My Death Flags Show No Sign of Ending Chapter 79

My Death Flags Show No Sign of Ending Chapter 79

Chapter 79 is here! And it’s slightly long, but I quite I like it, though the best coming chapter is chapter 81 in my opinion, you’ll see 😀

For the Patrons, Chapter 80 and its preview are available over here~!

Anyway, here is chapter 79, I hope you’ll enjoy it!

Chapter 79

 (Colette’s pov)

When Colette came out of the Hospital room with Liner, besides the nurse, there was someone else she had not seen before.

Elu said that he arrived at this village on this very day as a certain merchant’s apprentice, and the moment he said that he came from the neighboring town, Liner butted in.

【”On your way to the village, did you see a pair of people concealing themselves with black robes?!”】

With Liner’s words, Colette’s bad presentiment turned into conviction. Liner was planning to chase after the robbers who had  taken away the sword and attacked his parents.

Which was why Colette wanted Elu to answer that he didn’t see them and didn’t know about them. However, that prayer was left unheard.

【”Come to think of it, I’m pretty sure uncle told me he saw some suspicious people walking around at night. But I don’t know about them being two.”】


【”Yeah, I’ll ask him for more details.”】

Their talk progressed swimmingly.

Following Elu, Colette and Liner went along with him to one of the few inns in the village.

After several minutes, he appeared again while leading the way for a certain man.

【”Sorry for the wait. Uncle, these are the two people I told you about earlier, Liner and Colette.”】

【”Hello. I’ve heard your story, looks you’ve been through some great trouble.”】

【”Yes…… Well, about that, I’ve heard you’ve seen someone suspicious yesterday, do you remember what he was like?”】

【”What he was like, huh? I was walking around at night with only one lamp to light the road, so it was pretty dark and I wasn’t seeing all that clearly, but…. That is right, I saw two persons’ silhouettes. They were wearing robes low over their eyes even though it was the middle of the night.”】

【”Anything else?”】

【”It also looked like they were holding a box or something, it was long and narrow.”】

【”That was them, that was definitely them!”】

Liner suddenly exclaimed, with a loud voice.

With all those conditions together, it was extremely likely that the two of them were the burglars. In short, this meant that Liner’s course of action was now clearly decided, unfortunately.

【”I can’t waste any time, I’ve gotta hurry and go after them…!”】

【”C-calm down Liner.”】

【”She’s right. There are preparations to do before chasing them, because even if you go after them now in a hurry, you won’t be able to catch up with them.”】

As Colette tried to calm Liner down, she was backed up by Elu’s extremely calm comment that made perfect sense.
As a result, the blood that had risen in Liner’s head dropped down a little, and he lowered the tone of his voice.

【”B-but… no matter what, I want to get back the sword they stole. That sword is very important to me.”】(Liner)

【”Even so, fighting against the people whom even Leona and Olbel weren’t able to defeat is too dangerous.”】(Colette)

【”I know, but still, you want me to let them get away with what they did?”】(Liner)

【”That’s not what I said! You already know what they look like and you can describe them, so if you ask the guards or the knight order for help, they will surely capture them.”】(Colette)

【”If I use such a slow method, they could have time to escape!”】(Liner)

Liner was heating up once again. Moreover, as if lured by that, Colette’s tone was becoming rough as well.

Then, a clack noise resounded as if to interrupt the two people’s quarrel. The source of the sound was Elu, who had clapped his hands together.

【”You two should calm down. Whether you chase after the thieves or contact the guards, you better hurry and do it. Your success regarding this matter will depend on how fast you’ll act.”】

【”Yes, that’s certainly true…”】

【”Or rather, I think you should have contacted the guards earlier, but still, both of your choices are not bad.”】

Colette had nothing to answer back. She was confused and therefore could not think that far, but beyond that, with Colette’s anxiousness and fear that Liner would chase after the thieves, it was hard to say that she was thinking straight at all.
With a sidelong glance at Colette, Elu took out a pen and parchment out of his big shoulder bag, and spoke with a sweet smile.

【”Drawing portraits is my specialty. If you’ve seen what they look like, then tell me. That can be kind of useful when searching for criminals.”】

(Elu’s Pov)

Elu let out a small sigh while looking at the portrait and description he drew and wrote himself.

The person Liner had informed Elu about was a young man with somewhat hollow cheeks and purple hair. The testimony said he had no life in his eyes, and that was likely because he was missing his emotions, as Harold had said.

But it was a simple matter really.

Telling them he was going to deliver the portrait to the guards, Elu temporarily separated from Liner and Colette. Then, as soon as he came into an area with no one around, he put the portrait away inside his bag.
By chance, this time, he was able to prevent it from being reported, which was really fortunate. Although it wasn’t Harold’s own face, Elu did not believe that Harold would let his partner’s face be exposed on purpose, but this happening was a complete surprise so he wasn’t sure.

While he was adding the finishing touches to the portrait, Elu had indirectly investigated, and it turned out that Liner had yet to inform the other adults or the clinic’s doctors about the fact that he had seen the burglar's face.
If Elu got rid of the portrait, then it would somewhat reduce Harold’s chances of falling into a troublesome situation. So, he naturally chose to conceal the truth, in case this was not part of Harold’s plans.

For now, since he was going to send a messenger on a fast horse to Harold’s place, Elu was going to have him confirm if having his partner’s face exposed was intentional or not. If it turned out to actually be intentional, Elu would just have to go back and notify the right place about said partner’s portrait and description.

If Elu at least knew the goals behind Harold’s actions, he would be able to move somewhat more easily, but….

Well, I can lament about this all I want, but it just can’t be helped.
Elu had other things to worry about.

He thought back upon his exchange with Liner and Colette from some time ago. Although Liner wanted to promptly chase after the burglars, Colette was using the appropriate means, seeking for a solution through a third party.
It didn’t matter who was right and who was wrong. If things stayed as they were, the two people’s opinions would diverge, so there was a risk that, in the end, only Liner would start pursuing Harold.

From Harold’s words, those two were both going to chase after him. Or at least, that was certainly what he was expecting.

This was yet another troublesome story, but for some reason, it was going to be necessary for Elu to have Colette pursue Harold and the others. For the time being, he was going to tell Harold through the messenger on the fast horse that there was a chance Liner and Colette would take different actions from each other.
Then Elu would wait for a reply while observing the two people.

While thinking of these things, Elu returned to the two people’s location. However, Liner was nowhere to be seen.

【”Huh? What happened to Liner?”】(Elu)

【”… He’s preparing himself to go chase after those people.”】(Colette)

She was probably referring to him preparing his weapons and equipment. Liner was really thorough, perhaps he was planning to go chase after them immediately right now.
Colette, who was thinking of that, was looking gloomy, as Elu expected.

【”Are you worried about Liner?”】(Elu)

【”Yes. No matter how I think about it, this is going to be dangerous….”】(Colette)

【”True. But if that’s what you think, then why not accompany him?”】(Elu)

【”That’s impossible. I am bad at fighting….”】(Colette)

Bad at fighting, Colette had said. Perhaps that in itself was true.

Being bad at fighting and being unable to fight were not really the same thing. Given that she had been with Liner from her childhood, it wasn’t hard at all to think that she had received some kind of initiation into martial arts from Liner’s parents.
With that in mind, was it her natural character that made her so extremely conscious of being bad at fighting? Or was there some incident in the past that planted in her the feeling of wanting to avoid fighting?

(In the past, huh? Which reminds me, Harold was talking as if he was acquainted with Colette and Liner…)

At that moment, the face of  his collaborator whose past, or rather, whose entire history he couldn’t figure out at all, came to Elu’s mind.
Let’s investigate a little while including that part in the search, thought Elu.

【”Even so, I wonder, just what kind of people were the burglars who broke into Liner’s house?”】(Elu)

【”What kind?”】(Colette)

【”I chose my words poorly, but this is a small village far away from the royal capital, there can’t be that many valuable things here, right? Yet they went through the trouble of coming to steal here, so I think they had a precise goal.”】(Elu)

【”Was that goal the stolen sword? Wasn’t that just a coincidence?”】(Colette)

【”So the burglars who came and stole the sword just happened to be stronger than Liner’s parents, who used to be adventurers? A coincidence like that seems very unlikely to me.”】(Elu)

Such a happenstance would need a huge number of consecutive coincidences. This case was obviously all planned out.
When it came to the crunch, the duo’s actions would depend on whether they had the recognition to notice things like that or not. So, Elu wanted Liner and Colette to obtain the awareness to see things with a doubtful eye. Maybe it was because they were born in the countryside, but those two were too honest.

【”Certainly, when you put it like that…”】(Colette)

【”Is the stolen sword worth that much? I’m a little curious.”】(Elu)

No matter what, treasured swords were thought to be a thing of fantasies. That naturally tickled the interest of the lump of intellectual curiosity that was Elu.
Moreover, for Justus to go through such roundabout means to collect the sword, there was no way that it had nothing special to it.

【”Apparently, Liner’s father and mother discovered the sword in a dungeon when they were adventurers.”】(Colette)

【”A dungeon? Sounds exciting.”】(Elu)


【”I mean, that’s the classic example when you think of getting rich quick, isn’t it?”】(Elu)

So as to explore Colette’s past, Elu first made some small talk with her, in an attempt to become more friendly. He didn’t feel there was any wariness to relax her from, but still, he couldn’t suddenly rush into talking about things like this. He wasn’t going to get results on this day nor on the day after, however, he was definitely going to meet her a lot from here on. If taking that into consideration, accumulating small interactions like this would be fruitful later in the future.

Afterwards, Elu and Colette kept chit-chatting about this and that while waiting for Liner.
Then, aiming for the moment when the conversation came to a pause, Elu muttered something meaningfully.

【”Anyway, about the black robed robbers…”】

【”Do you know something?”】

【”No. Just that, when speaking of black robes or people dressed completely in black, there is someone that really comes to mind, right?”】

【”Someone that comes to mind?”】

【”Did you not hear about him, Colette? His name is Harold Stokes.”】

The moment that name came up, Colette’s complexion clearly changed. That was enough to tell without a doubt that there was some sort of connection between her and Harold.
Though she herself was trying to conceal her agitation, she seemed to be fatally bad at lying.

【”I, I haven’t heard of him.”】

【”Is that so? He’s famous in the royal capital. He’s in the same age range as you and Liner, and yet he’s called the kingdom’s number one villain.”】

Colette’s facial expression turned sad.
While observing that, Elu did not stop talking.

【”He’s a traitor who betrayed the country while being a knight and tried to cause a war.  Moreover, he’s a “knight killer”, who left the knight order and then killed more than dozens of the knights that used to be his comrades. Those are the typical examples, but there is no end to the anecdotes about his heinous actions.”】


In the end, Colette kept silent. She cast her eyes down as if saying that she did not want to hear about those stories.

So, then, what kind of person would show a reaction like Colette’s?
Perhaps, for someone who knew of Harold’s essence, so to speak, and therefore knew that he was not the villain from the rumors, Elu’s story would indeed be unbearable to hear. In other words, maybe Colette was one of the rare people who got to experience the extremely difficult to understand kindness of Harold, whose mouth only let out scorn and cynicism.

【”So, I’m thinking, maybe the criminal behind this time’s theft was that Harold guy….”】(Elu)

【”That’s not true! Harold would never….!”】(Colette)

After that, she was likely going to say【”never do that"】but in the end, she did not let those words out. However, she wasn’t refraining from talking because she had doubts about Harold, this was likely the result of her trying to stop the words that she let out of her mouth on an impulse.

Colette’s face quickly turned pale. As if she had said something that she was not supposed to say.

【”Say, Colette…”】(Elu)

【”T-that’s not it. Just now, that was not what I meant to say…”】(Colette)

She shook her head from the left to the right, desperately repeating【”That was not what I meant to say.”】. That state made her look much younger than her actual age, she also seemed frail and somewhat frightened.
For her to get this concerned about wanting to hide what she said, she was probably deeply involved with Harold’s past. Elu was convinced of this, and so he made a decision, that could be said to be quite heartless, concerning Colette.

【”I get it. I won’t ask.”】(Elu)

Elu put on a smile on his face to make Colette feel relieved. Colette innocently thought she had easily deceived Elu, and she muttered a small “thank you”.
There was no way for her to know what was really going on in the mind of Elu, whom she had just thanked.

Colette Ameller. By looking into her past, one could probably get a glimpse at a part of Harold’s secrets.
So, after that, Elu immediately started digging up Colette’s past.

Translator’s note: Not cool, Elu, not cool! Well, don’t go judging him/her/it/them too fast, I’m sure he/she/it/they have /his/her/its/their reasons…. probably. ><

Chapter end

Chapter 117
Chapter 116
Chapter 115
Chapter 114.2
Chapter 114.1
Chapter 113
Vol 2 Chapter 110.1
Vol 2 Chapter 109
Vol 2 Chapter 108
Vol 2 Chapter 107
Vol 2 Chapter 106
Vol 2 Chapter 105
Vol 2 Chapter 104
Vol 2 Chapter 103
Vol 2 Chapter 102
Vol 2 Chapter 101
Vol 2 Chapter 100
Vol 2 Chapter 99
Vol 2 Chapter 98
Vol 2 Chapter 97
Vol 2 Chapter 96
Vol 2 Chapter 95
Vol 2 Chapter 94
Vol 2 Chapter 93
Vol 2 Chapter 92
Vol 2 Chapter 91
Vol 2 Chapter 90
Vol 2 Chapter 89
Vol 2 Chapter 88
Vol 2 Chapter 87
Vol 2 Chapter 86
Vol 2 Chapter 85
Vol 2 Chapter 84
Vol 2 Chapter 83
Vol 2 Chapter 82
Vol 2 Chapter 81
Vol 2 Chapter 80
Vol 2 Chapter 79
Vol 2 Chapter 78
Vol 2 Chapter 77
Vol 2 Chapter 76
Vol 2 Chapter 75
Vol 2 Chapter 74
Vol 2 Chapter 73
Vol 2 Chapter 72
Vol 2 Chapter 71
Vol 2 Chapter 70
Vol 2 Chapter 69
Vol 2 Chapter 68
Vol 2 Chapter 67
Vol 2 Chapter 66
Vol 2 Chapter 65
Vol 2 Chapter 64
Vol 2 Chapter 63
Vol 2 Chapter 62
Vol 2 Chapter 61
Vol 2 Chapter 60
Vol 2 Chapter 59
Vol 2 Chapter 58
Vol 2 Chapter 57
Vol 2 Chapter 56
Vol 2 Chapter 55
Vol 2 Chapter 54
Vol 2 Chapter 53
Vol 2 Chapter 52
Vol 2 Chapter 51
Vol 2 Chapter 50
Vol 2 Chapter 49
Vol 2 Chapter 48
Vol 2 Chapter 47
Vol 2 Chapter 46
Vol 2 Chapter 45
Vol 2 Chapter 44
Vol 2 Chapter 43
Vol 2 Chapter 42
Vol 2 Chapter 41
Vol 2 Chapter 40
Vol 2 Chapter 39
Vol 2 Chapter 38
Vol 2 Chapter 37
Vol 2 Chapter 36
Vol 2 Chapter 35
Vol 2 Chapter 34
Vol 2 Chapter 33
Vol 2 Chapter 32
Vol 2 Chapter 31
Vol 2 Chapter 30
Vol 2 Chapter 29
Vol 2 Chapter 28
Vol 2 Chapter 27
Vol 2 Chapter 26
Vol 2 Chapter 25
Vol 2 Chapter 24
Vol 2 Chapter 23
Vol 1 Chapter 22
Vol 1 Chapter 21
Vol 1 Chapter 20
Vol 1 Chapter 19
Vol 1 Chapter 18
Vol 1 Chapter 17
Vol 1 Chapter 16
Vol 1 Chapter 15
Vol 1 Chapter 14
Vol 1 Chapter 13
Vol 1 Chapter 12
Vol 1 Chapter 11
Vol 1 Chapter 10
Vol 1 Chapter 9
Vol 1 Chapter 8
Vol 1 Chapter 7
Vol 1 Chapter 6
Vol 1 Chapter 5
Vol 1 Chapter 4
Vol 1 Chapter 3
Vol 1 Chapter 2
Vol 1 Chapter 1
Chapter 112
Chapter 111
Chapter 110 part2
Chapter 110 part1
Chapter 109 part1
Chapter 109
Chapter 108.2
Chapter 108.1
Chapter 107
Chapter 106
Chapter 105
Chapter 104
Chapter 103
Chapter 102
Chapter 101
Chapter 100
Chapter 99
Chapter 98
Chapter 96
Chapter 95
Chapter 94
Chapter 93
Chapter 92
Chapter 91
Chapter 90
Chapter 89
Chapter 88
Chapter 87
Chapter 86
Chapter 85
Chapter 84
Chapter 83
Chapter 82
Chapter 81
Chapter 80
Chapter 79
Chapter 78
Chapter 77
Chapter 76
Chapter 75
Chapter 74
Chapter 73
Chapter 72
Chapter 71
Chapter 70
Chapter 69
Chapter 68
Chapter 67
Chapter 66
Chapter 65
Chapter 64
Chapter 63
Chapter 62
Chapter 61
Chapter 60
Chapter 59
Chapter 58
Chapter 57
Chapter 56
Chapter 55
Chapter 49
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