Chapter 1369
Chapter 1368
Chapter 1367
Chapter 1366
Chapter 1365
Chapter 1364
Chapter 1363
Chapter 1362
Chapter 1361
Chapter 1360
Chapter 1359
Chapter 1358
Chapter 1357
Chapter 1356
Chapter 1355
Chapter 1354
Chapter 1353
Chapter 1352
Chapter 1351
Chapter 1350
Chapter 1349
Chapter 1348
Chapter 1347
Chapter 1346
Chapter 1345
Chapter 1344
Chapter 1343
Chapter 1342
Chapter 1341
Chapter 1340
Chapter 1339
Chapter 1338
Chapter 1337
Chapter 1336
Chapter 1335
Chapter 1334
Chapter 1333
Chapter 1332
Chapter 1331
Chapter 1330
Chapter 1329
Chapter 1328
Chapter 1327
Chapter 1326
Chapter 1325
Chapter 1324
Chapter 1323
Chapter 1322
Chapter 1321
Chapter 1320
Chapter 1319
Chapter 1318
Chapter 1317
Chapter 1316
Chapter 1315
Chapter 1314
Chapter 1313
Chapter 1312
Chapter 1311
Chapter 1310
Chapter 1309
Chapter 1308
Chapter 1307
Chapter 1306
Chapter 1305
Chapter 1304
Chapter 1303
Chapter 1302
Chapter 1301
Chapter 1300
Chapter 1299
Chapter 1298
Chapter 1297
Chapter 1296
Chapter 1295
Chapter 1294
Chapter 1293
Chapter 1292
Chapter 1291
Chapter 1290
Chapter 1289
Chapter 1288
Chapter 1287
Chapter 1286
Chapter 1285
Chapter 1284
Chapter 1283
Chapter 1282
Chapter 1281
Chapter 1280
Chapter 1279
Chapter 1278
Chapter 1277
Chapter 1276
Chapter 1275
Chapter 1274
Chapter 1273
Chapter 1272
Chapter 1271
Chapter 1270
Chapter 1269
Chapter 1268
Chapter 1267
Chapter 1266
Chapter 1265
Chapter 1264
Chapter 1263
Chapter 1262
Chapter 1261
Chapter 1260
Chapter 1259
Chapter 1258
Chapter 1257
Chapter 1256
Chapter 1255
Chapter 1254
Chapter 1253
Chapter 1252
Chapter 1251
Chapter 1250
Chapter 1249
Chapter 1248
Chapter 1247
Chapter 1246
Chapter 1245
Chapter 1244
Chapter 1243
Chapter 1242
Chapter 1241
Chapter 1240
Chapter 1239
Chapter 1238
Chapter 1237
Chapter 1236
Chapter 1235
Chapter 1234
Chapter 1233
Chapter 1232
Chapter 1231
Chapter 1230
Chapter 1229
Chapter 1228
Chapter 1227
Chapter 1226
Chapter 1225
Chapter 1224
Chapter 1223
Chapter 1222
Chapter 1221
Chapter 1220
Chapter 1219
Chapter 1218
Chapter 1217
Chapter 1216
Chapter 1215
Chapter 1214
Chapter 1213
Chapter 1212
Chapter 1211
Chapter 1210
Chapter 1209
Chapter 1208
Chapter 1207
Chapter 1206
Chapter 1205
Chapter 1204
Chapter 1203
Chapter 1202
Chapter 1201
Chapter 1200
Chapter 1199
Chapter 1198
Chapter 1197
Chapter 1196
Chapter 1195
Chapter 1194
Chapter 1193
Chapter 1192
Chapter 1191
Chapter 1190
Chapter 1189
Chapter 1188 - Celestial Drawing Fell From The Sky
Chapter 1187 - As One Fell, Another One Rose
Chapter 1186 - Thousand Buddha Formation
Chapter 1185 - Everyone Has An Ace Up Their Sleeves
Chapter 1184 - Majestic And Dynamic
Chapter 1183 - I'll Take It
Chapter 1182 - Long Time No See
Chapter 1181 - Dispatching The Crowd While Sitting Down
Chapter 1180 - Four Standing Swords
Chapter 1179 - The Revenge Of Daqinggen
Chapter 1178 - The Enemy's Origin
1177 Half Gone
Chapter 1176 - Are My Brothers Still Around
Chapter 1175 - Beautiful Picture Of Mountains And Rivers
Chapter 1174 - That is Enough
Chapter 1173 - Blocking Four Ambassadors With One Body
Chapter 1172 - Things That Are Meant To Happen Will Happen Sooner Or Later
Chapter 1171 - The Primitive Emperor's Will
Chapter 1170 - Lord Su Of Immortal
Chapter 1169 - Arriving At Hell
Chapter 1168 - Heavens Of The Internal Realm
Chapter 1167 - Celestial Fate
Chapter 1166 - Deep In The Clouds
Chapter 1165 - Happenings In The Celestial World
Chapter 1164 - By The Dim Lights
Chapter 1163 - Frequent Visions
Chapter 1162 - Everyone Is Yuanshi
Chapter 1161 - Congenital Nature
Chapter 1160 - Ashes
Chapter 1159 - A Similar Tree
Chapter 1158 - Spectate
Chapter 1157 - Shadow Of The Ancient Tree
Chapter 1156 - Heavenly Gods And Buddhas
Chapter 1155 - Things In The Story
1154 The Unforgettable
Chapter 1153 - Cut Myself To See Me
Chapter 1152 - What Business Is It Of Yours
Chapter 1151 - The Celestial Lamp Ambassador
Chapter 1150 - The All New Battlefield
Chapter 1149
Chapter 1148
Chapter 1147
Chapter 1146
Chapter 1145
Chapter 1144
Chapter 1143 - Body Backtracking
Chapter 1142
Chapter 1141
Chapter 1140
Chapter 1139
Chapter 1138 – The Reflected Self Of The Anti
Chapter 1137 - A World Of Despair And Oppression
Chapter 1136 - Seizing The Buddhist Relics
Chapter 1135 - Preparing At The Critical Moment
Chapter 1134 - Unreliable Realization
Chapter 1133
Chapter 1132
Chapter 1131 - A Pity
Chapter 1130 - The Invincible Blade That Still Had A Conscience
Chapter 1129 - The Destined Battle
Chapter 1128
Chapter 1127
Chapter 1126 - The Devil Buddha's Projection
Chapter 1125 - Today's Top Forces
Chapter 1124 - Twentieth Year Of The New Calendar
Chapter 1123 - A Sigh
Chapter 1122 - The Heavens Collapsed
Chapter 1121 - A Real Dragon Knows When To Stand Tall And When To Lay Low
Chapter 1120 - Countless Events Throughout The Past
Chapter 1119 - Southern Sea Purple Cane Forest
Chapter 1118 - Fulfilling A Childhood Will
Chapter 1117 - Block The Passage
1116 Flying In From The Heavens
Chapter 1115 - Embrace Heaven And Earth
Chapter 1114 - Rising Storm
Chapter 1113 - Pigsy's Issue
Chapter 1112 - Senior Brother
1111 Wu Ju's Heirloom
Chapter 1110 - Visualizing Yuanshi
Chapter 1109 - The Chart Of Deities Achievement Ranking
Chapter 1108 - The Wild Song Is A Tearless Cry
1107 Humans Will Never Give In
Chapter 1106 - Guessed The Beginning Correctly, But Did Not Guess The Ending
Chapter 1105 - Arriving At The Plain Girl Sect
Chapter 1104 - Uncontainable Dominance
1103 The Purplish Red Eye
Chapter 1102 - Primitive Devil Reappeared
Chapter 1101
Chapter 1100
Chapter 1099
Chapter 1098 - The Half Day When Everything Changed
Chapter 1097 - The Incident Of The Luo Sect
Chapter 1096 - A Guest In His Own Dream
Chapter 1095
Chapter 1094
Chapter 1093
Chapter 1092
Chapter 1091
Chapter 1090 - The Formation Broke Down In Ten Seconds
Chapter 1089
Chapter 1088
Chapter 1087 - The Change In Reflected Self
Chapter 1086 - The Massive Weight Of The Universe
Chapter 1085 - Thirty Six Ancient Wells
Chapter 1084 - Probing For Intentions
Chapter 1083 - The Glorious World And The Gloomy Jade Palace
Chapter 1082 - Nine Brandings
Chapter 1081 - Charisma Grows From The Heart
Chapter 1080
Chapter 1079
Chapter 1078
Chapter 1077
Chapter 1076 - Cheating Under The Cover Of A Diversion
Chapter 1075 - Twenty Four Heavens
Chapter 1074 - Flood Dashed Against The Dragon King Temple
Chapter 1073 - Fate Of A Lifetime
Chapter 1072 - Crossing The Galaxy
Chapter 1071 - Mythological Era? The Sock Puppet Era!
Chapter 1070 - Neither Dead Nor Alive
Chapter 1069 - Immortal Demon Fairy
Chapter 1068 - Su Meng's Current Status
Chapter 1067 - The Myriad World Knowledge Ball
Chapter 1066 - Mental Influence
Chapter 1065 - The Realization Of The Night Emperor
Chapter 1064 - Task Allocation
Chapter 1063 - Meng's Act Of Fooling
Chapter 1062 - The Persuasion
Chapter 1061 - Analyzing The Arrangements
Chapter 1060 - The Shock Of The Gods, Demons, Fairies, and Buddhas
Chapter 1059 - Using Death As A Layout
Chapter 1058 - A Dream In Twenty Thousand Years
Chapter 1057 - The Yidao Real Body
Chapter 1056 - Blocking The Path With Life
Chapter 1055 - The Wang Family's Hidden Sect
Chapter 1054 - Ancient Secret: Reading Between The Lines
Chapter 1053 - Warning
1052 Wang Siyuan's Reques
1051 Real Spirit Map
1050 Meeting With The Wang Family
1049 The Third Mission
1048 See You Again, Immortal Luya
Chapter 1047 - Wind And Clouds Surge When The Sword Is Drawn, And All Ends In Peace When It Returns
Chapter 1046 - The Two Years Where He Left His Dharmakaya
Chapter 1045
Chapter 1044
Chapter 1043 - The Alliance Meeting
Chapter 1042 - A Strange Man
Chapter 1041 - Thank You, Bodhisattva
Chapter 1040 - The Match Between The Ancients
Chapter 1039 - Nirvana
Chapter 1038
Chapter 1037
Chapter 1036 - Blood Moon
Chapter 1035
Chapter 1034
Chapter 1033
Chapter 1032
Chapter 1031
Chapter 1030
Chapter 1029
Chapter 1028 – Three
Chapter 1027
Chapter 1026 – Top
Chapter 1025
Chapter 1024
Chapter 1023
Chapter 1022
Chapter 1021
Chapter 1020
Chapter 1019
Chapter 1018
Chapter 1017
Chapter 1016
Chapter 1015
Chapter 1014
Chapter 1013 - : Jie Sect
Chapter 1012 - Sad And Pathetic
Chapter 1011 - Creating A Diversion
Chapter 1010 - Heavenly Dog Eats The Sun
Chapter 1009 - Manifestation
Chapter 1008 - A Man Who Loves The Limelight
Chapter 1007 - The Consequences Of Giving Pointers
Chapter 1006 - Luring The Enemy Away
Chapter 1005 - Jiangdong Covenant
Chapter 1004 - The Information Revealed By Ren Qiushui
Chapter 1003 - Biyue Sword Deity
Chapter 1002 - Middle Ages
Chapter 1001
Chapter 1000 - A Pair Of Legs
Chapter 999 - Never Let My Head Down
Chapter 998 - The Anxiety Of The Spectators
Chapter 997 - Conspiracy
Chapter 996 - The First Group Of Losers
Chapter 995 - Setback
Chapter 994 - Member Of Four Emperors
Chapter 993 - Island Chief From What Background?
Chapter 992 - Tangled Warfare
Chapter 991 - Comeback Of The Shang Dynasty
Chapter 990
Chapter 989
Chapter 988 - Meeting Of The Heavyweights
Chapter 987 - Winter Solstice
Chapter 986 - Projection Starting To Take Shape
Chapter 985 - A Miraculous Jianghu
Chapter 984 - Something Must Be Wrong
Chapter 983 - Illusory Additional Self
Chapter 982 - The Scheming Puppet
981 A Strange Journey
980 Practice One Sword Each
979 Meng Qi's Preparations
Chapter 978
Chapter 977 - Separate The Sky From The Earth By A Leaf
Chapter 976 - To Make The Weapon
Chapter 975 - Ancient Fusang Tree
Chapter 974 - Strategic Shift
Chapter 973 - Please Watch Your Behavior
Chapter 972 - Su Xiaomeng The Troublemaker
Chapter 971 - Coordination
Chapter 970 - Grope One's Way By Throwing Stones
969 Arriving At Island Of Ten Magnificence
Chapter 968 - Night Emperor's Weird Request
Chapter 967 - Not Dwelling On The Sadness Caused By Departure
Chapter 966 - A Fairyland Beyond The Sea
Chapter 965 - One Of The Three Burrows Of The Cunning Rabbit
Chapter 964 - The Past And The Future Are Illusory
Chapter 963 - The Trailokyavijaya Wheel
Chapter 962 - A Blow And A Shout
Chapter 961 - A Baffling Magical Encounter
960 Do Good Deeds Without Leaving a Name
959 Seemingly The Same But Differen
958 The Universal Fragmen
Chapter 957 - A Spiritual Wander To The World and A Journey To The Sea Of Stars
Chapter 956 - Whose Chance
Chapter 955 - Forty Years Is Like A Dream
Chapter 954 - Luya's Abacus
Chapter 953 - Time Blade
Chapter 952 - Fragment Of The Eastern Emperor Bell
Chapter 951
Chapter 950
Chapter 949
Chapter 948
Chapter 947
Chapter 946
Chapter 945
Chapter 944
Chapter 943
Chapter 942 - Rumination
Chapter 941 - A Riddle Wrapped In Mystery
Chapter 940
Chapter 939
Chapter 938 - May We All Be Blessed With Longevity
Chapter 937 - The Return Of The Enemy
Chapter 936 - That's All I Can Do For You
Chapter 935 - My Word Is The Rule
Chapter 934 - Right And Wrong
933 Myriad World Knowledge Ball
932 Human Flesh Adapter
Chapter 931 - The Meeting Of Dharmakayas
Chapter 930 - Paying Respects
Chapter 929 - Three Things For Three People
Chapter 928 - Meeting
Chapter 927 - Indestructible Original Form
Chapter 926 - Live In The Present
Chapter 925 - Victory Comes Without The Need To Compete
Chapter 924 - Another Me
Chapter 923 - At The Top Of Spirited Mountain
Chapter 922 - The Unrivaled Opponent
Chapter 921 - The White Dragon Horse With Its Hoof Heading Toward The West
Chapter 920 - The Recurrence Of Mythology
Chapter 919 - Gaining Freedom
Chapter 918 - The Furnace
Chapter 917 - Having Nothing To Do With The Beautiful Scenery
Chapter 916 - Ananda Is Dead
Chapter 915 - The Ananda Pure Land
Chapter 914 - The Resurgence Of Wave
Chapter 913 - The Circular Movement Of Dao
Chapter 912 - The Feature
Chapter 911 - The Inevitable Fate
Chapter 910 - A Stab For A Life
Chapter 909 - The Meeting
Chapter 908 - Accompanied By Loneliness And Insanity
Chapter 907 - Repentance Is Salvation
Chapter 906 - Once There Was A Mountain, And A Temple Sat On It
Chapter 905 - The Night Rain Upon The Lake, Lit By A Ten Year Lamp
Chapter 904 - Ten Years Of Footprints And Intention
Chapter 903 - One Lantern Breaks Down The Monastery
Chapter 902 - Stamp Of The Invincible Blade
Chapter 901 - Can't Escape
Chapter 900 - Hold Something Back
Chapter 899 - This Life And The Next
Chapter 898 - He Was Then Young Wearing Thin Spring Clothes
Chapter 897 - April Sixth
Chapter 896 - Origin Of Life And Death
Chapter 895 - Principles Of Karma
Chapter 894 - The Relationship Between The Premier Nine Seals
Chapter 893 - Don't Want To Live
892 Alliance
Chapter 891
Chapter 890 – The Four
Chapter 889
Chapter 888
Chapter 887
Chapter 886 - A Trap
Chapter 885
Chapter 884 - Becoming A Scapegoat Again
Chapter 883 - Hatred Through The Ages
Chapter 882 - Wave The Magic Brush With Bare Hands
Chapter 881 - This Life Fruit At This Life Hall
Chapter 880 - Benefit First
Chapter 879
Chapter 878
Chapter 877
Chapter 876
Chapter 875
Chapter 874
Chapter 873
Chapter 872
Chapter 871
Chapter 870
Chapter 869 - : A Just Cause Attracts Much Support
Chapter 868 - Battle At Ancient Tombs
Chapter 867
Chapter 866
Chapter 865
Chapter 864
Chapter 863
Chapter 862
Chapter 861
Chapter 860 - The People From Nirvana Realm
Chapter 859
Chapter 858 - Seal Of Void
Chapter 857
Chapter 856
Chapter 855
Chapter 854
Chapter 853
Chapter 852
Chapter 851
Chapter 850
Chapter 849
Chapter 848 - Referring To Dossiers
Chapter 847
Chapter 846
Chapter 845
Chapter 844
Chapter 843
Chapter 842 – The Limitations Of The Seven
Chapter 841
Chapter 840 - The Fully Arisen Yellow Sky
Chapter 839 – The Seven
Chapter 838
Chapter 837
Chapter 836
Chapter 835 – The Seven
Chapter 834
Chapter 833
Chapter 832
Chapter 831
Chapter 830 - Done And Dusted
Chapter 829 - The Proof
Chapter 828 - Proficient Promotion Scheme
Chapter 827
Chapter 826
Chapter 825
Chapter 824 - The Helpless Nangong Chong
Chapter 823
Chapter 822
Chapter 821
Chapter 820 - “Delayed” Destiny
Chapter 819
Chapter 818
Chapter 817
Chapter 816
Chapter 815
Chapter 814
Chapter 813
Chapter 812
Chapter 811 - The Same Road
Chapter 810 - Real Body
Chapter 809
Chapter 808
Chapter 807
Chapter 806 - The Whetstone
Chapter 805
Chapter 804
Chapter 803
Chapter 802
Chapter 801 – An Encounter With The Blue
Chapter 800
Chapter 799
Chapter 798
Chapter 797
Chapter 796
Chapter 795
Chapter 794
Chapter 793
Chapter 792
Chapter 791
Chapter 790
Chapter 789
Chapter 788
Chapter 787
Chapter 786
Chapter 785
Chapter 784 – Siege attack on the Sword
Chapter 783
Chapter 782
Chapter 781
Chapter 780 – Well
Chapter 779
Chapter 778
Chapter 777 - The Unconventional Way
Chapter 776
Chapter 775
Chapter 774
Chapter 773
Chapter 772
Chapter 771
Chapter 770
Chapter 769
Chapter 768
Chapter 767 – Using the Yuan
Chapter 766
Chapter 765
Chapter 764
Chapter 763
Chapter 762
Chapter 761
Chapter 760
Chapter 759
Chapter 758
Chapter 757
Chapter 756
Chapter 755
Chapter 754
Chapter 753
Chapter 752
Chapter 751
Chapter 750
Chapter 749
Chapter 748
Chapter 747
Chapter 746
Chapter 745
Chapter 744 – Three
Chapter 743
Chapter 742
Chapter 741
Chapter 740
Chapter 739
Chapter 738
Chapter 737
Chapter 736
Chapter 735
Chapter 734
Chapter 733
Chapter 732
Chapter 731 - Sharp Blades Make Swift Work
Chapter 730
Chapter 729
Chapter 728
Chapter 727
Chapter 726
Chapter 725
Chapter 724
Chapter 723
722 Real Men Don't Look Back at Explosions
Chapter 721
Chapter 720
Chapter 719
Chapter 718 - State of Flux
Chapter 717 - Sharpen the Tools
Chapter 716
Chapter 715
Chapter 714
Chapter 713
Chapter 712
Chapter 711
Chapter 710
Chapter 709
Chapter 708
Chapter 707 - Who Are They?
Chapter 706
Chapter 705
704 Tasting Skills
Chapter 703
Chapter 702
Chapter 701
700 A Stroke From the Faded Pas
Chapter 699
Chapter 698
Chapter 697
Chapter 696
Chapter 695
Chapter 694
Chapter 693
Chapter 692
Chapter 691
Chapter 690
Chapter 689
Chapter 688
Chapter 687
Chapter 686
Chapter 685
Chapter 684
Chapter 683
Chapter 682
Chapter 681
Chapter 680 - Ups and Downs
Chapter 679
Chapter 678
Chapter 677
Chapter 676
Chapter 675
Chapter 674
Chapter 673
Chapter 672
Chapter 671
Chapter 670
Chapter 669
Chapter 668 - The Might of the Grandmaster
Chapter 667 - Ancestor
Chapter 666 - Southern Heavenly Door
Chapter 665
Chapter 664 - Journey of the Mind
Chapter 663 - Appraisal
Chapter 662 - Brute Force for Naught
661 Treasury
Chapter 660
Chapter 659
Chapter 658
657 Mind Games
656 Infiltrating the Impenetrable
Chapter 655
Chapter 654 - Yang Jian's Whereabouts
Chapter 653
Chapter 652 - Lucky Hit
Chapter 651
Chapter 650 - Tales of the Ancient Times
Chapter 649
Chapter 648
Chapter 647
Chapter 646
Chapter 645 - String Movements
Chapter 644 - The Grand Burial of the River of Stars
Chapter 643
Chapter 642 - The Fight over the Divine Weapon
Chapter 641
Chapter 640
Chapter 639
Chapter 638
Chapter 637 - The Formless Sword Qi
Chapter 636
Chapter 635
Chapter 634
Chapter 633
Chapter 632
Chapter 631
Chapter 630 - The Olden Generation are More Experienced
Chapter 629 - Inside Help
Chapter 628 - Venturing Safely Through Danger
627 Immortal Realm of Yesteryears
Chapter 626 - Discussions with the Demoness
Chapter 625 - Shang River Fairy
Chapter 624
623 First Glimpse of Lihua Island
622 The Sect of the Plain Lady
621 The Plan that Collapsed Before it Even Began
Chapter 620 - The Saint Follows
619 Devil Whelm
Chapter 618
Chapter 617
Chapter 616
Chapter 615
Chapter 614
Chapter 613
Chapter 612
611 Teachings of Buddhism and Devil Arts
610 Meeting of 'Foes'
609 Illusion? Reality?
608 Merciless Tyrant's Reques
607 The Iron-clad Building
606 The Shard of the Celestial Cour
605 Spoils
604 The Tale of the Jade Virtual Palace
Chapter 603
Chapter 602
601 Bold and Confiden
600 Death To Injustice
Chapter 599
Chapter 598 - The Hunt
597 The Formidable Arrows
596 Drastic Measures
595 The Change in Shangying
594 Innocent of Murder
Chapter 593
Chapter 592
591 The Unusualness of Yuxu
Chapter 590
Chapter 589
Chapter 588
Chapter 587
Chapter 586
585 The Preparation
Chapter 584
583 Overcoming the First Hurdle of Eight Nine Mysteries
Chapter 582
Chapter 581
Chapter 580
579 The Jianghu Stays Eternal
Chapter 578
577 Storyteller
Chapter 576
Chapter 575
Chapter 574
573 The Witch Doctor of the Grand Sun
Chapter 572
571 The Shallop That Blocks the Path
570 The Tenth Entrance
569 Farewell, Grandpa
568 Life-preserving Incantation
Chapter 567
Chapter 566
Chapter 565
Chapter 564
Chapter 563
Chapter 562
Chapter 561
Chapter 560
Chapter 559
Chapter 558
Chapter 557
Chapter 556
Chapter 555
Chapter 554
Chapter 553
Chapter 552
Chapter 551
Chapter 550
549 Enter Not This Door, Ye of Righteousness and Benevolence
548 The Dilemma
547 Hidden Aces
546 The Howling Lunar Hound
545 The Real or Fake Jiuniang?
544 Another Approach
543 Looking For Qu Jiuniang
542 Vertical and Horizontal Alliance
Chapter 541
Chapter 540
539 Xue Lengzhao's Warning
538 Cessation of Future
Chapter 537
Chapter 536
535 Anarchy of the Fish Sea
534 Affected by Karma
Chapter 533
Chapter 532
531 The Tes
530 Tales from the Pas
529 Immortal Yunhe
528 Forcibly Occupying the Mountain
527 Practicing Qi to Achieve the Heaven-Connecting Realm
526 Ancient Qi Practitioners
525 The Vicious Sword Ball
524 The Stratagem Technique
523 Behind the Door
522 The Karma Saber
Chapter 521
Chapter 520
519 Choices
518 The Devil-rinsing Flag
517 A Single Sword Move
516 The Drawn Door
515 Deranged
514 Utterly Destroyed
Chapter 513
Chapter 512
Chapter 511
Chapter 510
509 The Temple
508 The Strange Nether Spiri
Chapter 507
Chapter 506
Chapter 505
Chapter 504
Chapter 503
Chapter 502
Chapter 501
Chapter 500
Chapter 499
498 Seizing Changes
Chapter 497
Chapter 496
Chapter 495
Chapter 494
Chapter 493
Chapter 492
Chapter 491
Chapter 490
Chapter 489
488 'Forgetting and Forgiving'
Chapter 487
Chapter 486
Chapter 485
Chapter 484
Chapter 483
Chapter 482
Chapter 481
Chapter 480
Chapter 479
478 The Incident about the Rewards
477 Putting up Guard Just in Time
476 Two Invitations
Chapter 475
Chapter 474
Chapter 473
Chapter 472
Chapter 471
Chapter 470
Chapter 469
Chapter 468
Chapter 467
Chapter 466
Chapter 465
Chapter 464
Chapter 463
Chapter 462
Chapter 461
Chapter 460
Chapter 459
Chapter 458
Chapter 457
Chapter 456
Chapter 455
Chapter 454
Chapter 453
Chapter 452
Chapter 451
Chapter 450
Chapter 449
Chapter 448
Chapter 447
Chapter 446
Chapter 445
Chapter 444
Chapter 443
Chapter 442
Chapter 441
Chapter 440
Chapter 439
Chapter 438
Chapter 437
Chapter 436
Chapter 435
Chapter 434
Chapter 433
Chapter 432
Chapter 431
Chapter 430
Chapter 429
Chapter 428
Chapter 427
Chapter 426
Chapter 425
Chapter 424
Chapter 423
Chapter 422
Chapter 421
Chapter 420
Chapter 419
Chapter 418
Chapter 417
Chapter 416
Chapter 415
Chapter 414
Chapter 413
Chapter 412
Chapter 411
Chapter 410
Chapter 409
Chapter 408
Chapter 407
Chapter 406
Chapter 405
Chapter 404
Chapter 403
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Chapter 401
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Chapter 392
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Chapter 270
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Chapter 222
Chapter 221
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Chapter 215
Chapter 214
Chapter 213
Chapter 212
Chapter 211
Chapter 210
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Chapter 203
Chapter 202
Chapter 201
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Chapter 194
Chapter 193
Chapter 192
Chapter 191
Chapter 190
Chapter 189
Chapter 188
Chapter 187
Chapter 186
Chapter 185
Chapter 184
Chapter 183
Chapter 182
Chapter 181
Chapter 180
Chapter 179
Chapter 178
Chapter 177
Chapter 176
Chapter 175
Chapter 174
Chapter 173
Chapter 172
Chapter 171
Chapter 170
Chapter 169
Chapter 168
Chapter 167
Chapter 166
Chapter 165
Chapter 164
Chapter 163
Chapter 162
Chapter 161
Chapter 160
Chapter 159
Chapter 158
Chapter 157
Chapter 156
Chapter 155
Chapter 154
Chapter 153
Chapter 152
Chapter 151
Chapter 150
Chapter 149
Chapter 148
Chapter 147
Chapter 146
Chapter 145
Chapter 144
Chapter 143
Chapter 142
Chapter 141
Chapter 140
Chapter 139
Chapter 138
Chapter 137
Chapter 136
Chapter 135
Chapter 134
Chapter 133
Chapter 132
Chapter 131
Chapter 130
Chapter 129
Chapter 128
Chapter 127
Chapter 126
Chapter 125
Chapter 124
Chapter 123: Back to Quicksand Town
Chapter 122: Gu Changqing
Chapter 121: Immediate Revenge
Chapter 120: Preparation
Chapter 119: The "Warm-up"
Chapter 118: No Way Backward
Chapter 117: The Letter Yuan Meng Left Behind
Chapter 116: The Snow Falling Blade
Chapter 115: Dharma Name: Zhen Ding
Chapter 114: Snow God Palm
Chapter 113: Samsara Incantation
Chapter 112: Meng Qi's Preparation
Chapter 111: Evaluation
Chapter 110: The Fall of Devil Tomb
Chapter 109: Behind the Door
Chapter 108: Into the Moutain
Chapter 107: Gu Xiaosang's Intentions
Chapter 106: Destined to be
Chapter 105: The Devil Lord Statue
Chapter 104: Split up for the Hunt
Chapter 103: Reminder
Chapter 102: Four Sealing Weapons
Chapter 101: Yama's Invitation
Chapter 100: The Manhunt
Chapter 99: Simple and Crude
Chapter 98: The Killers and the Victims.
Chapter 97: Secrecy-reaching
Chapter 96: Eagle Eyes
Chapter 95: The Night Comes
Chapter 94: Windcloud Heights
Chapter 93
Chapter 92: The Idea of the Companions
Chapter 91: A Real Opportunity
Chapter 90: The Disacupin
Chapter 89: Counterattack
Chapter 88: The Vast Gobi Desert
Chapter 87: A Fierce Battle
Chapter 86: The Natural Disaster
Chapter 85: The Crying Elder
Chapter 84: Border of Immensity Sea
Chapter 83: Punishment
Chapter 82: Inquiry
Chapter 81: The Blade
Chapter 80: Meng Qi's Selections
Chapter 79: Fu Zhenzhen
Chapter 78: Hidden Latch
Chapter 77: The Secret Gift
Chapter 76: Cui Xu's Soft Spot
Chapter 75: Two Wily Old Foxes
Chapter 74: The Dungeon
Chapter 73: Mutual Deception
Chapter 72: The Strength of Onlookers
Chapter 71: Poor Childe You
Chapter 70: Human Name and Tree Shadow
Chapter 69: Disputes of Jianghu
Chapter 68: Uproar
Chapter 67: Transformation Strategy
Chapter 66: The Sword God in White
Chapter 65: Word on the Street
Chapter 64: A Mysterious Kung Fu
Chapter 63: The Only Thing I know
Chapter 62: Bad Reputation and Gold-Lettered Signboard
Chapter 61: Knowing Oneself
Chapter 60: The So Called Not Quite Right
Chapter 59: Remuneration
Chapter 58: Twelve Animal Zodiac Gods
Chapter 57: Death of Zhen Chang
Chapter 56: The Killer
Chapter 55: Unravelling the Mistery
Chapter 54: Zhen Hui's Annoyance
Chapter 53: Insight
Chapter 52: People in the Prison
Chapter 51: Triple Torments
Chapter 50: Arduous Practice
Chapter 49: The Special Training Place
Chapter 48: Xuan Bei's Reason
Chapter 47: Unexpected Fortune
Chapter 46: Ways Out of Shaolin
Chapter 45: Selection of Bladesmanship
Chapter 44: Personal Choices
Chapter 43: Lot Pot
Chapter 42: Ajati Finger
Chapter 41: Pursuit of Narrow Gain Despite Greater Danger
Chapter 40: The Stone Room
Chapter 39: Unexpected Fortune
Chapter 38: The Cosmos Juggler
Chapter 37: The Righteous Meng Qi
Chapter 36: Duo Ercha
Chapter 35: Sounds of Wind and Rain
Chapter 34: Side Task
Chapter 33: Master Xin Ji
Chapter 32: Reunion
Chapter 31: A Bloody Battle
Chapter 30: [Mendicancy]
Chapter 29: Surround and Kill
Chapter 28: A New Task
Chapter 27: Reward and Punishment
Chapter 26: The Villian Mr. Meng
Chapter 25: The Hegemon in the Exhibition Hall
Chapter 24: Pair Exercise
Chapter 23: "Benevolence"
Chapter 22: Reaction
Chapter 21: Disaster and Fortune Come Together
Chapter 20: Secret
Chapter 19: Courage
Chapter 18: Return
Chapter 17: Exchange
Chapter 16: Meng Qi's 'Ideal'
Chapter 15: Owner of The Castle
Chapter 14: Suicide
Chapter 13: Help
Chapter 12: The First Battle
Chapter 11: Blade
Chapter 10: The First One
Chapter 9: Yin Huang Castle
Chapter 8: An Eccentric Reunion
Chapter 7: The Chosen Ones
Chapter 6: Arhat Fists
Chapter 5: The Little Jade Buddha
Chapter 4: Hundred-day Foundation
Chapter 3: Looking Up at The Moon
Chapter 2: Buddhism
Chapter 1: Trickery
C499 – 3,000 Drunk Guests in a Floral Fragrant Hall
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