Otoko Nara Ikkokuichijou no Aruji o Mezasa Nakya, ne? Chapter 55

Otoko Nara Ikkokuichijou no Aruji o Mezasa Nakya, ne? Chapter 55

RESTREAUNRETUARAREREWUAUNTREUANTUREAUNTUN. This is not a code. I just added restaurant to my list of words I hate along with knight group leader and first knight group.

Also, I decided to go with chapters starting from 55+ naming rather than doing V2C1. Just remember starting from Chapter 55 it's volume 2.

Year 7442, Month 4, Day 14

Everyone started on the trip home this morning. I'm already alone. For the time being I'll hang my sword on my waist and try wandering around Keel for today. Since

it's my first time entering the city I'm restlessly looking around showing how far off in the countryside I came from but that can't be helped right? In any case, he

said that the inn was already paid for 10 days worth, I'll take my take to look around here and there.

I aimlessly look around the main street. It seems like there's quite a few street stalls. I tried doing some window shopping but it seems they're mainly selling

daily necessities so there wasn't anything particularly interesting. Ah, that's right. Since I'm in the city I want to try taking a look at a blacksmith. I wonder

if weapons and stuff are left laying around? Or is there something like a weapon shop? Also, if there's something like a magic tool shop I want to try going there.

Come to think of it older brother said that if I'm going to do some shopping that the knight group would introduce me to some places.

If I use the name Greed and then show them my Status then he said they would introduce me to shops that can be trusted wasn't it? It's too troublesome to go to the

knight group's guardroom or station or whatever right now. Yeah, then I'll take care of stuff like that tomorrow. I want to slowly enjoy the aroma of the city for at

least today.

Even if you say Keel is the city after window shopping at various stalls down the main street it didn't even take 30 minutes. I guess that's only obvious. It's not

like there's a town like that even in Japan. After taking a different path and returning back to near the inn I think it was still around 7 in the morning.

Somehow...I imagined it as being more... lots of people wandering around and stalls lined up along the streets with almost no space in between. I guess there's no

way that would be the case. I have way too much time to waste, guess I'll show my face in the knight group and have them introduce me to some shops. If there's any

jobs suited for adventurers it might be good to see about having them introduce me to those at the same time.

I return to Bins Manor once and replenish my wallet with 2 gold coins before heading to the knight group. After arriving at the knight group's station this time I

was challenged by the soldier that seems to be the guard. I guess the free-pass was because I was with father, I guess it's only obvious they wouldn't remember me

after only coming once. I politely give my name, tell them that I'm here to confirm if there's any jobs suitable for a new adventurer and since I don't know the name

I say I want to greet the Sendhel the Webdos knight group leader and just in case they confirmed my identity with Status Open. I'm sure they can't let anyone who they

don't know the identity of on to the property, so there's not much choice other than quietly obey.

I don't know if it's because of the influence of rubber or my older brother but someone came to call me after about 10 minutes. I was lead by the squire that came to

call me into the knight group building. It's the same splendid stone construction as the Bins Mansion that I've been staying at for the past few days. I was brought

into a reception room near the entrance and told to wait for a bit so I just quietly wait for a bit. The room is about 8 tatami wide and there's a table and four

chairs in the middle.

I can't help but to show off my Salary-man nature so instead of touching the chairs I spend a short while staring at the flag of the Webdos Knight Group on the wall.

After a few minutes knight group leader Sendhel appeared in the room accompanied by a few squires. The female squires seem to have brought tea, after placing it on

the table they stepped back.

"It's been a while, Lord Webdos, thank you very much for meeting with me today even though it was so sudden."

"Yeah, since Shani's wedding. Well, take a seat. I've heard about you since the other day. They say you're going to become an adventurer? It can't be helped since

you're the second son. Give it your best."

I sit down at the table facing knight group leader Sendhel.

"Yes, and, today along with greetings I came to ask a bit of a favor. You might have already heard but I'm a countryside person who hasn't left Bakkudo village since

the time I was born. So, knowing it's impolite I decided to endure the embarrassment of asking if you could introduce me to a blacksmith that can be trusted?"

"Yeah, about introducing you to a shop right, I've heard. If you have time for today then I'll have one of the squires show you around but is it convenient?"

"Eh...That certainly would be of great assistance but is it okay?"

I'm sure the squires have jobs and training to do. I don't want to be a hindrance to that.

"Yeah, I don't know mind. Since you're the brother-in-law of Shani after all. You're almost like a son to me. And as the leader I'm allowed to mix work and private

this much."

Is it that sort of thing? I guess it's true that it wouldn't make a huge difference for a new squire that's not used to things yet. After that we had a conversation

about current affairs and the leader told me about some current adventurers he knows as the conversation just kept going but it seems that we're almost time.

"Then, I have some matters that I have to take care of so I'll take my leave here. Ah, the jobs suited for adventurers are posted at the reception desk near the gate

so it would be good if you try asking there. They aren't very often but I think there's about one monster subjugation job per month. I'll send a squire to accompany

you right away so wait in this room until then. Then, give it your best and stay healthy."

Knight group leader says that while shaking my hand as I thank him and leaves the room. There's a monster subjugation job once a month huh? In Bakkudo village father

would make groups to patrol around defeating monsters every 10 days or so, so there was no need to request subjugation jobs but I heard that was just because father

and mother were ex-adventurers and used to fighting monsters.

If I remember correctly sister-in-law was surprised as well that there was almost not damage from monsters even though Bakkudo is such a remote region. I've heard

that other villages spend a considerably amount of money on defeating monsters as well. I don't know how much the compensation is but there's over 30 villages and

towns in Marquis Webdos territory so I'm sure there's a decent number of villages and towns that can't defeat monsters on their own or even if they could don't want

to risk taking any damage to the villagers.

I wait for a few minutes while thinking about things like that and a young female squire about the same age as me enters the room. Since she's about the same age as

me I'm sure shes a new squire or a position close to that. It was a bit of a disappointment that it was a young female squire but after introducing ourselves and

leading the property of the knight group, I decided to have her show me to a food shop that deals in preserved food. It's a store I'll definitely be in the care of

when I go to leave Keel after all. After that I had her bring me to a blacksmith. The blacksmith wasn't in the middle of the town but near the edge a bit of a

distance away. I guess they're at the edge away from the center of the town because they're always using fire.

I thought that if it was a blacksmith then they would be "come from any type of metal product" but just as expected from a store introduced by the knight group it

felt like there was a wide variety of weapons and armor. There was about 10 swords in stock and there was even armor made of metal. Hohou, so this is the so called

split mail. It's my first time seeing it. I tried talking to the blacksmith a bit but this shop didn't have the thing I was looking for and I found out that they

don't seem to be able to make it as well so it was a bit disappointing.

It's not like I particularly wanted armor at this point. If anything the things I wanted are more related to daily life. For example thin wire or small springs. Even

if I were to try and make something like that in Bakkudo I didn't have the tools and even if I put some effort into making them it takes a tremendous amount of work

so I gave up on mass production. I was able to guess that I'd have to start making the tools from the jig but I thought if there was a jig in this shop then I could

use it as an example.

However, I found out that these sorts of blacksmiths that produce metal products get small metal parts made by the gold smiths rather than making it themselves. I

see, gold smiths huh. Only a bit but I had known there were craftsman that manufacture gold and silver into accessories but since I've never left Bakkudo and it

seems that because I was focused on mass production I was limiting my outlook.

After politely saying thanks to the craftsman I had her show me to the goldsmith this time. The goldsmith's store is located on the main street and it was a place I

had glanced at earlier and passed by thinking, "I have no interest in accessories." After entering the store I thought there would be a lot of accessories but the

store itself was more like a workshop and there was only a countable number of sample products in the corner. Since I didn't come for accessories they don't matter

though I felt like if they had more stuff I'd be able to tell what kind of things they can make, and I'm getting myself disappointed with them already.

The owner of the store is a middle-aged male dwarf just like the blacksmith from before and at first he was making a moody expression but after realizing that we're

potential customers he softened his expression and went into business mode. I couldn't help but make an awkward smile at how quickly he changed his expression but I

politely ask if he can make wire or springs. I wonder if he can understand my explanation? For example even if I say spring, there's also the type of board spring

that is used for crossbows so while he might know but if you don't have the knowledge of coil springs then trying to explain it could be difficult.

Just as expected it seems he didn't know about coil springs so I ended up having to explain compression springs to him where the coils are spread apart at a fixed

distance and pulling springs where the coils are completely making contact. However, the response I received was that as long as it's making it using an iron wire

when manufacturing it then it should be possible but trying to make it into a coil would be difficult it seems.

The reason is because it's too difficult to try and bend it while heating it. It's only obvious but putting aside metals made through magic, normal iron purified

from iron ores eats up a lot of MP when heating it. I was thinking that even without magic he would stick a wire into a furnace and after it was heated wrap it

around some kind of circular material but it seems that only the blacksmith has a furnace that can produce such high heats.

Since their primary products are accessories made from gold and silver it's fine as long as they can reach temperatures high enough to melt gold and silver and don't

need a furnace that burns that hot. In Keel the blacksmith and goldsmith are separate stores but if you go to the capital then it seems there are blacksmiths where

they are integrated into one as well. I guess I should consider it good just that I know that the craftsman could possibly be able to make it. When it comes to coil

springs then if you use a large one then it can be used for suspension on a carriage and the smaller they become the applications they can be used increase quite a

bit even to things like scales. If I could make something even smaller and more durable then...Yeah, it's fine for now.

I want to try confirming about Osmunda Japonica* as well but since I would have to try explaining starting from the appearance of it I gave up quickly. I politely say

thanks to the craftsman and buy a small polished brooch from 5 silver coins. Since it seems this store is fine and I needed to get change from one of my gold coins

so I paid with that. It was a slightly expensive purchase but I intend to give this as thanks to the squire for accompanying me later.

After that we ate lunch at a restaurant the squire suggested where the meals are cheap and pack a lot of food on to the plate then I had her take me to a store where

I can buy underwear and clothes. Since I have several pairs of clothes I'm not troubled for them right now but I wanted some underwear and socks. Particularly, I

haven't really experienced wearing shoes all that often until now so I didn't have any socks. Though I'm wearing my knit boots, my feet are bare on the soles and I

desperately want some socks. The store I was brought to had a decent stock of socks, it seems that there's a considerable demand for socks for the boots they wear in

the knight group as well. It's probably the merchant that they use. I immediately purchased 6 pairs, one weeks worth of socks, it was a bit embarrassing but I put

them on right away.

It seems that the squire noticed my boots for the first time then and was curiously looking at them. I'm sure that boots that completely use strings that aren't just

decorations don't exist. I used plenty of ebonite and hard rubber for the soles and taking into consideration the possibility that the tiptoes could be stepped on I

made them ebonite tipped. Since I plastered rubber all over a double-layered pig skin with holes for the strings, they're strong against water but the ventilation

is pretty bad. It would be good if she doesn't realize my feet smell from how stuffy they are. Ah, I'm using healing magic everyday so there's no need to worry about

athlete's foot. In order to take into consideration my future growth I made them considerably big and I've wrapped my foot in a worn-out cloth to fit so she was

surprised by the difference in size of my feet.

The next place I had her lead me to was the general goods store where they sell a variety of daily necessities. I thought I would try buying something if there was

anything convenient that I didn't know about. However, I didn't see anything in particular I wanted and ended up not buying anything in the store. I think it's

probably around 2 pm now. Ah, that's right. I want a clock magic tool. Along with the light magic tool I've heard that the clock magic tool is one of the top two

cheapest magic tools. Even if I say cheap since it's still a magic tool I'm sure it'll still cost quite a bit but if it's way too expensive then it'll be fine if I

just give up on buying one.

I had her lead me there right away but the cheapest of both the light and clock magic tools we're 20 silver coins. The clock magic tool we had at our house was

pretty simile and when I used identify on it the value was around 12,000 so they're pretty expensive. It can't be helped, I guess I'll give up. Come to think of it,

mother said you can sell magic stones at the magic tool shop. I guess I'll try bringing in several types that have different values tomorrow. I want to know how they

measure the value of them as well.

After walking the squire back to the knight group station (It seems that call it the headquarters. I asked if that's the case then are there branches, but there

weren't any. What's that?) and as thanks for showing me around various places today I gave her the brood. I say thanks once again to the squire who seems a bit

troubled but happy and return to Bins Manor. After leaving the luggage I purchased today in my room I intend to ask the clerk where a bar with cheap alcohol is. My

objective isn't alcohol but gathering information. You can't forget. One of my largest objectives in staying in Keel, getting rid of Begulu.

Since the clerk of Bins Manor was out, I tried asking a kid that seemed to be an apprentice what kind of places the ruined adventurers and hoodlums go so I can

avoid the dangerous areas, and he told me. There's two bars that in seriously dangerous slum like areas. After that, there's one restaurant. Both of them are cheap

but there's really a lot of hoodlums and it seems you can tell just by looking that it's difficult for a newcomer to enter. Also, in an area that's a bit of distance

from the slum there's one bar and restaurant. It seems it's not all that dangerous there and it seems that a lot of the customers are commoners. I guess I'll try

going there first. I return to my room for a bit and take the gold coins out of my wallet and make sure there's only 3 silver coins, 2 Silver Shu, and some copper

coins in it. I'll be holding roughly 40,000 yen. I'm sure if I have this much then there's no problem with ordering some food and drink.

Just as I was taught there was a restaurant already open along the bank of the central river. It's a restaurant with an atmosphere like those in Southeast Asia

though. The front is wide and there's tables both inside and outside, it' has a mixed feel to it but just from looking from a distance the customers don't seem all

that rough. Yeah, the name matches as well, it might be good to hang around in here for a while today.

After passing by the sign that had "Binsil's Food & Alcohol" in patchwork I sit in an open seat. I look around inside the restaurant but there's no menu written

anywhere. I thought these sorts of places would be like the pubs in Japan with a menu stuck to the wall.

Even though it's still only about 4 pm it seems like half of the seats in the restaurant are filled. It doesn't seem like there's any customers covered in dirt from

farm work so I guess it's restricted to the townspeople inside of the town. I'm sure the farmers are all doing work in the fields until close to when it gets dark

and since it would take time to walk through the city I guess it's only obvious they wouldn't eat out at a place like this.

After I take a seat a courteous old lady cheerfully came to take my order. After asking what kind of things they have in addition to the usual brewed alcohol of

beer, ale, and wine, they also have distilled alcohol like wheat vodka. Since I'm not here to get drunk I order a beer and ask what kind of things they have to eat

and she says that they'll make anything I ask for. She said that the ingredients they've got today are two types of fish, pig meat, and several types of vegetables.

I tried asking for pork and vegetables and boiled fish.

Boiled fish is a big hint as to what kind of taste a restaurant has to offer after all. Even in my past life I liked boiled fish. When I was young I thought it was a

boring food but after I passed 40 years old it suddenly started to taste good. Putting aside sugar, I didn't think I would ever be able to eat it again in Orth where

there's no soy sauce or sake so I'm moved. My beer and meat and vegetable stir-fry came out quickly. It seems that you pay in this restaurant when the food comes

out. I pay a few copper coins just as the old lady asked and get right to picking away at the stir-fry and washing it down with beer while listening to the

conversations of the surrounding customers.

I don't know if it's because the time is bad but the only customers are normal people talking about vague topics. I hope my boiled fish comes soon. I throw some food

in my mouth with my hand and wash it down with some lukewarm beer while waiting in anticipation and a customer entered the restaurant. It's a man with black hair

and black eyes similar to me. I guess he's about the same age as me as well but the young man entered the restaurant and after sitting in an open seat told the old

lady "the usual". I wonder if he's a regular? After losing to the temptation to identify him I ended up using it.

【Kroft.Baladik/11/6/7440 Kroft.Baladik/13/4/7429】

【Male/14/2/7428・Human・Kingdom of Rombert Marquis Webdos Territory Registered Free Person】

【Status: Normal】

【Age: 14 Years Old】

【Level: 4】

【HP: 70(70) MP: 12(12)】

【Strength: 10】

【Speed: 13】

【Dexterity: 10】

【Endurance: 10】

【Unique Ability: Charm (Lv.3)】

【Special Ability: Small Magic】


His level is just a bit higher than average for his age. However, all of his physical abilities like strength considerably stronger than his level. And above all

【Unique Ability: Charm (Lv.3)】!? Is this guy a reincarnated person the same as me!?

I guess he realized that I was staring in his direction, or a little bit off (the identify window), in surprise, he started looking over here as well. After

exchanging stares for a bit we both look away. Even though I came here to gather preliminary information about Begulu but I feel like I've caught a completely

different bastard. I timidly return to looking at him and he also returned his sights to me.

No wait, since he's entering a restaurant like this while his appearance is pretty worn-out it's still well within the range of normal and not as unclean as the

hoodlums I imagined but this is a restaurant that I heard ruined adventurers come to. In the worst case, I don't think I would lose if it comes to a fight but it's

possible he could have other troublesome allies. For the time being I'll try opening the sub-window of the Unique Ability which I've never heard of.

【Unique Ability: Charm; Ability to charm the opposite sex of the same race as the user. It is common for the one that has become the target of the Charm to good

favor like sexual love towards the user. The duration of the effect is the level of the ability to the power of 2 number of days. It's possible to use Charm again

during the duration of the effect. In that case, the continuing time of the duration is invalidated and it isn't added to the new duration of the Charm used. Also,

it's possible to use Charm on another target when someone is already under the effect of it. If the target completely enters an area where mana is neutralized or

invalidated the remaining duration of Charm will be canceled out. Even after the duration of the Charm completes the target will still retain the memories and

feelings of the time during the duration. Furthermore, in order to exercise Charm on the target the user must be within 1 cm of the target, make sure the target's

attention is on the user, and the user must appeal to the target in a language that the target understands. Simultaneously it is necessary to specify the use of the

ability in thought. The effect the Charm has on the mental state and it's depth depends on the content of the appeal used when exercising Charm. The target that is

captured in the effect of this ability will not be able to recognize that their mentality is under the effect of some sort of magic influence.】

What in the world is this? It's an amazing~ Unique Ability but I don't really get where you would use it. It's a relief for now that it doesn't seem like it would

have any effect on me though. Ah, it's probably convenient if you were trying to gather information or just simply trying to hit on someone I guess. It's an

extremely enviable ability as a man but it's close to harmless. And even though the level of his ability has gone up, it's not at a very high level, I guess he

hasn't really abused it very often? I can understand that he at least has enough cautiousness to restrain himself when testing it out. After further opening the

window which shows the experience points for it, it's at 74(80), it seems he's used it over 70 times though.

Though we're both glancing at each other back and forth, nothing decisive happens, and we didn't even speak to each other. And when the boiled fish was carried out I

was even more surprised.

"Sorry for the wait."

The waitress who said that while bringing out my boiled fish had black hair and black eyes. Again! This waitress wasn't here until now. Was she in the back of the


"Y..Yeah.. Thanks. How much is it?"

"1400 zeni."

I somehow was able to reply and take the plate of boiled fish. The boiled fish is considerably expensive. I pay in silver Shu. And after the waitress started at my

face for a bit she went over to the guy with black hair and talked about something while glancing at me. Hey, where's my change? Since that guy seems to be a regular

it makes sense that they're acquaintances. I forget to identify the waitress and poke at my boiled fish with my finger while drinking beer but I couldn't calm down. I

guess it's only obvious but the boiled fish wasn't like the ones in Japan with sake and soy sauce but western style where it was made with salt and some kind of

bouillon used as stock for flavor. However, I wonder what this stock is? There's no way there's seaweed or katsuobushi in Keel but somehow it reminds me of Japan.

Suddenly I realize that the waitress is approaching me. I was too focused on the boiled fish that I didn't realize the waitress got up from the table with the man.

What is it? Ah, change. It would be nice if we could talk a bit though.

"Here's your change."

After saying that she puts 11 copper coins next to my food in front of me. And gently takes out some chopsticks. After putting the change away and receiving the

chopsticks I poke at the boiled fish.

Chopsticks? Chopsticks!?

I was about to let it float by for a moment there but after realizing it I looked up at the waitress. I might have been staring with my eyes wide open.


I reply with that in Japanese and,

"You're welcome."

Just as expected a response comes in Japanese.

"I want to talk a bit but do you have time?"

I try asking.

"Would you switch your seat over to the one over there? I want to open up the table."

The table that the waitress designated was the one that man was sitting at. If I remember right it said Baladik. Since she's telling me to sit with him each though

more than half of the seats are available I guess she's saying OK.


After saying that I pick up my beer and plate with a bit of stir-fry remaining and the waitress brought the boiled fish and chopsticks for me.

I sit across from the man and think about what to talk about while going to drink my beer quickly realized it was almost empty and it suddenly feels awkward.

"Is beer okay?"

The waitress probably realized my cup is almost empty.

"Y..Yeah, I'll take some more."

After lowing my cup right away she took it and left the seat. The guy I'm seating at the table with just keeps looking over here and isn't saying anything. It can't

be helped, I guess I'll start talking here. Thinking that I went to open my mouth but the guy started to talk to me.

"What's your name?"

"Eh? Ah, Alan Greed."

He nods at my words and,

"So that one comes first huh, I'm Kojima Masashi, over here it's Kroft Baladik."

Ah, that sort of meaning.

"Ah, sorry about that. I'm Kawasaki Takeo."

"So you were Japanese after all. It's better not to carelessly talk in Japanese. There's no one around here that understands it but since there's no one smart enough

to speak foreign languages you might thought strangely of. If there's less people then it's fine though."

I see.

"Here's your order. It's 200 zeni."

The waitress brought out my beer. There's 3 cups. One is mine but after that I guess these two will drink as well. In other words this waitress is a reincarnated as

well. I'll try identifying her later.

"Mary, he's Alan Greed supposedly. We've already finished introductions."

Kroft Baladik says to the waitress who is sitting next to him.

"Oh, is that so? I'm Sutou Yayoi. In Orth my name is Marissa Binsil."

"I'm Kawasaki Takeo. Over here I go by Alan Greed. Al is fine."

"I see, then it's fine to call me Kuro."

"I'm fine as Mary as well."

We introduce ourselves to each other. Now then, since we've finished the first meeting ceremony, if possible I'd like to have a conversation where I understand their

personalities but I should start with information gathering first. I guess I'll see how they move.

"Then, Al. I've never seen you in Keel but did you come to Keel with a caravan or something?"

"I was born in a remote village in the Marquis territory. This is my first time leaving the village. Obviously, it's my first time in Keel."

I want to hold back on exposing as much of my information as possible. I don't want to lie but I still don't know what kind of people they are.

"The same as me. I was born in Bafuku village. I came to Keel two years ago."

"I was born and raised here. I'm the daughter of this restaurant after all."

I see, after all there's no reincarnated people in the same area.

"Ah, sorry, I forgot to mention but my village is Bakkudo village."

"Bakkudo...I feel like I've heard of it somewhere..Ah! The one who made rubber was you?"

"That's right. Since there was unexpectedly rubber trees near the village."

"I'm using the sandals."

"He~ Thanks for the business there."

The conversation between Mary and I gets started.

"It seems like you're profiting quite a bit. I can tell from your appearance. Those clothes look pretty expensive after all."

Kuro says while looking at me like he's evaluating me. While they're worn-out it seems like you're properly washing your clothes as well right?

"I received a bit of money when I left the house after all. I got new ones after arriving in Keel."

"Left your house...I doubt it's running away from home but what do you mean? Did you have some sort of job in Keel?"

Kuro asks curiously.

"No, I have an older brother and older sister. Since my older brother is married and children were born he's inheriting the household. That's why I thought the

hindrance of a second son should aim to become an adventurer so I received some money and left the house. My older sister left the house about three years ago too."

After I responded like that the two of them exchanged glances and started laughing. I wonder if I said something strange? Is it strange to become an adventurer? No,

father and mother were both adventurers after all and even when I said I would become an adventurer for a while they weren't opposed to it at all. Older brother and

sister-in-law weren't opposed to it either. I wonder what's so strange?

"..Did I say something strange? I don't really get why you're laughing."

"A? Ah, no sorry. For the most part I'm also technically an adventurer. Right, Mary?"

"Yeah, I guess so...But..pu..A, I'm sorry, I guess all men aim to be adventurers? I didn't have any interest in stuff like that so I've never even thought of it


After all it seems that they were laughing at the "aiming to become an adventurer" part. Even though the knight group leader and squire that accompanied me today

didn't even react when I said I was aiming to be an adventurer, their reaction is way too different. I've suddenly started to worry about it.

"I just came out of the countryside and I don't really know, so I can't say much but my parents were former adventurers. Today, when I met the leader of the Webdos

knight group and I said was aiming to be an adventur"Wa??!? You met the knight leader.."

Why are they snapping at that bit so much?

"..Yeah, that's right. Until 3-4 years ago my older brother was in the Webdos knight group. He met the daughter of the knight group leader then and after retiring

married her."

"Ah, I think I've heard about that. Since she's the daughter of the knight leader that means she's the grand daughter of the Marquis right? And your older brother

was in the knight group...are you a noble?"

It somehow seems they hate nobles.

"If you say nobles, then I guess you can't say I'm not a noble but my household was a Viscount, which is the lowest rank of noble, and I was the second son so it's

not like I inherited anything, it's the same as a commoner? My house was pretty old and damaged in various places, since we didn't have enough rooms I ended up

sleeping on a dirt floor in a storage closet."

It would be good if it sounds a bit like a story of my hardships.

"The dirt floor of a storage closet, that's even worse than me. Even in my house we had a floor..Ah, I was originally part of the serf standing but it seems Al has

gone through quite a bit of hardship as well."

No, it wasn't miserable at all. I was able to properly eat every day and I've never been troubled over something to wear. I'm sure my living situation wasn't as bad

as Kuro is thinking. However, there's no need to resolve the misunderstanding, if they pity me for my living situation then that's fine.

"Well, I don't think I went through that much trouble myself."

"I see, no, you're serious about aiming to become an adventurer huh.. I ended up hitting a setback with it after all.. It's not as if I can't teach you about various

things, but it's not like I've ever precisely done a job perfectly myself..."

"I'm sorry for laughing. But, Al, as a warning from me I think you should abandon your dream of becoming an adventurer and just work normally. Only a small handful

of people succeed at it and they're all strong.... or rather they all have a power strong enough to defeat monsters. It seems that you have confidence but honestly

speaking, I wouldn't suggest it."

It seems that while Kuro is progressively supporting it he's pretty much in a position of letting me do as I please and Mary says that it'd be better to just take up

an occupation. I guess they won't so easily become my allies. Since reincarnated people's abilities increase three times that of the average person on level up I

think we're pretty suited to becoming adventurers though. After saying "Don't reincarnated people get all sorts of bonuses when they level up?" their response was,

"That might be true but the only thing we have that levels up is our Unique Abilities and since we can't use magic it's no joke facing monsters." Even if it comes to

fighting monsters if you select your opponent then I don't think it's all that difficult. Ah, that's right, I'll try identifying Mary.

【Marissa.Binsil/24/6/7429 】

【Female/14/2/7428・Human・Kingdom of Rombert Marquis Webdos Territory Registered Free Person】

【Status: Normal】

【Age: 14 Years Old】

【Level: 3】

【HP: 65(65) MP: 16(16)】

【Strength: 8】

【Speed: 13】

【Dexterity: 11】

【Endurance: 10】

【Unique Ability: Resistance(Poison) Lv.8】

【Special Ability: Small Magic】

【Experience: 7082(10000)】

Somehow it seems both of them are pretty salty. No, I guess I'm just the strange one. However, Mary's Unique Ability sure is high. I wonder how she polished her

resistance to poison? After confirming in the sub-window it seems that the experience is already close to MAX.

"A, that's right. It's a bit difficult to talk about but if you know I'd like you to tell me. In this town...I guess so, I think there's something like a boss of an

illegal organization, but do you know of a guy named Begulu?"

"If it's Begulu then he's famous around these areas. I guess if you were to put in Japanese terms it would be, "rampaging group or punk, or the head of the Yakuza,

well, the leader of a DQN group so to speak". Just, it seems that he's reasonably intelligent as well.. Al, you, do you want to enter Begulu's organization? If

that's the case then don't get involved with us anymore."

"That's right. I'm sorry but could you please leave.."

Kuro put emphasis on it with a bit of Japanese. I guess he couldn't think of a word to compare it to or rather he probably just doesn't want anyone hear the content

of what he was saying, I guess. It seems that neither of them wants to get involved with Begulu. I see now.

"No, sorry for letting you misunderstand. Rest easy since I have no intention of that. I just heard a few rumors about him and thought I didn't want to get near the

territory of a guy like that."

After that we continued talking about vague things as time passed. Since I realized that they were avoiding topics reincarnated people would wonder about like Unique

Abilities I was careful not to touch on there. Probably, unless I become intimate with these two I won't be able to have an honest conversation with them. I would be

troubled over how to explain my Unique Abilities as well, it's better to have some time to think. I ate and drank an adequate amount as time passed by. It seems that

Kuro has a break from his job today but he'll be leaving Keel for a job tomorrow and the after that. When I asked Mary if I could come again tomorrow she said it was

OK so I think I'll use this restaurant as a base for a while as I gather information.

After returning to the Bins Manor the clerk said there was a message for me. It seems to be something they were entrusted with and wanted to hand to me sometime

after the evening of today.

It's not like I have any acquaintances in Keel. I wonder what in the world it is and ask who requested it and it was older brother. What is it~ Seriously~ Wouldn't it

have been fine for him to just give it to me in person~ However, while I'm wondering what it is and I receive the goods I felt like I was about to fall over. It was

10 packs of rubber products with 10 in each pack. After that there was a memo list with what appears to be various stores names, there's a couple of words written on

the thing enclosed. Older brother....

...Seriously thank you very much.

Chapter end

Vol 1 Chapter 117
Vol 1 Chapter 116
Vol 1 Chapter 115
Vol 1 Chapter 114
Vol 1 Chapter 113
Vol 1 Chapter 112
Vol 1 Chapter 111
Vol 1 Chapter 110
Vol 1 Chapter 109
Vol 1 Chapter 108
Vol 1 Chapter 107
Vol 1 Chapter 106
Vol 1 Chapter 105
Vol 1 Chapter 104
Vol 1 Chapter 103
Vol 1 Chapter 102
Vol 1 Chapter 101
Vol 1 Chapter 100
Vol 1 Chapter 99
Vol 1 Chapter 98
Vol 1 Chapter 97
Vol 1 Chapter 96
Vol 1 Chapter 95
Vol 1 Chapter 94
Vol 1 Chapter 93
Vol 1 Chapter 92
Vol 1 Chapter 91
Vol 1 Chapter 90
Vol 1 Chapter 89
Vol 1 Chapter 88
Vol 1 Chapter 87
Vol 1 Chapter 86
Vol 1 Chapter 85
Vol 1 Chapter 84
Vol 1 Chapter 83
Vol 1 Chapter 82
Vol 1 Chapter 81
Vol 1 Chapter 80
Vol 1 Chapter 79
Vol 1 Chapter 78
Vol 1 Chapter 77
Vol 1 Chapter 76
Vol 1 Chapter 75
Vol 1 Chapter 74
Vol 1 Chapter 73
Vol 1 Chapter 72
Vol 1 Chapter 71
Vol 1 Chapter 70
Vol 1 Chapter 69
Vol 1 Chapter 68
Vol 1 Chapter 67
Vol 1 Chapter 66
Vol 1 Chapter 65
Vol 1 Chapter 64
Vol 1 Chapter 63
Vol 1 Chapter 62
Vol 1 Chapter 61
Vol 1 Chapter 60
Vol 1 Chapter 59
Vol 1 Chapter 58
Vol 1 Chapter 57
Vol 1 Chapter 56
Vol 1 Chapter 55
Chapter 339 part1
Chapter 338
Chapter 337
Chapter 336
Chapter 335
Chapter 334
Chapter 333
Chapter 332
Chapter 331
Chapter 330
Chapter 329
Chapter 328
Chapter 326-327
Chapter 325
Chapter 322-324
Chapter 321
Chapter 320
Chapter 319
Chapter 318
Chapter 317
Chapter 316
Chapter 315
Chapter 314
Chapter 313
Chapter 312
Chapter 311
Chapter 310
Chapter 309
Chapter 308
Chapter 307
Chapter 306
Chapter 305
Chapter 304
Chapter 303
Chapter 302
Chapter 301
Chapter 300
Chapter 299
Chapter 298
Chapter 297
Chapter 296
Chapter 295
Chapter 294
Chapter 293
Chapter 292
Chapter 291
Chapter 290
Chapter 289
Chapter 288
Chapter 287
Chapter 286
Chapter 285
Chapter 284
Chapter 283
Chapter 282
Chapter 281
Chapter 280
Chapter 279
Chapter 278
Chapter 277
Chapter 276
Chapter 275
Chapter 274
Chapter 273
Chapter 272
Chapter 271
Chapter 270
Chapter 269
Chapter 268
Chapter 267
Chapter 266
Chapter 265
Chapter 264
Chapter 263
Chapter 262
Chapter 261
Chapter 260
Chapter 259
Chapter 258
Chapter 257
Chapter 256
Chapter 255
Chapter 254
Chapter 253
Chapter 252
Chapter 251
Chapter 250
Chapter 249
Chapter 248
Chapter 247
Chapter 246
Chapter 245
Chapter 244
Chapter 243
Chapter 242
Chapter 241
Chapter 240
Chapter 239
Chapter 238
Chapter 237
Chapter 236
Chapter 235
Chapter 229
Chapter 228
Chapter 227
Chapter 226
Chapter 225
Chapter 224
Chapter 223
Chapter 222
Chapter 221
Chapter 220
Chapter 219
Chapter 218
Chapter 217
Chapter 216
Chapter 215
Chapter 214
Chapter 213
Chapter 212
Chapter 211
Chapter 210
Chapter 209
Chapter 208
Chapter 207
Chapter 206
Chapter 205
Chapter 204
Chapter 203
Chapter 202
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Chapter 200
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Chapter 195
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Chapter 193
Chapter 192
Chapter 191
Chapter 190
Chapter 189
Chapter 188
Chapter 187
Chapter 186
Chapter 185
Chapter 184
Chapter 183
Chapter 182
Chapter 181
Chapter 180
Chapter 179
Chapter 178
Chapter 177
Chapter 176
Chapter 175
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Chapter 172
Chapter 171
Chapter 170
Chapter 169
Chapter 168
Chapter 167
Chapter 166
Chapter 165
Chapter 164
Chapter 163
Chapter 162
Chapter 161
Chapter 160
Chapter 159
Chapter 158
Chapter 157
Chapter 156
Chapter 155
Chapter 154
Chapter 153
Chapter 152
Chapter 151
Chapter 150
Chapter 149
Chapter 148
Chapter 147
Chapter 146
Chapter 145
Chapter 144
Chapter 143
Chapter 142
Chapter 141
Chapter 140
Chapter 139
Chapter 138
Chapter 137
Chapter 136
Chapter 135
Chapter 134
Chapter 133
Chapter 132
Chapter 131
Chapter 130
Chapter 129
Chapter 128
Chapter 127
Chapter 126
Chapter 125
Chapter 124
Chapter 123
Chapter 122
Chapter 121
Chapter 120
Chapter 119
Chapter 118
Chapter 117
Chapter 116
Chapter 115
Chapter 114
Chapter 113
Chapter 112
Chapter 111
Chapter 110
Chapter 109
Chapter 108
Chapter 107
Chapter 106
Chapter 105
Chapter 104
Chapter 103
Chapter 102
Chapter 101
Chapter 100
Chapter 99
Chapter 98
Chapter 97
Chapter 96
Chapter 95
Chapter 94
Chapter 93
Chapter 92
Chapter 91
Chapter 90
Chapter 89
Chapter 88
Chapter 87
Chapter 86
Chapter 85
Chapter 84
Chapter 83
Chapter 82
Chapter 81
Chapter 80
Chapter 79
Chapter 78
Chapter 77
Chapter 76
Chapter 75
Chapter 74
Chapter 73
Chapter 72
Chapter 71
Chapter 70
Chapter 69
Chapter 68
Chapter 67
Chapter 66
Chapter 65
Chapter 64
Chapter 63
Chapter 62
Chapter 61
Chapter 60
Chapter 59
Chapter 58
Chapter 57
Chapter 56
Chapter 55
Vol 1 Chapter 54
Vol 1 Chapter 53
Vol 1 Chapter 52
Vol 1 Chapter 51
Vol 1 Chapter 50
Vol 1 Chapter 49
Vol 1 Chapter 48
Vol 1 Chapter 47
Vol 1 Chapter 46
Vol 1 Chapter 45
Vol 1 Chapter 44
Vol 1 Chapter 43
Vol 1 Chapter 42
Vol 1 Chapter 41
Vol 1 Chapter 40
Vol 1 Chapter 39
Vol 1 Chapter 38
Vol 1 Chapter 37
Vol 1 Chapter 36
Vol 1 Chapter 35
Vol 1 Chapter 34
Vol 1 Chapter 33
Vol 1 Chapter 32
Vol 1 Chapter 31
Vol 1 Chapter 30
Vol 1 Chapter 29
Vol 1 Chapter 28
Vol 1 Chapter 27
Vol 1 Chapter 26
Vol 1 Chapter 25
Vol 1 Chapter 24.2
Vol 1 Chapter 24.1
_side story 24
Vol 1 Chapter 23
Vol 1 Chapter 22
Vol 1 Chapter 21
Vol 1 Chapter 20
Vol 1 Chapter 19
Vol 1 Chapter 18
Vol 1 Chapter 17
Vol 1 Chapter 16
Vol 1 Chapter 15
Vol 1 Chapter 14
Vol 1 Chapter 13
Vol 1 Chapter 12
Vol 1 Chapter 11
Vol 1 Chapter 10
Vol 1 Chapter 9
Vol 1 Chapter 8
Vol 1 Chapter 7
Vol 1 Chapter 6
Vol 1 Chapter 5
Vol 1 Chapter 4
_side story 27 part3
Vol 1 Chapter 3
_side story 26 part2
Vol 1 Chapter 2
_side story 26 part1
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