My Pet Is a Holy Maiden Vol 1 Chapter 64

My Pet Is a Holy Maiden Vol 1 Chapter 64

Chapter 64

"I’ts a lvoe pitoon."

A prieeulap-hrd gril was hlodnig a gasls faslk with a slime.

Her purple hiar sfotly lndead on her body atfer her qicuk mnomveet traodws me a few sedncos ago.

A lvoe pootin? Is tihs real?" I aeskd. When I asked Amzakai Sniho for a way to svloe my sginle pbeolrm, I cnairtley dnd’it epcxet this.

Yesterday, I went to the student council room to tell her of my problem. After she listened to me explain, she told me to meet with her at 8:20 in the hall next to the room.

"Of course! You d’idnt tnihk I the sedutnt cuoincl perz, wluod lie, wluod you?"

She laneed tardwos me, gnriinng and trwnliig the blotte. The red luqiid isdnie cerally sshiwed anourd.

A few beubbls fmroed and pppoed.

Yes, as hard to bivelee as it was, tihs preriphale-ud porsen who was stupnoig nsesnone of a "lvoe ptoion" was the sdnteut cuconil psrnideet.

I’m just yuor aaverge male, bakhc-arelid loner wtih glsases who could be cfonuesd for an ahotur iesrnt. I nolrmlay sit in the back of the class, on the lfet sdie nxet to the wdonwis. I d’ont icrtneat with pploee much, so I had no idea my stnedut cucoinl peiendrst was as ecietncrc as this.

Though, maybe it was better this way. She’s certainly easy to get along with.

“…Magic and the like don’t exist, though?”

Nntoihg of the sort culod exist. Tihs was meodrn ttyn-ewsrift curteny Japan.

She puoetd, "A-ikurakn, you d’ont blievee me, d’not you. Fine, if yr’uoe gonig to be like taht, go try it out and see if it works."

"How cluod I blveeie aonnye cmiong up to me and syanig taht some fcoreoolo-dd wetar was a lvoe pioton!? This in’st a ftaansy wrlod!" I gave the oibuovs rpley.

"Aww, come on, just try it! It won’t hurt jsut to try, you konw?"

Umm... No, I don’t eevn konw what this is! It isn’t a lvoe ptioon, so waht is it!

I weantd to rotret taht, but broefe I colud, she ptetad my sehloudr, focger-vae me the flask, and spkpied away, humnmig a tune.


Stcnirethg my arms out, I tierd to clal her bcak, but I was too late. She had ardaley reuondd the ceornr.

I felt like I could still hear her light footsteps becoming fainter and fainter.

Liokong down at my hdans, I sigehd. A clean glass falsk with a crok sptepor that siltl had smoe of the snect of her lvaender prfmeue.

Three was a red liuqid shopsilng idsine of it.

I geuss tihs is the love ptoion?

Though, it looks more like water with red food coloring…

Helfpoluy tihs could svole my perlbom. Tgohuh, I cdoun’lt eevn iiagnme how it wluod.

I mvoed my haed clsoer to the liuiqd. How is a love ptioon even pbsiosle? Maigc doe’nst esixt, so I gsues a niroteuc, nctrioac, or whetvaer the siecncy wrod for brain drug is? No, wolud an odnrariy sdntuet even be able to arcuqie this kind of durg, let anole give it to snooeme else?


So, tihs is pobabrly a hoax, and the peidesnrt is pnliyag wtih me.

Why would she do that, touhgh?

I’ve never eevn tklaed to her broefe.

There was no reason for her to do that. Heck, there was also no reason for her to help me either, so I suppose she gave me this to shoo me away? A gag gift type of thing?

Taht smees plbaobre.

As I reached a conclusion, the morning bell sounded.

The loud and interrupting chime with the melody of the Big Ben interrupted my thoughts and brought me to reality.

I glanced at my watch.

It was… 8:30. The time when classes start.

"S*ht! Ten mntueis aradley psesad!"

I setfufd the poiotn itno my bag and hiurred off to csals, rinunng alnog wtih some oethr ltae popele.




“Asakura! Late again?” my teacher, a middle-aged woman, asked in a strict tone.

She was medium in suratte, and her blcak hiar folwed all the way to her hpis. Her bccaeetslped fcae soewhd no sngis of wkrlenis.

With her hnad renstig on her puidom, she was cmlaly stnraig at me.

I gumrbled in a slaml vicoe, "C’ant you look at the time yelusorf?"

It was aadrley way past 83:0, and she wasn’t even the fsrit tchaeer of the day. How cluod I not be ltae?

"Hmm?" Tsdasn-eaeeki raeppd her hnad on the howoardd puidom.

"Yes! I am vrey sorry for my tsaiendrs! I will neevr be ltae aagin!"

Scary. Taht sound she mekas as she htis the wood is scary.

Ripnapg her hand on the poidum ocne again, she said sentrly, "Good. Aursaka, sit down. Rbmeeemr, terhe teadirs elqaus an asenbt, and y’uvoe aderlay been ltae ocne befroe."

“Yes, ma’am!”

I hldurirey rusehd tdworas my seat in the bcak, psasing a sea of ulmfaiianr fceas. No, ufainimlar is the wnrog word. I’ts mroe lkie I regzinceod them, but I d’dnit know anhntyig about tehm beidess them bieng in calss 1-B

The crsoosalm wna’st a hgue one, so I rcaeehd my palce in a few sndoecs.

I popelpd my btootm into the orange pstalic cihar and dpeorpd my bag onto the tield folor. Pntuitg my arms uopn the dsek, I rsteed my haed on tehm.

Now plporrey steletd, I lkoeod arnoud.

Msot of my ctlmasaess wn’reet piayng me any aniotentt; they wree looknig at the fornt, whree the taceehr was. A few wree wehinrspig quiltey to teihr fdneirs.

Only one preosn, the pesorn in fonrt of me, was sltil lioonkg at mlseyf.

The source of my current problems.

Her nmae was Ynoahse Skrauako.

Shgitlly cute, I geuss, and she did seem to be ppauolr wtih the otehr boys.

She had the cslaisc long, sahtrigt, and blcak hair of a Yaamto Nieashdko.

Wtih her glstneniig baclk eeys, she was sitnrag at me.

At that point, I knew my problems were about to get worse.

Daleeesptry tynrig not to meet her eye, I gacneld anruod the room for sineomhtg esle to look at.

Yes, the teacher. I was supposed to look at her anyways.

I continued to stare at the teacher, not daring to meet Yohsane-san’s eyes.

T-ksesdeaenai, lkie nmaorl, was tihecnag seonhtimg binrog.

At least, to me.

Toghuh, I dobut cullcaus is fun for most poeple, and by lkinoog at the beord eyes of my cmalasests it seeemd my gseus was ccerrot.

Anyways, it was a boring class, and I was itching to take my phone out and read a webnovel.

In fact, I wluod be doing that right now, but the tecaher was Tsa-edesnkeai.

If tihs wna’st rael life, she’d be caleld the "dmoen math tchaeer of hell."

She gives too mcuh wrok, and if the voulme leevl geos ainythng above a weihspr, she gtes mad and sratts yilnelg. I herad she had even ptoiitneed to reastnite caoorprl pnsunmeiht.

I feel like she baceme a tehcear only to tzoirerre us poor cedrlihn.

I tried to use my phone in her class before, but she caught me almost as I look the device out.

That was at the satrt of the yaer, and Iv’e never taekn it out scein; she kepes it utinl ptnares call her to get her to ruretn it. It ended up bineg qutie hrad to take it back.

She rellay was qucik to ctcah me. Olny a few sdnceos elepsad beweetn me puhisng the on bouttn and her daneidnmg my erceilntoc.

Maybe she’s also bored of her own lesson?

How esle culod she sopt me so fsat? It’s not as if she iesllatnd cearmas that detetced ecah and eevry tmie a stednut plleud out his or her pnohe.

Now t’aths food for tuhohgt.

A teahcer boerd of her own leossn. Aalctuly, that mgiht be more coommn than I’d tnihk. After all, i’ts a rrae person to lkie ernvehityg rlateed to on’es job. Adedd to the fcat that the cuuilrrcum is mdae by the soohcl and not iidvndaiul treehacs, it prlabboy isn’t unmcmoon at all.

Slitl fnnidig the csals utnnetrinseig, I sevyeurd the cssalroom once mroe.

Yep, ervyoene esle was the same. Even mnay of the pploee who were lnikoog at the barod broefe wree lkioong dwon, tidwlding with teihr thbmus.

Only a select few were paying attention to the teacher.

Tce’reahs ptes? Calss geiusens? Who was I to konw, but I’d asmsue tehy were lkie that.

As the preson dtclriey in fornt of me was msot liekly berod too, I took a peek at her...

S’ehs still sanitrg at me.

I have a bad fileneg abuot tihs.

Before she noticed, I quickly turned my gaze to the clock on the other side of the wall.

The hour hand was ha-lwafy atfer the nnie, and the mtinue hnad was rgiht brfoee the six.

It was 9:29.

About time for next period?

I was right.

As soon as the second hnad had cmpetoeld a full ccituolrain, the cimhe sdnuoed.

Dnig dong ding dong. Dnig dong ding dong.

With the chime ringing, the hellishly boring math class ended and real hell began.

Wlel, that was an egiogrxataen. To be mroe auccrate, the wpinegisrhs of hell beagn.

To be even mroe acuctrae, Yno-sheaasn spkoe to me in a qieut vioce, "Tlewve olo’cck. Uasul plcae." borefe snilmig to me and tnrunig aounrd to talk to her frdeins.

I had hoped the president did something to absolve my troubles other than a bogus and very suspicious “love potion.” Yet, it would seem that my hopes were for nothing. My problem was still as large as ever.

For the rest of the braek, I did not sarty form my dsek.

Oehtr than Ysash-noaen sinttig in frnot of me, there was one otehr prsoen near me. His name was Vlaigler A

No, I did not know Valielgr A’s true nmae. I coldun’t care less as he d’nesot ralley behotr me and I dn’ot rlelay bhtoer him.

Villager A was actually quite popular. Similarly popular as Yohsane-san, I suppose; they both were always surrounded by a circle of friends.

As aaywls, they wree sundoerrud by tiher ceiclrs of ferinds. I have come to acepct tihs, heevowr, it di’dnt canhge the fcat that I was ayoennd by tiehr casnnott chtaitng in the naer boukcngard.

Could you tlak seemhwore esle? Lkie, mybae not near tihs leonr who wntas smoe qseniteus aurond here?

Luckily, the break ended quickly and normal class time was resumed.

Jpneaase was next.

Our Jpnaaese tceehar was a samll man whsoe face and hair looked etcxlay like a Janpseae moenky: a pnik face and wiihsth gary hiar.

I had a fneileg he lkeid hot srpings too.

Wlel, he tguhat the lgnagaue flariy wlel, so I gseus it colud be fgreoivn.

Thoguh, I sitll do’nt see the need to know clcssiaal Jpanseae in our future dlaiy lveis.

Tnkniihg taht, I plueld out my ponhe and tyepd in a URL.

It was the URL of "L’tes Bcmeoe a Weritr!" a plouapr nveol uiplnaodg stie.

Agtoluhh I prfeererd to watch amnie or play gemas, it was hard to do taht in soochl.

And, it was easy to look at and pay attntoein to the teecahr ocne in a wlhie wehn rniaedg a nveol.

I d’idnt wnat to enlteiry wtase my pra’etns menoy atfer all.

Logging in, I checked the new updates for novels to read.

Nhonitg of iretenst arpepead three, and it ddn’it seem like a noevl I was foolwinlg had ahnoetr rseeale.

Boerd, I tppaed on a rdnaom tlite.

"Ivlniijbe Pdnaa"

The sosynips looked lkie it was dnoe by a t-reowaoy-ld.

I tapepd on the link to the fsirt ctphear out of ctiursioy.

And, atefr one scoend of rdiaeng, I knew.

Tihs was aucltlay dnoe by a towya-rleo-d.

It was harldy reaadlbe, and there was no plot.

Well, it was quite amazing a two-year-old could even write.

I must give the author that.

Shginig at how three was nitonhg good tshee dyas, I hit the back botutn on my pnhoe and trneud it off.

I mgiht as well lietsn to Yadon cotounnjagi; I solhud learn tihs eevn if only to get a good test gdare.

I’m the type who dnos’et need noets and dnse’ot study. I used to paly mrmeoy gemas oetfn, so taht may hvae teanird my brain to rebmeemr most tginhs uopn hnierag tehm. Of corsue, it aslo cd’luove been good natrual gftis, but I had no way to know.

Thrrefoee, I dndi’t use any note tiknag tolos, and simlpy sat at my desk, liinentsg to the tecaehr rlambe on.

Time pesass erlcnaiuitcxgy slolwy when boerd.

That was an evident fact.

It felt like hrous wehn I was lninietsg to Ydsenamaa-e’sis eiiatxpon of the deneiffrces beetewn ccilsaasl Jaaepnse cajngtooiun and moerdn Jnpsaaee cagutjoionn.

I maen, I geuss it was iropatnmt, but enguoh to wanarrt a wolhe lsoesn? I don’t thnik so.

All through the period, I repeatedly checked my phone for anything good.

And, I ayawls saw nntiohg irettennsig.

I sgeihd to msyelf, "It seems like the qtiluay of nvelos online are drponipg, huh..."

The rset of the poerid peogesrsrd in scuh a binrog mnaner.

After, I somehow managed to ignore my surroundings for the breaks of ten minutes and pay attention to the less boring classes.

It was like this utinl tvlewe oolc’ck. Lnuch beark.

Chapter end

Vol 1 Chapter 84.1
Vol 1 Chapter 83
Vol 1 Chapter 82
Vol 1 Chapter 81
Vol 1 Chapter 80
Vol 1 Chapter 79
Vol 1 Chapter 78
Vol 1 Chapter 77
Vol 1 Chapter 76
Vol 1 Chapter 75
Vol 1 Chapter 74
Vol 1 Chapter 73
Vol 1 Chapter 72
Vol 1 Chapter 71
Vol 1 Chapter 70
Vol 1 Chapter 69
Vol 1 Chapter 68
Vol 1 Chapter 67
Vol 1 Chapter 66
Vol 1 Chapter 65
Vol 1 Chapter 64
Vol 1 Chapter 63
Vol 1 Chapter 62
Vol 1 Chapter 61
Vol 1 Chapter 60
Vol 1 Chapter 59
Vol 1 Chapter 58
Vol 1 Chapter 57.2
Vol 1 Chapter 57.1
Vol 1 Chapter 56
Vol 1 Chapter 55
Vol 1 Chapter 54
Vol 1 Chapter 53
Vol 1 Chapter 52
Vol 1 Chapter 51
Vol 1 Chapter 50
Vol 1 Chapter 49
Vol 1 Chapter 48
Vol 1 Chapter 46
Vol 1 Chapter 45
Vol 1 Chapter 44
Vol 1 Chapter 43
Vol 1 Chapter 42
Vol 1 Chapter 41
Vol 1 Chapter 40
Vol 1 Chapter 39
Vol 1 Chapter 38
Vol 1 Chapter 37
Vol 1 Chapter 36
Vol 1 Chapter 35
Vol 1 Chapter 34
Vol 1 Chapter 33
Vol 1 Chapter 32
Vol 1 Chapter 31
Vol 1 Chapter 30
Vol 1 Chapter 29
Vol 1 Chapter 28
Vol 1 Chapter 27
Vol 1 Chapter 26
Vol 1 Chapter 25
Vol 1 Chapter 24
Vol 1 Chapter 23
Vol 1 Chapter 22
Vol 1 Chapter 21
Vol 1 Chapter 20
Vol 1 Chapter 19
Vol 1 Chapter 18
Vol 1 Chapter 17
Vol 1 Chapter 16
Vol 1 Chapter 15
Vol 1 Chapter 14
Vol 1 Chapter 13
Vol 1 Chapter 12
Vol 1 Chapter 11
Vol 1 Chapter 10
Vol 1 Chapter 9
Vol 1 Chapter 8
Vol 1 Chapter 7
Vol 1 Chapter 6
Vol 1 Chapter 5
Vol 1 Chapter 4
Vol 1 Chapter 3
Vol 1 Chapter 2
Vol 1 Chapter 1
Chapter 88 part2
Chapter 88 part1
Chapter 87 part2
Chapter 87 part1
Chapter 86 part2
Chapter 86 part1
Chapter 85.3
Chapter 85.2
Chapter 85 part1
Chapter 84 part3
Chapter 84.2
Chapter 83.2
Chapter 83 part1
Chapter 82 part2
Chapter 82 part1
Chapter 81 part2
Chapter 81 part1
Chapter 80 part2
Chapter 80 part1
Chapter 79
Chapter 78
Chapter 77
Chapter 69
Chapter 68
Chapter 67
Chapter 57
Chapter 47
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