Omniscient Reader's Viewpoint Chapter 517 - Epilogue 1 – The world of zero (1)

Omniscient Reader's Viewpoint Chapter 517 - Epilogue 1 – The world of zero (1)

Chapter 517: Epilogue 1 - The world of zero (1)

The panoramic view of the cosmos could be seen beyond the pitch-black window. I rested my forehead against the cold glass and wordlessly stared at that dark world.

I couldn't tell how long it had been. I wanted to look back; if I did, then maybe, they would still be sitting in their seats even now, so I thought.

⸢Kim Dok-Ja finally stopped crying.⸥

"I didn't cry, you dumbass."

⸢He lied, too.⸥

"…..Just for how long are you going to stay as the narrator? The story's over now."

[The 4th Wall] cackled on. I felt slightly encouraged by that laughter and took another look beyond the window.

The ones I wanted to see were no longer reflected on the glass. The planet Earth I used to live had grown distant beyond my reach.

Of course, that didn't mean I wasn't there.

['Avatar' skill is currently active.]

[Due to the separation of the world-line, the connection to the 'Avatar' has been cut-off.]

[Your Avatar will continue to live his life with its own ego.]

The me of 49%.

[The applicable Avatar will no longer be under your control.]

That guy would never realise that he was an Avatar. He'd simply live the life of ever after along with the companions as Kim Dok-Ja.

⸢W hy 49%, tho ugh?⸥

"I was trying to divide exactly by 50% each, but it didn't work out."

⸢W hy 49%, tho ugh?⸥

The exact same question again; it was impossible to hide anything from [The 4th Wall].

"You already know why."

⸢N ot v ery li ke y ou⸥

"No, it is exactly like me."

Something that the idiotic, immature, and selfish during the crucial moments 'Kim Dok-Ja' would have done.


That number was the proof - and the lie - that I remembered my companions far better than my Avatar.

Even if no one knew of this version of me existing here, even if the companions' stories had come to an end like that… But, at the very least, I swore to myself that I'd never forget about them.

⸢Y ou re gre tting it?⸥

A soft noise came from the clunking subway. I was treated to the view of a completely empty subway interior. The handles no one held onto limply shook about.

⸢Don t fe el so lo nely⸥

"I'm not."

I slowly regulated my breathing.

I had already experienced a similar situation before. It was also like this back when I became the 'Demon King of Salvation' and fell into the story's horizon. In a way, my situation was better than back then. Well, I wasn't currently suffering from the penalty of leaving the scenario, after all.

If there was one thing different from back then, it'd be…

⸢I'd never be able to meet my companions.⸥

"….Do I have to stay inside this subway forever?"

⸢S t a y?⸥

"I'm asking if I can go outside."

[The 4th Wall] remained silent as if to ponder what I was asking here, before making its reply.

⸢Th ere is no con cept of 'access' in t his p la ce⸥

"What do you mean?"

⸢T his p la ce is a sanctum. A p la ce whe re the 'Most Ancient Dream' sle eps⸥

After I heard that, it began to slowly dawn on me.

Every world-line related to the 'Ways of Survival' was a dream of the 'Most Ancient Dream'.

⸢All the worlds were dreams that were given life in this place.⸥

Along with a 'Flash!' all the windows of the subway transformed into display screens.

At first, I mistook them for the TAS advertisement installed in the special area within the subway network. Scenes from various scenarios were streaming past the windows. Of course, there was no way that I was looking at mere advertisements.


A vague migraine assaulted me. The sights of the world-lines scattered around the universe were now streaming by.

Only then did I gain a new appreciation of just what kind of an existence I had become.

⸢He was now the 'Most Ancient Dream'.⸥

My shaky steps took me closer to the window. The screen gently trembled like the surface of water, looking fragile enough to be broken at any time I wanted to.

⸢Kim Dok-Ja was scared.⸥

I didn't need someone to tell me that to know.

Every 'story' in this world existed only because a reader read them.

⸢If he doesn't watch, the world will come to a stop.⸥

Staring at the world and dreaming endlessly…

⸢….This was the weight the 'Most Ancient Dream' had to bear.⸥

I slowly closed my eyes. This was what I chose. And obviously, being able to watch was far better than not being able to.

And on top of that, it was the same thing as me having become the ultimate Constellation that could peek on every world-line out there, so….

"The 4th Wall?"

⸢Wh at⸥

"The 'Most Ancient Dream' acted like a Constellation, didn't he?"

Under the guise of a 'Constellation', the previous 'Most Ancient Dream' sent messages during the regression turn I lived in. Although it was the subconscious actions of a child who didn't know anything, there was no denying the fact that such an action nevertheless interfered with the system.

⸢Cor rect⸥

"Then, how about me connecting to the world-line I lived in as a 'Constellation'….?"

⸢Y ou th ink th at wi ll be pos sible?⸥

"It's not?"

⸢N ot the pro blem of pos sibil ity or n ot⸥

I mulled over what that could mean for a bit, before biting my lip, hard.

"….Right, I shouldn't do that. I understand."

I recalled all the hardships my companions and I had to experience to reach this conclusion. We fought to eliminate the Constellations, and to erase the system. And we succeeded.

But for me to revive after coming this far, now that would….

⸢Lu ckily y ou can't e ven if y ou wa nted to⸥

"Why not? I'm the 'Most Ancient Dream' now, aren't I? If I imagined it, it'd become reality, right?"

⸢Ca n't con trol eve ryth ing just be cau se y ou're the 'Most Ancient Dream'⸥

Sparks gently danced along with 'Tsu-chuchut!'

It seemed that the current 'me' couldn't fully exercise the 'Most Ancient Dream's' power to influence.

⸢Y our mast ery over the dr eam is n't en ough⸥

….As I thought. If it was that easy to control, then it'd not be called the 'dream' in the first place. I didn't know when it'd be possible, but at least for now, I couldn't do it.

I chewed my lips for a little while, before continuing on. "In that case…. what about just watching?"

It was right then, something inside me wiggled.

The inner 'me' that I couldn't rule over - I sensed this humongous subconsciousness taking root deep within me. This subconsciousness extended its roots towards another world-line, and through these roots, began pulling up the stories of this world.

My vision darkened, then the sights of the world-line spread out like a kaleidoscope.

⸢It was the view of the world he missed so much.⸥

I thought I saw the distant lights of the [Industrial Complex]. Then, I saw the backs of my companions headed there. Not a shade of darkness could be spied on their expressions. In the middle of the group as they walked shoulder to shoulder was another Kim Dok-Ja, kitted out in the white coat.

I already knew.

Even though I knew…

My heart crazily pounded away, my breathing getting shallower, faster. I panted heavily and screamed out. I endured the sensation of vomit welling up, shook my head, and opened my eyes.

As I felt for the floor while swimming in dizziness, I realised that I was the only one inside the subway.

⸢W hat's wr ong? Do n't wan na wat ch?⸥

I did want to watch. Their happy faces, their expressions of finally escaping from the scenario's hell. I wanted to read the story that I so desperately longed to see. However, I couldn't.

If I did, then without a doubt, I'd want to go back.

"….I have to see it, right? If I don't, the world won't move forward, right?"

⸢Y ou're al rea dy wat ching⸥


⸢Sub con sciou sness is a part of con sciou sness. Y ou are al rea dy wat ching the ma jor ity of world lines⸥

"In that case…."

⸢No ne ed to bur den y ours elf⸥ [The 4th Wall] spoke as if to console me. ⸢Y ou d ont h ave to do an yth ing. Y ou're al rea dy wat ching sub con sciou sly an yway⸥

I could just close my eyes and forget everything. It'd be fine to enjoy myself within the dream just like a pure, innocent child with no guilt weighing me down. [The 4th Wall] was telling me that there was absolutely no reason to mull over the tragedy once more and get hurt in the process.

⸢However, Kim Dok-Ja wasn't a child.⸥

"I can't do that," said I, while wiping away the cold sweat. All these world-lines were my sin. I created them, and I destroyed them. "I must see them."

And this was the only way to atone for them.

As I slowly stood back up, the world-lines appeared on the windows.

The countless world-lines from the 'Ways of Survival'; the tragedies of someone, brought to reality because I had read them, were now being displayed there.

….Perhaps, there was something I should see first before seeing the stories of my companions.

As if it knew that already, [The 4th Wall] addressed me. ⸢Wi ll be a v ery long ni ght, Kim Dok Ja⸥

I'm sure it'll be.

I smiled back. "Don't worry. I can do this properly. This is the story that I adore the most, you see. I know I can definitely watch it until my dying day and not get sick of it."

⸢But y ou mi ght gr ow to h ate the st ory you l ove the mo st one d ay⸥

"If that happens…." I spoke while reaching towards the scenes appearing within the screen. "That will be the price I must pay."

I slowly pressed on the glass, and my fingerprints were engraved on the display.

[The world is now receiving your gaze.]

[A world-line has received the power of life from your consciousness.]

When I reopened my eyes, my body was levitating off the floor, about a hand-span high or so. It felt like I was having an out of body experience.

I was startled by the bustling nearby and looked around to discover a crowd of people. They walked right into me and past me as if I was invisible to them.

Every one of these tired faces belonged to the office workers on their way home.

This place…

I scanned my vicinity and saw the orange colour denoting the subway's 3rd line. Surprisingly enough, I found myself floating above the subway platform. The current time and all sorts of subway-related information were displayed on the LED screens installed on the ceiling.

[6:55 PM]

Exactly five minutes before the beginning of the scenario.

Soon enough, the Bulgwang Station-bound train arrived along with the noisy announcement.

People climbed aboard the train one by one. I'd have stopped them if only I could. However, nothing would change even if I did. The scenario would begin regardless of where you were, anyway. All I could do now was to climb aboard the train along with them and watch all these tragedies unfold.

⸢And a face Kim Dok-Ja was intimately familiar with was there.⸥

The Bulgwang Station-bound train no.3434, the car number 3707.

A certain man absent-mindedly staring outside the subway window was there. After observing his face for a little while, I ended up smirking a little.

When I thought about it, it was pretty obvious.

In the end, all these world-lines were repeated through one man's regressions. So, it was only obvious that I'd encounter this fool at the beginning of the story.

⸢This world's protagonist.⸥

Quite obviously, Yu Jung-Hyeok failed to sense my presence.

No, his disinterested gaze remained locked on the outside of the subway, his mind currently submerged in his thoughts. A face that remained calm even when knowing that the scenarios were about to begin; I had no choice but to be impressed by that.

….You're really an amazing guy, aren't you.

I had already witnessed the end of the scenarios, but my skin still trembled simply by re-entering this scene. Yet, you managed to endure these moments dozens, hundreds of times.

The stopped subway train began moving and the time flowed forward once more. That 'thing' should begin soon, if my knowledge served me correctly.

⸢During the 3rd turn, Yu Jung-Hyeok would begin by killing everyone within this subway car.⸥

I recalled the beginning of the 3rd turn that I knew of. I wasn't sure which regression turn this was, but the beginning wouldn't be so different from that. I slowly scanned the surroundings and spotted a man acting suspiciously by the exit.

"Heuh, heuh-euh…."

Several people shifted their gazes over to the man after hearing his intermittent grunts. The man carrying a twisted expression sniggered and looked around himself, then suddenly, pulled out a home-made bomb and a lighter.

⸢On that day when the paywall began, there was a certain man riding on the same subway car no. 3707 as Yu Jung-Hyeok.⸥

"…What's that?"

"H-hey, man!"

⸢The subway terrorist, Choi Han-Gyu.⸥

The shocked crowd screamed and retreated. People freaked out after witnessing the sparks exploding from the man's hands and stood up from their seats, causing the scene to turn chaotic.

As for Yu Jung-Hyeok, he was quietly staring at that man.

Hey, what are you doing? Hurry up and snatch that away.

According to the storyline I knew, Yu Jung-Hyeok should've suppressed Choi Han-Gyu the moment they climbed aboard the subway and took away the bomb. However, he hadn't done that.

Why was this? Yu Jung-Hyeok's expression, the one I thought was calmness personified, was now pale-white in fright.

It was then, the interior of the train became dark along with the screeching noise. People's screams morphed into sorrowful cries as they witnessed the flame being lit up within the darkness.

Something had gone awry here.

⸢Why isn't Yu Jung-Hyeok making his move?⸥

Hang on a minute, could this be…..?

[7:00 PM]

And then, as the 'Tick!' noise resounded out, the world's rules changed.

[The free service period of the planetary system no. 8612 has concluded.]

[Main Scenario has begun.]

The flames lit up by the terrorist brightly illuminated Yu Jung-Hyeok's face, his eyes trembling in pure fear. He stood there, unable to do anything. I too, had fallen into a bout of panic. Pages of the Ways of Survival began flipping inside my head.

….Just which regression turn was this?

Was this around the 900th, when he lost his mind? Or around the 1200th?

During which regression turn was this half-wit Yu Jung-Hyeok….?

[Channel #B-7623 has opened.]

[Constellations are entering.]

"Heuh, heuh-heuh, heuh-euh….."

The crowd began running towards the next car of the train, away from the figure of the terrorist clutching the explosive as the man's eyes glared at the surroundings.

[Extremely small number of Constellations are getting interested in Incarnation 'Choi Han-Gyu'.]

And Yu Jung-Hyeok was still standing in the same spot. The one I knew would never react like this. No, Yu Jung-Hyeok was someone who'd resort to the perfect showmanship to suppress the situation from the get-go. But now, he was making this stupid face that I had never seen before under the terrorist's threat.

One I had never seen before… Never seen…?

It felt like a lightning bolt had gone off in my head.

So, that's what this was, this storyline.

Countless pages flipped inside my head, before the book itself was closed shut.

This was the regression turn that got treated as nothing more than a passing reminiscence back in the 'Ways of Survival'.

Some stories would actually begin from a moment that wasn't written.

"P-please, don't… don't kill me!"


⸢This story is the unknown beginning of the 'Ways of Survival'.⸥

This world-line was the one that I didn't get to read - Yu Jung-Hyeok's 0th turn.

< Epilogue 1. The world of zero (1) > Fin.

Chapter end

Chapter 551 [END] – Epilogue 5
Chapter 550 – Epilogue 5
Chapter 549 – Epilogue 5
Chapter 548 - Epilogue 5 – The Eternity and Epilogue (3)
Chapter 547 - Epilogue 5 – The Eternity and Epilogue (2)
Chapter 546 - Epilogue 5 – The Eternity and Epilogue (1)
Chapter 545 - Epilogue 4 – The (10)
Chapter 544 - Epilogue 4 – The (9)
Chapter 543 - Epilogue 4
Chapter 542 - Epilogue 4
Chapter 541 - Epilogue 4
Chapter 540 - Epilogue 4 – The (5)
Chapter 539 - Epilogue 4 – The (4)
Chapter 538 - Epilogue 4 – The (3)
Chapter 537 - Epilogue 4 – The (2)
Chapter 536 - The (1)
Chapter 535 - Epilogue 3
Chapter 534 - Epilogue 3 – Author's words (3)
Chapter 533 - Epilogue 3 – Author's words (2)
Chapter 532 - Epilogue 3 – Author's words (1)
Chapter 531 - Epilogue 2 – Not found anywhere (6)
Chapter 530 - Epilogue 2
Chapter 529 - Epilogue 2
Chapter 528 - Epilogue 2 – Not found anywhere (3)
Chapter 527 - Epilogue 2
Chapter 526 - Epilogue 2
Chapter 525 - Epilogue 1 – The world of zero (9)
Chapter 524 - Epilogue 1 – The world of zero (8)
Chapter 523 - Epilogue 1 – The world of zero (7)
Chapter 522 - Epilogue 1 – The world of zero (6)
Chapter 521 - Epilogue 1 – The world of zero (5)
Chapter 520 - Epilogue 1 – The world of zero (4)
Chapter 519 - Epilogue 1 – The world of zero (3)
Chapter 518 - Epilogue 1 – The world of zero (2)
Chapter 517 - Epilogue 1 – The world of zero (1)
Chapter 516 - The most ancient dream (5)
Chapter 515 - The most ancient dream (4)
Chapter 514 - The most ancient dream (3)
Chapter 513 - The most ancient dream (2)
Chapter 512 - The most ancient dream (1)
Chapter 511 - Have you protected all that you were supposed to protect (4)
Chapter 510 - Have you protected all that you were supposed to protect (3)
Chapter 509 - Have you protected all that you were supposed to protect (2)
Chapter 508 - Have you protected all that you were supposed to protect (1)
Chapter 507 - The star that can't be seen (4)
Chapter 506 - The star that can't be seen (3)
Chapter 505 - The star that can't be seen (2)
Chapter 504 - The star that can't be seen (1)
Chapter 503 - Demon-like Judge of Fire (3)
Chapter 502 - Demon-like Judge of Fire (2)
Chapter 501 - Demon-like Judge of Fire (1)
Chapter 500
Chapter 499
Chapter 498
Chapter 497
Chapter 496
Chapter 495
Chapter 494
Chapter 493
Chapter 492
Chapter 491
Chapter 490
Chapter 489
Chapter 488 - Episode 93
Chapter 487
Chapter 486
Chapter 485
Chapter 484 - Episode 92
Chapter 483 - Final Scenario (2)
Chapter 482 - Final Scenario (1)
Chapter 481 - One Single Fable (5)
Chapter 480 - Episode 91 - One Single Fable (4)
Chapter 479 - One Single Fable (3)
Chapter 478 - – One Single Fable (2)
Chapter 477 - One Single Fable (1)
Chapter 476 - Episode 90 – One Person (5)
Chapter 475 - Episode 90 – One Person (4)
Chapter 474 - Episode 90 – One Person (3)
Chapter 473 - One Person (2)
Chapter 472 - One Person (1)
Chapter 471 - Great Apocalypse (5)
Chapter 470 - Great Apocalypse (4)
Chapter 469 - Great Apocalypse (3)
Chapter 468 - Great Apocalypse (2)
Chapter 467 - Great Apocalypse (1)
Chapter 466 - Myth-grade Constellation (4)
Chapter 465 - – Myth-grade Constellation (3)
Chapter 464 - Myth-grade Constellation (2)
Chapter 463 - Myth-grade Constellation (1)
Chapter 462 - The Heart of Steel (4)
Chapter 461
Chapter 460 – Episode 87
Chapter 459 – Episode 87
Chapter 458 – Episode 86
Chapter 457 - The square circle (4)
Chapter 457 – Episode 86
Chapter 456 - The square circle (3)
Chapter 456 – Episode 86
Chapter 455 - The square circle (2)
Chapter 455 – Episode 86
Chapter 454 - The square circle (1)
Chapter 454 – Episode 86
Chapter 453 - The Final Wall (5)
Chapter 453 – Episode 85
Chapter 452 - The Final Wall (4)
Chapter 452
Chapter 451 - The Final Wall (3)
Chapter 451 – Episode 85
Chapter 450 - The Final Wall (2)
Chapter 450 – Episode 85
Chapter 449 - The Final Wall (1)
Chapter 449 – Episode 85
Chapter 448 - 1864 (4)
Chapter 448 – Episode 84
Chapter 447 - Episode 84 – 1864 (3)
Chapter 447 – Episode 84
Chapter 446 - 1864 (2)
Chapter 446 – Episode 84
Chapter 445 - 1864 (1)
Chapter 445 – Episode 84
Chapter 444 - Dok-Ja's Incarnation (6)
Chapter 444 – Episode 83 – Dok
Chapter 443 - Dok-Ja's Incarnation (5)
Chapter 443 – Dok
Chapter 442 - - Dok-Ja's Incarnation (4)
Chapter 442 – Episode 83 – Dok
Chapter 441 - Dok-Ja's Incarnation (3)
Chapter 441 – Episode 83 – Dok
Chapter 440 - Dok-Ja's Incarnation (2)
Chapter 440 – Dok
Chapter 439 - Dok-Ja's Incarnation (1)
Chapter 439 – Dok
Chapter 438 - Outer God (7)
Chapter 438 – Episode 82
Chapter 437 - Outer God (6)
Chapter 437 – Episode 82
Chapter 436 - Outer God (5)
Chapter 436 – Episode 82
Chapter 435 - - Outer God (4)
Chapter 435 –
Chapter 434 - Outer God (3)
Chapter 434 – Episode 82
Chapter 433 - – Outer God (2)
Chapter 433 – Episode 82
Chapter 432 - Outer God (1)
Chapter 432 – Episode 82
Chapter 431 - A dumpling's reminiscence (4)
Chapter 431 – Episode 81
Chapter 430 - A dumpling's reminiscence (3)
Chapter 430 – Episode 81
Chapter 429 - A dumpling's reminiscence (2)
Chapter 429 – Episode 81
Chapter 428 - A dumpling's reminiscence (1)
Chapter 428 – Episode 81
Chapter 427 - Our greatest ally (5)
Chapter 427 – Episode 80
Chapter 426 - Our greatest ally (4)
Chapter 426 – Episode 80
Chapter 425 - Our greatest ally (3)
Chapter 425
Chapter 424 - Our greatest ally (2)
Chapter 424 – Episode 80
Chapter 423 - Our greatest ally (1)
Chapter 423 – Episode 80
Chapter 422 - The Secretive Plotter (7)
Chapter 422
Chapter 421 - The Secretive Plotter (6)
Chapter 421
Chapter 420 - The Secretive Plotter (5)
Chapter 420 – Episode 79
Chapter 419 - The Secretive Plotter (4)
Chapter 419 – Episode 79
Chapter 418 - The Secretive Plotter (3)
Chapter 418
Chapter 417 - The Secretive Plotter (2)
Chapter 417 – Episode 79
Chapter 416 - The Secretive Plotter (1)
Chapter 416
Chapter 415 - Climax/轉 (7)
Chapter 415 – Episode 78
Chapter 414 - Climax/轉 (6)
Chapter 414 – Episode 78
Chapter 413 - Climax/轉 (5)
Chapter 413 – Episode 78
Chapter 412 - Climax/轉 (4)
Chapter 412 – Episode 78
Chapter 411 - Climax/轉 (3)
Chapter 411
Chapter 410 - Climax/轉 (2)
Chapter 410
Chapter 409 - Episode 78 – Climax/轉 (1)
Chapter 409 – Episode 78
Chapter 408 - Final Dragon (5)
Chapter 408
Chapter 407 - Final Dragon (4)
Chapter 407
Chapter 406 - Final Dragon (3)
Chapter 406
Chapter 405 - Final Dragon (2)
Chapter 405 – Episode 77
Chapter 404 - Final Dragon (1)
Chapter 404 – Episode 77
Chapter 403 - Book of Revelation (5)
Chapter 403 – Episode 76
Chapter 402 - Book of Revelation (4)
Chapter 402 – Episode 76
Chapter 401 - Book of Revelation (3)
Chapter 401
Chapter 400 - Book of Revelation (2)
Chapter 400 – Episode 76
Chapter 399 - Book of Revelation (1)
Chapter 399
Chapter 398 - A certain heart (5)
Chapter 398 – Episode 75
Chapter 397 - A certain heart (4)
Chapter 397 – Episode 75
Chapter 396 - A certain heart (3)
Chapter 396 – Episode 75
Chapter 395 - A certain heart (2)
Chapter 395 - Episode 75
Chapter 394 - A certain heart (1)
Chapter 394 – Episode 75
Chapter 393 - Great War of Saints and Demons (8)
Chapter 392 - Great War of Saints and Demons (7)
Chapter 391 - - Great War of Saints and Demons (6)
Chapter 390 - Great War of Saints and Demons (5)
Chapter 389 - Great War of Saints and Demons (4)
Chapter 388 - Great War of Saints and Demons (3)
Chapter 387 - Great War of Saints and Demons (2)
Chapter 386 - Great War of Saints and Demons (1)
Chapter 385 - The hottest place in Hell (4)
Chapter 384 - The hottest place in Hell (3)
Chapter 383 - The hottest place in Hell (2)
Chapter 382 - The hottest place in Hell (1)
Chapter 381 - Three Methods (5) ''Those two, they are engaged.''
Chapter 380 - Three Methods (4)
Chapter 379 - Three Methods (3)
Chapter 378 - Three methods (2)
Chapter 377 - Episode 72 - Three methods (1)
Chapter 376 - 50 years later (4)
Chapter 375 - 50 years later (3)
Chapter 374 - Episode 71 - 50 years later (2)
Chapter 373 - 50 years later (1)
Chapter 372 - A story that can't be shared (4)
Chapter 371 - A story that can't be shared (3)
Chapter 370 - A story that can't be shared (2)
Chapter 369 - A story that can't be shared (1)
Chapter 368 - Archangel Hunting (4)
Chapter 367 - Archangel Hunting (3)
Chapter 366 - Archangel Hunting (2)
Chapter 365 - - Archangel Hunting (1)
Chapter 364 - Inaudible Words (4)
Chapter 363 - – Inaudible Words (3)
Chapter 362 - Inaudible Words (2)
Chapter 361 - Inaudible Words (1)
Chapter 360 - Episode 67 - Forgotten People of the Scenario (5)
Chapter 359 - Episode 67 - Deceased of the Scenario (4)
Chapter 358 - Forgotten People of the Scenario (3)
Chapter 357 - Forgotten People of the Scenario (2)
Chapter 356 - Forgotten People of the Scenario (1)
Chapter 355 - Beyond Good and Evil (5)
Chapter 354 - – Beyond Good and Evil (4)
Chapter 353 - Beyond Good and Evil (3)
Chapter 352 - Beyond Good and Evil (2)
Chapter 351 - Episode 66 - Beyond Good and Evil (1)
Chapter 350 - – Good and Evil (6)
Chapter 349 - Good and Evil (5)
Chapter 348 - Good and Evil (4)
Chapter 347 - Good and Evil (3)
Chapter 346 - Good and Evil (2)
Chapter 345 - Good and Evil (1)
Chapter 344 - A Road That Isn't a Road (5)
Chapter 343 - A Road That Isn't a Road (4)
Chapter 342 - A Road That Isn't a Road (3)
Chapter 341 - A Road That Isn't a Road (2)
Chapter 340 - A Road That Isn't a Road (1)
Chapter 339 - End of the Myth (6)
Chapter 338 - End of the Myth (5)
Chapter 337 - End of the Myth (
Chapter 336 - End of the Myth (3)
Chapter 335 - End of the Myth (2)
Chapter 334 - End of the Myth (1)
Chapter 333 - God's Enemy (6)
Chapter 332 - God's Enemy (5)
Chapter 331 - God's Enemy (4)
Chapter 330 - God's Enemy (3)
Chapter 329 - God's Enemy (2)
Chapter 328 - God's Enemy (1)
Chapter 327 - Gigantomachia (7)
Chapter 326 - Gigantomachia (6)
Chapter 325 - Gigantomachia (5)
Chapter 324 - Gigantomachia (4)
Chapter 323 - Gigantomachia (3)
Chapter 322 - Gigantomachia (2)
Chapter 321 - Gigantomachia (1)
Chapter 320 - Taste of Ruin (5)
Chapter 319 - Episode 60 -Taste of Ruin (4)
Chapter 318 - Episode 60 -Taste of Ruin (3)
Chapter 317 - -Taste of Ruin (2)
Chapter 316 - -Taste of Ruin (1)
Chapter 315 - Kim Dokja's Company (6)
Chapter 314 - Kim Dokja's Company (5)
Chapter 313 - Kim Dokja's Company (4)
Chapter 312 - Kim Dokja's Company (3)
Chapter 311 - Kim Dokja's Company (2)
Chapter 310 - Kim Dokja's Company (1)
Chapter 309 - Context of the Constellations (5)
Chapter 308 - Context of the Constellations (4)
Chapter 307 - Context of the Constellations (3)
Chapter 306 - Context of the Constellations (2)
Chapter 305 - Context of the Constellations (1)
Chapter 304 - Glorious Return (5)
Chapter 303 - Episode 57 - Glorious Return (4)
Chapter 302 - Episode 57 - Glorious Return (3)
Chapter 301 - Episode 57 - Glorious Return (2)
Chapter 300 - Episode 57 - Glorious Return (1)
Chapter 299 - Reader and Writer (5)
Chapter 298 - Reader and Writer (4)
Chapter 297 - Reader and Writer (3)
Chapter 296 - Reader and Writer (2)
Chapter 295 - - Reader and Writer (1)
Chapter 294 - Happy Memories (4)
Chapter 293 - Happy Memories (3)
Chapter 292 - Happy Memories (2)
Chapter 291 - Happy Memories (1)
Chapter 290 - Demon King Slayer (6)
Chapter 289 - Demon King Slayer (5)
Chapter 288 - Demon King Slayer (4)
Chapter 287 - Demon King Slayer (3)
Chapter 286 - Demon King Slayer (2)
Chapter 285 - Demon King Slayer (1)
Chapter 284 - Demon King of Salvation (6)
Chapter 283 - Demon King of Salvation (5)
Chapter 282 - Demon King of Salvation (4)
Chapter 281 - Demon King of Salvation (3)
Chapter 280 - Demon King of Salvation (2)
Chapter 279 - Demon King of Salvation (1)
Chapter 278
Chapter 277
Chapter 276
Chapter 275 - Giant Story (4)
Chapter 274 - Giant Story (3)
Chapter 273 - Giant Story (2)
Chapter 272 - – Giant Story (1)
Chapter 271 - Dokja's Story (8)
Chapter 270 - Dokja's Story (7)
Chapter 269 - Dokja's Story (6)
Chapter 268 - Dokja's Story (5)
Chapter 267 - Dokja's Story (4)
Chapter 266 - Episode 50 - Dokja's Story (3)
Chapter 265 - Episode 50 - Dokja's Story (2)
Chapter 264 - Dokja's Story (1)
Chapter 263 - The Best at Something (5)
Chapter 262 - The Best at Something (4)
Chapter 261 - The Best at Something (3)
Chapter 260 - The Best at Something (2)
Chapter 259 - The Best at Something (1)
Chapter 258 - Entrance as a Character (4)
Chapter 257 - Entrance as a Character (3)
Chapter 256 - Entrance as a Character (2)
Chapter 255 - Entrance as a Character (1)
Chapter 254 - Demon King Selection (8)
Chapter 253 - Demon King Selection (7)
Chapter 252 - Demon King Selection (6)
Chapter 251 - Demon King Selection (5)
Chapter 250 - Demon King Selection (4)
Chapter 249 - Demon King Selection (3)
Chapter 248 - Demon King Selection (2)
Chapter 247 - - Demon King Selection (1)
Chapter 246 - New Story (3)
Chapter 245 - New Story (2)
Chapter 244 - New Story (1)
Chapter 243 - Gourmet Association (7)
Chapter 242 - Gourmet Association (6)
Chapter 241 - Gourmet Association (5)
Chapter 240 - Gourmet Association (4)
Chapter 239 - Gourmet Association (3)
Chapter 238 - Gourmet Association (2)
Chapter 237 - Gourmet Association (1)
Chapter 236 - - Swindler (4)
Chapter 235 - Swindler (3)
Chapter 234 - Swindler (2)
Chapter 233 - Swindler (1)
Chapter 232 - Breaking the Sky Sword Saint (6)
Chapter 231 - Breaking the Sky Sword Saint (5)
Chapter 230 - Breaking the Sky Sword Saint (4)
Chapter 229 - Breaking the Sky Sword Saint (3)
Chapter 228 - Episode 43 - Breaking the Sky Sword Saint (2)
Chapter 227 - Episode 43 - Breaking the Sky Sword Saint (1)
Chapter 226 - Asmodeus (6)
Chapter 225 - Asmodeus (5)
Chapter 224 - Asmodeus (4)
Chapter 223 - Asmodeus (3)
Chapter 222 - Asmodeus (2)
Chapter 221 - Asmodeus (1)
Chapter 220 - Real Revolutionary (6)
Chapter 219 - Real Revolutionary (5)
Chapter 218 - Real Revolutionary (4)
Chapter 217 - Real Revolutionary (3)
Chapter 216 - Real Revolutionary (2)
Chapter 215 - Real Revolutionary (1)
Chapter 214 - Hatching (5)
Chapter 213 - Hatching (4)
Chapter 212 - - Hatching (3)
Chapter 211 - Hatching (2)
Chapter 210 - Hatching (1)
Chapter 209 - Unidentified Wall (6)
Chapter 208 - Unidentified Wall (5)
Chapter 207 - Unidentified Wall (4)
Chapter 206 - Unidentified Wall (3)
Chapter 205 - Unidentified Wall (2)
Chapter 204 - Unidentified Wall (1)
Chapter 203 - Fake Revolutionary (5)
Chapter 202 - Fake Revolutionary (4)
Chapter 201 - Fake Revolutionary (3)
Chapter 200 - Fake Revolutionary (2)
Chapter 199 - Fake Revolutionary (1)
Chapter 198 - Landscape of the Demon World (5)
Chapter 197 - Landscape of the Demon World (4)
Chapter 196 - Landscape of the Demon World (3)
Chapter 195 - Landscape of the Demon World (2)
Chapter 194 - Episode 37 - Landscape of the Demon World (1)
Chapter 193 - Episode 36 - Story Horizon (4)
Chapter 192 - Story Horizon (4)
Chapter 191 - Story Horizon (3)
Chapter 190 - Story Horizon (2)
Chapter 189 - Story Horizon (1)
Chapter 188 - The 73rd Demon King (7)
Chapter 187 - The 73rd Demon King (6)
Chapter 186 - The 73rd Demon King (5)
Chapter 185 - The 73rd Demon King (4)
Chapter 184 - The 73rd Demon King (3)
Chapter 183 - The 73rd Demon King (2)
Chapter 182 - The 73rd Demon King (1)
Chapter 181 - Unable to be Eaten (3)
Chapter 180 - Unable to be Eaten (2)
Chapter 179 - Unable to be Eaten (1)
Chapter 178 - Reading Again (9)
Chapter 177 - Reading Again (8)
Chapter 176 - Reading Again (7)
Chapter 175 - Reading Again (6)
Chapter 174 - Reading Again (5)
Chapter 173 - Reading Again (4)
Chapter 172 - Reading Again (3)
Chapter 171 - Reading Again (2)
Chapter 170 - Reading Again (1)
Chapter 169 - Kim Dokja's Love (8)
Chapter 168 - Kim Dokja's Love (7)
Chapter 167 - Kim Dokja's Love (6)
Chapter 166 - Kim Dokja's Love (5)
Chapter 165 - Kim Dokja's Love (4)
Chapter 164 - Kim Dokja's Love (3)
Chapter 163 - Kim Dokja's Love (2)
Chapter 162 - Kim Dokja's Love (1)
Chapter 161 - Tomb of the Scenario (5)
Chapter 160 - Tomb of the Scenario (4)
Chapter 159 - Tomb of the Scenario (3)
Chapter 158 - - Tomb of the Scenario (2)
Chapter 157 - Tomb of the Scenario (1)
Chapter 156 - Dark Castle (6)
Chapter 155 - Dark Castle (5)
Chapter 154 - Dark Castle (4)
Chapter 153 - Dark Castle (3)
Chapter 152 - Dark Castle (2)
Chapter 151 - Dark Castle (1)
Chapter 150 - Constellation Banquet (5)
Chapter 149 - Constellation Banquet (4)
Chapter 148 - Constellation Banquet (3)
Chapter 147 - Constellation Banquet (2)
Chapter 146 - Constellation Banquet (1)
Chapter 145 - The Ultimate Sacrifice (5)
Chapter 144 - The Ultimate Sacrifice (4)
Chapter 143 - The Ultimate Sacrifice (3)
Chapter 142 - The Ultimate Sacrifice (2)
Chapter 141 - The Ultimate Sacrifice (1)
Chapter 140 - Unreadable (4)
Chapter 139 - Unreadable (3)
Chapter 138 - Unreadable (2)
Chapter 137 - Unreadable (1)
Chapter 136 - Scenario Destroyer (6)
Chapter 135 - Scenario Destroyer (5)
Chapter 134 - Scenario Destroyer (4)
Chapter 133 - Scenario Destroyer (3)
Chapter 132 - Scenario Destroyer (2)
Chapter 131 - Scenario Destroyer (1)
Chapter 130 - Those Who Face a God (4)
Chapter 129 - Those Who Face a God (3)
Chapter 128 - Those Who Face a God (2)
Chapter 127 - Those Who Face a God (1)
Chapter 126
Chapter 125 - Things that Can Be Changed (5)
Chapter 124 - Things that Can Be Changed (4)
Chapter 123 - Things that Can Be Changed (3)
Chapter 122 - Things that Can Be Changed (2)
Chapter 121 - Things that Can Be Changed (1)
Chapter 120 - Abandoned World (5)
Chapter 119 - Abandoned World (4)
Chapter 118 - Abandoned World (3)
Chapter 117 - Abandoned World (2)
Chapter 116 - Abandoned World (1)
Chapter 115 - Three Promises (7)
Chapter 114 - Three Promises (6)
Chapter 113 - Three Promises (5)
Chapter 112 - Three Promises (4)
Chapter 111
Chapter 110
Chapter 109
Chapter 108
Chapter 107
Chapter 106
Chapter 105
Chapter 104
Chapter 103
Chapter 102-110
Chapter 101
Chapter 100
Chapter 99
Chapter 98
Chapter 97
Chapter 96
Chapter 95
Chapter 94
Chapter 93
Chapter 92
Chapter 91
Chapter 90-91
Chapter 89
Chapter 88
Chapter 87
Chapter 86
Chapter 85
Chapter 84
Chapter 83
Chapter 82
Chapter 81
Chapter 80
Chapter 79
Chapter 78
Chapter 77
Chapter 76
Chapter 75
Chapter 74
Chapter 73
Chapter 72
Chapter 71
Chapter 70
Chapter 69
Chapter 68
Chapter 67
Chapter 66
Chapter 65
Chapter 64
Chapter 63
Chapter 62
Chapter 61
Chapter 60
Chapter 59
Chapter 58
Chapter 57
Chapter 56
Chapter 55
Chapter 54
Chapter 53
Chapter 52
Chapter 51
Chapter 50
Chapter 49
Chapter 48
Chapter 47
Chapter 46
Chapter 45
Chapter 44
Chapter 43
Chapter 42
Chapter 41
Chapter 40-41
Chapter 39
Chapter 38
Chapter 37
Chapter 36
Chapter 35
Chapter 34
Chapter 33
Chapter 32
Chapter 31
Chapter 30
Chapter 29-30
Chapter 28
Chapter 27
Chapter 26
Chapter 25-26
Chapter 24
Chapter 23
Chapter 22
Chapter 21
Chapter 20
Chapter 19
Chapter 18
Chapter 17
Chapter 16
Chapter 15
Chapter 14
Chapter 13-15
Chapter 12
Chapter 11
Chapter 10
Chapter 9
Chapter 8
Chapter 7
Chapter 6
Chapter 5
Chapter 4
Chapter 3
Chapter 2
Chapter 1
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