Otoko Nara Ikkokuichijou no Aruji o Mezasa Nakya, ne? Chapter 309

Otoko Nara Ikkokuichijou no Aruji o Mezasa Nakya, ne? Chapter 309

Too busy and this had been taking away a lot of my concentration on other matters last year. I've been putting these together on the side for the past few months but I couldn't put as much focus on this stuff as I had in the past. Other than the stuff I post today it's unlikely I'll be doing much more if any at all. So if any other group or translator wants to pick things up starting from volume 3 they can feel free at any time without asking me.

Expect a slightly lower quality than usual, mostly just because I can't remember the parts I needed to fix/mistakes. Also, the formatting got screwed up on a few of the Japanese characters copied over.

Year 7447, Month 7, Day 15

"..Something's there. 70, no, around 60 ahead. I guess there's about 15 of them."

I discovered a group of Goblin Zombies in front of us.

"Again? How can you tell?"

Anderson is surprised about how I've noticed monsters in the distance a number of times up until here. It seems she thinks that this good intuition is one of the driving forces behind the {Slaughterers} getting ahead. Of course, even if it's someone other than me if they have good intuition then there's fellows who can detect living monsters from this distance up to the 3rd floor or so and when it comes to Bunny-men or Wolf-race people there's quite a few who can feel the presences of monsters from an even further distance using their racial special skills. But, there's also quite a few mistakes and misunderstandings.

However, in my case, up until here I've gotten it right every single time after all.

"Ruby and Jesu go to Miduchi. Everyone else come to me."

While Anderson was acting surprised I calmly gave out the necessary orders.

On the days off my slaves occasionally enter the dungeon with Miduchi, the other members of the {Saviors}, or myself so at times like that they act practice targets for spells. And right now, the spell that Miduchi and I are using is {Grave.Strike}, a spell that specializes in combat against Undead. Recently we've been in the care of this spell on the 4th and 5th floors a lot.

My slaves are all used to it so they held out the weapons in their hands right away.

I touch those in order while using the spell.

Weapons with the spell {Grave.Strike} cast on them give off a light similar to sunlight in the center of the area the spell takes effect. The light given off by each of them individually isn't anything great but even then when you have this many, when six peoples worth gather together it brightens things up almost like mid-day.

"{Balance.Nine} formation. Sweep them away within 30 seconds."

I order my six combat slaves as if sending out hunting dogs to attack and then immediately after Zulu charges off with Mekku, Angela, and Henry right behind, followed by Ruby and Jesu with their pole-arms at the ready in back.

And then, Miduchi, Anderson, and I get into formation with Giberuti at the center while following after the slaves.

The Goblin Zombies are already in a horrible shape with their rotting flesh and juices falling off all over the place but by the time we arrived at the battlefield the damage to their bodies made you want to look away even more as various parts were rolling around the surroundings.

"You..exactly how many spells can you use..."

Anderson whispered in shock.

Well, that's not unreasonable. Normal adventurer magicians use only attack and healing for two types in total, even the ones with a lot use at most three different types of spells. When it reaches the point of the top teams then there's fellows who can use one more type or so but even then there's no mistake in thinking they focus more on using spells for the sake of healing their allies injuries and quickly finishing off monsters with long-distance spells.

It's unusual for there to be people who use spells for things other than that and you could call them oddballs.
It's not even strange for people to take over 1 minute to use the spell {Light}.
Or rather that's normal.

We continue on straight towards our destination without attempting to collect magic stones.

After a short while we arrived at a monster room.

"What about scouting?"

Anderson asked once again here but her face was as if she already understood.

"It's a waste of time. Hey"

Without betraying her expectations I cast {Grave.Strike} on my slaves weapons again and had them charge into the room. In over 80% of the cases the room bosses of the 4th floor are some kinds of Zombies or Ghouls and uncommonly there's {Giant Centipedes} or {Gray Wuzu}, something like a miniature slime, at most. Even if there's no undead with Miduchi and I right behind them we can deal with it any way we want.


And then about 1.5 hours later we arrived at a point within 100 meters of the room that was reported to be where Viruhaima and the others were attacked. I've already confirmed that there's no traps or hidden doors at all on the path up to the room.

"Is there anyone who needs to go to the bathroom?"

There's no reply.

"Alright. The fellow moving around in the room up ahead is an Undead. Judging from the details of the report it's most likely a {Vampire}."


Anderson unintentionally raised her voice in surprise but as expected of a veteran she didn't let out a loud voice. Furthermore, my combat slaves are all making surprised expressions as well. Even Zulu and Angela only just found out that the target was a vampire right now, so it's only obvious.

"Va..Vampire you say..Why is something like that..."

"There's no time to explain in detail. However, there's something I need to mention ahead of time so I'm bringing it up. I've just judged that it's very likely that the opponent is a vampire from the details fo the report."

After saying that I faced the combat slaves.
It's already been confirmed that there's {Vampires} on Orth and you could say they're a famous example of Undead monsters. Even in Rombert Kingdom supposedly around 30~40 years ago there was a case where a remote village was wiped out by a single Vampire. Although, it's said that after receiving the report about the vampire the local knight groups all attacked it at once and finally defeated it after countless sacrifices.

The number of casualties until it was defeated was said to be 80% of the villages population of 500 people along with 23 true knights and 47 squires, that sort of tragic number. Prior to that there's been similar incidents in various other places.

In the process of those there's been a decent amount of investigations about {Vampires}. One, they even absorb the life force of their victims through bloodsucking and depending on the case increase their familiars.
Two, there's cases where they have special skills like {Paralysis} and {Petrification}. Three, they're also occasionally experts in the various magic special skills as well. Among other things.

This, "occasionally experts in magic" has a reason for it, since it seems it's not always the case for all {Vampires}. I already can't remember in the case of the vampire last time and in the case this time we can't even determine if the attacker is actually a vampire or not yet. However, it's only obvious that it's best to assume the worst case scenario.

"Giberuti, bring out that item"

I had Giberuti prepare garlic. I have everyone wearing something like a necklace made of several garlic bulbs attached to a string. Furthermore we've rubbed garlic juice on the blades of our weapons. Obviously the same for Anderson as well.

Including my own, we finished rubbing garlic juice all over everyone's weapons.

"Anderson-san. Depending on the situation please think that it's possible for members of the {Verdure.Brotherhood} and {Black.Topaz} to have already become {Vampires}. In the case that they attack we'll cut them down without mercy. I'm not saying this to ask for permission. I'm declaring it."

"..If that's the case then, that's obvious.."

It's fine as long as you understand.
If you really understand.
But, depending on the situation I don't think things will go that easy.

"{Arrowhead.Two}. After arriving at the room first off we'll determine the situation but if anything attacks us then immediately switch to attack. Have your weapons ready."

Miduchi and I split up using the spells {Resist Earth}, {Resist Water}, {Resist Fire}, and {Resist Air} on everyone. Anderson's eyes opened wide once again but there's no time to pay any attention to her. There's a limited amount of time for the spells to remain in effect.

Next we touched everyone's weapons again and cast the spell {Grave.Strike} on them. I said to Anderson, "Please support us from the rear using your crossbow. Leave the attack spells to us." Furthermore, Miduchi succeeded in cutting down a Hobgoblin on the 3rd floor using {Energy Drain} so her HP's maximum limit is still increased.

"Let's go!"

I head towards the room with my gun raised in high-port.
Miduchi is taking the lead.
With her at the lead Mekku and Henry are on both sides and then Zulu and Angela have the edges fortified behind that.
Since her HP is buffed with {Energy Drain} and she has resistances up, along with her close-combat skills Miduchi is acting as the tank while we've fortified her surroundings with the other members with high defense.
Ruby and Jesu will both focus on attacking with their pole-arms.

This time, I'll have the role of attacking with spells but depending on the case we may rush forward and we're prepared for Miduchi and I to take the lead with just the two of us as well. But for now I'm at the rear being careful of an ambush from behind.
We want it's eyeballs so I have no intention of using {Disintegrate} after all.


We turned at the final corner and charged into the room.

The room wasn't any different from a normal room.
It was a bit anticlimactic since I was expecting a sight of blood and guts scattered all over the place but without letting our guards down, we continued with the formation of Miduchi at the lead.
It's because all over the room there's adventurers equipped with first-rate gear in tatters collapsed on the ground and in the center of that there's a single man and woman standing and looking spaced out.

Both of them are familiar faces.

After they noticed us they both raised their heads.

The man is wearing a helmet that covers his eyes and you can  barely see the lower half of his face.
He's wearing a suit of banded mail and has a kite shield in his left hand with a long sword in his right. The man's name is Kaku.Dankel. A bold and brave, steady and honest man who's taken on the burdens of acting as sub-leader for {Black.Topaz} for many years.

The woman is equipped with a metal headband, splint mail, a round shield, and long sword. I can see her face well. Her name is famous for being a super veteran {Shield.Holder} for the {Verdure.Brotherhood}'s front line, it's Sara.Pachiku.

Their equipment is first-rate the same as those of the members collapsed in the surroundings but just the same they seem to be pretty damaged. There's marks as if they were cut with a sword and stabbed with a spear.

"Kaku! You were alright!?"

After seeing Kaku, Anderson shouted in delight.
However, the two of them remained ready for combat without putting their weapons aside before saying two or three things to each other and approaching us.

"Kaku! It's me! Stop right there!"

I guess because he heard her shout, Kaku hesitantly stopped moving and blocked Sara's way with his shield. Sara stopped as well and looked towards Kaku.

Seeing that Miduchi and the combat slaves stopped advancing as we entered a standoff with shields up.

However, there's no deceiving my {Identify}.

Kaku.Dankel/18/7/7430 Kaku.Dankel/28/11/7413
Male/24/8/7412.Human.Viscount Dankel Family Second Son.Viscount Anderson Knight
Condition: Vampire(First Stage Familiar)
Age: 35 Years Old(0 Years Old)
Level: 18
HP: 171+0(171) MP: 26+3 (26)
Strength: 33(22)
Speed: 33(22)
Dexterity: 30(20)
Endurance: 36(24)
Special Skill: Bloodsucking
Special Skill: Paralyze
Special Skill: Earth Magic Lv. 4
Special Skill: Fire Magic Lv. 4
Special Skill: Wind Magic Lv. 0
Special Skill: Void Magic Lv. 5

Female/24/10/7413.Human.Duke Rombert Territory Registered Free Person
Condition: Vampire(Second Stage Familiar)
Age: 34 Years Old(0 Years Old)
Level: 18
HP: 168+0(168) MP: 7+4 (7)
Strength: 32(20)
Speed: 40(25)
Dexterity: 36(23)
Endurance: 32(20)
Special Skill: Bloodsucking
Special Skill: Paralyze
Special Skill: Earth Magic Lv. 0
Special Skill: Water Magic Lv. 0
Special Skill: Void Magic Lv. 0

"Don't bother with it, kill them!!!"

The moment I said that I fired off a  {Stone Bolt Missile}.

What can be seen of Kaku's face from behind his helmet is pale-white and no life can be felt.
Sara's face is pale-white as well with no signs of life that can be felt.

I guided my {Stone Bolt} to circle around the two of them with their shields at the ready but it was deflected by Sara's shield.
Deflecting a bolt that can be maneuvered so quickly that easily!?

That reaction speed, after all they don't seem to be human...
Also, Kaku's become able to use elemental magic which he shouldn't have been able to use and when it comes to Sara she's even learned Void Magic along with two types of elemental magic skills.

"Stop it!! That's Kaku!!"

"It's a Vampire! Don't let your guard down!!"

Miduchi and my combat slaves only listen to what I say.
We advance forward without letting our formation collapse and start combat.

"!! All of you, in the name of the Viscount Anderson family! Stop attacking immediately!"

Even then my combat slaves didn't slow down their attacks towards the two of them.
Anderson is a noble but I'm a noble as well. Even though we're both the same ranking as sub-nobles, I'm sure normally it would be proper to respect the orders of Anderson whose family is higher ranking but my slaves have been well trained in taking the time and place into consideration when conveniently interpreting the law. Like they would stop with just ordering them like that.

Miduchi dashed towards Kaku.
She started easily avoiding his attacks head on and soon after Henry and Mekku joined in as well.
Henry and Mekku are primarily focusing on Sara.
Zulu and Angela were moving to circle them from even further on the outside while at the same time remaining cautious so none of those fallen in the surroundings nearby interfere and throwing out feints.
And then, as if they had set their aim Rubi and Jesu start attacking with their halberd and partizan.

All of our attacks were parried by their shields and armor but as expected both Kaku and Sara were driven into a defensive battle in no time at all.

"Stop it!! Greed-kun, make them stop! Kaku, you say something as well!!?"

During that time we continued to attack and finally our attacks slipped through the gaps of the vampires armor and shields and damaged their bodies. Though I say that it's still just some scratches and nothing too deep but from the parts where our attacks hit there's a thin smoke rising up so it seems it's properly doing damage.

However, the fact that only the flawed attacks from the two spear users have hit is proof that the two of them have changed into something inhuman. That they can endure for this long against a group composed of my six combat slaves and Miduchi..
Furthermore it's not like I'm just playing around either. I'm even backing them up with consecutive {Stone Bolt Missiles}.

This sort of superhuman display, it's impossible for even me.

Anderson might be acting naive.
But, she's just shouting and not physically interfering.
The fact that things would play out like this was already within expectation but it seems she was already prepared for it herself.
She just can't make the final step to come to terms with it so you could consider it mercy for us to make it for her.

"..As expected of you, {Slaughterers}~!!"

All of a sudden Kaku roared.
There's fangs showing in his mouth as he shouts.
His red eyes shine from inside of his helmet.


Anderson raised her voice in joy that Kaku finally spoke after not saying anything up until now.

"Greed! Stop it!!"

Sara started speaking things as well. Honestly I was surprised but previously I had heard from Miduchi that vampires often maintain their intelligence and actions from when they were alive so I didn't panic.
After all her eyes are giving off a red glow as well and there's no mistaking the fangs peeking out from her lips.

"Redddd~!! Make them stop~!!"

Kaku told Anderson to make us stop attacking.

"Kaku, you.."

Anderson raised her crossbow up at the ready.


Henry's thrust finally caught Sara's leg.
Just the same as Rubi and Jesu's attacks there's light smoke rising from her wound.

"....!! Is this all you can do~!!"

Kaku yelled while thrusting out his shield and hitting Henry in the chest.
Henry lost his balance but Zulu and Miduchi skillfully followed up for him so he managed to get away safely.


Sara starts cursing.
After all it seems that weapons with the spell {Grave.Strike} cast on them are considerably unpleasant.
They're displaying quite a bit of hate.

Mekku hit with his shield and knocked Sara off balance. Good!
Just as expected from someone who was originally a knight, including {Shield.Bash} he's considerably talented at using the shield.
I fire off an {Air Cutter Missile} at her throat.


At the same time as me, Angela didn't miss the opening and thrust her broadsword into the side gaps of Sara's armor.
A lot of white smoke started rising from Sara's side.
Sara's face twisted and she clenched her teeth.
It seems the fangs protruding from her lips are tearing into her own lower lip.
Almost simultaneously my spell tore away at Sara's throat.
There was almost no blood.

There came exploding a solid attack from Rubi..or so it seemed but he was a bit late.


Zulu grabbed Kaku's attention as he continued to keep him in check and Miduchi started slashing towards him without missing the opening. While she didn't manage a clean hit, Kaku's shield band has already been cut off and fallen, and his left arm is gradually getting more tattered by Miduchi.


Before I realized it Angela had moved around behind Kaku and started thrusting with her broadsword in the right hand while punching with the spiked gauntlet using her left hand.
By the time Jesu finished aiming and thrust his spear the red light in Kaku's eyes was already on the verge of disappearing as he was near-death.

And then, a crossbow quarrel pierced into Kaku's mouth as Kaku fell down face-forward.

Condition: Death; Vampire(First Stage Familiar)
HP: -36(171)

Sara as well,

Condition: Death; Vampire(Second Stage Familiar)
HP: -77(168)

had that sort of status. However, these two are undead. They still haven't completely di, no, been destroyed. The negative HP of undead monsters is different from normal ones as they have a large amount of it.

Something which is already just the remains of a moving corpse just becomes a temporarily not moving corpse and it's no good if you don't damage them even more. But, it doesn't matter as long as you take out the magic stone and even if you don't you can relax for a bit as they'll stop moving for the time being.

I started using {Identify} from the person fallen closest to me.

It was the Laios man who was a member of {Black.Topaz} named Baruteinesu.Zomu. Other than his condition being {Paralysis} and missing a bit of HP there doesn't seem to be any other abnormalities. There's others whose skin I can see to use {Identify} as well...

Basuraito.Kerutein. The elf who acted as sub-leader of the {Verdure.Brotherhood}. This guys condition is {Paralysis} as well. Other than that..Julietta.Kamushu. She's the Wolf-race person who is a member of {Verdure.Brotherhood}. Her condition was {Petrification}.

"Check the corpses laying around. Make sure there's no naked people who are just playing dead. Don't let your guards down"

I ordered the slaves before turning to Anderson.
At first she was trying that hard to stop us but partway through it seems she overcame it.

"Kaku..That you would call my name without using 'sama'.."

Because of that?
But, certainly I can't imagine any of the squires of the Greed family not using honorifics when talking to sister or I as well.
I'm sure it's not just because she was displeased about being called without honorifics.
She must have thought that Kaku's personality had completely changed.
The previous Kaku was a splendid sub-leader with a strong sense of self.
She must have believed that no matter what his willpower wasn't so weak that his personality would change that easily.
That's why I can somewhat understand Anderson was able to come to terms with it.

"Anderson-san. He's already a vampire."

I called out to Anderson who was flipping the fallen Kaku over so he was facing upwards.
Kaku's face was twisted from the pain as his fangs showed from the edge of his mouth with a quarrel stabbed into it, a terrible expression.
Right now it's still fine but if we leave him be he'll revive sooner or later just like ghouls and zombies.


Anderson pulled out the quarrel she shot herself and took off his helmet.

"{Status Open}.."

Anderson took off the glove from her left hand and touched Kaku's face while checking his status.
It probably looks like this to her.

Kaku.Dankel/18/7/7430 Kaku.Dankel/28/11/7413
Human.Viscount Dankel Family Second Son.Viscount Anderson Knight
Special Skill: Bloodsucking
Special Skill: Paralysis
Special Skill: Earth Magic
Special Skill: Fire Magic
Special Skill: Wind Magic
Special Skill: Void Magic

During that time I pointed towards Sara's corpse and nodded towards Miduchi.

"Miduchi, I'll leave Pachiku-san to you. Zulu remain cautious of the surroundings."

Though I don't have any real basis for it but since Sara's a second stage familiar while Kaku is still just a first stage, I guessed she was at a higher rank. Even when it comes to the increases(?) in their status points Sara's were higher after all.

I crouched over by Miduchi's side in a position so Anderson couldn't see before taking my knife out of it's holder and handing it to her.

"{Bloodsucking}..{Paralysis}..And, {Wind Magic}?"

It sounds like she understood once again after seeing that he had more special skills.
During the brief moment when Anderson seemed to hesitate as I was handing her my knife I cast the spell {Grave.Strike} on it.

"I think this is your duty."

After I said that Anderson nodded and thrust the knife between Kaku's right collarbone, numerous times.
White smoke started rising and the identification result changed to {Vampire's Corpse}.
Partway through, I glanced behind and saw Miduchi shutting away a rubber container into her bag.
I guess it's fine to think she was successfully able to collect the eyes.

Miduchi gave Zulu some kind of order before he handed her his shield and waved his bastard sword down at Sara's face with all of his strength.


In the end, there were no deceased.
All of the members who had collapsed were either just paralyzed or petrified and fortunately no one else other than Sara and Kaku had become a vampire.
Also, that naked bastard(according to what they said it seems to have been a guy) who should have been the boss of this room wasn't around either.
Additionally, Viruhaima wasn't here either.

After curing them of {Paralysis} and {Petirifcation} were listened to what happened.

After being ambushed two of Noirura's followers collapsed then Noirura and her other two followers were evacuated lead by Renbaru.Korumain under Viruhaima's orders, after which a fierce battle started.

Under the command of Viruhaima, Sara.Pachiku, Rizara.Redflare, and Rockwell.Marosutaron challenged the naked man with all of their strength. However, the man displayed a terrifying level of physical ability as he evaded all of their attacks.

And then finally, Sara fell after taking an attack from the man then Rizara was beaten next.
It seems the surviving Rizara noticed it was a paralysis attack at this point.
However, let alone moving she couldn't even speak, the only things she could do were breath and blink. Adding to that she can only use earth, fire, and void magic.

With just that there was no way for her to recover from the paralysis. Although, even if she actually had water magic since she hasn't practiced it at all it would take her dozens of minutes to use the spell {Remove Paralysis}.

Aiming for the opening when it was attacking Rizara, Viruhaima charged at the naked man but once again here the man showed off his frightening movements as he evaded Viruhaima's attacks and used some unknown magic(most likely it seems to be the paralysis spell) at a super speed before he collapsed too. Rock had started concentrating in order to use an attack spell but he was paralyzed as well.

The naked man checked each persons status one at a time before touching Viruhaima and Rock.
Seeing both of them rapidly change to stone without a trace of spell light Rizara felt like she would go insane from the fear. Finally at this point she realized that there was no spell light when Sara was paralyzed just like Viruhaima and recognized that the naked man was a monster.

And then, at the edge of Rizara's sight the naked man bit into Sara's neck.
It seems the bloodsucking was done slowly during a period of over two hours.
During that time Rizara said she couldn't do anything but tremble in fear.

A short while after that when Sara got up she said her eyes were giving off a creepy red light and fangs were showing from her mouth. Sara had completely changed into a living corpse that obeyed the man's orders. Just as she was questioned by the vampire she gave him all of the information on her allies magic skills and everything she knew.

And then when Rizara heard the adventurers lead by Basu and Kaku call out for Viruhaima she felt a brief moment of hope but it quickly changed back into despair again soon after.

The naked vampire jumped up towards a corner of the ceiling and then seemed to use some kind of spell before disappearing.

Sara remained completely armed standing in the middle of the room.

When the adventurers came in lead by Basu and Kaku they couldn't hide their surprise at Noirura's followers, RIzara, and the others laying around like corpses as well as Viruhaima and Rock who had changed into stone statues but they were overjoyed that Sara seemed fine as they ran over to her.

And then the tragedy was repeated.

The vampire who had disappeared ambushed the members starting from the ones at the rear.

From the point he attacked the first person the vampire had reappeared but he had already succeeded with his ambush and furthermore they were attacked by Sara who they thought was an ally.
In no time at all they were reduced to half then finally Kaku who struggled to the very end ran out of strength.

Once again the vampire started checking everyone's status before petrifying those who had the possibility of using {Remove Paralysis} and then just left everyone else like that. After that there was quite a few people like Basu and Vikkusu who were just paralyzed so we heard quite a few of the details.

Supposedly the vampire said this to Sara.

"As long as nothing happens the ones who are paralyzed will live for a few more years. We need to treat them carefully."

The vampire told Sara she could pick one of the people who are paralyzed and suck their blood.
The one Sara chose was Kaku and it seems he carefully instructed her on how to do it.
After Sara bit into Kaku's neck she spent several hours carefully sucking his blood.

After quite a bit of time passed and he confirmed that Kaku had changed into a vampire, the vampire walked towards the petrified Viruhaima ignoring the other fallen members then effortlessly picked him up before ordering the two of them to remain and protect their remaining prey until he returns then disappeared somewhere.

After that neither the vampire nor Viruhaima have returned.

Chapter end

Vol 1 Chapter 117
Vol 1 Chapter 116
Vol 1 Chapter 115
Vol 1 Chapter 114
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Chapter 339 part1
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Chapter 326-327
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Chapter 127
Chapter 126
Chapter 125
Chapter 124
Chapter 123
Chapter 122
Chapter 121
Chapter 120
Chapter 119
Chapter 118
Chapter 117
Chapter 116
Chapter 115
Chapter 114
Chapter 113
Chapter 112
Chapter 111
Chapter 110
Chapter 109
Chapter 108
Chapter 107
Chapter 106
Chapter 105
Chapter 104
Chapter 103
Chapter 102
Chapter 101
Chapter 100
Chapter 99
Chapter 98
Chapter 97
Chapter 96
Chapter 95
Chapter 94
Chapter 93
Chapter 92
Chapter 91
Chapter 90
Chapter 89
Chapter 88
Chapter 87
Chapter 86
Chapter 85
Chapter 84
Chapter 83
Chapter 82
Chapter 81
Chapter 80
Chapter 79
Chapter 78
Chapter 77
Chapter 76
Chapter 75
Chapter 74
Chapter 73
Chapter 72
Chapter 71
Chapter 70
Chapter 69
Chapter 68
Chapter 67
Chapter 66
Chapter 65
Chapter 64
Chapter 63
Chapter 62
Chapter 61
Chapter 60
Chapter 59
Chapter 58
Chapter 57
Chapter 56
Chapter 55
Vol 1 Chapter 54
Vol 1 Chapter 53
Vol 1 Chapter 52
Vol 1 Chapter 51
Vol 1 Chapter 50
Vol 1 Chapter 49
Vol 1 Chapter 48
Vol 1 Chapter 47
Vol 1 Chapter 46
Vol 1 Chapter 45
Vol 1 Chapter 44
Vol 1 Chapter 43
Vol 1 Chapter 42
Vol 1 Chapter 41
Vol 1 Chapter 40
Vol 1 Chapter 39
Vol 1 Chapter 38
Vol 1 Chapter 37
Vol 1 Chapter 36
Vol 1 Chapter 35
Vol 1 Chapter 34
Vol 1 Chapter 33
Vol 1 Chapter 32
Vol 1 Chapter 31
Vol 1 Chapter 30
Vol 1 Chapter 29
Vol 1 Chapter 28
Vol 1 Chapter 27
Vol 1 Chapter 26
Vol 1 Chapter 25
Vol 1 Chapter 24.2
Vol 1 Chapter 24.1
_side story 24
Vol 1 Chapter 23
Vol 1 Chapter 22
Vol 1 Chapter 21
Vol 1 Chapter 20
Vol 1 Chapter 19
Vol 1 Chapter 18
Vol 1 Chapter 17
Vol 1 Chapter 16
Vol 1 Chapter 15
Vol 1 Chapter 14
Vol 1 Chapter 13
Vol 1 Chapter 12
Vol 1 Chapter 11
Vol 1 Chapter 10
Vol 1 Chapter 9
Vol 1 Chapter 8
Vol 1 Chapter 7
Vol 1 Chapter 6
Vol 1 Chapter 5
Vol 1 Chapter 4
_side story 27 part3
Vol 1 Chapter 3
_side story 26 part2
Vol 1 Chapter 2
_side story 26 part1
Vol 1 Chapter 1
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