Praise the Orc! Chapter 192-194

Praise the Orc! Chapter 192-194

Chapter 192 – The Swamp (1)

The thunderbird took Crockta's party on her back in return for their help. She flew a considerable distance, saving them a lot of time. However, she landed once she reached a certain area.

"Can't you fly a bit more dot?"

However, the thunderbird shook her head. The thunderbird raised her beak and pointed to the front, letting out a loud cry.

“What is she saying dot?"

“There seems to be something dangerous,"said Zankus. Because he was a hunter, he had the ability to decipher the meaning of animals to a certain extent. “You can't help us here, so please go back."

“What dot?"

They looked at the great forest in front of them. It was a dark place. There were many shaded areas in the great forest that blocked the sun, but the area in front of them seemed more than that. The air was damp and sticky.

“Once we pass through here, we will be in front of Orcrox," Zankus said to Crockta, Tiyo and Anor. “Going around will take a while. What do you want to do?"

The answer had already been set.

“Of course, go straight through."

"Don't go back dot!"

Anor tried to expression his opinion about going around. However, the bone sparrow riding on Anor's head replied instead.


Anor gazed at the bone sparrow with amazement. The bone sparrow expressed its enthusiasm through the flapping of its wings, as if it were already assimilated with Crockta and Tiyo.

“This guy is better than Anor dot! Let's go, Sparrow!"


The thunderbird lightly waved her wings at them. It was time to say goodbye. The thunderbird showed intimacy by rubbing her beak against every member of Crockta's group. They stroked the thunderbird's beak and feathers, pledging to meet her again.

"Thunderbird. Live happily with your children dot."


The thunderbird nodded.  Then she slowly started to fly upwards. The flapping of the thunderbird's wings caused gusts of wind to appear. However, it wasn't a rough blast like when she fought. It was a cool, gentle wind that pushed at their backs. The thunderbird spread her beautiful dark blue wings. She cried loudly before returning to her nest.

Crockta's group waved at the thunderbird.

“Then it is time to enter dot."

They turned at Tiyo's words. A gloomy forest appeared. The ground was wet, like it was a swamp.

"Be careful."

Zankus lowered his posture and loaded an arrow. Crockta's group looked into the dark forest at his sudden action. Was there something there? Zankus fired the arrow. The arrow penetrated through the air and struck something in the darkness of the forest.


A terrible scream was heard. It was a snake. A giant snake hiding in the bushes was bleeding from Zankus' arrow. It had completely camouflaged with the surrounding area, but it became visible when it twisted its body after being hit by Zankus' arrow.

“There was something like this, right at the entrance."

The snake wriggled and revealed itself. It was huge. The monster was a size that seemed like it could easily kill them. However, Crockta's group wasn't easy. Tiyo nodded and pulled out General.

“Good dot. I can make a snake dish. Snake meat is good for the body dot!"

Anor was confused. “Snakes are good for the body?"

“Indeed dot! Great dot!"

"How is it good?"

“That…good…I have no way to explain it dot…"

Thus, they entered the swamp of the great forest.


The paladin of the war god, Aklan prayed as he looked at the volunteers.

“Everything is going according to the will of the god of war."

Once the divine message was spread, ordinary people gathered to obey the gods' will. Many also joined the army in hopes of honor and rewards. Nobles who wanted to consolidate their positions also participated.

Now it was time to leave. Aklan gestured and the flag went up. It was the flag of all the gods in the empire. The expedition members prayed to the gods they believed in.


The horn blew again. The troops moved forward. The number was much larger than the empire's fixed army. In the future, more people would join as the procession progressed. From the empire in the south to Orcrox in the north-west, the expedition would snowball in size as more people joined.

Adandator spoke to Aklan, “We need supplies for all these people."

"Yes. I have requested cooperation from the Blacksmith Company."

The expedition had already requested the support of the top merchant company on the continent, the Blacksmith Company.

“We have plenty of money, so we can get what they need through their trading network."


“First of all, let's go to Maillard and negotiate further."

They were heading towards Maillard. They would pass countless cities on the way to Orcrox. The expedition would become more solid after passing through those cities.

Aklan looked around. An endless crowd followed him.

"The Free Cities Alliance has refused to participate. Stupid fellows. The rejection of all the temples on the continent will catch their ankles in the future."


Maillard was unable to hide their confusion.

Suddenly, a large expedition army had reached out to them, urging them to join.

It was a well-known fact that a divine message had been sent down. However, Maillard didn't plan to provide support on a city scale. They separated the work of the temple from the work of the city. The citizens themselves followed different gods and faith was left as a personal freedom. Now a large expedition from the empire was asking for their help.

“All gods are watching, including the world tree of the elves," Aklan declared.

All of Maillard's senators thought about it. They invited Aklan to the congress in order to listen to his story and make a decision.

“Paladin Aklan." Maillard's mayor touched his chin and asked, "Your target is Crockta and the orcs, right?"

"Yes, they are using forbidden power. If we leave it alone, the entire continent will be in  grave danger."

"Grave danger…"

Another senator sitting around the platform asked Aklan.

“What evidence?"


“What is the evidence that Crockta and the orcs are using a forbidden power?"

"It is a divine message. Every god has told me to get rid of them, and as I continued to pray to the god of war, I truly believe that they are very dangerous."

"The god of war is originally a god who promotes war…hasn't this happened before? The humans and elves fought."

The god of war was someone who favored war and fighting, and he grew through his believers. It was said that he directly reaped dead souls from the battlefield. There had been trouble between humans and elves in the past. It wasn't a big war, but many people fought and died. It became known that the god of war was behind it, and the temple of the war god was criticized for a while.

“Encouraging war…"

Everyone thought that Aklan would be angry. But Aklan was calm.

“If you think so, please consider the other gods. It isn't just the war god. All of the gods are saying this. Isn’t that right? Maillard has a temple so I'm sure that you know already. That alone is evidence."


The senator touched his chin.

Aklan looked around. There were around 30 people in the not very large space looking at him. Most of them were elves and humans. They represented citizens from all walks of life in Maillard. It was entirely different from the empire ruled by the emperor and nobles. There might be others who considered it as good, but Aklan considered it inefficient since the decision-making was split. This simple matter was being delayed because of it.

Aklan threw out one more thing, “Of course, it isn't just a matter of faith. Crockta and the orcs are public enemies, so anything obtained from defeating them will be fairly divided. Don’t worry about that."


“The price won't be small."

Suddenly, Aklan felt a strange atmosphere. He thought it was just a formal and tiring process. However, based on their expressions, it seemed like they wanted to refuse it. What was the reason for their refusal?

“Paladin Aklan. I've heard your words well." The mayor spoke to clean up the situation. "Do you know about Maillard?"

"I don't know."

“I see…" The mayor smiled and said. "Then do you know the group called the Rehabilitation Brothers?"

It was the first time he heard such a silly name.

“This is the first time."

“Then I will explain. The Rehabilitation Brothers are a volunteer group in Maillard. They suddenly appeared one day, helping the poor and sick without any costs. If there are any criminals, they will hand them directly over to the guards. They dedicated themselves to Maillard."

Aklan nodded, "They are excellent people."

"I agree. As mayor, I am very grateful to them. Then…” The mayor shrugged. “This volunteer group originated from Crockta."


“The three leaders of the Rehabilitation Brothers are ex-convicts who had been healed by Crockta. In the old days, they were very bad people who hurt security. However, they were born again as new men after meeting Crockta. In addition, there are several orc members in the Rehabilitation Brothers, all of whom are doing good work out to respect for Crockta."

Aklan's eyes widened. It was a fact he hadn't known at all. Crockta conquered the north and then came down to fight the empire. He was a fiercely strong warrior. No further information was available.

"Now the Rehabilitation Brothers are a symbol of Maillard. Thanks to them, inspired citizens have started to look after their neighbors and the city is becoming a better place to live."

The silent senators nodded and began to open their lives.

“The children in the slums of Maillard are now going to school."

"The beggars in the city are gone."

“The fountain square is full and the water is overflowing. When people throw a coin into the fountain, the temple collects it and helps those who are in need."

“The crime rate has plummeted sharply."

"There was a Rehabilitation Brothers member hit by a carriage while saving a child. I'm glad that he was a cursed person."

Aklan realized. These people weren't hostile to Crockta and the orcs. No, they liked them.

The mayor continued speaking, “I explained this so that you would know. We in Maillard make all important decisions through the votes of the senators. Your request will be accepted if a majority of the votes agree. Then I will start."

The mayor rose from his seat.

“Distinguished members of Maillard's congress. The expedition is asking for Maillard's participation and support. For more information, please read the details on the documents given to you. I believe you would've read all of it. All those in favor, please raise your hands."

He called for people to raise their hands. The mayor looked around at the senators. Three people had raised their hands. They had devout expression on their faces.However, the remaining members were looking at Aklan with firm expressions.

"Three people. Any more? Three people. Three people are in favor."

The mayor turned and looked at Aklan. Then he spoke again, “If you are opposed to this motion, please raise your hands."

There was no need to count. Everyone save for three people raised their hands. Aklan dropped his head, unable to withstand their gazes.

The mayor immediately spoke to Aklan without counting the number of votes, “The proposal has been rejected. Maillard is a city that guarantees civil freedom, so I won't stop citizens for volunteering for the expedition if that is what they want. You may recruit volunteers from Maillard, but Maillard won't support the expedition at a city level."

The senators clapped. As he listened to the applause that sounded close to booing, Aklan barely managed to open his mouth in reply, "I understand, thank you for your consideration.”

Thus, he had to turn around. He tried to recruit volunteers from the square, but none of the Maillard citizens joined the expedition. Rather, he only received the glares of the citizens. The heavy steps of the expedition troops headed for the next city, after not gaining anything in Maillard.

Aklan examined a map. Beyond the small villages and towns, there was a place equal to Maillard.

“Let’s go here. The scale is quite big. We will try again there. Most of the residents are humans. There will definitely be results there."

"What place is it?"

“A place called Chesswood."

Praise the Orc: 

Current schedule: There will now be 14 chapters a week, meaning two chapters every day.

Chapter 193 – The Swamp (2)

The snake that was hit by Zankus' arrow disappeared into the swamp forest. Only a red blood stain remained where the snake was. Crockta's group gazed at the place where the snake disappeared and then looked at each other. It was a humid place that gave off an eerie feeling.

"Should we continue dot?"

“Where else should we go?"

“Call back the thunderbird…"



Crockta cleared his throat and stepped forward first. He realized it when he took the first step. His boots sank down a little bit. It was slippery mud, but not enough to stop them from walking.

“We can walk." He stepped into the forest with all his weight. “It feels bad.”

The air was humid. It felt like poisonous insects would appear out of nowhere. Crockta walked a few steps and waved his hand. He watched the place where the snake was hiding. The serpent's blood remained and the bark and vegetation that it touched was being corroded away. It was an awful poison.

"The serpent." Crockta looked back at the party and said, “Let's pass through it quickly. Be careful."

However, their expressions weren't bright. Rather, they seemed surprised. Tiyo pointed to Crockta with his mouth open. Crockta shrugged and said, "What? Is everybody scared? Only this much…"


Suddenly, something fell on his shoulders. Crockta raised his head.


A giant snake's mouth was wide up open towards Crockta. Venom was dripping from the sharp fangs.  Crockta was so surprised that he couldn't make a sound. The snake gradually approached. Poison dripped from its fangs. Crockta couldn't express his surprise but instinctively swung his sword.


The moment he wielded New Slayer,


The snake was frightened and twisted its head but it ended up slashed in half. Crockta hurriedly avoided it, but it was inevitable that some blood touched his body. Pain radiated from where the poisonous blood had hit.

Crockta hurriedly rushed away from the radius of the dying snake. He touched his shoulder. The skin was melted due to the poisonous liquid. The poison continued to cause pain. His face distorted.

"Kuk, this snake bastard…"

Pain and anger jumbled together. He lifted New Slayer and slashed the snake again and again. The snake was eventually cut into dozens of pieces.

"Pant, pant."

Crockta took deep breaths. Tiyo carefully approached and asked, “A-are you okay dot…?"

"The place where the poison touched it a little painful."

"Poison? I have no knowledge about poison dot."

Zankus spoke, "Show me your shoulders.”

A hunter probably knew about different types of serpents. He looked at both the snake's body and Crockta's shoulder before pulling something out.

“Oh, is there an antidote dot?"

“It isn't an antidote but any experienced hunter would know…"

It was a potion.

"Potions are the best."

Zankus sprinkled the potion on Crockta's shoulder. Then the pain began. Potions were truly the best against poison.

"Indeed, potions are the best."

“It is a good idea to buy a lot when there is a discount.'

“I will remember that."

Crockta sprinkled potions on every painful spot on his body.

“Anyway, it isn't easy." Zankus looked at the forest and said. There were two huge snakes from the beginning. In addition, they had terrible poison. It would be dangerous. However, nobody said to go back.

"Break through the front. That is our way dot."

Tiyo lifted General in a ready stance and moved forward. Crockta, Zankus, and Anor followed. After entering the swamp, the ecology had completely changed. The animals and creatures had disappeared, leaving only strange insects and plants that they saw for the first time.

“This is a more dangerous place than the ogres' habitat in the great forest."

The dangers in this swamp went beyond the level of being threatened by ogres. It wasn't a physical threat, but the insects and unknown ecology weren't something Crockta's group had experienced before. A snake biting them out of nowhere was scarier than a dozen ogres.

“Be careful…"

Tiyo and Crockta took the lead, Anor was in the middle and Zankus followed in the rear. Crockta gazed at the shaded forest and walked carefully. The mud of the swamp grabbed at their feet with every step.

“Crockta, to the right!"

All of a sudden, Zankus shouted. Crockta immediately pulled out his greatsword and swung it to the right.


This time, it was a leopard. Patterns covered its entire body. Once the surprise attack failed, the leopard landed on the ground and gazed at Crockta.

“A leopard is attacking me."

Crockta laughed. He was a friend of the great tiger Simba, the king of the forest.

“Get lost. Then I will spare your life."

Perhaps it felt the terrible pressure coming from Crockta, but the leopard started to flee. It was at that moment. On the floor where nothing seemed to be present, something bit the leopard. The long and fat body entwined around the leopard in a flash.

It was a snake. The leopard was unable to resist and became the snake's prey. The snake bit the leopard and then looked at Crockta's group. Crockta's mouth twisted as he lifted New Slayer. The snake realized it couldn't afford to go against them and turned away. The leopard's dead body disappeared somewhere along with the snake.

"This is a really dangerous place."

A place where camouflaged enemies awaited their prey. That was this place, the swamp.

“Wait a minute.” Anor said, telling them to shut up. “From the snake who just left…"

Before Anor could finish speaking, the sparrow on his head flew to a certain place. It was the direction that the snake had disappeared in.

“What dot? Did you send it?"

"No. It is moving at will."

"What dot?"

“Well, I can feel something from the direction that the snake left in." Anor looked in that direction with a determined face. “There is something there. I don't know exactly what."

“It is something related to a necromancer, perhaps a dungeon or artifact."

Zankus nodded. Tiyo shouted.

“Okay, then we should go there dot!"

“I wonder what will happen."

“Kulkulkul, it is a new adventure."

Anor was baffled, “No, I mean, it will be dangerous…"

"Anor! Let's go dot! Lead the way!"

"I was saying be careful and don't go…"

“Guide us dot!"


They went through the swamp for a while. Zankus examined the tracks on the ground; his hunter's eyes found signs of snakes in many places. The snakes were heading in the direction that Anor felt the power.

"What will it be dot? Perhaps you are just imagining it?"

"No. There is definitely something."

Crockta looked around. In fact, he also felt something. The Demon's Mouth around his waist was rattling. It hadn't woken up in a while. The guy inside was still asleep, but the belt was dragging him in the same direction as Anor's feeling. It felt like he was being pulled. There was a feeling that something might be on the other end.


And there really was something.

A stone pyramid greeted them. It was covered with moss and bushes, but it was definitely a pyramid. The scale was greater than they imagined. The snake they pursued was also near the pyramid. In addition to that, there were several snakes crawling around the pyramid.

“There must be something in that pyramid." Zankus was already giving an interested smiled. “The entrance is there. Is it locked?"

There was a doorway under the pyramid, but it was firmly closed. Crockta's companions exchanged glances and approached. The snakes realized there were intruders and raised their heads. Their forked tongues hissed at Crockta's group.

Crockta pulled out New Slayer. The snakes' heads reared back. As Crockta pointed the big sword at them, the snakes couldn't get closer.

"Smart guys."

The serpents stared at them as they stood at the entrance. Zankus grabbed the door handle and pulled. It was firmly locked.

“It won’t open."

Tiyo and Anor also pulled once, but it didn't open. Zankus examined the door. It was built firmly and no gaps could be seen. Crockta went forward.

“I'll open it."

Tiyo shook his head.

“It is a locked door. You can't open this…"


Crockta moved his hand and the door opened with a grinding sound. Everyone was surprised when it opened so easily.


"No way."

Zankus nodded.

“The door seems to have magic that judges people based on whether they are qualified or not."


“It might be a place for Crockta."

They all looked at Crockta. His companions always forgot, but Crockta was a fearsome warrior who won against the great chieftain in the north and defeated the empire's large army alone. He wasn't an ordinary orc. The pyramid acknowledged Crockta.

Crockta coughed.

“Hmm, let's enter."

The admiration of the party continued.

“Truly Crockta…my companion dot!"


“Kulkul, this child has become like this…"

Crockta ignored them, moving forward while muttering, “If pulling doesn't work, push the door…"


The pyramid was in the center of a humid swamp, but the interior was completely dry. It was rather dry. What was this place? The snakes had hovered around, as if they were guarding the pyramid. They had to be guarding something.

“Do you still feel it?"

Crockta asked Anor. Anor nodded. He looked around the pyramid, as if he were trying to pick up that energy. Crockta also felt the Demon's Mouth responding at his waist. Something existed here that had to do with both necromancy and the Demon's Mouth.

"There doesn't seem to be anything dangerous."

Crockta placed New Slayer back on his back.  There were no snakes or insects inside the pyramid. The monsters guarding dungeons couldn't be seen. They kept moving forward.

Suddenly, Zankus said, "Strange."

“What are you saying dot?"

“We've been walking for a long time."

"That's right dot."

“Was the pyramid that big?"


They had walked in a straight line from the entrance. The pyramid wasn't small, but they shouldn't have been walking so long. However, they had already been walking for a long time. Zankus placed the light he was holding on to the ground and measured something.

“Is it going downhill?"

Crockta asked? As he said, the ground was at a slight slope that was leading underground. If so, it was possible for them to walk that long.

Zankus shook his head. "It doesn't seem like it."


“Something is going on."

Crockta looked at the end of the passage. The Demon's Mouth at his waist kept pulling him. There was something at the end of this path.

“Keep going. What will be in here?"

"Go dot!"

They kept walking. At the end of the passage, a large space appeared. The ceiling was high and something unknown was emitting a light. However, the glow wasn't blinding. The light source illuminated the inside of the space so that they could see clearly, but it was calm enough that they could open their eyes.

At that moment, "Who are you?"

Crockta's group turned towards the voice. A man was looking at them. The man was impeccably dressed and didn't seem to suit the pyramid. 

"An orc and gnome. A dark elf…"

But Crockta could see it. There was a tail coming from the back of the man's suit. The tail resembled a scorpion's and the tip was sharp.

“I will start the introductions. My name is Abaddon. You are uninvited guests, but I would like to welcome you to this place."

Praise the Orc: 

Current schedule: There will now be 14 chapters a week, meaning two chapters every day.

Chapter 194 – The Swamp (3)

“We are travelers passing by. What are you doing in this place?"

“It isn't very polite, coming in here and asking this." Abaddon said with a smile. Crockta didn't miss the scorpion-like tail shaking at his feet. He was wearing a suit and pretending to be a gentleman, but he clearly wasn't. It was dangerous to be in such a suspicious pyramid.

“We couldn't come in?" Zankus stepped forward and said. “Nonsense. The pyramid accepted Crockta over here. It is hard to say that we're uninvited guests."

Crockta's face turned red. They had pulled the door and he pushed it open. He ignored it because he liked the praise, but his companions still believed in 'Crockta is qualified.'

Abaddon hesitated like he was confused. “The pyramid accepted him, what does that mean?"

Tiyo explained.

“Literally. The entrance to the pyramid was firmly locked, but Crockta appeared, grabbed the handle, and the door opened, as if it had accepted his qualifications dot! The sealed door opened dot! You are the one maintaining this pyramid, but Crockta was accepted by it! He isn't an uninvited guest, but a warrior recognized by this place!"

Abaddon rolled his eyes. He met Crockta's eyes. Crockta looked down.

"Well…that's right." Abaddon winked at Crockta with an ambiguous smile. "There is such a thing. Huhuhu…"

Crockta looked around.

The situation had cleared up for the moment, but he couldn't feel at peace. In particular, he pushed the door when entering from the outside. That meant they would have to 'pull' when leaving. It was a structure similar to a bank. It was designed so that those who ran away couldn't go out smoothly. This pyramid was a structure intended to make things difficult for intruders. There was obviously something here.

“I haven't received guests for a long time…" Abaddon's eyes shone. “I suppose I should treat you…?"

He shook his cloak. Suddenly, a gust of wind blew at his cloak.

"Uninvited guests should taste something hot!"


“Hot dot…A spicy but unstoppable taste…!" Tiyo cried out while eating.

They were sitting together around a table in order to eat Abaddon's special dishes. When Abaddon shouted about the hot taste, empty chairs and tables were suddenly created. After that, Abaddon told them to wait and went somewhere to cook.

As he said, it was a hot taste. Spicy and hot noodles they never would've thought of eating in a hot and humid swamp! However, the taste was addictive and they couldn't stop. Tiyo suffered from the spiciness, but he ate the bowl with an expression full of anguish before asking for another bowl.

Zankus and Anor enjoyed the broth in silence. The addictive nature of the spicy food caused them to eat without stopping.

"It is okay." Crockta muttered while wiping the sweat on his forehead.

He was accustomed to the spicy taste of Korean food, but he felt pain because Crockta's body hadn't adapted to this taste yet. However, he was able to enjoy Abaddon's cooking because he was familiar with it.

I've lived alone a long time, so I've polished off my skills."

“Did you cook alone?"

“That’s right. I cooked alone and ate alone. This was repeated until it eventually resulted in this spicy taste. The best spicy flavor removes even solitude. It raises pleasure from the depths of the tongue."

"Umm…" Abaddon had been living alone for a long time. “How did you end up alone here?"

"Are you curious?"

“Yes. You don't seem like an ordinary person…"

Crockta looked at his tail. His tail emerged from behind the chair he was sitting in and shook. The scorpion tail seemed creepier the more he looked. Venom seemed to flow from the tip of the tail.

"We didn't happen to find a pyramid in the middle of the swamp. We came here because there was a strange feeling, then we met you."

"A strange feeling."

Crockta's group came here following Anor's senses. Anor felt an unknown energy with his necromancy.

"Do you deal with death?" Abaddon asked Anor. He seemed to already know what Anor had felt.

"Yes. I’m a necromancer."

“Indeed.” Abaddon rose from his seat. He tugged at his cloak and fixed his clothing. Then he beckoned towards Anor. “Come over here."


"Come closer." Abaddon stood next to the table and called to Anor. Anor, who wanted to figure out what was going on, scratched his head and approached Abaddon. "You have dark elf and human blood."

“That’s right.”

Crockta, Zankus, and Tiyo ate Abaddon's cooking while watching them. Abaddon examined Anor from top to bottom. Then he looked at the scars on Anor's ears with a sad look. Anor flinched but remained in his spot.

"The more blood that is mixed, the more possibilities you have." Abaddon said. “Your blood isn't so deep, but it contains many things. You can be anything. The fragrance you smell is chamomile teasing your mind. You are probably one of us."

He continued to say something but it couldn't be understood.

“You have inherited '…' blood."


Abaddon grinned. 

"I guess you were right. You deserve to be my guests. One of our friends. One of the…" Abaddon looked at Crockta. "Apostle of the fallen god."

A white star flashed on Abaddon's forehead as he said so.

Crockta realized something. Maybe he was destined to meet Abaddon. He was one of those who knew the secrets of Elder Lord's world. He was the same as Paimon, who they met at the Temple of the Fallen God.

This was why he called himself an apostle of the fallen god, not a person cursed by the stars. In other words, an apostle of the gray god.


"Huh?" Anor's eyes widened. "The necromancer is a descendant of your species?"

“That’s right. Necromancy comes from our ability to deal with death."

They had tea after finishing their meal. Abaddon kindly explained to them what he knew. First, Anor asked, “Then my mother's necromancy…"

“Her distant ancestor was probably a member of my species."

“What is this species called?"

“It will probably be hard to understand. The pronunciation is much different from the language of the continent."

Then Abaddon said something. It was a pronunciation that couldn't be understood.

“I don't know it."

“It is good that you don't know it. My species has already been forgotten. If you want something to call us…" Abaddon smiled bitterly. “The gods have branded us as demons."

Demons. They were demons.

Crockta understood. History belonged to the winners. The losers were criticized and buried in history. The gray god had probably fallen because of some sort of event, and the species that followed here were branded demons and turned into a forgotten existence.

Gradually, the entire outline became visible.

“Do you know Demogorgon?" Crockta asked.

"Demogorgon? He's still alive? He likes to praise and boast of his strength."

"He is doing very well, and has a very good contractor, too."

"I'm glad. He is someone who gets sulky easily and has to be complimented once a day."

"Kulkulkul, now he is hearing praises every minute."

Crockta smiled as he recalled Iron and his partner Demogorgon. Demogorgon belonged to the same species. It was why Iron could raise the dead. Crockta looked at his waist. The sleeping guy in here might also be their friend.

“Please look at this belt." Crockta indicated towards the belt at his waist.

Abaddon cocked his head. “I can feel a familiar aura. Can I touch it?"


Crockta stood up and tried to go to him, but Abaddon shook his head. At that moment, Crockta felt something touch his belly. It was Abaddon's scorpion tail. It crossed below the table and knocked on his steel belt.

Crockta flinched with surprise.

“Huhu, there is no need to be surprised. There is no poison. Now."

Abaddon's tail tapped the steel belt. It was at that moment.



Abaddon moved backward. Crockta also stepped back. The teeth of the steel belt had chewed off Abaddon's tail. Crockta's companions moved away from Crockta.

Wagujak. Wagujak.

The steel belt continued to chew on Abaddon's tail.

"Abaddon! Are you okay dot?"

“Ah…I will die soon…I enjoyed it…"

The fallen Abaddon crouched down.

Tiyo shouted, "You can't die dot!"


As soon as Tiyo grabbed his body, something emerged behind him. Tiyo looked back. It was the scorpion tail.

“Huhu, salty!"

Abaddon rose from where he had fallen. His tail had regenerated and returned to its original shape.

"You surprised me dot!"

"I wouldn't die from this."

But he looked pale, as if he had used a lot of strength.

“By the way…” Abaddon watched the belt on Crockta's waist and touched his chin. “You have something really great."

“Do you know the Demon's Mouth? It is also called the Despairing Demon's Belt."

“It is called by that name?"

As Abaddon took one step closer, the steel teeth at Crockta's waist clapped together. Abaddon immediately retreated.

“Take it easy."

Crockta slapped the forehead of the skull part of the belt with the palm of his hand. The Demon's Mouth rebelled but he just hit it even more.

“Huhuhu, it is true. I am familiar with this."

“What is it?"

“I don't think he wants you to know so I won't say anymore…"

Abaddon used an honorific to refer to him. The demon sleeping in his belt seemed to be a greater presence than Crockta thought.

"He had a higher status among us."

“At first glance, he looks like a kid."

“He looks like a child, but if he opens his mouth, he can swallow the mountains and sea. The 'voracious'…"

The steel belt clanged together, as if it was threatening him. Abaddon laughed.

"…It is up to here."

It was as if the belt was staring at Abaddon. Abaddon shrugged. They sat down again.

"Is there anything else you are curious about?"

The conversation between Crockta and Abaddon was intriguing, so Zankus, Tiyo, and Anor focused on them.

“What is the identity of the fallen god and the curse of the stars…?" Crockta got right to the chase. “In addition, what is she doing now?"

Abaddon looked at Crockta. "What is she doing now?"


“Are you saying she is currently in this world?"

Crockta was confused. “You don't know? She seems to be plotting something. It is in this world."

“You've met the gray god?"

"Of course. We met in the unknown 'white world'."

"Ahh…" Abaddon dropped his head. “Still…"

He seemed to be thinking of something. Then he said, “The gray god, the one who watches all deaths and the one we follow…"

Abaddon sighed before continuing.

“…It is a long story." Then he stared straight at Crockta. “Have you seen the night sky?"

"Of course."

“How was it? Beautiful?"

It was an undeniable question. Crockta nodded. There was no need to remember. He looked at the sky strewn with stars every night. The nights in Elder Lord were different from the cities on Earth, where only the moon could be seen. Numerous stars embellished the night. The whole night sky cast a bright light. It felt like the world stopped when he stared at them. An enchanting scenery created by the gods.

Crockta smiled and replied, "Of course. The most beautiful thing I've ever seen."

However, Abaddon's face was sad. “Crockta. If you listen to my words, you might not be able to smile like that when looking at the night sky."

Abaddon's face was serious. “Crockta. The star god is dead. Do you know?"

"I've heard it."

"What does that mean?"

Crockta closed his mouth. An uneasy feeling filled his head. Suddenly, he recalled another night sky that he saw. It was in the gray god's 'world.' A faint starry night filled with white dwarfs that were cooling down.

Abaddon spoke with a sigh. The information was shocking.

"The sky is fake. The gods are maintaining the illusion. The stars have cooled down a long time ago."

The eyes of Crockta's group widened. What did that mean?

“The last sun we have…"

The moment that Abaddon was talking… All of a sudden, a white light wrapped around Abaddon.


Abaddon panicked. Crockta jumped up. The sight was familiar.

“Ahh, she has me…"

Then Abaddon's figure disappeared.

This. It was what he saw when users logged out. The gray god intervened.

Praise the Orc: 

Current schedule: There will now be 14 chapters a week, meaning two chapters every day.

Chapter end

Chapter 228
Chapter 227
Chapter 226
Chapter 225
Chapter 224
Chapter 223
Chapter 222
Chapter 221
Chapter 220
Chapter 219-220
Chapter 218
Chapter 217
Chapter 216
Chapter 215-216
Chapter 214
Chapter 213
Chapter 212
Chapter 211
Chapter 210
Chapter 209-210
Chapter 208
Chapter 207
Chapter 206-208
Chapter 205
Chapter 204
Chapter 203-205
Chapter 202
Chapter 201-202
Chapter 200
Chapter 199
Chapter 198
Chapter 197-200
Chapter 196
Chapter 195-196
Chapter 194
Chapter 193
Chapter 192-194
Chapter 191
Chapter 190
Chapter 189-191
Chapter 188
Chapter 187-188
Chapter 186
Chapter 185-186
Chapter 184
Chapter 183-184
Chapter 182
Chapter 181-182
Chapter 180
Chapter 179-180
Chapter 178
Chapter 177
Chapter 176-177
Chapter 175
Chapter 174
Chapter 173-174
Chapter 172
Chapter 171
Chapter 170-171
Chapter 169
Chapter 168
Chapter 167-168
Chapter 166
Chapter 165
Chapter 164-165
Chapter 163
Chapter 162-163
Chapter 161
Chapter 160-161
Chapter 159
Chapter 158-159
Chapter 157
Chapter 156-157
Chapter 155
Chapter 154-155
Chapter 153
Chapter 152-153
Chapter 151
Chapter 150-151
Chapter 149
Chapter 148-149
Chapter 147
Chapter 146-147
Chapter 145
Chapter 144-145
Chapter 143
Chapter 142-143
Chapter 141
Chapter 140-141
Chapter 139
Chapter 138-139
Chapter 137
Chapter 136-137
Chapter 135
Chapter 134-135
Chapter 133
Chapter 132-133
Chapter 131
Chapter 130-131
Chapter 129
Chapter 128-129
Chapter 127
Chapter 126-127
Chapter 125
Chapter 124-125
Chapter 123
Chapter 122
Chapter 121
Chapter 120-121
Chapter 119
Chapter 118
Chapter 117
Chapter 116
Chapter 115
Chapter 114
Chapter 113
Chapter 112
Chapter 111
Chapter 110
Chapter 109
Chapter 108
Chapter 107
Chapter 106
Chapter 105
Chapter 104
Chapter 103
Chapter 102
Chapter 101
Chapter 100
Chapter 99
Chapter 98
Chapter 97
Chapter 96
Chapter 95
Chapter 94
Chapter 93
Chapter 92
Chapter 91
Chapter 90
Chapter 89
Chapter 88
Chapter 87
Chapter 86
Chapter 85
Chapter 84
Chapter 83
Chapter 82
Chapter 81
Chapter 80-81
Chapter 79
Chapter 78
Chapter 77-78
Chapter 76
Chapter 75
Chapter 74
Chapter 73
Chapter 72
Chapter 71
Chapter 70
Chapter 69
Chapter 68
Chapter 67
Chapter 66
Chapter 65
Chapter 64
Chapter 63
Chapter 62
Chapter 61
Chapter 60
Chapter 59
Chapter 58
Chapter 57
Chapter 56
Chapter 55
Chapter 54
Chapter 53
Chapter 52
Chapter 51
Chapter 50
Chapter 49
Chapter 48
Chapter 47
Chapter 46
Chapter 45
Chapter 43
Chapter 42
Chapter 41
Chapter 40
Chapter 39
Chapter 38
Chapter 37
Chapter 36
Chapter 35
Chapter 34
Chapter 33
Chapter 32
Chapter 31
Chapter 30
Chapter 29
Chapter 28
Chapter 27
Chapter 26
Chapter 25
Chapter 24
Chapter 23
Chapter 22
Chapter 21
Chapter 20
Chapter 19
Chapter 18
Chapter 17
Chapter 16
Chapter 15
Chapter 14
Chapter 13
Chapter 12
Chapter 11
Chapter 10
Chapter 9
Chapter 8
Chapter 7
Chapter 6
Chapter 5
Chapter 4
Chapter 3
Chapter 2
Chapter 1-2
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