Mushoku Tensei Volume 21

Mushoku Tensei Volume 21


We arrived at the capital of the Holy Kingdom of Milis.

I've finally come back to this city after such a long time.

Although I visited Milis when I installed the teleportation circle, I didn't visit the capital.

So, this is only the second time in my life.

Even now I remember the scene I saw when I was approaching the city from the north.

The river flowing from the Blue Dragon Mountain into the lake, the pure white palace floating in its center, the golden cathedral along the riverside, and the silver Adventurers' Guild.

The seven towers encircling the city, surrounded by a vast meadow.

... Ah.

"Dignity and harmony, It exemplifies the two; making it the most beautiful city in the world."

I think that was it.

Even though it was so long ago, I still remember that line.

How nostalgic, that book.

Ah yes, [Walking the World] by Adventurer Bloody Count.

It's an amazing name, I wonder what kind of person would have that kind of name.

While traveling, I never heard of an adventurer by that name.

He might be from a considerably long time ago.

I wonder why Paul had such a book.

Well it's fine.

Milishion is beautiful from the south as well.

You can't see anything unnecessary thanks to the high towers and walls.

Only a pure silver-like palace glistening in the light.

The beauty of that palace stands out, the walls conceal everything else.

Simplicity is best.

"Yeah, this city is the most beautiful in the world."

Cliff said with a sigh.

He seems to have overheard.

"But surely its contents are the dirtiest in the world."

In Cliff's eyes, only the white palace had been reflected.

Now, that beautiful palace might be intimidating.

From now on, this city is a battlefield. Thinking so would only be natural.

Actually, I think Asura kingdom is dirtier.

Ariel, and the other nobles, are pretty sleazy.

In Asura Kingdom, you could say, the dirty parts were on the outside.

I'm not trying to sugarcoat the Holy Kingdom of Milis.

In certain aspects, surely Milis is dirty as well.


"Still, I'm no longer a senpai?"

"Cliff... If something happens, please tell me."

This time, I'm in a casual position.

Even so, I want to help Cliff.

But it's only at the level of going to buy juice at a convenience store, which is all right.[1]

"Well then, for the time being... let's take a carriage to my family's estate."

"Ussu, by the future Archbishop's command."

On this day, Cliff returned to Milishion.

After about 10 years.

There are four entrances to Milishion.

Last time, we entered from the Adventurer's District.

That's because when an outsider uses any other entrance it becomes a troublesome thing.

Anyway, as we went around the wall, I remembered that lively entrance.

It's the same this time.

However, because Cliff is here, there's no need to wait at the entrance.

The entrance to the Adventurers' District on the south side was the closest.

Though in truth, it matters little when we're this close.[2]

Rather than passing through the center of town, it might be faster to avoid the traffic by following a side street. Cliff should want to hurry.[3]

However, Cliff spoke.

"I want to see the town again for the first time after such a long time."


After all, being away for so long, it's his first time back in 10 years.

Though he'll likely be here for many years to come, today is a special day.

The road home, remembering it from the old days, is soaked in nostalgia.

There won't be a lot of opportunities, now's his chance.


So, at Cliff's request, we rode in the front of the carriage.

"I've missed this..."

Cliff said that to himself as we passed under the gate, and looked back out at Milis.

Cliff was born in the Religious District, I've heard that he rarely visited the Adventurers' District.

Yet, looking out from the gate at the Adventurers' District, he smiled.

Hmm, I wonder what memories he'd have here.

When I last came here, I only stayed for around a week.

The only memory I have here is Paul.

If I remember it too deeply, tears start to come out, it's an unforgettable memory.

So, looking around, I can't help but think of the future.

From here on, I'll be working on opening a mercenary branch-office in this town.

Around us, adventurers are strolling about.

Compared to Asura Kingdom there are a lot of Beast Race and Elves.

Adventurers' ranks vary, but you can guess from their clothes.

15-16 year old boys and girls wearing second-hand equipment are obviously fledglings.

Wearing new equipment, beginners are around 18 years old.

Adventurers in their 20s wearing a mix of new and worn-out equipment are mid-level.

Although their equipment can look worn out at first glance, veterans can be seen wearing various magic items, which are some of the highest-grade gear.

Though their professions vary, in the capital of Milis' religious community, there are many magicians who specialize in healing but few in offense.

In the Magic City Sharia, you'd see veteran warriors and swordsmen, and lots of fledgling magicians.

The dream of being an adventurer sprouts for magicians at the Magic University, and veterans come to scout them.

There were mostly humans and Beast Race.

Well regarding the Beast Race, they may have just followed Rinia and Pursena then ended up staying.

In Asura's capital Ars, you would only see fledglings.

Because there's so much schooling, there's a bit of a professional bias.

Also, there were only humans.

Other races, and most experienced or veteran adventurers, don't linger in the capital.

There are probably so many different races and skilled adventurers in Milis because the Great Forest is so close.

The Beast, Elf, and Hobbit races come from the Great Forest, and Dwarves from the south.

After piling up experience in central Milis, adventurers head north to fight stronger demons in the Great Forest.

But, because there's no Adventurers' Guild in the Great Forest, they use Milishion as a base.

Some adventurers familiar with Milis will spend the year traveling between Milishion and Saint Port.

As a result, in this city, which headquarters the Adventurers' Guild, adventurers are treated without bias.

Well, in this situation, I wonder how it would be best to launch the mercenary branch.

In Asura Kingdom, I had Ariel's connections, so things advanced easily.

There were disenfranchised swordsmen, merchants, and nobles who all welcomed the work in Asura.

Swordsmen who were raised in dojos without the dream of becoming an adventurer, or the connections to become a tutor.

Merchants' sons, who studied all their lives to be merchants, only to have the family shop taken over by the eldest son and forced into independence.

And, although they were all educated, there were also the third and fourth sons of the lower nobility who wouldn't receive any inheritance and couldn't be married off.

We attracted talent, and presto, we gained influence in every district, and started taking on the work that the country's soldiers couldn't.

Ultimately, Ariel introduced the fifth son of a senior aristocrat to become the branch chief.

Iya, I had a long interview with that guy before I acknowledged him, but I was happy with his results.

While wearing sunglasses Aisha asked something like, [You, for those two years after you left home, what were you doing?]

He replied [I hid my identity and interacted with the commoners. By doing so, and at the same time learning the differences in culture, I was able to learn the importance of knowing each fellow worker well.]

His reply was articulate and thoughtful, [Oh, this guy] is what I thought.

In fact, he was good at bringing people together.

He was familiar with the differences between the social classes, so when disputes occurred, he was a guy who could easily understand and resolve it.

He didn't have charisma, but he wasn't dislikable.

Well that settled it.

He's better suited to this than me.

Well, that's just an aside.

Now, I want to launch a good mercenary branch in this country.

I need human resources and a branch manager.

And directionality for the mercenaries.

Aisha seems to have written something like a memo, but we can only start making decisions after seeing what we have to work with.

Therefore she's looking around restlessly like me.

But, it's still too premature to decide everything now.

Though there are a lot of adventurers in the adventurers' district, there's also the religious district, the shopping district, and the residential district.

Not just adventurers, we should try to include the other locals as well.

After seeing the religious district and the residential district we should be able to draft a plan.

"I didn't notice last time... but there are a lot of different races here."

"Because the Great Forest is nearby."

I keep looking around while I answer.

Really, there are a lot of races.

A group of dwarves that must be around 10 years old, a group of elves with thin limbs that look almost like dead trees.

There are also a lot of different beast races. Dog, cat, rabbit, deer, rat, tiger, wolf, sheep, bear...

Incidentally I thought, when looking at livestock like pigs and cattle, do these guys think nothing of it?...

No, even if I see a monkey kept at a zoo, I don't particularly feel a sense of camaraderie.

They're different creatures.

"Oh, oh...!"

"Ah, it's dangerous if you stand...!"

Looking back, I suddenly saw Zenith standing up on the horse-drawn carriage.

Aisha panicked and tried to sit Zenith back down in a hurry while she staggered and pointed at something from the shaking carriage.

Beyond her finger, it's a monkey.

Iya that's rude.

It's a man with a face like a monkey.

That reminds me, there isn't a monkey-like tribe in the beast race.

Well, I wonder if monkeys are rare in this world.

Zenith is happily pointing at him.

Nuu, that monkey, I've seen him somewhere before.

That said, it's not someone from the beast race...

"... Oh."

"Ooh!? Hey Zenith-senpai! What are you doing in a place like this!"

It's a demon race (Gisu).

"Geez, I never expected to see you in a place like this."

Gisu spotted us and immediately jumped onto the carriage.

There was no hesitation at all.

But I'm not about to cast an acquaintance aside.[4]

"What amazing luck! How should I put it, this is once in a lifetime luck!"

Gisu seems exceptionally happy to meet us.

He's got a full-face smile.

Seeing that puts me in a good mood too.

"Half the work, half the house."[5]

"Yeah yeah, by the way, I haven't seen any tears of joy--"

Gisu wasn't listening, and began telling us about what happened after we parted in Sharia.

Gisu, Talhand, Vera, and Shera arrived on schedule in Asura Kingdom.

There, they sold the magic stones for a fortune.

Vera and Shera retired from being adventurers with their share.

They returned to their hometown.

Sometime after, because they had so much money, Gisu thought it would be smart to start doing some kind of business.

Well, about Gisu, how should I put it, he's addicted to gambling.

I don't know much about it, but in Asura Kingdom there's a so-called gambling town.

Gisu can normally handle himself gambling, but with that much money he couldn't help but lose control.

After just a few months Gisu had lost everything and then some.

"Well, everything fell apart, all I had left were the clothes on my person, so I put that life behind me and ended up here."

Surely, if you'd kept going like that, you would have ended up at the bottom of the ocean with concrete boots.

Talhand prevented that.

As he was about to leave on his next adventure, he stopped by to greet Gisu, and saw him in that state.

Although Talhand was disgusted, he sold off a pair of gauntlets he had made to help Gisu out.

Those gauntlets were made with the magic absorbing stone, apparently Talhand spent his entire fortune on development costs.

Thanks to Gisu two people were broke.

Those two couldn't afford Asura Kingdom's high prices, so they journeyed south.

If it were me, I'd still help a friend in a rough spot, but to that extent and then starting a journey together, I wonder if it's because they've known each other for so long that this kind of thing is just a mutual understanding.

Talhand helped Gisu, so Gisu helped Talhand.

Well, that's friendship.

Just like that, those two left behind Shirone with its bloody civil war, ignored the Kingdom of the Dragon King rumored to be complicit, and returned to Milis.[6]

They came back to their old home.

Afterwards, Talhand returned to his hometown, and Gisu became a party of one.

"That bastard, doing something like going back to his hometown, what's with that."

Gisu was complaining, but somehow I understood.

After such a long journey, it's normal to start missing your family and want to meet them.

He's homesick.

It's Nanahoshi's chronic disease.

"Gisu didn't want to go home?"

"Me? That's stupid. There's nothing interesting at all about returning to such a remote place."

Is that so.

I always miss my home.

Just touching Sylphy's chest restores my strength, even Roxy's chest will rise to the occasion, and it feels like hours fly by with Eris. All under one roof.

"That bastard, even though there were so many unpleasant memories."

"Well then, maybe he wanted to go fix some of those unpleasant memories."

No matter what happened, if time passes, things change.

Even if something is unforgivable as a teenager, in the 20s it becomes something understandable, and in the 50s it doesn't even matter anymore.

Talhand too, in his heart, might want to reconsider things.

"Maa, Talhand aside, I'm resuming my career as an adventurer here."

After Gisu separated with Talhand he seems to have resumed adventuring.

However, he doesn't seem to be able to find any work.

Well he's a demon race and has no combat ability.

"So what is Senpai doing here?"

"With mother in such a state, I received a summons from her parents' house. I took the opportunity to travel here with a friend, and make an appearance."

"Huh... Zenith's parents' place..."

Gisu saw Zenith's sorry state.

Although Zenith normally has a blank look, she seems to be in a good mood.

I wonder if it's because of Gisu.

"Well, I've heard about Zenith's home somehow, too... that seems, pleasant...?"

"... What have you heard?"

"I don't know the details, but they say it's a stubborn house."

Gisu shrugged.

Information like that, I heard it before coming.

But, there's no choice but to go.

"We're almost at the district's boundary. It's too bad, but I should get off here. If a demon race enters the religious district it'll cause trouble."

At Gisu's word, I stopped the carriage.

Gisu immediately jumped down.

"Well, it was short, but we should meet again sometime. Stay strong, Senpai!"

Gisu waved and walked into an alley...

As he was leaving, he looked back.

"Senpai! Would you listen to a request!?"

"What is it?"

"What Paul said in the labyrinth, do you remember?"

What he said in the labyrinth.

Even though a lot has happened, I still remember those words.

Probably, it's that.


At that, Gisu nodded with satisfaction, and turned to leave.

A sudden meeting, and an abrupt departure.

It really was a chance reunion.

Even so, although it was by chance, it was nice to see a familiar face in such a tense atmosphere.

While thinking that, we entered the religious district.

By the time we got to Cliff's house, the sun was already setting.

Cliff's house was more ordinary than I expected.

An ordinary single family home, it looks like it could fit a family of three or four, it's snug.

It looks just like the neighboring house.

How should I put it, in the religious district, the houses are all uniform.

Because it's the Pope's house I expected something similar to Ariel's estate, it's kind of anticlimactic.

"It's unexpectedly small."

"Housing for the clergy is provided by the religious headquarters. However, because grandfather has a room at the headquarters, this house isn't used."

Cliff explained to me, without getting angry at my rude comment.

To put it simply, it's like corporate housing.

"Since we're already here... It's late, please stay."

At Cliff's suggestion, I suddenly had a thought.

Zenith's family home, it's in the residential area.

That's right, it wouldn't take long...

Although I have a hunch they wouldn't want us visiting so late.

Visiting in travel wear, that might not be a good idea.

We could set up an appointment to visit them, but we'll be staying in the adventurers' district... so we'd have to come all the way back here.

"Well, thank you."

I decided to accept Cliff's offer.

We unloaded the luggage, stabled the horses, stored the carriage, and brought everything inside.

But, while I was dealing with the carriage, I noticed a white cloud of dust.


The dust had an acrid smell, Aisha let out a cute sneeze.

"Keho... terrible... Jiisan, doesn't seem to have cleaned..."

Cliff held a cloth over his nose, swearing.

He probably didn't expect Cliff to be back yet and left the house unattended.

In any case, the house is really dusty.

"To thank you for letting us stay here, we'll help you out with the cleaning... Aisha."

"Ah, sor...ry?

"Eh, me?"

Aisha said in disarray, and Zenith gave a reproachful look.

No, Zenith is expressionless.

However I can feel it from her eyes.

Aisha also gave me that kind of look.

Wasn't I supposed to entrust the cleaning to you?

Wasn't that it. Every time. Something like, [Leave it to me!]

We have to express our gratitude...

"Of course it's a joke? I'll help too?"

"Of course."

And so we began a night of housecleaning.

We fully opened all the windows, even with wind magic it was rough, so we finished up by sweeping.

After that, we wiped everything down.

Since nothing had been used in several years, I used hot air to clear any bugs out of the beds and blankets.

The kitchen was also considerably dirty, but Aisha somehow managed it.

Meanwhile, Cliff and I gave the living room a rough cleaning.

We finished in three times the normal speed.

The Red Comet Aisha.[7]

Then, using the food leftover from the journey, we had a light dinner.

"Cliff-senpai. Congratulations on your return."

"It's still too early. I have to meet with Grandfather."

While toasting with cups of water, we enjoyed a meal of dried meat and soup.

As food goes, it's a little bland, but it's fine.

I was troubled over how many ingredients we had left, so I had an underlying motive to finish them.

"Rudeus, what are your plans for tomorrow?"

"For the time being, I will visit the Latreia house."

"I see, do you plan to stay there?"

"I think that will probably happen."

Even if they have a bad reputation, they're Zenith's family.

Even if we stay for awhile, it shouldn't be a problem.

For establishing the mercenary branch and assisting Cliff when the time comes, staying in the Latreia house may limit my freedom to act... but I won't know until I try.

Well, after the greetings, I could always stay somewhere else.

"So, I'll need to hire someone to do the housework..."

"If you'd like, every couple of days I could send Aisha over?"

"No, that's fine. You guys are going to be busy too, it's just something to think about."

Cliff said with a shrug.

We slept in the guest room.

Three people in a small room. The family, sleeping shoulder to shoulder like the 川 character.

... And, Aisha's body is already that of an adult.

The bed is small, it can't fit three adults side by side.

So we left the bed to Zenith, Aisha and I slept on the floor.

We made a makeshift bed out of blankets and cushions we borrowed from Cliff.

Because there's carpet on the floor, it isn't exactly camping out.

It's time to go to sleep.

Then, I noticed Aisha looking at me.

"Ehehe, Oniichan, I wonder if Sylphy-ane would be jealous..."

"Well, during this journey, it was fine right."

"Yeah, but somehow, ehehe..."

Aisha laughed and huddled next to me.

She has a cute smile.

If it were Sylphy, I would already be past my limit.

Sylphy, too, would have...

But I don't feel that way about Aisha, and she doesn't particularly draw close to me too.

I like Aisha, but it's a familial love.

But, it's fine without physical contact.

It's a strange feeling.

She's still cute...

"I have an abrupt question, you, about what Lilia said, what do you think now?"

"Okaasan has said a lot of things?"

"To be a maid, and work for me, stuff like that."

When I asked that, Aisha had a blank look.

Then, she put her hand on her chin and had a look like she was thinking intently.

"Hmm, it's not disagreeable... but, perhaps, for Sylphy-ane, it's different. Something like this... I wonder if it's selfish..."

"No, I understand. It's different."

It was a fuzzy conversation, but something clicked.

It felt alright.

"Nfufu, well it's a given, that Oniichan is loved."

While saying that, Aisha curled next to me and pressed against my body.

Warm and soft.

A good holding pillow.

"... Someday, when you find someone you love, you can start a family of your own."

As I said that while enjoying my new pillow, Aisha suddenly sat up.

She seems to have taken my comment seriously.

"So. Have you given it any thought?"

"What kind of person would that be I wonder..."

Aisha's lover.

It's hard to imagine.

An excellent-type, or an unreliable-type.

Aisha can choose who she wants,but I don't like the idea of arranging a match.

Aisha normally hangs out with a certain crowd.

The mercenaries... there are a lot from the Beast race.

Would one of those guys fall for Aisha?

My little sister isn't a bone for some dog to chase after!

If I ask Orsted, he should be able to tell me about the type of guy that Aisha marries...

Now now, let's just forget about that.

If I heard something like she's single for the rest of her life, it would be pitiable.

Oh, that's right.

I need to confirm something before going to sleep.

"Aisha, tomorrow, when I bring Zenith to her parents' house... what do you want to do?"

Aisha inched away from my arm.

But returned.

"I will go. Okaasan, because she asked me to earnestly."

"I see..."


Hearing Aisha's reassuring reply, I was also relieved.

Tomorrow we visit Zenith's house.

That's the plan, but I don't know how it will go...

Going alone to a house with such a high status, I'm a bit uneasy.

Afterwards, I'll work on installing a mercenary branch.

If I can establish a good connection with the Latreia house, things should go smoothly.

We need to adapt to the environment.

"Well, I'll be in your care."

"I understand. Leave it to me."

"Really, I appreciate it. Cleaning today too, thanks... Well, goodnight."

"Don't mention it... good night..."

While listening to Aisha's sleepy voice, I fell asleep.

Zenith's parent's house was huge.

Just as I had imagined it to be.

A large gate, two lion statues standing on both sides, a long stone-paved path leading from the gate to the entrance, a fountain in the middle of the path, and a green lawn cut in a strange form.

And inside, as if enshrined a white beautiful mansion was honorably standing.

It really feels like an aristocrat's house.

If I imagine one, this is exactly what it feels like.

Aristocratic district, the location of the residence.

Among other things, this location especially is lined up with buildings of high class noble people.

The atmosphere here bears resemblance to that of the Asura's aristocratic district.

Nevertheless, it's a huge house.

Cliff's house was a disappointment but Zenith's house was as expected.

Although, I for one also possess something like this mansion in the Asura Kingdom.

Since it was something I received from Ariel, I can't be too boastful about it.

At least I possess something like this mansion.

In a way it holds an atmosphere of integrity, but it should be identical in extravagance.

Therefore, it's nothing to be afraid of.

I don't feel nervous.


Next to me, Aisha just sighed.

She is looking towards the mansion with an unpleasant face.

Right now, we are standing in front of the gate and waiting.

Me dressed up in noble-like clothes and Aisha in a maid uniform brought from our home.

And Zenith put on a noble-ish attire as well, just like me.

We were apparently entrusted to the guards stationed at the gate entrance by a person.

I was trying to show the letter, but the moment the guards took a glance at Zenith's face they immediately hurried towards the mansion.

There are no signs of them returning yet.

"Listen, Onii-chan, I'll warn you in advance, Obaa-chan is a REALLY unpleasant person."

"............How many times have I heard this now?"

I'm afraid of this advice.

However, I think I am a typical individual who in a way possesses resistance against unpleasant people.

Because I myself was a low-life during my previous lifetime.

Compared to that, most people can be pardoned.

Therefore, it should be alright.

Even if the other party is rebellious and can't be endured.

Talking about Zenith's present state of mind, we can at least grieve and mourn the circumstances together. It might be impossible to do anything more than that, even though it's plenty enough.


While I was thinking, several men and women were approaching from the direction of the mansion. It's not just the previous guards.

But people with the appearance of a maid and a butler are also there.

A group of 12 people are approaching this way with a fast paced movement.

The maids, lined up in two rows along the edge of the path before the gate.

The butlers standing in the front, lined up evenly from shoulder to shoulder facing towards us.

It's just like an "honorable greeting formation" often seen in a manga of a rich system.

It was also done frequently in the Asura kingdom.

When the guards opened the gate, the butlers deeply lowered their heads.

Matching their rhythm, the maids also bowed their heads.

"Zenith-sama, welcome back on your return. We were all eagerly awaiting you in our hearts and minds."

They lowered their heads towards Zenith.

But Zenith being the same as usual, with an absent-minded face, as if they didn't even enter her field of vision.

"Well then, Rudeus-sama, Oku-sama is waiting. This way."

"Yes, please take care of us."

The butler didn't mind it and bowed to me and then turned around on his feet to guide us.

Not a single word towards Aisha.

I wonder if that guy treats her as a maid while wearing a form of servant uniform himself.

In that case, I should have let Aisha wear a different type of cloth.

It's my younger sister-like dress.

A frills-type dress.

While I was considering such things, passing the long paved path, we went inside the entry hall.

As expected, the inside was overflowing with elegant furniture and refined articles.

Of course, it can't be compared to the Asura Royal Palace or Perugius' castle, but I think the hobby is not bad.

"Well then, please wait here."

The location we were guided to was the so-called drawing room.

The couch was facing towards a vase put at the end of the room. And a maid standing at the edge of the room..........

In spite of waiting for a long time, Oku-sama did not appear.

Even though I was strongly hoping and waiting for the trip to finally end, but now I wonder if I have to prepare to appear in front of the public.

Anyhow, first I let Zenith sit.

After that, I let myself sit next to her.

When I suddenly looked over, Aisha was standing at the side of the chair.

"Aisha sit down already."

"Eh? But, I think it should be good if I keep standing......"

"You're my little sister, this is a place for visitors. Sit down."


After I said that, Aisha sat down next to Zenith.


Now, we wait without any conversation between the three of us.

This reminds me of the time when I went to Philip's place for the interview.

At that time, Sauros abruptly came and went all the while shouting.

It's nostalgic.

It would be fine to skillfully do it just like that time but.....

It was how things were done during Sauros's time.

Certainly, it was a kind of initiation when greeting oneself.

I thought in any kind of world the courtesy should have been giving oneself's name first.

For now, let's just proceed with that.

"Oku-sama, this way please."

While I was considering things, the door opened.

The one who entered was a nervous looking old lady with blonde hair mixed with white.

And a fat middle-aged man wearing a lab coat with a beard on his face.

I don't even have to ask who is the Oku-sama.

I immediately stood up, while holding my hand in front of my chest I made a light nod.

"Nice to meet you honorable grandmother, I am Rudeus Greyrat, today---"

The old woman did not even so much as glance at me.

She bypassed me while I was still greeting her and moved to a position where she can see Zenith's face.

And then, stopping one step away, she observed Zenith's face seriously.

What a deeply moving reunion.

......Or so I thought, while harshly breathing Claire said in a cold voice.

"Certainly this is my daughter, Andel please."

As she said that, the bearded man moved.

While passing through my side, he took action and held Zenith's hand.

And then, touched her blank face with his hand.........

"Please wait a moment, what is this all of a sudden?"

I interrupted in a state of confusion.

"Ah, I am late in introducing myself. I am Claire-sama's physician in charge, My name is Andel Berkeley."

"Thank you for this politeness, I am Rudeus Greyrat. Are you the doctor?"

"Yes, today was actually Claire-sama's diagnostic day but her daughter came at just the right time for me to take a good look at her......."

I see.

So that's how it is.

Claire-obaachan, she came hurriedly in such a short time just to see Zenith.

I get it, I get it.

"If that's how it was, mother--"

"Who taught you that sitting here is a good thing!"

Just as I was about to say that, a reprimanding voice soared at the back.

I turned around to see a quivering Aisha get off the sofa in a hurry.

"Even though you're a mere maid, while the landlady is still standing you have the nerve to keep sitting! Just who taught you such a thing!"

"P-please forgive me."

Aisha was hanging her head down while looking like she was about to cry.

No no, wait wait.

How come? Just wait a moment.

This pace is too fast. Why are you ignoring me? Hey, I'll cry.

"I told her to sit there."

The moment I said that with a strong voice, Claire slowly faced towards me.

Ah, oh no. I've said it now....

Gah, the hell with it.

"Even though she is wearing a maid uniform, she is still my little sister, she only wore those clothes because it was easier to move around in it and made her look after mother to the utmost, it would be problematic if she is treated as a maid."

"People are identified on the basis of their clothes, in our house people wearing maid uniform will be treated as a maid."

It was also those kind of house rules.

"Then, what kind of treatment will people go through wearing clothes such as mine?"

"Of course, they will be treated suitably."

"This means that people with such an attire will be ignored, is this how this house works?"

While spreading my hands apart, I look down upon my clothes. The clothes doesn't look odd......I think.

These clothes, I wonder where I bought them from. If I remember correctly, I think it was in Sharia......

I wonder if I should have brought the Asura kingdom ones should it have sufficed?

But, those ones are for partying.........

"No, the reason I ignored you was because........an unknown person suddenly called me grandmother. For many years, the number of imposters have increased here. Until the authenticity is verified, I judged it would be better to not reply."

".......I see."

Well, in this big of a house, if it turns out that the only one daughter had eloped with an unknown person,

people claiming to be of the same lineage will often come out to gain favor.

Although I was greeted, I was not told about anything like proving my identity.

Even these clothes are not really enrolled as the crest of the Greyrat's.

If one thinks about it, something like that can be prepared anywhere.

There are stripes going back and forth, though that doesn't indicate anything.

"This Zenith is the real one. Aisha over there, I remember her too. Do you have any evidence to prove that you are indeed my grandson?"

Evidence, to call for more proof.

I came together with Aisha and Zenith, and even handed over the letter.

Is there any more??

"Is it necessary?"

"What do you mean?"

"I have brought my mother......Zenith and Aisha, I also brought the letter that came from you. Is it really necessary to show any more proof?"

As I said that, Claire shook with a twitch on her eye-brows.

"Then, I cannot acknowledge you as a member of the Latreia."

"I don't mind, I am a member of the Greyrat's....the present family head, today is my first time straddling around this household. I have no intention whatsoever of being a member of the Latreia household."

The feeling to curry favor exists.

It's also for the sake of the mercenary group.

However, if the opposite side is that vigilant of it, there is no need to reveal the front.

For now, the purpose of Zenith's homecoming exists.

Whether Claire is somewhat amused or not, with her eyebrows twitching and her body quivering a little, she approaches me with a glare.

"For the actual head of the Greyrat family, you sure are surprisingly cheap-looking.

After all, the Latreia are a distinguished family of earls.....while the Greyrat are only a large part of the four feudal lords of Asura. Moreover, rather than the earl himself, to introduce yourself to the Madam Earl herself while lowering your head is......"

"Indeed I have inherited the kinship of a large part of the four feudal lords of Asura but I'm not the main root of the feudal lords, in the first place it doesn't mean that I hold a rank of nobility. Even though I am the family head, I am no more than the backbone of my family living among the general population. In addition, even if I had possessed a higher social standing, meeting my grandmother for the first time and bowing to her as a greeting is natural to consider. Right."


It looked like, Claire's mood changed and she was gazing towards me with a look of despise.

No, it might be my imagination......

Anyway, it seems this person is of a high pedigree.

This is bothersome....

For the time being, I'll keep them in check.

"Apart from me being a noble, I have a personal fellowship with Her Majesty Ariel who was crowned just last year, I myself am the subordinate of 『Dragon God』 Orsted who is ranked second of the Seven Major World Powers. It would be acceptable to not make light of that."

It's okay if it's neglected, but Aisha's aforementioned matter also exists.

To the bitter end, I made it explicitly clear that this position is as close to it as a matter of fact.

Listening to my words, while closing her mouth to form a straight line, Claire rose her chin up.

As if evaluating, she observed me with a scrutinizing look.

"This here is the proof of being a Dragon God's subordinate."

I showed her the bracelet containing the crest of the Dragon God.

After Claire looked at it for a few seconds, unaware of the butler standing at my side I heard him saying something in a low voice.

While nodding the butler said. "Certainly, This is the Dragon God's--".

I don't think it's very much popular but, that butler, he seems to know about this crest.

Something like this can be forged as many times as it takes......it would be troublesome to say something like that.

"I see.......I understand."

While saying that, Claire quickly pulled down her chin, with both hands on the side of her abdomen matching the rhythm.

And then, in a natural manner lowered her head.

"My name is Claire Latreia.

Wife of Temple knight party ・ Sword group 『Battalion chief (Large Leader)』 Count Carlyle Latreia.

Currently, I have received administration-ship of this estate.

Please humbly pardon my previous impoliteness."

Was I able to prove my social position.

Or was my attitude able to crossover some kind of hurdle.

I can't comprehend it but Claire was lowering her head and was apologizing.

Nevertheless, 『Battalion Chief』 of Temple knight party.

Zenith's younger sister, Therese was also a member of the Temple knight party, this house has probably a profound relationship with the Temple knight party.

"Well then, once again.

I am Rudeus Greyrat.

Son of Paul Greyrat and Zenith Greyrat.

Currently, I am working under 『Dragon God』 Orsted-sama.

Please don't mind about the previous matter. I as well didn't give enough forethought to my preparation. It is obviously natural that you would be so vigilant."

While both of us lowered our heads, this matter came to a conclusion.


With this I took a breath of rest.

Only the greetings ended up taking an extremely roundabout way, somehow it's managed now.

"Then, by all means, please take a seat."

"Yes, please excuse me."

I prompted her to take a seat on the couch.

"First of all about your long journey, thank you for your hard work. I thought it may take you several years more but I give you my gratitude on acting so quickly."

Claire made a pop noise while clapping her hands, and the door opened.

From the door, a maid pushing a cart entered.

Above the cart in plain view was a tea set.

Tea ceremony, huh.

All right, I'll show you my tea skills that I forged in the sky fortress.

Oh right, before that I'll let Aisha sit.

She is not a maid, but my little sister.

It would be troublesome if she is not treated as a guest.

In that case, if they are insistent I'll rather leave a place like this.

"Aisha, sit down already."

"Eh? But......"

"Today, you're not a maid, but you're here as my relative, sit down now."

While looking intermittently towards Claire, Aisha quickly dropped her lower body.

Claire who said nothing, only her eyebrows twitched.

For now, she seems to have allowed it.

Taking a glance at Zenith's direction.

She was still being examined by the doctor.

Things like tongue and eyes were being looked at.

Well, seeing those places, I can't except to do anything......

Apart from Claire too, rather than hearing about the message of memory not recovering, showing her to a doctor that she can trust should be understandable.

"Mother is......we tried with our greatest effort to cure her but we were not able to find any methods."

".......In a far away village, the means to remove this curse might be limited."

Ah, with a 'clank' the words came.

To call my hometown village-like!

......But you know, I perfectly anticipated that you would say something like that.

This is well within my scope of expectations.

"Certainly, Millis is advanced in healing magic as compared to Sharia but.....I was able to request help from Orsted-sama who has the knowledge of every single piece of magic and Perugius-sama who is well informed about summoning magic."

"Perugius? One of the three heroes? ......it's hard to believe such an abrupt story."

But it is.

I can understand not believing such a story.

But I can't lead her astray now after coming this far.

Well, I am going to live in Millishion for a few months anyway.

In the meantime, Claire will realize that curing Zenith might just be impossible.

Well, it would be problematic if she is subjected to unreasonable medical treatment...........

"By the way, how is Norn doing."

While I was thinking of talking a bit more concerning this strange topic, the topic somehow abruptly changed.


"She is enrolled in Ranoa Magic University. Since it would have affected her studies, I left her behind."

"Is that so, I thought she was not able to score much results, is she doing firmly?"

"Yes, she is right now standing at the top of the school as the student council president."

While I exaggerated a bit, Claire seemed to had an unexpectedly surprising face.

Inside her mind, Norn must have been a no good child.

Well, if she is compared with Aisha, that will happen.

"Is that so......when will her graduation complete?"

"It's not yet decided."

"What about marriage?"

"Any state of love affairs are still unidentified."

So to say, Claire frowned.

I wonder what I said to make her annoyed.

"Then, bring her here after graduation."

Not able to say yes or no to the reply that was a commanding tone.

Did she not take into account the distance between here and Sharia.

Even though it takes 4 years for a round trip.......

Well, in reality there is the Teleportation Magic Square, coming and going back can be made in a week's time.

"That is no problem but....."

"A satisfactory companion cannot be found in something like a back country that is Ranoa kingdom, I will choose one at my own discretion."


What is she talking about?

Choose one at her own discretion?

"Are you going to make Norn marry someone?"

"That's right, if there are not going to be any marriage proposals from the present heads of the family, I will take it upon myself to guide her towards the non-existent path."

"No no, please wait a moment, isn't that something for Norn to decide....."

"What are you talking about? Marrying a girl of this house is the duty of the head of the family."


So what?

While thinking that, I look at Aisha.

She just shrugged her shoulders. With an attitude of "Isn't it so?".

Possibly, in the nobility of this Milis sacred country, it might be common sense.

Right, that's right.

In the previous world as well, the parents had the decision to choose a suitable partner for their kids.

Only I did not come nicely, it's a surprisingly common idea.

However, we don't have such a rule in our house.

Norn if you want to marry someone, Nii-san will readily accept that person, only if you bring him to a joint party with several students so that I can express his approval.

"........I will make sure to take responsibility about Norn's circumstances."

For the time being, it would be better to say this.

"Is that so, I understand.......being the head of the family you ought to be more reliable."

I was reprimanded by my superior.

It has been like this since a little while ago.

It feels like I am being looked down upon.

But, let's calm down for now.

This is well within my expectations.

I understood that this person being unpleasant was not a joke.

In the first place our way of thinking is different, only objection and quarrel will take place side-by-side if this keeps on.

Today is our first time meeting each other.

First of all, it is necessary to start with knowing each other.

The demands come after that.

"----It seems to be over."

While I took a deep breath, Mr. Andel returned with Zenith.

Aisha immediately stood up and helped her sit down on the sofa.

"How was it?"

"The body itself is healthy, she looks much younger than her actual age."

Or so he said.

You did it, Zenith.

Even though you didn't make yourself look younger they are approving you as a young woman!

.....Or, is it the opposite?

Would it be fine to think of it as a bad thing?

Whether it is the influence of the curse....or the like.

"Is it alright if I wanted to ask some questions regarding the family?"

"Of course, you can ask anything."

"Well then----."

The contents of the question spanned many divergences.

What is her usual diet, in what amount, to which degree she exercises, and whether menstruation was taking place or not.

From questions regarding physical health,

To what degree she is able to live her everyday life, her usual behavior, and whether she has a wound in her heart.

To questions regarding mental health.

I fluently answered all the doctor-like questions.

Somethings that I didn't know of, Aisha was there to answer them.

Lilia might have been able to give a detailed explanation about all this, since she is not here it can't be helped.

"I see, I understand."

After writing down the answers in a small memo, he bowed.

And then, went towards Claire and started consultation while muttering.

"How is it?"

"Let's see. I don't think there are any problems. There is always one maid looking after her in constant attendance. There aren't any illness or injury on her. Even her mind seems to be stable."

"What about children?"

"Menstruation is taking place, that being the case to give birth......... If several people are nursing her in constant attendance it is possible."


What is 'alright' with this.

It feels like you have yet to give me the remainder of the story........

"It feels as if the conversation is going towards mother's second marriage."

I said that with the intention of a joke.

But, I got a cold-hearted look coming from Claire's direction instead.

A mighty terrifying look.

Without even saying anything, I can feel her enforcing intention from that glance.

".......In this holy country of Millis a woman's worth is regarded based upon her ability to give birth. If a child is born, the possibility of being ignored as a human can't exist."

I just want you to wait for a moment.

Can't be ignored......Really?

No, calm down.

Even if it's not ignored, it's still not confirmed.

She is just reciting the general knowledge of this country.

I don't believe that there is such a thing whether a woman's worth is based upon her ability to give birth, if this is something obaa-chan has decided by herself, then she might be under the impression that this is the truth.

"Ah, that's right. You should cut your bonds with the Priest of the Pope's faction."


"I am well aware of your friendship with the Priest of the Pope's faction."

Yet again an abrupt change of subject, confusion is about to be born.

I was not able to seize authority to lead the conversation, I think it's because Claire has been speaking with a strong voice for a while now.

Or, I wonder if I have failed in initiating my response.

It's the former.

"Certainly, I get along well with Cliff... but why is it necessary to cut my ties with him?"

"Currently, the Latreia have started to move as the Cardinal's faction, any person working under the Pope's faction is not allowed to be associated with."

The Cardinal's faction, it might be about the demon race's ostracism.

I think the Cardinal is at the top right now.

"Not particularly... I don't have any intention of supporting the Pope's faction by myself, won't that suffice?"

"No, it can't be permitted, if you want to stay at this house you have to abide by the rules of this house."



Well, certainly, since Cliff's position as a Pope is more or less guaranteed, I'll end up getting completely backed by the pope's faction.

It's not like I don't understand such a strategy, if you comprehend it as such.

It's not that kind of a feeling.........

"Cliff has looked after me in school. He has also aided in Norn's growth........shouldn't it be alright to at least associate with him as a friend?"

"It can't be done, if you want to associate with the Priest of the Pope's faction no matter what, you will not be permitted to stay at this house---"

It's hopeless.

Alright, I understand.

Then, it's fine.

For today, let's stay at a different place.

Alright, it's fine. I'm not angry. I'm not angry at all.

I'm perfectly calm. I'm the calm and clever Rudeus.

There is no reason to panic. I was aware that Claire was this kind of woman. I was prepared for this.

My relationship with a friend would become an interference was outside my scope of assumption but.......we were incompatible like oil and water.

At least without quarreling I'll give my greetings and leave this house----.

"----Leave Zenith here, and quickly depart."

My thoughts suspended.

"Just in case, from now on you will be permitted to straddle around the threshold of this house, apart from being a person of another house to the bitter end----"

"Leave this place? What do you mean by that?"

The words that came from me was a reply to the previous line.

My consciousness flowed away for several seconds.

While looking at me and giving me a cold stare she started saying.

"Now that we've come this far, there is no other choice. Even if this thing is able to give birth to a child then the path to marriage is still left."

It's dry inside my mouth.

My field of vision is getting covered by darkness.

It's like being inside a black fog.


What is that, somebody is shouting.

It's me.

I'm the one who is shouting.

No, I just said that only in a sense? No way, I said that seriously? Me.

However, the words did not come out.

My mouth was just flapping about.

"This young woman will be married to the nobility of the Cardinal faction. No matter how many times she gets divorced, there are no problems."

A person who can't even follow their own intention, just who are you pressuring her to marriage.

Calling your own daughter "this thing".

Treating her like an object.

"This healthy body is a blessing in disguise."

I have never once heard the sound of a blood vessel tearing.

It's not supposed to be heard.

It's just that kind of humor.

Whenever Eris gets angry there might exist some kind of auditory hallucination to be heard.

Usually after that I faint so I don't really remember anything.

Today was the first time for me to hear my blood vessel get teared.

Before I realized it, I was walking while pulling along Zenith's arm in the middle of the evening.

I don't remember anything I said after that.

I just remembered shouting with a loud voice.

However, the contents are a little vague.

No doubt, the abuse that I ordinarily never use suddenly jumped out from me.

I remember Claire widening her eyes.

I remember the maids peeking at us with questioning faces.

I remember declaring to go back, taking Zenith's hand while she stood up, Claire bluntly saying "Zenith is no longer expected to be sane."

Those words poured oil onto my heart, losing myself in my rage, I used magic with my fist that was tightly clenched.

I remember.

There, "Go for it, Onii-chan!" Aisha's voice brought my mind back a little bit.

After that Claire called out for palace guards, I kicked them like leaflets, cutting my family ties with the Latreia, I rushed out of that house as it is.


Before I noticed, we already made it to the border of the holy district.

Because of my anger episode, my field of vision is turning round and round.

It becomes irritating if I recall it.

I never thought I would hear such disgusting words like that.

Ah, shit.

What healthy body is a blessing in disguise.

I shouldn't have come here, I didn't want to hear such words.

What was that? That self-centered baa-san.

No of course, It's fine to ignore the first greeting.

Well, even if an unknown person suddenly calls you obaa-chan, you can just draw away from them because of their actions.

I can understand if you bring Norn's fiancee to talk things over.

Even in the previous life, I heard distinguished families had something like that.

They are operating by abiding those ways of general knowledge.

Yeah, I understand.

But, Zenith is no good!

She has memory loss and can't even live properly by herself.

For what reason someone would even consider to make her a bride granted her condition!

Moreover, her body is healthy? Being able to give birth to children is a blessing in disguise considering menstruation?

The married Zenith will receive nursing at daytime and will get embraced by her husband at night?

I know what that is called.

A dutch-wife.

And what if she gets pregnant? Will you bear it? Will you consider bearing it?

Even if she does give birth, what about Zenith's intention?

What about my feelings? What do you think will become of the children that are left behind?

What do you know about a person's mother!

What do you know about your own daughter!

Substantially, what's up with this function!

Means of treatment?

A machine to give birth?

Don't joke around!

She came back here for the first time in a long time!

What about Claire!

But make the cream stew! [8]


The last strange word that came out finally calmed me down a little.

My stomach was making a "guruguru" sound.

That's right, I am hungry.

I didn't eat anything at noon.

I want to eat anything other than stew.


I turned around on being called.

Aisha was fidgeting.

With a troubled face and considering what to say.


I immediately reached out my hand in silence and hugged her.

She didn't resist me but rather completely settled within my arms.

I understood the reason why Aisha or Norn, even Lilia had spoken so ambiguously.

That's right.

About such a painful meeting.

I don't know what kind of things that person said to Aisha and Norn while they were being raised.

But, it must have been an undoubtedly unpleasant experience.

"Sorry for bringing you along."

"No. It's fine. But we weren't able to make a connection." [9]

Knead? [10]

Rice? [11]

Rice-plant? [12]

Connection. [13]

Ah, that's right.

I was thinking of borrowing the assistance of the Latreia's to my side in order to form the mercenary group.

"Well it's alright, I don't want to borrow such assistance."

I'll make a different connection.

I'll ask Cliff to try and see if trust can be formed with his grandfather.....

It might not do to ask so much of an influential person like Cliff... well, it's fine.

If that doesn't work out, we'll just have to go along without any connections.

No matter what, I'm tired for today.

Let's return back and take a rest...

But, even if I return, there is no place to stay at.

Right now if I choose to lodge at the adventurer's district it will be late night by the time we reach there, Zenith will also have to walk till there somehow.......

Alright, let's lodge at Cliff's house again.

While thinking that, I turned towards Cliff's house.

After the encounter with Claire, I returned to Cliff's house with a dejected heart.

Right before me, an unbelievable scene was unfolding.

Wow, inside the house Cliff was hugging an unfamiliar woman.

A plain looking woman.

Bright chest-nut colored short hair, freckles on face, short height.

Though she typically looks thin overall, she seems to have a trace of rotundity because of her bashful impression.

She doesn't resemble Elinalize at all.

If Elinalize is like a cat in heat, this person is a castrated dog.

Certainly, there is no resemblance.

It's a lie.


What, seriously, the person who so strongly lectured me.......

The reason you didn't bring Elinalize along was for the sake of meeting that person?

Were you playing with Elinalize all along?

Even though you have a erotic partner, she still gave birth to your child....don't you feel anything in your heart?

Please say that this is a lie, Cliff-senpai.

After continuing from what happened at the Latreia, if even Cliff-senpai does such a thing, I'll stop believing in anything anymore.


Dammit, where is the love.

Sylphy, Roxy, Eris.

Anyone's fine, hold me tight and whisper love to me.

Then I'll be able to persevere for just a bit longer.

"Ah, Rudeus, at the right place. Hey, can you get the box on the top of that shelf? With my height, I can't reach it even if I use a stool."

"Ah, yeah."

By the time it took me to notice, Cliff had already separated from the girl.

It didn't particularly feel like they were blushing.

Only the feeling of supporting someone who has fallen off from the stool.

"Wendy, did you twist your ankle?"

"No, it's fine, thank you."

While hearing such conversation I took down the box that was on top of the shelf.

The dust which wasn't able to shake off during the cleaning the other day was blown off and the box was handed over to Cliff.

"Sorry......I think this is probably it......alright. I'm glad, with this I can somehow make it tomorrow."

Cliff took out some kind of crest from inside the box.

It's a crest of the Milis Church.

For the work, I guess?

"So Rudeus, what is it? Weren't you supposed to stay at the Latreia House for today?"

While listening to that I set myself on sail.

I really wanted Cliff to listen to today's story.

"Yeah, about that, listen to me will you-----"

While entrusting my anger to him, I explained to Cliff regarding my circumstances.

About the thing that took place at the Latreia House.

About Claire's speech and conduct.

About me not being able to stand it and leaving the house in a fit of rage.

About how I'm a little calm right now but my anger yet to subside.

Recalling it all irritates me.


Listening to my story, Cliff frowned.

For a saint like Cliff to not keep up his straight face, he might be able to understand listening to the current story.

".....Certainly, in the nobility of Milis there exists a custom where the parents get to decide about marriage, there also exists the saying about woman giving birth but.......Still I think that letting a person who can't converse with oneself tying the marriage knot is an idea of it's own."

"You don't agree?"

You ungrateful fe

Chapter end

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