Otoko Nara Ikkokuichijou no Aruji o Mezasa Nakya, ne? Chapter 204

Otoko Nara Ikkokuichijou no Aruji o Mezasa Nakya, ne? Chapter 204

Not sure when next chapter... today sometime probably..

That morning Saji woke up with a good feeling. There was a bit of numbness remaining in his left arm that Cathy was using as a pillow but that let Saji feel a definite weight. Last night they drank a lot and after returning to Boil Manor unable to do anything the two of them fell asleep just like that.

Today they'll slowly have breakfast together then after that the two of them will go to the temple to release Cathy and then have the wedding ceremony, after that is shopping. As a wedding gift Saji received 200,000 Z from his employer Al, other than that he also received 100,000 Z each from Miduchi, Zenom, Toris, Bel, Ral, and Gwine, the three slaves Zulu, Maruso, and Giberuti gave him things like a knife, accessory, or tableware. Adding it together with his bonus remaining from the dungeon yesterday and Saji's current money is just over 1,000,000 Z, after releasing and marrying Cathy, since he also gets paid on the 1st day of next month, there's still 500,000 Z in leeway after the necessary expenses like inn and food until the end of the month.

Saji kissed Cathy who had already opened here eyes in his arms before getting up from the bed.

"Now, let's go out. First off is food! Today is going to be busy!"

It was when he was putting on the clothes he just purchased last month and put on his rubber sandals, he suddenly noticed that Cathy doesn't have any shoes. (Ah, I need to buy some sandals as well. It's not a honeymoon but it might be good to go to the capital for a few days to do some shopping)Without even trying to hide the smile that naturally appeared on his face he started on the way to the restaurant with Cathy who was still wearing worn-out clothes.

"Eh? I'm fine with just porridge."

While Cathy was showing reservations with just a single bowl of oatmeal porridge, Ah, come to think of it I did too..and he remembered how it overlapped with himself previously, Saji said, "There's no need to hold back. I'm earning enough for you to eat however much of whatever you like. One day I'm sure you'll start to work as well though..Just this year your husband has earned a myriad of Z." while holding his chest high and ordered some more bacon, eggs, some smoked oyster, and white bread.

"Saji is amazing!! But, about how much is a myriad? Around 10 silver coins?"

Saji remembered that she can't do calculations. Prior to that she knows the denominations up to 10,000 but she doesn't know the digits higher than that. That's why probably, the only thing she can imagine without thinking anything is up to 99,999. If you were to continue life as a serf of Rockfall village then shopping that exceeds several tens of thousands of Z is pretty much unthinkable(even that if you think about the income or position of a slave that's something that only happens once every few years) so you could say that's plenty but from here on out things won't go that way.

While feeding her some thickly cut bacon cooked over a high flame with the oil come down, along with some eggs lightly covered in pepper, and white bread with the smoked oyster on it and Cathy started silently crying from being deeply moved just like Saji once upon a time.

Saji thought Cathy was so cute he couldn't help it how she would say "This is delicious!" and get engrossed with it every time she tried eating something. After listening to her story it seems that during the time she was at the slave traders place she always ate vegetable soup and wheat porridge and occasionally there was seconds of the wheat porridge and black bread. Since it seems that there was properly large vegetable pieces in the vegetable soup even then you could say it was considerably better than her eating habits in Rockfall village.

After they finished eating the two of them next started towards the main event of today, the temple. There were parents holding healthy children around 1 years old who seem like they can expect growth from here on out waiting in line to get the naming ceremony done. He lined up at the back together with Cathy. Of course, on the way to coming to the temple he properly stopped by "Slave Store, Ronslail" and picked up the proof of sale.

While they were lined up a middle aged woman dressed in robes who seemed to be an employee of the temple came walking around asking everyone what ceremony they wanted. Saji's reply was simple. "I want to release her, Cathy, from being a slave and after that marry her." Hearing that the employee and surrounding people all offered words of blessing.

(Ah, this feels so good!)

He scratched his head while embarrassed and said, "No~ don't they say if you get married in June the bride will become happy. I want to make her happy." and said a famous marketing slogan for a wedding chapel before, "Huh?" twisting his head. Was that from roman mythology...Everyone around him was making faces like, "That's my first time hearing that." Somehow he started to feel a cold sweat coming on as Saji tried to laugh, "A ha ha.." to cover it up.

After waiting for about an hour, they were safely able to finish the two ceremonies, and after making an offering of a total of 350,000 Z Saji checked Cathy's status a number of times.

【Catherine.Basutoral/17/6/7445 Catherine.Enforu/18/4/7445】

【Cat-People.Rombert Kingdom Duke Rombert Territory Registered Free Person】

【Special Skill: Small Magic】

(Catherine.Basutoral huh..No matter how many times I look at it, it's good..)

While Saji was thinking that and grinning and Cathy was looking at her own status as well as Saji's while(Ah, I was really able to marry Saji! I'm happy!) grinning.

Now then, the next place the two started towards while grinning was the clothing store. Since Cathy only has the worn-out clothes that she's been wearing since the past and it's getting a little bit too small, so first they need to buy some clothes. Since he still had a lot of money remaining they can just buy an appropriate outfit and then after lunch they'll leave a message before heading off to the capital and slowly take their time for a week or so.

The two of them purchased a neat shirt, pants, and several pairs of underwear at the clothing store. After buying those and returning to Boil Manor what waited for Saji was a surprising contract. He would graduate from being an apprentice and after his holiday was over his compensation would double, he signed and received his portion of that contract and then after telling Al he would be going to the capital for a week to purchase some sandals as well as playing around, went out in high spirits.

While riding the passenger carriage shaking on the way to the capital Saji starting thinking about where to go first.

(In order to buy sandals we definitely need to go to Greed Company but before even that there's a place I want to go right..Though I don't really know about it for sure so I guess this is fine to put off..)

First off Saji went to Greed Company to purchase sandals and introduce Cathy, but the head clerk Rozural.Rogu wouldn't take the money.

"Think of it as a wedding fit from us. Even though we didn't know, since we couldn't do anything for the wedding of a friend of Al-sama. Please don't mind it."

(Somehow, it feels like I've come to sponge off them? I didn't have that intention though..)

Also, the employee Reira.Yotlen tried asking in a whisper.

"Do you have any Saya?"

"Yeah, I received some from Al-san as a wedding gift. I'm fine on that end."

Saji replied in a low voice as well. Cathy was playing with Hanna and Kamunal. Since they're also the same Cat-people they got along together quickly.

Saji confirmed the location of a precious metal store with Reira and left Greed Company. They wandered around their first large city sightseeing while heading towards the precious metal store he was told about and in a short while they arrived at the store. Among nobles there's also the custom of giving {Marriage Rings} but other than nobles that considerably prosperous the custom hasn't sunk in almost at all.

However, Saji by all means wanted to give Cathy a ring. Of course something that's too expensive is impossible but he wanted to send her something that would be in commemoration. As expected a platinum or gold ring is impossible but if it's silver then it should be alright. If allergies become a problem then we'll deal with it when we get there. It's fine if I just buy her another one. Thinking that Saji confidently walked into the precious metals store while Cathy hesitantly followed after.

While Cathy was feeling troubled seeing all of the blinding accessories in the precious metal store, Saji gave her a silver ring that cost 60,000 Z. It's just a cheap article but for Saji right now this was his limit.

(Come to think of it I remember hearing it's supposed to be three months of your wages. In my case it's 600,000 Z huh..Huh? Was that the engagement ring? Well whatever. However, 600,000 huh..What the, if it's just that much then I can earn it after entering the dungeon just once. It might be good to come again.)

He safely gave Cathy a marriage ring and after they wandered around the capital looking at famous places for a few days but after a single store entered Saji's sight he was drawn to and entered it. It was an instrument store. While Saji was evaluating the stringed instruments his expression was a harsh one that wouldn't let anyone near. After asking the clerk he tried sounding them out a bit and would click with his tongue or tilt his head as time passed. Without eating for half a day just spending it in the store together with Saji without saying a single complaint, Cathy could be said to  be the model wife.

In the end, Saji threw down the large sum of 230,000 Z to buy a single lute(an instrument that resembles a guitar).


One week later, when Saji returned from the capital, he enjoyed the time he slowly spent together with Cathy since they were in the capital. He would wake up in the morning and go for a light run, after that he would shower to wash away the sweat and have breakfast together with his new wife, then they would go out to the cool side of the lake as he teachers her to write simple words. Cathy was considerably fast at learning letters. Saji was(Sh..She's faster than..even me?) even shocked.

With lunch at noon in between during the afternoon he taught her some fundamental arithmetic while enjoying some tea quietly. Though different from letters which are just a matter of remembering them she was a bit bad at arithmetic. After that he did just a bit of spear training at the edge of town before the two of them went to eat some delicious fish and wine. Of course, he played the lute he purchased when they were in the capital as well. After that, when they returned the inn they used up the rubber hygiene products he received as a wedding gift.

When it came to using the rubber hygiene product Saji felt an indescribable feeling. He's never even used the pig's bowels in this lifetime so he doesn't have anything to compare them with. The last time he used them was in the super high class brothel of the capital and since the atmosphere wasn't ordinary he couldn't remember the feeling of using it. When it actually comes to using them he felt the quality wasn't as good as the ones he remembered from his past life. Additionally it was a bit painful that the size was just a bit small. However, since he already understand that there was the difference between heaven and earth of having them or not so he didn't make any complaints at all.

Incidentally, the preservatives had long since arrived but as expected he didn't want the first thing he did as part of his newlywed life to be cutting up meat on a cutting board to make minced meat so he decided to forget about {Sausage} making for a short while.

After spending a few days like that it became the day for everyone to return from the dungeon. After counting the days the two of them spent the day wandering around the area of the entrance plaza waiting for everyone to return. Close to the evening when the members of the {Slaughterers} appeared from the entrance Saji and Cathy immediately ran up.

"Welcome back, Al-san."

Saji greeted him with is hand around Cathy's waist.

Seeing that all the members tease them.

"Oh~ we had a big catch this time as well. Everyone, shall we go?"

They all went to the usual magic tool shop in succession and sold the magic stones. This time as well they were able to make in the latter half of 50,000,000, so Saji thought that was excellent. Simultaneously he thought(So the earnings don't change whether I'm there or not..huh. I need put some effort into it!) that.

Of course, since Saji didn't participate in entering the dungeon this time he wasn't given a bonus. The congratulatory holiday might be paid but since he's properly paid wages at the 1st of every month so that's only obvious. During dinner of that night Saji and Cathy talked about the various things they saw in the capital and time passed as Saji played the lute he purchased in the capital.


The first day of July, including the slaves everyone of the {Slaughterers} gathered without running to do a final confirmation of Bel's plan. Today after this they'll go to the temple and Al will sell Zulu, Maruso, and Larry to Toris. And then Al will vacate the Boil Manor and move to a different inn.

They confirmed the days for when Al should get into contact after leaving the {Slaughterers} based on {Sun.Ray}'s schedule and when he might join them and in the end they were all handed this months salary. Just as planned they all went to the temple when it was just about 9 in the morning.

Since it was something they already spread as rumors since yesterday around noon there was already a dozen or so onlookers in front of the temple. The ones who are the talk of the street {Slaughterers} have their leader breaking away. If that's really true then they would definitely like him to join their party. Around half of the people who gathered were different adventurer party members thinking that and the remaining half were just there to confirm the rumors and simply onlookers.

During the time Al isn't around, obviously his room will be open but it came to Miduchi continuing to pay for and secure it. However, in order to keep it a secret publicly, Miduchi would use Al's room, and during that period Cathy would use Miduchi's room.

When the {Slaughterers} quickly returned to their inn they all gathered in Zenom's room and immediately started a conference. Though that's the case it was just a final confirmation that nothing was missing and didn't take much time at all.

It was already predicted that it would be somewhat fierce but for this many parties to call out to him, including Al himself no one in the {Slaughterers} was able to predict it. Putting aside the parties from the top teams down to second-rate, even the adventurers below that you could call riffraff were wandering around looking for chances to call out to him.

Thanks to that you can't observe who is approaching him until they get considerably close.


Several days later, the {Slaughterers} received contact from Al. Just as planned he was invited and able to join {Sun.Ray}. Also, it seems that {Sun.Ray will be entering the dungeon this month from the 6th for eight days and then from the 21st for eight days, maybe up to nine days, as well as information on the members, the ones who can use magic, what elements they have, and detailed records of their rough abilities based on the short period he trained with them. Although, since it's also possible they were hiding their true abilities in combat during training so he also wrote it's best to estimate them as being a bit higher.

Also, it was important but the 18th of this month is a full moon for the secondary moon Neitari but it was also written that they take that day off. It's implied but basically means investigate it. After reading this report Miduchi said she had connections in regards to investigating so there's no problem with that. Hearing that Saji thought (I guess she's going to ask that dark elf in the healing clinic).

In any case, for the next eight days starting tomorrow all of {Sun.Ray} will be in the dungeon. We need to do what we can right now. Think that the temporary leader of the {Slaughterers} decided not to enter the dungeon but gave out jobs to each of the members. Saji was allocated the job of developing {Sausages}.

Ever since he showed the prototype before Saji has made prototypes of {Sausages} contents several times on days off but he's already raised the level of completion a few degrees. Since the pork that's sold on the market is salted before being sold if you don't immerse it in water first it's too salty that it can't be eaten.

Also, since it was the same for the ones who preserved with spices at the same time as salting, he's already given up on making use of pork preserved in salt. After all the biggest problem here is the method of mincing the meat. Cutting it into small pieces and then hitting with the knife takes a considerable amount of work. By all means the meat grinder is necessary. However, he didn't know the structure of the meat grinder from his past life.

I wonder if it's just a matter of passing meat through some gears? Otherwise just passing through a bunch of small blades? Regardless of which it is there's no helping it right away. For the time being I can only start challenging from places I can. The best thing is after all to make the contents with raw pork that's minced up and just a bit of salt and spices mixed inside. I heard from Al that it's good to add water at that time.

This is also a test case for those two as well. How they assess Al-san and us who went to the point of putting ourselves in danger to wipe out {Sun.Ray} and get our hands on them. If they get angry over the fact that we deceived and wiped them out then I'm sure those sort of softhearted people wouldn't be useful from here on out. There's no way they could do something like war. It's only obvious they would weigh us down somewhere. However, if just as Bel said, if they know everything and recognize it, then we'll be able to accept them as splendid allies.)

At the same time, he thought this as well.

(Bel thought things through considerably seriously...Che...I guess that means I'm still falling behind Bel...If I don't quickly reach a level where I won't embarrass her I might end up being rejected. I need to give my best and..Ah, I guess it's that sort of thing..)

It seems Toris noticed something and after making an expression like he understood something, he closed his mouth and started thinking even more in a daze. He only had time until Bel took a shower and returned but after Bel saw him thinking with a serious face and his arms crossed she quietly closed the door and left him alone.


When {Sun.Ray} returned from exploring the dungeon another report from Al arrived. According to that {Sun.Ray}'s activities in the dungeon are almost the same as on the surface excluding the 1st and 2nd floors, they depart in the morning and go to a fixed camp in the evening, then return. Also, it seems their abilities are a bit behind {Black.Topaz} which we saw in combat against the {Frost Lizard} once in the past.

"Just that much huh..Then the fact that those two can't make it into their first party must mean they aren't anything special I guess?"

Hearing that Ral evaluated them like but Saji didn't think that was the case.

"I wonder about that? For example if on the 18th of this month no one moves to obtain them then I think you could call it fraud. Well, we still can't tell things like but in any case we'll know soon. We should receive the next report the next day as well."

Gwine and Miduchi have no interest in the abilities of {Sun.Ray}'s first party so they talked about the matter in regards to the charms instead.

"..In the first place it's plenty just being able to guess their abilities. If it's just this much then it would be easy to wipe them out with multiple ogres on the 7th floor."

Bel made a slight smile while evaluating them and after that we continued with our meeting. The details were about luring them into the ogre mage room and waiting until they were on the verge of being wiped out for the {Slaughterers} to come running and have just the one witness survive. In Bel's opinion it would be best if they could do the same thing for the second party as well and use the rescue a condition for them switching to our party but since that's impossible as expected we abandoned it.

At the end of discussing the situations we could predict quite a bit to Al we said,

Just like that we sent a list of instructions and then entered the dungeon to start making preparations.

In regards to investigating things on the night of the 18th, Miduchi already said with plenty of confidence that things were perfect so we decided not to worry about it. We prepared an excessive amount of food and after calculating the amount of time we'd need for making preparations, we decided to enter the dungeon the day after tomorrow.


The {Slaughterers} arrived at the teleport room of the 6th floor on July 19th and quickly got to making the preparations. Since the teleport room on the 7th floor leads to the ogre mage room in the South, we put signs at the teleport destinations we had already identified, then put those along the split paths leading to the room so Al wouldn't get lost. The reason why chose the South room was because there were a lot of large rocks rolling around the entrance to the room from the side leading to the teleport room, so it's easy to hide ourselves.

Furthermore, while we were in the middle of making those preparations a single incident occurred. It was when the combat members had split up into groups three to investigate the teleport destinations. Using magic from a distance is effective against ogres but since the paralysis poison is the most effective, Toris took command of Gwine and Saji who were using the spear to maintain distance, Bel who can use the bow took control of Zenom and Zulu, and the other one who can use the bow Miduchi was managing Ral and Maruso. Additionally, since Zenom and Ral use axes as their weapons even if they smear paralysis poison on them only the first attack has much effect so they were split up.

Since Toris had no bow he prepared himself to be the group that was in the most danger but the largest number of ogres they've met in the halls at once until now is 5 so they read it that if they just use paralysis poison there shouldn't be any problem and they weren't worried about it at all.

Since Miduchi is quite skilled in close combat as well, Zenom and the slave who's skill was quite good Zulu were put under the command of Bel, and she ended up taking command of Ral and Maruso herself.

The place where that Miduchi's group teleported unfortunately was right next to a group of five ogres. It was just as those ogres to the shape of surrounding the teleport destination as well. Miduchi quickly shot one of those that was right in front with an arrow dipped in paralysis poison but the paralysis poison isn't something takes effect immediately. Following that while she was shooting the next ogre by it with an arrow Ral and Maruso each took on one ogre. However, here Miduchi dropped her bow on the ground and used magic while pulling out her scimitar. Almost simultaneously Maruso noticed and warned Ral, "Watch out!!"

Ral had completely forgotten. Other than the teleport crystal rod in the center of the dungeon they can only be seen or touched by the ones who teleported using them. While the pedestal which has a height of about 70 - 80 cm and stretches out another 1 meter for the thin crystal rood, putting aside the crystal rod, the pyramid shaped pedestal looks like a splendid obstacle.

She unintentionally predicted that the attack that comes from that direction would have a later timing.

Immediately Miduchi created a large amount of air behind her and sent Ral flying.

All of the {Slaughterers} moved into the shadows of the rocks and crouched down.

Author's note: This isn't 125-139 but 125-133 right. Well it's fine, they group up again here after all.

Chapter end

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