The Card Apprentice Chapter 233

The Card Apprentice Chapter 233

Chapter 233: 233

Chen Mu stood up and gave the fatty one of the folding Yanbo cards . "I'd like to keep the other one . You may deduct the required fees from the income . "

Xi Ping carefully took the card the fatty handed him . Pearson, who couldn't wait any longer, went over to them .

The fatty waved his hand and said without a care, "My young brother is too polite; just take it . "

"Since we've already decided the rules, how could I break them?" Chen Mu shook his head, insisting .

The fatty laughed . "Well, then let's do as you say . " His appreciation for Chen Mu grew a few notches . A big business man like him treasured reputation and trust more than anything . They were the sort of people who followed the spirit of the contract . Not being petty, Chen Mu's conduct gave him a good feeling .

"Let's check this card out . " The fatty clearly wanted to know the true worth of the card . He turned around to say, "I still haven't asked my little brother what the card is called . "

"The folding Yanbo card . "

"How many stars?"

"Three stars . "

The fatty responded with a grunt . Xi Ping felt a hot rush of blood to his head, and his face turned ugly . Three stars? Good god! That was 50 million Oudi in precious materials! To only make two three-star cards? Xi Ping felt his heart would drip blood .

An impostor! In Xi Ping's heart, Chen Mu had already turned into the same kind of imposter as Pearson . But seeing his boss look as though nothing was wrong, he repressed his urge to curse .

The appraisal of a card's value, and especially that of an excellent card, was a pretty troublesome process . When ordinary people spoke of cards, the first thing they would think of would be how many stars . For outstanding cards, however, or cards with the potential to increase in value, the number of stars was not the most important indicator .

More weight was given to the overall performance of cards like that . Sometimes special-purpose cards could bring in a good price .

The fatty was quite familiar with that principle, having built up string after string of classic cases, so he was completely fascinated after hearing Chen Mu . Pearson had a furrowed brow and a dull look all along, wearing an expression as though he were deep in thought .

Before long, the groups arrived at a training room .

It was a classic card assessment room . There were quite a few test instruments of every kind in the room, including some Chen Mu had never seen and didn't know the purpose for . There were also quite a few people in the assessment room awaiting orders .

"Come on, Jin Yu," the fatty ordered .

"Yes, sir!" With a cold voice, the pretty female card artisan stepped forward from beside the fatty and took the folding Yanbo card from Xi Ping .

"Is there anything my young brother would like to bring up?" the fatty asked .

After thinking, Chen Mu said, "This card requires pretty outstanding perceptual control . "

The fatty turned up his mouth in a smile . "Ha, you don't need to worry about that . " The girl called Jin Yu flashed a look of annoyance . What she heard was that Chen Mu had doubted her ability .

"Begin . " The fatty spoke to Jin Yu . He was curious about what kind of outstanding qualities the card had, seeing as it was made by a card master who could get the attention of Faya .

Xi Ping and Pearson quickly looked toward the field . The assistants were all taking their places .

A half-dome shaped energy cloak covered the test field, which divided it from those watching . That was to avoid any accidents .

Jin Yu put the folding Yanbo card into her own apparatus . One could see at a glance what sort of high-grade goods that was . Chen Mu counted six card slots, which made him rather envious .

Jin Yu closed her eyes, carefully trying to understand the internal composition of the folding Yanbo card . The cold, jade-like face of Jin Yu wasn't as cold as usual, but it was intensely focused .

Chen Mu didn't really know himself what the power of the folding Yanbo cards was like . The tailless shuttle's power had already become shocking, so he didn't think the folding Yanbo card would fall far short of it . Moreover, when it came to the production costs, the folding Yanbo card cost several dozen times more than the tailless shuttle card .

The only thing he was worried about was that the requirements regarding the perceptual sensitivity index were too high . He'd gotten the reward of the folding Yanbo card only after his own perceptual sensitivity index had reached 65 .

Jin Yu suddenly opened her eyes, and Chen Mu immediately felt a powerful energy fluctuation! It caused his heart to race . His gaze was fixed on Jin Yu on the field .

Jin Yu's snow-scallion-like right hand was tilted down in midair . A fiery, bright red energy was taking shape below her slightly wagging fingers as though molten lava were flowing and snaking out of them .

An extremely simple bright red energy body floated in front of Jin Yu .

The arrowhead-shaped energy body wasn't actually orderly; it gave out a crude feeling . The derision Xi Ping felt became still heavier . In general, high-grade cards emitted energy bodies with orderly compositions . They all had perfectly rigorous geometric structures . The arrow-shaped energy body emitted by Jin Yu was like a variable-thickness energy body with a fold in its middle . It was called the Yanbo—or swallow wave—and was probably the ugliest swallow in history!

The fatty's expression hadn't changed, showing neither discouragement or excitement . Pearson looked full of doubt, as though he'd encountered some problem that gave him a headache . His furrowed brow didn't show any sign of relaxing .

A look of joy emerged on Jin Yu's face .

Without any hesitation, she gave a light wave of her hand . The bright red folding energy body whirred into a trace of red that left a trail in everyone's eyes, and it hit the target precisely .


Everyone felt a shock under their feet, and Pearson nearly fell over . Luckily Xi Ping was quick-witted and held onto him . The fat on the boss's body shook, which steadied him . The good thing about a heavy chassis at a time like that was its stability .

The shaking struck everyone, including Chen Mu .

Jin Yu remained on the field . The target that had been in front of her had already disappeared without a trace, and in its place was a big hole about a meter across and 30 centimeters deep .

All of the assistants stopped what they had been doing and looked onto the field in disbelief . The large testing ground was absolutely silent .

With a jangling, something fell to the ground from someone's hands, and the sound of it aroused everyone from their shock .

"My god! What did I just see?" The creases on Pearson's excited face shook like a roaring sea .

Xi Ping was completely flabbergasted, though he quickly responded . A hard-to-disguise look of ecstasy appeared on his face . It was clear to him how much money the folding Yanbo card could bring in!

His gaze remained on the big hole in the ground . The testing field was paved with high-strength bricks made of protective materials; if ordinary cards left a slight mark on it, they wouldn't be bad . For the folding Yanbo to have effortlessly blown such a huge hole required unparalleled power .

The ever-calm fatty finally showed some excitement on his face as he quickly asked the assistants, "Has any data come out?"

One of the assistants stammered, "It has too much power . It destroyed the target, and we have no way to compute its power . The most destructive power this type of target can withstand is 1,200 . If you want to continue the assessment, we'll have to swap out a higher-grade target . "

"Change it, and do another test!" the fatty ordered without hesitation .

Xi Ping felt his mouth dry and his tongue parched, and he couldn't help but lick his lips . What kind of concept is damage at 1,200? The damage value for ordinary three-star fantasy cards started at about 200 . Above 300, it would already be considered a pretty good three-star fantasy card . When it reached 500 or more, a three-star fantasy card was already the finest of the fine . Not only had the fatty never seen a three-star fantasy card with a destructive value of 1,200, he had never even heard of one .

While the destructive value for a four-star fantasy card would fluctuate quite a bit, in general, they averaged roughly 600 . The best among them could reach over 1,000 . If they could get to 1,500, they would be absolute top-quality .

The three-star card in front of them had actually achieved a destructive value of more than 1,200 . How would that not be incredibly stirring? For them, the card's sales value was the most essential thing . A three-star card that could compare to the best of the four-star fantasy cards would have a sales value far beyond a four-star card with a similar destructive value .

The higher the star rating of a card, the greater the demands on a card artisan . The demands of a four-star and a three-star fantasy card were at completely different levels . Card artisans who were able to train to use a four-star fantasy card had already risen to quasi-ace stature . Those like Bo Wen could deploy a four-star fantasy card, though he hadn't been very skilled at it .

That also meant the folding Yanbo card's customer base would far exceed the target audience for a four-star fantasy card . For a businessman like the fatty, what could be more wonderful than that? Xi Ping was also clear about the folding Yanbo card's value . His face reddened with the difficulty of hiding his excitement .

Meanwhile, Pearson remained shocked, but he was even more full of doubt about the things he had pondered a hundred times .

The assistants put up the target as fast as they could and connected it to the instruments . That time, they were using the highest-grade target, which could sustain a destructive value of 2,000 . They were excited and didn't need any urging from the fatty for each of them to be proactive as never before . They all knew they were possibly going to witness the birth of a new record with their own eyes!

What could be more exciting than that?

Jin Yu was also pretty excited, though she still felt some regret; too bad she wouldn't be able to get that card for herself . Although the boss was good to her and basically met her requests, that level of card wasn't something she could ever expect .

Still, to even have the opportunity to use such an outstanding card had great benefit for her . Being able to achieve such terrifying power was sufficient to clarify how perfectly formed the energy composition of the folding Yanbo card was . Although she couldn't thoroughly understand it, she could still be greatly enlightened .

Aiming at the target, she again lightly flipped her right hand . Another bright red folding Yanbo shot out .

There was another explosion, and the ground under everyone's feet shook again . Having been prepared this time, no one fell .

When the smoke cleared, the target had come through unscathed . On the floor below the target, however, another hole as big as the last one was blown open .

"My god! A destructive value of 1,502!" the assistant exclaimed, once again igniting the atmosphere on the scene .

There was a collective heavy breath, and everyone's face was flushed . It was a miracle . A true miracle!

Among four-star cards, a destructive value of 1,500 was a watershed . Being able to achieve that value would be called top-quality, but 1,502 was a number that had definitely broken through that watershed . A super top-quality three-star card comparable to a top-quality four-star card? Xi Ping had already started to get some idea in his mind about how to plan for the auction of that card .

Of course, that wasn't the only part of the assessment . The evaluation of a card had quite a few items, such as the card's standard firing frequency, its rate of energy consumption, the specific qualities of the energy body, the environment where it could be used, and so forth .

On the field, Jin Yu was getting more and more excited about the folding Yanbo card . She was increasingly relaxed as she released it and didn't need to use her fingers to assist it anymore; she could just casually let it go .

The fatty gave Chen Mu a thumbs up and exclaimed, full of admiration, "You are a card master worthy of Faya's prostration after all, my boy . Powerful! From what I see, this work of my young brother isn't something even grand masters could compare with . I would dare to assure this card will certainly become a miracle across the entire federation!"

"My older brother flatters me," Chen Mu said humbly . To tell the truth, he hadn't expected the folding Yanbo card's power to actually be so terrifying . The tailless shuttle's destructive power was 756 when it was assessed last time . Now that he had gradually deepened his attainments with it, it would reach 1,000 with no problem . Even so, it was still quite far from a destructive value of 1,502 . Chen Mu believed the power could still increase over time as he became more familiar with the folding Yanbo card .

It was a truly terrifying card—even Chen Mu himself felt it so! Luckily he'd left one for himself . If he didn't have such a powerful weapon in his hands, wouldn't that be a great loss?

Xi Ping was looking at the folding Yanbo card in Chen Mu's hands with a burning gaze, like he couldn't wait to grab it .

Fortunately, fatty saw Xi Ping's appearance and scolded him with a laugh . "You unpromising fellow, cut out that piggish look . It's a complete disgrace to me!"

Xi Ping abruptly and sheepishly smiled, and Chen Mu couldn't help but smile back .

In no time, the results of the assessment were out .

"Folding Yanbo card . Three-star . Standard destructive value: 1,502 . Standard firing rate: 2 . 8 times per second . Characteristics: explosion . Coverage: a diameter of three meters . Environment for deployment: a non-water environment . Note: Those with higher perceptual acuity can increase the power…"

When the fatty saw the list, his mouth nearly curled up to the back of his head . Jin Yu pulled the folding Yanbo card from her apparatus with a glimmer of reluctance on her face . When Xi Ping took it, he carefully and quickly put it where no one could see it .

Chen Mu couldn't wait to leave by then to go back and really test out the power of the folding Yanbo card in his hands . He understood their cooperation had already been completely determined, and he didn't have anything else to do there . Having finally accomplished his goal, his mind became abruptly more relaxed .

Glancing at Pearson, who was about to scratch through his head, Chen Mu flet some sudden sympathy . Although he had long since made up his mind to do his utmost, he had used a lot of skills . If he were to put the composition of his folding Yanbo card together with the folding Yanbo card described in the mysterious card, it would be easy to discover that this card's composition was quite a bit more complicated, having a few more lines where there previously weren't any .

Chen Mu had used those lines to confuse people . They didn't have any function but were purely decorative . But, mixed up as they were with the true composition, if one didn't already know the composition of the folding Yanbo card, even Chen Mu himself wouldn't have any way to accurately determine it . That was apart from any speculation about how the folding Yanbo card was made, on the basis of the card's composition .

Chen Mu had paid more attention to the token architecture in the composition . Surrounding the token composition, there were a lot of lines to dazzle people, just in case someone slightly understood the token architecture . It would be difficult to determine what it actually was unless the other person's attainment with token theory was far more profound than his, in which case those little tricks would be utterly useless . His counterpart would certainly be able to discover the mystery within them at a glance .

If that were really to happen, such a level of card master wasn't someone he could contend with anyway .

"Young brother . " The fatty had a solemn look on his face . Seeing Chen Mu's glance come around, he said with a sigh, "To tell the truth, I feel a little bit as though I can't put out this card . "

Seeing that Chen Mu's expression hadn't changed at all, he smiled and continued on . "This card is really too powerful! Such a card—which has never before appeared in the Heavenly Federation—if I were to put out a card like this, it would doubtlessly be a blockbuster . I'm afraid it wouldn't be a small storm, either . My young brother would be famous overnight . That's for certain . But I'm afraid a lot of trouble would come along with our going ahead like that . "

What the fatty said was serious, and Chen Mu listened carefully, chewing over the fatty's words .

"I'm ashamed by what I say . Your big brother is a substantial person in Pomelo, but if I were to swing over to the federation, I wouldn't be much more than an ant . I'm afraid there wouldn't be anyone who wouldn't want such a person as my young brother . This card would certainly attract all the heavyweight powers . It wouldn't even be impossible to get into the Big Six . Your older brother congratulates you in advance . "

The fatty's expression was sincere, without the slightest put-on, which warmed Chen Mu's heart . He knew that to be able to re-enter the Big Six was a future better than anything in the eyes of ordinary people . That was why the fatty had made his expression of congratulation .

Seeing the fatty still had something to say, Chen Mu restrained himself from interrupting and continued listening .

Chen Mu stood up and gave the fatty one of the folding Yanbo cards . Id like to keep the other one . You may deduct the required fees from the income . Xi Ping carefully took the card the fatty handed him . Pearson, who couldnt wait any longer, went over to them . The fatty waved his hand and said without a care, My young brother is too polite; just take it . Since weve already decided the rules, how could I break them? Chen Mu shook his head, insisting . The fatty laughed . Well, then lets do as you say . His appreciation for Chen Mu grew a few notches . A big business man like him treasured reputation and trust more than anything . They were the sort of people who followed the spirit of the contract . Not being petty, Chen Mus conduct gave him a good feeling . Lets check this card out . The fatty clearly wanted to know the true worth of the card . He turned around to say, I still havent asked my little brother what the card is called . The folding Yanbo card . How many stars? Three stars . The fatty responded with a grunt . Xi Ping felt a hot rush of blood to his head, and his face turned ugly . Three stars? Good god! That was 50 million Oudi in precious materials! To only make two three-star cards? Xi Ping felt his heart would drip blood . An impostor! In Xi Pings heart, Chen Mu had already turned into the same kind of imposter as Pearson . But seeing his boss look as though nothing was wrong, he repressed his urge to curse . The appraisal of a cards value, and especially that of an excellent card, was a pretty troublesome process . When ordinary people spoke of cards, the first thing they would think of would be how many stars . For outstanding cards, however, or cards with the potential to increase in value, the number of stars was not the most important indicator . More weight was given to the overall performance of cards like that . Sometimes special-purpose cards could bring in a good price . The fatty was quite familiar with that principle, having built up string after string of classic cases, so he was completely fascinated after hearing Chen Mu . Pearson had a furrowed brow and a dull look all along, wearing an expression as though he were deep in thought . Before long, the groups arrived at a training room . It was a classic card assessment room . There were quite a few test instruments of every kind in the room, including some Chen Mu had never seen and didnt know the purpose for . There were also quite a few people in the assessment room awaiting orders . Come on, Jin Yu, the fatty ordered . Yes, sir! With a cold voice, the pretty female card artisan stepped forward from beside the fatty and took the folding Yanbo card from Xi Ping . Is there anything my young brother would like to bring up? the fatty asked . After thinking, Chen Mu said, This card requires pretty outstanding perceptual control . The fatty turned up his mouth in a smile . Ha, you dont need to worry about that . The girl called Jin Yu flashed a look of annoyance . What she heard was that Chen Mu had doubted her ability . Begin . The fatty spoke to Jin Yu . He was curious about what kind of outstanding qualities the card had, seeing as it was made by a card master who could get the attention of Faya . Xi Ping and Pearson quickly looked toward the field . The assistants were all taking their places . A half-dome shaped energy cloak covered the test field, which divided it from those watching . That was to avoid any accidents . Jin Yu put the folding Yanbo card into her own apparatus . One could see at a glance what sort of high-grade goods that was . Chen Mu counted six card slots, which made him rather envious . Jin Yu closed her eyes, carefully trying to understand the internal composition of the folding Yanbo card . The cold, jade-like face of Jin Yu wasnt as cold as usual, but it was intensely focused . Chen Mu didnt really know himself what the power of the folding Yanbo cards was like . The tailless shuttles power had already become shocking, so he didnt think the folding Yanbo card would fall far short of it . Moreover, when it came to the production costs, the folding Yanbo card cost several dozen times more than the tailless shuttle card . The only thing he was worried about was that the requirements regarding the perceptual sensitivity index were too high . Hed gotten the reward of the folding Yanbo card only after his own perceptual sensitivity index had reached 65 . Jin Yu suddenly opened her eyes, and Chen Mu immediately felt a powerful energy fluctuation! It caused his heart to race . His gaze was fixed on Jin Yu on the field . Jin Yus snow-scallion-like right hand was tilted down in midair . A fiery, bright red energy was taking shape below her slightly wagging fingers as though molten lava were flowing and snaking out of them . An extremely simple bright red energy body floated in front of Jin Yu . The arrowhead-shaped energy body wasnt actually orderly; it gave out a crude feeling . The derision Xi Ping felt became still heavier . In general, high-grade cards emitted energy bodies with orderly compositions . They all had perfectly rigorous geometric structures . The arrow-shaped energy body emitted by Jin Yu was like a variable-thickness energy body with a fold in its middle . It was called the Yanbo—or swallow wave—and was probably the ugliest swallow in history! The fattys expression hadnt changed, showing neither discouragement or excitement . Pearson looked full of doubt, as though hed encountered some problem that gave him a headache . His furrowed brow didnt show any sign of relaxing . A look of joy emerged on Jin Yus face . Without any hesitation, she gave a light wave of her hand . The bright red folding energy body whirred into a trace of red that left a trail in everyones eyes, and it hit the target precisely . Hong! Everyone felt a shock under their feet, and Pearson nearly fell over . Luckily Xi Ping was quick-witted and held onto him . The fat on the bosss body shook, which steadied him . The good thing about a heavy chassis at a time like that was its stability . The shaking struck everyone, including Chen Mu . Jin Yu remained on the field . The target that had been in front of her had already disappeared without a trace, and in its place was a big hole about a meter across and 30 centimeters deep . All of the assistants stopped what they had been doing and looked onto the field in disbelief . The large testing ground was absolutely silent . With a jangling, something fell to the ground from someones hands, and the sound of it aroused everyone from their shock . My god! What did I just see? The creases on Pearsons excited face shook like a roaring sea . Xi Ping was completely flabbergasted, though he quickly responded . A hard-to-disguise look of ecstasy appeared on his face . It was clear to him how much money the folding Yanbo card could bring in! His gaze remained on the big hole in the ground . The testing field was paved with high-strength bricks made of protective materials; if ordinary cards left a slight mark on it, they wouldnt be bad . For the folding Yanbo to have effortlessly blown such a huge hole required unparalleled power . The ever-calm fatty finally showed some excitement on his face as he quickly asked the assistants, Has any data come out? One of the assistants stammered, It has too much power . It destroyed the target, and we have no way to compute its power . The most destructive power this type of target can withstand is 1,200 . If you want to continue the assessment, well have to swap out a higher-grade target . Change it, and do another test! the fatty ordered without hesitation . Xi Ping felt his mouth dry and his tongue parched, and he couldnt help but lick his lips . What kind of concept is damage at 1,200? The damage value for ordinary three-star fantasy cards started at about 200 . Above 300, it would already be considered a pretty good three-star fantasy card . When it reached 500 or more, a three-star fantasy card was already the finest of the fine . Not only had the fatty never seen a three-star fantasy card with a destructive value of 1,200, he had never even heard of one . While the destructive value for a four-star fantasy card would fluctuate quite a bit, in general, they averaged roughly 600 . The best among them could reach over 1,000 . If they could get to 1,500, they would be absolute top-quality . The three-star card in front of them had actually achieved a destructive value of more than 1,200 . How would that not be incredibly stirring? For them, the cards sales value was the most essential thing . A three-star card that could compare to the best of the four-star fantasy cards would have a sales value far beyond a four-star card with a similar destructive value . The higher the star rating of a card, the greater the demands on a card artisan . The demands of a four-star and a three-star fantasy card were at completely different levels . Card artisans who were able to train to use a four-star fantasy card had already risen to quasi-ace stature . Those like Bo Wen could deploy a four-star fantasy card, though he hadnt been very skilled at it . That also meant the folding Yanbo cards customer base would far exceed the target audience for a four-star fantasy card . For a businessman like the fatty, what could be more wonderful than that? Xi Ping was also clear about the folding Yanbo cards value . His face reddened with the difficulty of hiding his excitement . Meanwhile, Pearson remained shocked, but he was even more full of doubt about the things he had pondered a hundred times . The assistants put up the target as fast as they could and connected it to the instruments . That time, they were using the highest-grade target, which could sustain a destructive value of 2,000 . They were excited and didnt need any urging from the fatty for each of them to be proactive as never before . They all knew they were possibly going to witness the birth of a new record with their own eyes! What could be more exciting than that? Jin Yu was also pretty excited, though she still felt some regret; too bad she wouldnt be able to get that card for herself . Although the boss was good to her and basically met her requests, that level of card wasnt something she could ever expect . Still, to even have the opportunity to use such an outstanding card had great benefit for her . Being able to achieve such terrifying power was sufficient to clarify how perfectly formed the energy composition of the folding Yanbo card was . Although she couldnt thoroughly understand it, she could still be greatly enlightened . Aiming at the target, she again lightly flipped her right hand . Another bright red folding Yanbo shot out . There was another explosion, and the ground under everyones feet shook again . Having been prepared this time, no one fell . When the smoke cleared, the target had come through unscathed . On the floor below the target, however, another hole as big as the last one was blown open . My god! A destructive value of 1,502! the assistant exclaimed, once again igniting the atmosphere on the scene . There was a collective heavy breath, and everyones face was flushed . It was a miracle . A true miracle! Among four-star cards, a destructive value of 1,500 was a watershed . Being able to achieve that value would be called top-quality, but 1,502 was a number that had definitely broken through that watershed . A super top-quality three-star card comparable to a top-quality four-star card? Xi Ping had already started to get some idea in his mind about how to plan for the auction of that card . Of course, that wasnt the only part of the assessment . The evaluation of a card had quite a few items, such as the cards standard firing frequency, its rate of energy consumption, the specific qualities of the energy body, the environment where it could be used, and so forth . On the field, Jin Yu was getting more and more excited about the folding Yanbo card . She was increasingly relaxed as she released it and didnt need to use her fingers to assist it anymore; she could just casually let it go . The fatty gave Chen Mu a thumbs up and exclaimed, full of admiration, You are a card master worthy of Fayas prostration after all, my boy . Powerful! From what I see, this work of my young brother isnt something even grand masters could compare with . I would dare to assure this card will certainly become a miracle across the entire federation! My older brother flatters me, Chen Mu said humbly . To tell the truth, he hadnt expected the folding Yanbo cards power to actually be so terrifying . The tailless shuttles destructive power was 756 when it was assessed last time . Now that he had gradually deepened his attainments with it, it would reach 1,000 with no problem . Even so, it was still quite far from a destructive value of 1,502 . Chen Mu believed the power could still increase over time as he became more familiar with the folding Yanbo card . It was a truly terrifying card—even Chen Mu himself felt it so! Luckily hed left one for himself . If he didnt have such a powerful weapon in his hands, wouldnt that be a great loss? Xi Ping was looking at the folding Yanbo card in Chen Mus hands with a burning gaze, like he couldnt wait to grab it . Fortunately, fatty saw Xi Pings appearance and scolded him with a laugh . You unpromising fellow, cut out that piggish look . Its a complete disgrace to me! Xi Ping abruptly and sheepishly smiled, and Chen Mu couldnt help but smile back . In no time, the results of the assessment were out . Folding Yanbo card . Three-star . Standard destructive value: 1,502 . Standard firing rate: 2 . 8 times per second . Characteristics: explosion . Coverage: a diameter of three meters . Environment for deployment: a non-water environment . Note: Those with higher perceptual acuity can increase the power… When the fatty saw the list, his mouth nearly curled up to the back of his head . Jin Yu pulled the folding Yanbo card from her apparatus with a glimmer of reluctance on her face . When Xi Ping took it, he carefully and quickly put it where no one could see it . Chen Mu couldnt wait to leave by then to go back and really test out the power of the folding Yanbo card in his hands . He understood their cooperation had already been completely determined, and he didnt have anything else to do there . Having finally accomplished his goal, his mind became abruptly more relaxed . Glancing at Pearson, who was about to scratch through his head, Chen Mu flet some sudden sympathy . Although he had long since made up his mind to do his utmost, he had used a lot of skills . If he were to put the composition of his folding Yanbo card together with the folding Yanbo card described in the mysterious card, it would be easy to discover that this cards composition was quite a bit more complicated, having a few more lines where there previously werent any . Chen Mu had used those lines to confuse people . They didnt have any function but were purely decorative . But, mixed up as they were with the true composition, if one didnt already know the composition of the folding Yanbo card, even Chen Mu himself wouldnt have any way to accurately determine it . That was apart from any speculation about how the folding Yanbo card was made, on the basis of the cards composition . Chen Mu had paid more attention to the token architecture in the composition . Surrounding the token composition, there were a lot of lines to dazzle people, just in case someone slightly understood the token architecture . It would be difficult to determine what it actually was unless the other persons attainment with token theory was far more profound than his, in which case those little tricks would be utterly useless . His counterpart would certainly be able to discover the mystery within them at a glance . If that were really to happen, such a level of card master wasnt someone he could contend with anyway . Young brother . The fatty had a solemn look on his face . Seeing Chen Mus glance come around, he said with a sigh, To tell the truth, I feel a little bit as though I cant put out this card . Seeing that Chen Mus expression hadnt changed at all, he smiled and continued on . This card is really too powerful! Such a card—which has never before appeared in the Heavenly Federation—if I were to put out a card like this, it would doubtlessly be a blockbuster . Im afraid it wouldnt be a small storm, either . My young brother would be famous overnight . Thats for certain . But Im afraid a lot of trouble would come along with our going ahead like that . What the fatty said was serious, and Chen Mu listened carefully, chewing over the fattys words . Im ashamed by what I say . Your big brother is a substantial person in Pomelo, but if I were to swing over to the federation, I wouldnt be much more than an ant . Im afraid there wouldnt be anyone who wouldnt want such a person as my young brother . This card would certainly attract all the heavyweight powers . It wouldnt even be impossible to get into the Big Six . Your older brother congratulates you in advance . The fattys expression was sincere, without the slightest put-on, which warmed Chen Mus heart . He knew that to be able to re-enter the Big Six was a future better than anything in the eyes of ordinary people . That was why the fatty had made his expression of congratulation . Seeing the fatty still had something to say, Chen Mu restrained himself from interrupting and continued listening .

Chapter end

Chapter 611 (END)
Chapter 610
609 Letter of Challenge!
608 Fatalism
Chapter 607
Chapter 606
Chapter 605 - Feast Before Meeting
Chapter 604 - King
Chapter 603
Chapter 602 - Encountering the Enemy at the Ash Stratum
Chapter 601
Chapter 600 - Hedrat's Death
Chapter 599
598 Wesley
597 The Third Commander
Chapter 596
595 Boundary Kill
594 Bipolar - The Black and White Boundary
Chapter 593
Chapter 592
Chapter 591
Chapter 590
Chapter 589
Chapter 588
Chapter 587 – Eye
Chapter 586
Chapter 585
584 In the Name of the Murderer 1
Chapter 583
582 Kill!
581 Unsheathing
Chapter 580
Chapter 579
578 Plan B 1
Chapter 577
Chapter 576 - Eastern Wei
Chapter 575
Chapter 574
Chapter 573
Chapter 572
Chapter 571
Chapter 570
Chapter 569
Chapter 568
567 The Transit Windows
566 The Cave
Chapter 565
Chapter 564
563 Sneak Attack
Chapter 562
Chapter 561
560 Stay in Touch
Chapter 559
Chapter 558
Chapter 557
Chapter 556
555 The Battle Begins
554 A Diversion
Chapter 553
Chapter 552
551 Wei-ah's One Step
550 A Twist of Fate
549 What Brought Her Here?
548 Copper's Concerns
Chapter 547 - The Eternal Night!
546 Gong Liang
Chapter 545
Chapter 544
Chapter 543
Chapter 542
541 The Harves
540 Shoot to Kill
539 The Last Lap!
538 The Fog of War
537 Some Talent!
536 A Bold Plan
Chapter 535
534 The Stubborn Cang Jiang
533 The Firepower of The Four Teams
Chapter 532
Chapter 531
Chapter 530 - A Taste of Wei-ah's Hell
Chapter 529 - Hunt and Kill!
Chapter 528
Chapter 527
Chapter 526
525 Forest Pigeon
524 Thorn Removal
523 The Flow
Chapter 522 - The Complete Change
521 Wood Word Camp
520 The Wolf is here!
519 Turning the concept into reality
Chapter 518
Chapter 517
516 Tactical Regulations
Chapter 515
Chapter 514 - Snow Thorn Bear
Chapter 513 - Su Heiming
512 Cao Zhengqiu
511 An Irresistible Offer
Chapter 510
509 The Punishmen
508 Guide The World
Chapter 507
506 The Terrifying Rossiji
505 The Show
504 Pressure
Chapter 503
Chapter 502
Chapter 501
Chapter 500 - A Stunning Victory
Chapter 499 - Anticipation
498 Wai
497 Calculation
496 Loophole
495 The Decision
494 The Hatred of Tan Yumin
493 The Killing!
492 A Sharp Counter-Attack
491 Provocation
490 Yuzi Military Force
489 Xie Yanbai's Decision
488 Behind the Scenes II
487 Behind the Scenes I
486 One Breath Perception Training Guide
485 Qiu Shanyu's Plan
484 Tai-shu Yong's Emotions
483 Black Hibiscus Card Artisan Team
482 The Old Story
481 Doubts
480 Two Powerful Forces
479 Little Bu Mo's Airskill
478 A Melee in the Night III
477 A Melee in the Night II
476 A Melee in the Night I
475 Choices that Cannot Be Understood
474 The Fisherman
473 A Sharp Blade is Unsheathed
473 A Sharp Blade is Unsheathed
472 The Weakness of the Oudi Burner
471 The First Battle
Chapter 470
Chapter 469
468 Ten Moves
467 Words Like Knives
466 The Eternal Nigh
465 The Dangerous Woman
464 Here Come the Robbers
Chapter 463
462 Silently Gushing In
461 Gold-Mottled Liquid-Soft Fungus
Chapter 460
459 That's I
458 Sly, Old Fox
457 Secret News
Chapter 456 - Power Glove
455 Xiaobo's Arrival
Chapter 454 - She is Just a Monkey
Chapter 453
Chapter 452
451 The Reveal
450 It Is Crazy Arcade
449 The Go Cage of Thousand Cuts under State Zero
448 Wei-ah's Retaliation
447 Flower World
446 Infiltration at Nigh
Chapter 445 - Coincidence? Guess?
444 A Twis
443 First Strike II
442 The First Trial
Chapter 441 - Chen Mu vs. Ba Luojia
Chapter 440
439 The Former Glory
438 Tan Yumin
437 Who is He?
436 The News
435 The Three Tai-shu Sons
434 Xu Jia
433 Good News and Bad News
432 Gains and Misgivings
Chapter 431 - Caesar
Chapter 430 - Are You Joking?
429 Mysterious Person
428 Janet's Plan
427 029: Bomb
426 Five-Star?
425 Optimizing Computation
424 The Key to the Child
423 A Decision
Chapter 422 - The White Commander Nickname
421 Ma Hu
Chapter 420 - Tai-shu Cheng's Proposal
Chapter 419 - Tai-shu Cheng
Chapter 418 - Acting Before Thinking
417 Dongrui City
Chapter 416
415 Who Could It Be?
414 Departure
Chapter 413
Chapter 412 - Belief
411 Fire and Ice
Chapter 410 - Crazed Burning
Chapter 409 - Chen Mu's Counterattack
Chapter 408 - Viciousness
407 The Means
406 The Child
405 Mobley's Ambition
404 Mobley's Ambition
403 A Card Appraisal Exper
402 Sang Hanshui
401 Bu Mo
400 A Hidden Trump Card
399 Risk
398 The Olive Branch
397 The Might of Golden Word Shackle
396 Jade Star
395 Dang Han
394 Inspiration
393 Non-Human Skills
Chapter 392
Chapter 391
Chapter 390
Chapter 389
Chapter 388
Chapter 387
Chapter 386
Chapter 385
Chapter 384
Chapter 383
Chapter 382
Chapter 381
Chapter 380
Chapter 379
Chapter 378
Chapter 377
Chapter 376
Chapter 375
Chapter 374
Chapter 373
Chapter 372
Chapter 371
Chapter 370
Chapter 369
Chapter 368
Chapter 367
Chapter 366
Chapter 365
Chapter 364
Chapter 363
Chapter 362
Chapter 361
Chapter 360
Chapter 359
Chapter 358
Chapter 357
Chapter 356
Chapter 355
Chapter 354
Chapter 353
Chapter 352
Chapter 351
Chapter 350
Chapter 349
Chapter 348
Chapter 347
Chapter 346
Chapter 345
Chapter 344
Chapter 343
Chapter 342
Chapter 341
Chapter 340
Chapter 339
Chapter 338
Chapter 337
Chapter 336
Chapter 335
Chapter 334
Chapter 333
Chapter 332
Chapter 331
Chapter 330
Chapter 329
Chapter 328
Chapter 327
Chapter 326
Chapter 325
Chapter 324
Chapter 323
Chapter 322
Chapter 321
Chapter 320
Chapter 319
Chapter 318
Chapter 317
Chapter 316
Chapter 315
Chapter 314.5 - The Snowflake Card Artisan Team
Chapter 314
Chapter 313
Chapter 312
Chapter 311
Chapter 310
Chapter 309
Chapter 308
Chapter 307
Chapter 306
Chapter 305
Chapter 304
Chapter 303
Chapter 302
Chapter 301
Chapter 300
Chapter 299
Chapter 298
Chapter 297
Chapter 296
Chapter 295
Chapter 294
Chapter 293
Chapter 292
Chapter 291
Chapter 290
Chapter 289
Chapter 288
Chapter 287
Chapter 286
Chapter 285
Chapter 284
Chapter 283
Chapter 282
Chapter 281
Chapter 280
Chapter 279
Chapter 278
Chapter 277
Chapter 276
Chapter 275
Chapter 274
Chapter 273
Chapter 272
Chapter 271
Chapter 270
Chapter 269
Chapter 268
Chapter 267
Chapter 266
Chapter 265
Chapter 264
Chapter 263
Chapter 262
Chapter 261
Chapter 260
Chapter 259
Chapter 258
Chapter 257
Chapter 256
Chapter 255
Chapter 254
Chapter 253
Chapter 252
Chapter 251
Chapter 250
Chapter 249
Chapter 248
Chapter 247
Chapter 246
Chapter 245
Chapter 244
Chapter 243
Chapter 242
Chapter 241
Chapter 240
Chapter 239
Chapter 238
Chapter 237
Chapter 236
Chapter 235
Chapter 234
Chapter 233
Chapter 232
Chapter 231
Chapter 230
Chapter 229
Chapter 228
Chapter 227
Chapter 226
Chapter 225
Chapter 224
Chapter 223
Chapter 222
Chapter 221
Chapter 220
Chapter 219
Chapter 218
Chapter 217
Chapter 216
Chapter 215
Chapter 214
Chapter 213
Chapter 212
Chapter 211
Chapter 210
Chapter 209
Chapter 208
Chapter 207
Chapter 206
Chapter 205
Chapter 204
Chapter 203
Chapter 202
Chapter 201
Chapter 200
Chapter 199
Chapter 198
Chapter 197
Chapter 196
Chapter 195
Chapter 194
Chapter 193
Chapter 192
Chapter 191
Chapter 190
Chapter 189
Chapter 188
Chapter 187
Chapter 186
Chapter 185
Chapter 184
Chapter 183
Chapter 182
Chapter 181
Chapter 180
Chapter 179
Chapter 178
Chapter 177
Chapter 176
Chapter 175
Chapter 174
Chapter 173
Chapter 172
Chapter 171
Chapter 170
Chapter 169
Chapter 168
Chapter 167
Chapter 166
Chapter 165
Chapter 164
Chapter 163
Chapter 162
Chapter 161
Chapter 160
Chapter 159
Chapter 158
Chapter 157
Chapter 156
Chapter 155
Chapter 154
Chapter 153
Chapter 152
Chapter 151
Chapter 150
Chapter 149
Chapter 148
Chapter 147
Chapter 146
Chapter 145
Chapter 144
Chapter 143
Chapter 142
Chapter 141
Chapter 140
Chapter 139
Chapter 138
Chapter 137
Chapter 136
Chapter 135
Chapter 134
Chapter 133
Chapter 132
Chapter 131
Chapter 130
Chapter 129
Chapter 128
Chapter 127
Chapter 126
Chapter 125
Chapter 124
Chapter 123
Chapter 122
Chapter 121
Chapter 120
Chapter 119
Chapter 118
Chapter 117
Chapter 116
Chapter 115
Chapter 114
Chapter 113
Chapter 112
Chapter 111
Chapter 110
Chapter 109
Chapter 108
Chapter 107
Chapter 106
Chapter 105
Chapter 104
Chapter 103
Chapter 102
Chapter 101
Chapter 100
Chapter 99
Chapter 98
Chapter 97
Chapter 96
Chapter 95
Chapter 94
Chapter 93
Chapter 92
Chapter 91
Chapter 90
Chapter 89
Chapter 88
Chapter 87: Eight Million?
Chapter 86
Chapter 85: The Fiery Mayfly
Chapter 84
Chapter 83
Chapter 82: The Way of Wealth
Chapter 81
Chapter 80
Chapter 79: A Bitter Battle
Chapter 78: News So Astonishing
Chapter 77: Fright
Chapter 76: Lin Jiu
Chapter 75: During a Read
Chapter 74: In an Emergency
Chapter 73: The Seductresses
Chapter 72: The Sign of the Nouveaux Riche
Chapter 71: Fear Looking Back
Chapter 70: Secret Weapon
Chapter 69: No Choice
Chapter 68: About Killing People
Chapter 67: Entering the City
Chapter 66: The Investigation
Chapter 65: Taking Care of Business?
Chapter 64: Weird
Chapter 63: Demons, Demons
Chapter 62: The Ways of the Shuttle
Chapter 61: Fly in the Sky, and Escape through the Ground
Chapter 60: Have You Started?
Chapter 59: Swordfish – Challenge?
Chapter 58: A Mishap
Chapter 57: Chen Mu's Proposal
Chapter 56: Surrounded by Peaks on a Winding Road
Chapter 55: Interactive Meetings
Chapter 54: Copper's Good News
Chapter 53: Mei Da
Chapter 52: Glittering Shuttle Moves
Chapter 51: The Tailless Shuttle Card
Chapter 50: An Invitation
Chapter 49: Bai Zheyuan
Chapter 48: Point Sweeps
Chapter 47: Go Ahead!
Chapter 46: Star Academy Centennial
Chapter 45: The Unwinding Game
Chapter 44: A New Discovery
Chapter 43: Low-Grade?
Chapter 42: The Low-Grade Fantasy Card Club
Chapter 41: A Few Seconds Every Hour
Chapter 40: Enjoying Agony
Chapter 39: The Twelve-Card Simple Water World
Chapter 38: Copper's Conjecture
Chapter 37: Wounded
Chapter 36: A Former Enemy
Chapter 35: The Master Shi Card-Play
Chapter 34: A New Plan
Chapter 33
Chapter 32
Chapter 31
Chapter 30
Chapter 29
Chapter 28
Chapter 27
Chapter 26
Chapter 25
Chapter 24
Chapter 23
Chapter 22
Chapter 21
Chapter 20
Chapter 19
Chapter 18
Chapter 17
Chapter 16
Chapter 15
Chapter 14
Chapter 13
Chapter 12
Chapter 11
Chapter 10
Chapter 9
Chapter 8
Chapter 7
Chapter 6
Chapter 5
Chapter 4
Chapter 3
Chapter 2
Chapter 1
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