Otherworld Nation Founding Chronicles Chapter 114

Otherworld Nation Founding Chronicles Chapter 114

Isekai Kenkokuki

Author: 桜木桜 (Sakuragi Sakura)

Volume 4: The Coalition and the Spider

Translator: r/isekaikenkokuki

Chapter 114 - War Against Eville

 After letting the soldiers stay in the Belvedere Kingdom’s capital to rest for a day, the Coalition Army headed for the Eville Kingdom.

 King Belvedere had a frustrated look on his face.

 Well, this is a do or die situation. Because otherwise the Rosyth Army will just be defeated.

 The problem is is that we cannot lose the final battle.

 ... Currently, if that were to lose that battle we would lose the war entirely.

 Lezzad and Gehenna’s infantry were left behind to keep watch over King Belvedere.

 I hired Lezzad’s Germanis cavalry and the Alexios and Melia [power] couple for a lot of money, and like that I obtained 500 excellent cavalry and a pair excellent staff officers.

 I think the positive thing about mercenaries is that they can be obtained easily with gold.

 That is as long as you maintain caution over them.

 When we withdrew, I sent handwritten letters to the autonomous cities and patricians who had capitulated.

 Keep an eye over the other cities and patricians and prevent any strange movements. That’s basically what was written.

 I told them if they report anything before something occurs, then I would give a reward.

 I do hope I am just being worried about nothing but...

 Well, they can’t possibly rebel. I had King Belvedere agree to the disarmament after all.

 ”King Rosyth! Ahead is Lord Raymond leading the Rosyth army of 1,000 and Lord Equus leading the Equus cavalry of 4,000!!” (Rosyth Soldier)

 ”I see. Let’s join with them quickly. Please notify them for me.” (Almus)

 The reconnaissance cavalry discovered a friendly army a kilometer (~3/5 of a mile) ahead.

 By using messenger hawks to establish contact, we were able to join together soon. [1]

 ... However, I thought that there would be some interference from King Eville for sure.

 What is happening?

 Well, Raymond who has been fighting up until now should know the details.

 It will be better to hear from him later.

 That day since the sun was setting, after the two armies met up, they set up camp.

 ”My king!! It is good to see you!!” (Raymond)

 ”Yeah, Raymond has also fought well... There is something I want to ask about. What is King Eville doing?” (Almus)

 At least from the information from messenger hawks and fast horses we can understand it a little.

 Raymond and King Eville’s armies have been skirmishing repeatedly.

 Of course, since the Rosyth Army’s side was small in numbers, it seems that they have been getting pushed back little by little.

 Even using scorched earth tactics while slowly retreating, the Eville Army continued to apply pressure one way or another.

 The situation changed when the Equus tribe rushed in as reinforcements.

 Rather than to myself, it was a good decision to send them to Raymond’s location. As expected of Muzio. [2]

 When the Eville Army heard information that the Equus cavalry was coming, they quickly withdrew and returned to their home country.

 Unfortunately, it seems pursuit was not possible.

 Well, if you tried to pursue an army of 3,000 with an army of a thousand, the tables can easily turn against you.

 This situation is good nonetheless.

 The problem is that we were allowed to merge armies.

 After the merge, our force is made up of about 7,000 infantry and 4,500 cavalry. Altogether that’s a large force of 11,500 soldiers.

 We cannot simply beat King Eville with this army.

 Normally you’d think, wouldn’t something like this would guarantee victory?

 The reason why this is not so... no, I want to know the reason why this won’t do.

 ”I myself don’t know the details... but it seems that the enemy army is heading west for some reason.” (Raymond)

 ”West huh... does this have to do with the Zoldias Army?” (Almus)

 But according to Yal, the Zoldias Army shouldn’t have begun to make moves until we win against King Eville.

 What’s going on here?

 ”This is my honest opinion... it seems that Yal Claudius has made a [his?] move.” (Raymond)

 ”Him huh... but I cannot get in touch with him.” (Almus)

 In order to go from the Zoldias Kingdom to the Rosyth Kingdom, it is necessary to travel through the Eville Kingdom.

 There’s no way that while currently being at war with the Rosyth Kingdom would King Eville do something like kindly say, “Please pass through us.”

 Therefore, passing through with a fast horse is impossible.

 I will use a messenger owl or hawk instead.

 However, long-term soul riding on animals is a heavy burden on sorcerers.

 There is the danger of being attacked by wild animals. That’s why they are used sparingly.

 There is also the fact that because hawks and owls are animals you ofcourse have to feed them meat. Because of that, you must hunt on the way.

 Although messenger hawks or owls are the best in terms of stealth and speed, at a certain distance, they become inconvenient to use.

 To begin with, sorcerers are a vital asset and can’t just be used irresponsibly.

 That’s why I decided that I cannot contact Yal by any means.

 ”Well that’s fine. Either way this is not bad. Tomorrow, let’s march straight forward. Because the Belvedere Kingdom must govern all directly owned land using special government law [the treaty?], we must prepare the Eville Kingdom’s territories as reward.” (Almus)

 We’ve put a lot of the burden on the patricians.

 With this I can destroy the [political?] machine... kidding because if I did that I would have no patricians who would follow me.

 The ”carrot and stick” approach is important here.

 ”Hey my best buddy. Can I ask a question?” (Muzio)

 ”What is it?” (Almus)

 ”Who are the man and woman there? From the looks of it, it seems that they aren’t Aldernian nor Cretian am I right?” (Muzio)

 Muzio asks as he points to Alexios and Melia who are standing with the patricians.

 I beckon the two over.

 ”These two are a general and a sorcerer from Lezzad. They will be leading Lezzad’s cavalry. The man is Alexios, and the woman is Melia.” (Almus)

 ”As introduced, I am Alexios. I hail from Povenia. I have no nonem [surname].” (Alexios)

 ”Also introduced, I am Melia. I hail from Povenia. I too have no nonem.” (Melia)

 Muzio lifted his eyebrows.

 It seems that he’s interested in the term “Povenia” is and the fact they possess no nonem.

 ”Povenia is... is a country in the southern continent is that right? What do you mean you have no nonem? Is that a custom there?” (Muzio)

 ”No that’s wrong. I had one once... but I abandoned my house.” (Alexios)

 Muzio still seemed a little interested but stopped asking there.

 He probably thinks it would be rude to press further. You wouldn’t get anything from hearing the story of the couple’s houses anyways.

 ”You guys are Lezzad’s representatives. Is it alright to think of it like that?” (Muzio)

 ”No, it’s just myself and 500 cavalry. We’re just mercenaries hired by King Almus this time. That’s all.” (Alexios)

 That’s the gist of it.

 If Lezzad were to really be invested in this war, they would have sent a larger army and either one or two assemblymen.

 Lezzad does not want to be involved in this war any further than this.

 But, they want to return the favor. That’s why they are loaning us the cavalry and Alexios.

 If it come to it [a loss], they can just claim, “They are mercenaries so they have no relation to our country [Lezzad].”

 On the other hand [a win], they can say, “Because we lent them mercenaries they won.”

 As expected of the Cretian’s communication [skills].

 They are really good at directing diplomacy.

 ”Now that the self-introductions have ended, let’s begin the war council.” (Almus)

 I say this while surveying the patricians, Muzio, and Alexios.

 ”It’s our great victory isn’t it.”

 ”Well, `it’s an easy win if there are only this many cavalry.”

 The next day [after the war council], we invaded the Eville Kingdom.

 We engaged with patricians who came out to repel us and obtained a decisive victory.

 They were trying to perform scorched earth tactics against us with a 1,000 soldiers. 

 However, we have 4,500 excellent cavalry.

 The cavalry moved faster than the enemy could withdraw.

 Furthermore, because we held the numbers advantage, all we had to do was attack their flanks [to win].

 There’s not much to say other than that we won. I wasn’t so much a fight but rather an annihilation.

 This time there were five patricians who tried to ambush us.

 Their families were also all transported to the Rosyth Kingdom.

 The vassal patricians under them were forgiven. If they were punished, their rule would fall apart.

 As long as I promised some kind of status, there should be no resistance.

 Well there were still those overflowing with loyalty but... those guys were captured and transported to the Rosyth Kingdom.

 I don’t intend to kill them. If I kill, I won’t get a surrender.

 Traitors who come from the inside are to be killed, but enemies who come from the outside are to not be killed as much as possible.

 That’s my policy.

 The former will betray again if forgiven, but the latter will work well for you should they surrender.

 Well, I’ll still look at each situation case by case.

 My patrician subordinates are already licking my boots [not literal] over land allocation.

 A good trend. Like that do your best.

 Trying to suck up to me means that they will obey me.

 ”Still, is there no cavalry in the Eville Kingdom?” (Muzio)

 Muzio gives a curious look. 

 It seems no decent cavalry have been sent out.

 For Muzio the most important aspect in war is cavalry, so it is even more of a mystery.

 ”There are many mountains in the Eville Kingodm. My country has a lot of plains as the natural borders. Investing in cavalry must be inconvenient [for them].” (Almus)

 On top of that, investing in cavalry is expensive.

 Even in my country, a good cavalry division didn’t exist at first. It’s like that.

 Or rather, putting aside the Equus and Germanis cavalry, my own cavalry army only number 300 so I can’t say anything back [to Eville].

 ”You on your own merit realized the importance of cavalry, so a cavalry division got organized. As expected of King Rosyth. I would like it if my country’s senate could boil your hair and drink the contents.” (Alexios)

 Alexios praised me.

 Boiling someone’s hair and drinking is an idiom. It has the same meaning as to watch and learn. [3] 

 But, it sounds like an idiom to cure baldness. Thinking on it, those guys [the senators] were bald.

 ”From now on, cavalry will become an integral part in war. Heavy infantry is becoming obsolete... It might be a good time to start thinking up some new formations.” (Alexios)

 A bit more of a flexible formation would be better than what we have now.

 A final formation that has the cavalry flank the sides would be deadly [for the enemy]. Well, this war has pretty much already ended.

 ”Your majesty, King Rosyth!! An emissary from King Eville!!” (Rosyth soldier?)

 ”It’s finally arrived.” (Almus)

 Well now, whether they will surrender or won’t depends entirely on the terms and conditions.

 ”Nice to meet you, King Rosyth. I am the acting viceroy [vice-king?], Gnaeus Domitius Eville.” (Gnaeus)

 ”Nice to meet you. I am Almus Ars Rosyth. Is it fine if I call you Gnaeus?” (Almus)

 ”Yes, I do not mind.” (Gnaeus)

 Gnaeus was an elderly man.

 Many wrinkles cover his face.

 However, I feel a strong will from his pupils. Even from the above of his clothes, you can clearly tell the movements of his solid muscles. 

 Does this mean to say he is still an active duty warrior?

 If I remember correctly then he must be the previous king’s younger half-brother.

 I guess he has been serving King Eville to this day.

 He’s like what Raymond is to me.

 ”So, is there something you want from me this time? I am a busy man.” (Almus)

 ”Hahaha, King Rosyth is a tough customer. I came negotiate peace between our two countries.” (Gnaeus)

 Gnaeus gazes at me with strong eyes and presents his conditions.

 ”My country [Eville] is losing to your country [Rosyth] right now. However, our royal capital still stands. It will not fall easily if we barricade ourselves in. What your country wants most now is time. I propose we pull back our armies and call it a draw...” (Gnaeus)

 ”That’s an interesting joke. Is that all?” (Almus)

 It’s a foolish talk.

 I can’t possibly just go along with those conditions. I have my own pride along with the fact that I have to secure land for the patricians.

 ”Moreover, what’s important for your country should be time.” (Gnaeus)

 ”Hou? Why is that?” (Almus)

 I show a little smile.

 ”King Zoldias should be launching his invasion right? I know that much.” (Almus)

 ”Haha, what are you... our country and the Zoldias Kingdom are on friendly terms. There is no way that is a fact.” (Gnaeus)

 I stare straight at Gnaeus’ eyes.

 Gnaeus returns the stare.

 The one to break the stare is Gnaeus.

 ”Could you be making a ploy? It’s true that the Zoldias Army is gathered near the border. We have concentrated soldiers there.” (Almus)

 It was a half bluff.

 King Zoldias would back our country and after our victory would move in his army was the scenario as told by Yal.

 But after that, we lost contact with Yal.

 ”A backstabbing which leads to the realm being invaded. I cannot say that will is not the case.” (Almus)

 ”I understand that. So, King Rosyth, what are your terms?” (Gnaeus)

 I present the conditions that I had discussed beforehand with Raymond.

King Eville will recognize the sovereignty of the land controlled by King Rosyth.

King Eville will pay a 1,000 gold coins as reparations. An initial 500 gold coins will be paid immediately.

Both countries will sign a 5-year armistice agreement.

King Eville’s successor, the crown prince, will study abroad in the Rosyth Kingdom.

 ”Hahaha, tell me your joking!!” (Gnaeus)

 ”I still have room to tell more ‘jokes.’ As expected of a warrior. Shall we once again have another battle?” (Almus)

 Gnaeus and I stare each other down for a while.

 As a result of the discussion, the treaty is as follows.

King Eville will recognize the sovereignty of the land controlled by King Rosyth.

King Eville will pay 100 gold coins immediately.

Both countries will sign a 5-year armistice agreement.

King Eville’s successor, the crown prince, will study abroad in the Rosyth Kingdom for 3 years.

 With a secure result it ended.

 The reparation gold is fairly lacking in amount.

 Well, I got an armistice and a hostage.

 This should be good enough.

 Now that the Eville Kingdom has surrendered, next is... all of Rozel!!

 ”Hey, Gnaeus!! How was it?” (King Eville)

 ”I somehow managed to deceive them.” (Gnaeus)

 ”I see. With the royal capital in front of us... let’s avoid the approaching Zoldias Army.” (King Eville)

 Almus had predicted that the Zoldias Army were gathered near the Eville Kingdom’s borders.

 But in reality that was wrong.

 The Zoldias Army made a huge victory against the Eville Army and were deeply advancing. That was the truth.

 Gnaeus’ role was to try and keep as much of the truth hidden and come out with a treaty that was as advantageous as possible.

 ”Still, for the Zoldias Amry to be attacking... when I was first told that I was scared to death. Well I managed to deceive them. It was good that their king is still young... Once he grows up he will become a troublesome opponent.” (Gnaeus)

 ”Hahaha, I won’t have the enemy turn the tables on us a second time!! From now on I will have to go prostrating in the Rosyth Kingdom... Well things did not turn out like what happened with Belvedere. Isn’t that great... Well now, Rosyth’s young man is out of the way. Now it’s Zoldias’ young man. Gnaeus, I give you 4,000 soldiers. Destroy them!” (King Eville)

 ”Understood!! With certainty!!”

 Author’s note:

 At last, we will enter the fight with Rozel.

 Next chapter will be from Bartolo’s POV.

 Translator’s note:

 Hoo boy, didn’t think it’s take this long. I couldn’t use my computer for reasons I won’t delve into for a few days but now it’s fine. I’ll still aim for weekly translations as much as possible. Also this chapter was a bit weird so if anyone has any corrections or suggestions let me know on my subreddit. Also Gnaeus is such an odd name. Besides that, the Eville Kingdom was much shorter to take down than the Belvedere Kingdom huh.

[1] Don’t know what would be good to call 鷹便. I was thinking messenger hawks might be good? Anyone have any suggestions or preferences let me know. ↑

[2] I think this is implying the one who made the call for the Equus to be sent to Raymond was Muzio (and not Almus). ↑

[3] The original Japanese idiom has to do with drinking from a concoction from nail dirt. It has to do with humility though I don’t completely understand it. Alexios is subbing nail dirt for hair for some reason but the meaning should generally be the same. Also I realize now that the assemblymen referred previously are senators so in the future I will refer to them as such. ↑

Chapter end

Volume 2 Chapter 43.5
Chapter 123 part2
Chapter 123 part1
Chapter 122 part2
Chapter 122 part1
Chapter 121 part2
Chapter 121 part1
Chapter 120
Chapter 119
Chapter 118
Chapter 117
Chapter 116
Chapter 115
Chapter 114
Chapter 113
Chapter 112
Chapter 111
Chapter 110
Chapter 109
Chapter 108
Chapter 107
Chapter 106
Chapter 105
Chapter 104.5
Chapter 104
Chapter 103
Chapter 102
Chapter 101
Chapter 100
Chapter 99
Chapter 98
Chapter 97
Chapter 96
Chapter 95.5
Chapter 95
Chapter 94
Chapter 93
Chapter 92
Chapter 91
Chapter 90
Chapter 89
Chapter 88
Chapter 87
Chapter 86.5
Chapter 86
Chapter 85
Chapter 84
Chapter 83
Chapter 82
Chapter 81
Chapter 80
Chapter 79.5
Chapter 79
Chapter 78
Chapter 77
Chapter 76
Chapter 75
Chapter 74
Chapter 73
Chapter 72
Chapter 71
Chapter 70
Chapter 69
Chapter 68
Chapter 67
Chapter 66
Chapter 65
Chapter 64
Chapter 63
Chapter 62
Chapter 61
Chapter 60
Volume 2 Chapter 59
Chapter 58
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