Okoborehime to Entaku no Kishi Vol 2 Chapter 2

Okoborehime to Entaku no Kishi Vol 2 Chapter 2

The Leftover Princess and the Knights of the Round

Story by: Riine Ishida

Okobore Hime to Entaku no Kishi


Knight of Sixth Rank of the Royal Chivalric Order

The receiving end of Leti's high-handed invitation

“Leftover Princess”

Already knew that she would be the next queen

Leti's younger brother

An eccentric historian


Leti's eldest half brother

Astrid Gale

Duke’s junior

Second Prince of the Kingdom of Sommevesle

A Prime Minister-type of prince with his detailed

Okobore Hime to Entaku no Kishi

Credits page/Translator’s notes

AQUA Scans

 Raws: Icarus Bride

 Proofreading: Scylla

Translator’s note:

the characters to show the respect or adoration shown by the characters.

the chapter to explain it.

The titles for this volume are all based on chess terminologies.


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holding a one-on-one lesson in her room.

the Round bears an important meaning. The honorary

knights because they have military powers. Special

he has the authority to give orders as the King’s

are more like the highest ranking general in the country.”

Order and a group of military officers collectively known

responsible for Sommevesle to be recognized as a

no reason for the kingdom to keep the budget-eating

“I get that part, but what about all these books and

languages he didn’t know and the stacks of paper


Leti tapped on the books with her fingers and said in

now. We cannot do anything but wait for the next one.

do some studying. Now that you know what these are all

For the other countries, our knight system is nothing

we call our army and you, as the First Seat Knight, are

knowledge you will need for that position.”

the king. That was one reason why Leti chose Duke for

received the compulsory education as a gentleman so

would be crowned in a few years’ time and that was not

and to instil in him proper etiquette.

Sommevesle. Remember the relationship between the 

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map. While you are at it, better learn how to speak at least

Duke nodded in understanding without even letting

that knowledge as the First Seat Knight. Besides, if he, as

generals of other countries properly, then they would

“These books over here are the ones I used for my

for yours. Read them over and over whenever you have

“How many languages can you speak, Your

“I can speak three languages at a native level, enough

to hold casual conversations and a few more to say


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during foreign language classes back at the Knight

during the classes but still got perfect marks on their tests

wondering how Friedhelm did it. Now, he seemed to

because he was particularly good in the subject, but rather

royal family; it was expected of him.

being asked to do the final confirmations of terminology

reason why he can do as he pleases – he has a true value

then he would have been long given to the church and

Leonhardt could do whatever he wanted because of

own share of difficulties and gave his best effort to be of

impression of the unique prince.

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but his hands already seem full with his teaching positions

do it myself. Besides, having a lady teach might actually


“Yes. Have you forgotten?” Leti asked, but there was

“Ah, no. It’s just that you’re more of my master

“Good, I do not mind at all. I do not see you as a


with Astrid. Being alone with Duke, her knight, was fine

“A maid…now that you mention it, why don’t you


“I had two before but after I was chosen as the heir,

on her own. I fired the other one from Friedhelm’s after

Searching for someone I can trust is too much work so I

Leti’s comment before that the brutal ones were

Leti’s lady’s maid - a lady of high social rank, of character,

eyes, were probably difficult to satisfy.

birthday of my younger sister. Until then remember at

suggest starting first with the families under the Guido

be comparatively easier.”

know one after the other and cut the day’s lessons at a


“And one last thing. An assignment for you,” Leti

The paper contained a list of the positions in

Commander of the Order. Written on the other side were

Marshall and General.

positions of Sommevesle and our neighboring countries.

details. It will be rude to make any mistakes. Once you

their insignia and shoulder marks.”

meant that she had studied and memorized all of those

people did not even have any idea about Leti’s efforts. If

been branded as a ‘Leftover Princess’.

faces, but take this piece of advice based on my 

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from their faces. Women, for example, can use cosmetics

previous lover’s face without any makeup?”

Leti looked like she had something to say but decided

disappointment, pity, or all of the above.

“Yes, but only a little. I am beautiful already so there

anything on my lips today?”

she had any coloring on her lips. He never took notice if

had worn one for the party. He tried to recall her face


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using a lighter shade.” Leti took Duke’s thumb and

thumb and there was indeed a pretty shade of light pink


to rush and remember everything all at once. You have all

not even try to remember two languages under the same

yourself. And...”

that Leti has a visitor.

wishes to see you.”

Leti thought Eleanor’s business might be important


She asked the maid to clear the desk and gave Duke the

“Do you know Lady Eleanor?”

Duke, though not actively using his affiliation as a

families under the Guido faction. Leti thought of

since he did, there was no need for it and she ended their

Eleanor Aufrecht entered the room when Duke took

marquis under Guido. Leti had previous interactions with

established a good relationship with her since then.

more gentler and softer aura, compared to Leti’s sharp

“Eleanor, how have you been? I last saw you at the


Leti welcomed Eleanor with her perfect princess

immediately looked down.

“Take a seat first. I am all ears.” Leti said with a sweet

situation might indeed be serious.

our...future and then...” Eleanor cried. This surprised Leti.

and asked what was wrong.

wanted to break off the engagement!”

too suspicious.

long been official and the only thing left was for them to

delayed was because of Guido’s mother, the late Sofia,


Eleanor. Leti also remembered hearing her saying

“Has he made an official request to your father?”

It was more of a slip of the tongue, but...”

he even said he was sorry for delaying the marriage for so

Guido’s opinion on marriage was the same as Leti’s.

thought that Guido found the marriage with Eleanor

he kept it ambiguous was his mother. Besides, he did not

...An affair?

the night of the magic circle incident. Even so, she could

something as passionate as an affair. He was a logical man


twice the damage and yet he could not comprehend a

easily form relationships.

Queen Sofia passed away. He might have said it out of

Support him as his fiancée, his future wife.”

now, this was what she could do. Interrogating Guido



a wonderful lady.”

her that everything will be all right. By the time Eleanor

had already grown longer. Eleanor told Leti she would try 

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a smile.

The room, now devoid of visitors, was silent. Leti

pieces while contemplating Eleanor’s story.

probable that he is having a hard time accepting Queen

with the chess pieces.

affect him this much...”

mean. If this indeed happened, then his sadness might be

time to give her brother a visit.

Leti ordered her maid who followed immediately, already


Leti’s maid prepared her outdoor clothes and shoes,

finished, Duke was already standing outside her room,


then make a call to Prince Guido.”

out of her way to meet Guido out of sisterly affection.

First Princess and simply chided Guido whenever he and

was changing between them as compared to the time

If this continues, I think I can give a positive answer to my

“How much shall we be on good terms?”

Leti understands that it would be impossible for the
three of them to go back the way they used to be. But the

1 See the prologue for details. 

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when she thought she’d get the crown at the expense of

Leti was able to accomplish both of her goals at the

visit in the North Cemetery so Leti did not have to look

standing by Queen Sofia’s grave, but she still walked

“Truth be told, I did not expect to see you here.” Leti

brought on the ground and offered a silent prayer for the

“I see you come here quite often. I’ve seen the same

“And that means you come here just as often...There



“It is a bit difficult to talk about it in front of Queen

Leti walked further into the cemetery and Guido

followed a few steps behind them.

you, after all this time, are being hesitant about your


Leti so he had already expected Eleanor to consult with

to give his prepared answer when Leti asked something

“Are you alright?”

blue colour, met but his was evidently filled with

behind Leti’s question.

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cancelling off your engagement was because of an affair.

I am certain you do not even have the heart to think

Guido was surprised to hear the word affair. His

the fact that he was silent and did not immediately reply

enough that he did not expect this.


mere thought of having an affair did not cross his mind.

passed away. All this time I thought you were all right.

and you were perfectly calm during the funeral services. I

Leti’s beautiful face slowly closed in to Guido’s.

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also worried about you. You should take a rest.

are not.”

to answer, but rather words of sympathy coming from a

“If you have any complaints, try talking about those

heart. I am certain she will be your support.”

normally cold facade softened a little.

the furthest she could go as his sister. Anywhere further

“We will go back now. But you should take your

her signal to Duke who was standing a few paces away.


Leti turned back again to face Guido, her expression

what Guido said.

to feign weakness and choose a poor move when you are

She turned her back again and continued on walking

“Hey, I also remember you saying Bishop something

back to the castle. He decided to ask something different

talked about.

game of chess once everything had calmed down. So we

Guido did not mind playing a game and accepted

could take months to finish.

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Friedhelm taught Guido. The three of them used to play

teaming up to conspire a plan on how to defeat the

“The one who loses the game will have to expose one

“Is that promise alright? Isn’t that dangerous?”

this is just a simple game. If I win, I would just ask him to

They were walking on the path covered with ivy-lined

they saw upon their arrival was far from peaceful.

them and cried, “Your Highness! Thank goodness you’re

Leti asked her maid what had happened. After

the site of the case with speed unbelievable for a woman. 

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place where the First and Second Queen Consorts took

Leti stood from a distance to observe the scene.

some passers-by gathered to see the commotion. She

between the people in the crowd.

filled with white flowers swaying in the wind was now a

magic circle drawn on it and in the centre of the circle

“Mother and Queen Sofia’s lilies! Who could do such

was readily behind her and supported her as she nearly

the delicate princess was deeply hurt at the savagery done

see because Duke knew for a fact that behind this act, his


himself doing anything necessary to pacify a raging Leti

“Your Highness, let’s leave this matter to The Order

Leti nodded and followed Duke as he led her away

Leti continued on her frail and meek princess act for

moment they were out of the Royal Palace and near her

to her room and let her anger explode the second Duke

“This is unheard of! You sure have the guts to fight

with everything this kingdom has! Charging you with

Leti revealed her true self. She punched the wall with

so natural and fluid, from the flow to the exertion of



Her actions spoke of it. The supposedly meek and

for a long time.

we’re going to base it on this latest attack, the only clear

“But I, the heir to the throne, is the face of the royal

“Well, you have point.”

Leti silently swore as the cruel sight played back in

“I must say this came as a surprise. I thought that the

many people gathered. Just like the tournament.” Duke

The second circle was drawn in blood on a bed of

around it were plucked petals of white lilies and beside it 

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that I am targeted as an individual. It is not a secret that those lilies

For Leti, this incident showed how much she was

bother suppressing her anger about it.

incident as well. It’s the same as the last one, a daring act

Duke asked for information from a knight of The

he got nothing of importance, and just a confirmation of

finding him, or her, or them would be difficult.

and was able to observe the scene properly and found a


“There is a clue in this second circle. There are two

were plucked in two different ways. Some of the petals

This means that one of them may be the brain behind

Leti might have put on an exaggerated act when she

dramatic, she was also keenly observing every detail,

one of Leti’s strongest weapons, a woman’s eyes

Men would normally focus on the gruesome things, such

to see the minute detail in the difference of the petals.

mastermind and an accomplice. The mastermind has to

maybe her, to do something they do not want to do. My

knight. If we are going to go with this, then I think it is


present during the tournament can be ticked off our list

The people in attendance during the first incident

the tournament, and unaffiliated knights of The Order

to be removed from the list, it would greatly reduce the

them left. Leti and Duke were already wishing for more

the room.

! I’m back. Would you like some details on

the room in his blood stained coat. The Order had once

“You also went to check on it, right? There’s no need

somehow came as a surprise. Well, we did expect seeing
the number ‘II’, nothing unexpected about that.

2 Ane'ue: A Japanese honorific for calling one’s older sister. (More


Ahahahaha.” Leonhardt said with his usual bouncy

The number ‘I’ was written on the first circle and the

and the second was a cat. Anyone with scant knowledge

the circles.

“Don’t you find it interesting that the offering got

The cat was bigger than the bird. Why use a bigger

“Well, you see this is a staple in the world of horror

and bigger and bigger and at the final ceremony...”

“Yes, you’re right. Therefore, The Order is now


hurt. They are planning to solve this before the third one

“Your Highness, we should increase your guards.

you at all times. Let them handle the investigation for this.

focus on protecting their masters.”

and shared with them her thoughts.

Family, my next opportunity will be on Cornelia’s

would be best if we can forestall him on that event.”

Princess of Sommevesle, which Leti had kindly taken

cause an uproar. Many of the princes and princesses and

attendance. It was truly the best time to make an attack if


“Leon, did you notice anything else? Anything you

“Hmmm...Well, I did meet Guido Ani’ue 3

scene. He was unusually persistent in asking me if I knew

stay put with Queen Sofia’s favourite white lilies sullied

for her birthday.”

he lost his cool in that situation. The situation would

drawn on a place dear to him.

uncharacteristic display of emotion while Duke was trying

the eldest royal siblings. He had always thought that they

conversation he had heard, what he knew might be

3 Ani’ue. A Japanese honorific referring to one’s older brother (More


Two days after the discovery of the second circle,

in mind since he heard Leti and Leon’s conversation

the three eldest royal siblings but was hesitant to ask

decided to ask another person not involved in it but knew

payment in advance.

are too much for my flimsy arms, ahahaha. By the way, is

“Please, Your Highness, I honestly do not know how

currently in a meeting so I have some free time before I

Duke, carrying a stack of books, was walking towards

asked Leonhardt the question that had been bugging him


“How was her highness’ relationship with her older

“Their relationship? I think they are close with each

forced them to act otherwise.”

until now?”

Ane’ue’s intention in hosting the previous tea party was

Duke knew that Friedhelm truly cared for Leti but he

always thought they were really on bad terms, just as the

acted more like strangers to each other in public.

‘bloodline-of-the-three-Grand-Marquises’. They have no

now. Well, it’s not like I do not understand the reason


royal family. I guess that is just how religion works. No

state, they will always find those two entangled with each


was founded by her first king, the god Christian, also

the royal family are descendants from the gods. This is

wanted back. They wanted to restore the “Noble Pride”

“I somehow feel bad for Friedhelm ani’ue and Guido

I sure am glad I was born from parents of royal blood.

my elder brothers...”

opened his mouth again.

each other. It is more like I am not within their field of 

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anyway. If I were, I’d be dead now. Murdered and it

Leonhardt was a prince mothered by the First Queen

inheritance was followed, he was the next in line to the

happened now, Leti took Leonhardt’s position and

now and decided to be a better support for his master.

me whether I hate or like you, I would say I like you... I

are very professional with your duties.”

“But recently, I do not know why, but I feel annoyed

I wonder why.... ahahaha”

completely at a loss with what Leonhardt was thinking.

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look. Yes, yes, that is exactly it. Ahahaha Now that

Duke let out a deep, deep sigh. He should have

disease similar to lovesickness.

you perhaps afflicted by a certain illness that makes one

“Stop the jokes. I am already sixteen years old.”

when Leonhardt continued speaking.

already incurable, right?”

“Anyway, I now know I hate you but let us be cordial

adults, are we not? ahaha”

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not think he was qualified as an adult and wanted to say

instead. He had learned his lesson that rebutting just

“Her highness’ brothers, younger or older, are all a

books to their shelves.

also shared the same sickness as Leonhardt, and that he

royal brother was the serious Guido.

and were already going out of the archives when they saw

Leonhardt swiftly hid behind Duke and bid him

“Well, I shall go now. Talking to Guido Ani’ue taxes


Isn’t it the other way around? Duke thought but did not

watched Leonhardt, who was already a few paces away,

to The Archives. Then, he stood up properly, gave the


already finished and he had to fetch Leti. He was about to

“Can I talk to you for a while?”

Duke did not have any idea as to what Guido would

the Guido faction, but his family was near the tail end of

conversation with each other before. Duke decided to

requested to the prince to keep it short.

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conversation, Leti, clueless as to why her knight was

“Oh, is Duke late?”

do not mind if he is late for a while.”

Commander of the Royal Chivalric Order and one of the

with a stately air but amiable and approachable

hardened by experience and it is no joke that the black

by the blood shed by his enemies.

“No, I was certainly bored.”

eyes keenly observed the expressions of all those in


Leti’s expression of boredom and found her denial

Leti and Johannes had long been chess rivals because

needed protection. This was quite peculiar, as most

because they have their own honorary knights.

magic circle incident?”

circle incidents or else it would have been discussed in

circle was growing in scale since the second circle used a

Order was already beside her, she might as well ask if

“I am truly sorry Your Highness but we have not

But please, rest assured that we are doing our best for this

safety. Please be patient with us.” Johannes bowed deeply, 

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know the status of the Order. In case you are short on

have enough to act as guards for Cornelia’s birthday, I

Round and maybe ask some more from Prince Guido’s

“I am grateful for your kind consideration, Your

already lowered the priority for the investigation on the

getting statements from people inside the castle.”

message that the Order is adequate and able to handle the

The relationship between the knights of the Royal

“Oh, Prince Guido has also asked me again about this



He has asked me several times about the previous

Cornelia’s birthday party.”

with the reason Johannes gave her.

involved Queen Sofia’s flower bed but for the first one...why? He

circles. And he does not even believe in curses.

Guido, he was not there because of a secret love affair,

If he went back to the scene just as a criminal would, too many

his beloved mother’s lilies and it is completely out of his character to

assassin to finish off anyone he wants to.

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well thinking too much about the magic circle. She

Johannes for giving her a truthful report.

Duke shall be transferred to handle a minor post in the

as well to use the free time he will gain to protect you.”

Originally, Duke should have quit the Order the

circumstances in the Order and Leti’s ulterior motive, he

lesser post because there is an implicit rule in the Order

unaffiliated. Now that Duke has a master, he was now

“He shall be in charge of training the new members

more challenging that it has been in the previous years 

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Anyway, it is the young one’s role to bear such pains.”

when Johannes mentioned ‘troublesome rookie’.

then I am certain he has probably figured out the truth.

Duke handle him and suffer doing so even after knowing

is not someone to mess with.

alright for you to let Duke stay with us?”

but his lateral connections within the noble world are

Order to build that up more and of course, he could

Instead of warning off Leti on her plans to use the


generosity and happily welcomed her to use it as she

“Thank you. But I do feel a little bit sorry for taking

“No, don’t be Your Highness. The Order will not at

him. It is rather my pleasure to let him go if he would be

Duke’s noble birth, clear mind, superior abilities and

perfect next commander of the Order. But because Leti

meant that the Order would have to go back to the

Despite all of that, Johannes gladly gave his blessing to

“If you say so, then just let me thank you for that. He

“Hahaha... to that I can totally agree.”

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Johannes whether he also wanted Duke as his next

because he had no plans on praising Duke openly.

of becoming the commander and I took away that chance

“No, Your Highness. Don’t be sorry. Becoming the

of.” Johannes clearly refuted Leti’s words.

leftovers, those who were not chosen or wanted. On the

serving the country and our king, but deep inside, we are

another name to call someone with broken dreams.”

other knights respected. But Johannes said it was


“He and I are already enough to represent the supply

said this was heavy. Leti wanted to ask him more about

“Your Highness, please excuse my tardiness.”

“Well then, Your Highness, I shall leave the

upcoming birthday party, I hope you would consider

additional protection. A good day, Your Highness.” He


commander and afterwards walked towards his master.

“Do not worry. Johannes kept me company and I am


“Well...actually, I was called on by Prince Guido on

expression showed that he was unsure whether he should

“You do not have to force yourself. If it is sensitive,

faction and I understand you have your own

who would get jealous because of your previous men.”


behind her and started telling her about his conversation

“Prince Guido asked me to...to teach him how to

“An affair? He asked you?...Oh. I see.”


“Your face. You see, your looks are very likable to

wanted, having an affair or two would be a piece of cake

infidelity from you. Do you understand?”

choose Duke as his teacher on this particular subject but

have an affair was a complete mystery. She tilted her head

with was this might be one of those.


I don’t see where the joke is.”

either. Let me share with you a childhood story.

tea and Leon said that I would only be marrying someone 

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Friedhelm replied, ‘That means she’ll be marrying Guido.’”

Friedhelm saying those words and Leonhardt’s disgusted

“And you know what Prince Guido said after that?

other.’ He said that with a serious look on his face. It was


your clueless junior. I find their cluelessness annoying.

irritatingly beautiful face that makes everyone take him

joke when he was in fact just being a dork and did not

comments against that cold-hearted Guido. Just as


“I wonder though. Where is the joke? He might have

“Ulterior motives?”

Or he was trying to get some information from our side.”

I really don’t get what runs inside the heads of intelligent people.

The Commander of the Order, Johannes, paid a visit

security plan for Cornelia’s birthday party. There were

“Oh, you changed the plans drastically.”

Princess Cornelia’s birthday has the highest possibility of

only chance we can get the upper hand in this case.”

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clear that they want the circle to be discovered and cause

chances of it being discovered in the morning of the next

supposedly the best time for them.”

Well even a girl like me was able to think of this. Certainly,

have also simulated all the possible scenarios of catching the culprit

Leti thanked Johannes without saying how grateful

“I understand that we have limited resources, but

Cattleya Palace? I agree that the next most likely target is

there is a possibility that their next target is the nearly


“That is correct, Your Highness. I shall prepare men

Leti, now satisfied with the security plan, gave her

The most they can do now was to have tighter

carry out the party safely.

not the one to do it. Do your best, Duke.

ongoing in another part of the Villla and Leti could easily

The youth should learn how to face crises. Leti whispered,

Commander Johannes’ present to Leti might be a

filled with hidden motives.

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it, right?” Duke sighed upon seeing what the present was.

The additional knight Johannes lent to Leti, as her

amazing rookie, Astrid Gale. Duke was deep in thought

from his commander.

total waste to just assign Astrid as a runner but giving him


one of his responsibilities to assign tasks that would

with Astrid. However, Duke was the one bearing the

bodyguard to someone used to killing. He could easily see


I got your message. You transferred me to a leisure post but you

The Royal Chivalric Order is composed of men

royal and noble descent while some are simple

their manners of speaking are somehow levelled off and

lowest rank of the nobility, was still a noble and grew up

his current predicament, ungentlemanly words were

Duke took a deep breath and accepted his fate.

protection. I’ll try to find time everyday so you’d better

end of each day and make sure to remember it the next

Duke has been quite busy lately with his own studies.

Sommevesle’s social hierarchy so he had been spending 

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Add to that the foreign languages she asked him to

of the First Seat of the Knights of the Round. Now, he

during his free time from his duty at the Order and a few

advantage of their day off, he asked Astrid to come to

“Listen well; there are two things you have to

important thing, just as the name of the role suggests, is

important thing is to be able to send signals to any

something strange. “

Duke wanted Astrid to at least try these things once

Duke could only trust in Astrid’s inborn instincts.

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around your charge and you could not coordinate with

check if he has weapons on him. To do this, you have to

too obvious and openly touch him. Be covert. The target

“I should only check? Why not get the weapon?”

weapon and

Chapter end

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