Me and the Tigress Volume 3 Chapter 2 part3

Me and the Tigress Volume 3 Chapter 2 part3

Hmm. Long time no see, readers. Lots of stuff happened, but that’s not important. The point is, let’s get some loli tiger action going! Oh wait…it’s the oppai bear volume…

Oh, and also, I have absolutely no idea how to make Epub files. I’ve tried, and failed miserably. Besides, even if I knew how to, I’d have to revise the entirety of both volumes before I was satisfied turning them into Epubs. Sorry for the bad news.

Narae did bring a lot of luggage, but there wasn’t much I could help with. I guess putting her coffee machine and coffee beans in the kitchen and her bags in the storage shed was the extent of what I did? Narae had already unpacked and stored any clothes or other things that could have caught my attention. There was, however, a small bag left unopened in the corner. I knew first-hand what was in that bag, and I wasn’t foolish enough to bring it up.

“Are there no electrical outlets here? I looked around, but I couldn’t find one.”

Narae looked up from unpacking her bags and asked me that while twirling the end of her phone charger. An outlet? Were there any around here? Considering that I’ve seen fluorescent lights installed, along with a a TV and a computer, I got the feeling that there had to be some around the house, but why couldn’t I remember seeing any?

“Wait, I’ll look for one too.”

“…You don’t even know where they are in your house?”

Narae looked at me disparagingly, and I prepared an excuse in my head. But before I could say it,

“I believe I can help.”


Narae screamed in a shrill voice and clung to me. NNarae! Y-Your breasts! Your breasts are on my arm! Actually, your sandwiching my arm in between your breasts!

“What is the problem, Narae-nim?”

Rather than release the tension from her body and pull herself off of me, she clung to me even tighter as she shouted at Saehee.

“Y-You scared me! Where did you even come from?!”

It’s better not to ask that.

“I am a ghost, you understand.”

See? Saehee was standing in front of us one second, but now she was standing behind Narae. Narae freaked out again and turned around. Narae, with her immense strength, actually caused me to pivot around in a circle. While in midair.

“Don’t do that again!”

I wanted to say that as well.

“I shall do my utmost not to.”

She didn’t say that she wouldn’t, though.

“More importantly, what was it you were looking for?”

More important to me was what she did with Rangii. I couldn’t help but feel like she was the type to whine in her sleep if she’s alone. I decided to hold that question for later and instead, since I was at least a little more experienced at dealing with Saehee, help out Narae, who was having trouble getting her bearings after Saehee’s repeated surprise appearances.

“Ah, we were looking for an electric outlet.”

“Is there not one there?”

Saehee pointed at something behind me. I turned around and found a 220 volt outlet in the wall. Weird. I couldn’t remember an outlet being there before. At a closer look, the plastic was still glossy, as if brand new.


“Is there something you are curious about?”

“Did you install that just now? It looks weirdly new.”

“That is merely your imagination.”


“That is merely your imagination.”

“Yes, just my imagination.”

I guess it really was just my imagination. I should stop talking. Stop pursuing this topic. Otherwise, the conversation will just get worse for me.

“But why’re you here?”

The vast majority of the times when Saehee came to me, she had some kind of business in mind. And this time wasn’t likely to be different.

“I risked a breach of propriety because I thought of a rather good idea.”

“What’re you talking about?”

Unlike me, Narae immediately grasped the true meaning behind Saehee’s words and spit back a retort.

“Are you sure you didn’t drop by to make sure we weren’t doing anything?”

An angel and a demon began having a conversation in my head. What could we have been doing in the room? Innocently unpacking. Or lewd things? There’s no way Narae could be referring to that!

“I shall be sure to keep that in mind next time.”

“I know you’re being sarcastic.”

“Oh dear, I never even imagined such a harmless statement could be sarcastic. My apologies, Narae-nim.”

“Are all ghosts as sneaky as you?”

Ahh, it was like watching a fight between a dragon and a tiger. Though this was more accurately a fight between a ghost and a bear. Regardless, it was clear to me that I couldn’t do anything in this fight. So could you please let go of my arm before going off to fight? The sensation on my arm is so wonderful that another part of my body is about to become a problem. At this rate, I’ll have to either hunch forward awkwardly or kneel on the ground with one leg forward.

“My sneakiness is hardly comparable to that of the Bear Clan. Are you not even now ostentatiously making full use of your adult assets?”

“My adult assets…?”

Narae followed Saehee’s eyes and looked down. She saw my arm squished in between her breasts. She looked to the side. There was me, awkwardly hunched over. I gave my best casual smile and spoke.

“Could you please let go of my arm now?”

I doubt you can confuse letting go and throwing, but Narae threw me, slamming me into the wall. My back! My back!! My body exploded in pain, but humans are animals possessed of reason. I clenched my mouth shut and held in any noises. Because Narae looked incredibly cute as she embarrassedly covered her chest with her arms.

“S-Sorry! B-B-But I only did that because I was surprised! Got it?!”

She looked as if she were ready to beat me until I agreed, but even I could tell that she was saying that because she was genuinely embarrassed.

“Saehee. I’ll be counting on you next time as well.”

So I decided to tease Narae a little. Without even realizing that that course of action would be a one-way ticket to the afterlife.


Narae uncrossed her arms, stomped towards me, grabbed a pillow, and hit me in a furious barrage. Anyone who’s been hit by a pillow should understand that it hurts. Getting struck hard by a pillow is still painful.

“You idiot! Pervert! What exactly are you counting on her for?!”

It only takes a single word for someone to become a target. Narae’s one-sided violence, along with my pitiful shouts of pain, must have been difficult even for Sahee to watch, because she tried to stop Narae.

“Narae-nim. If you continue, you may awaken masochistic sexual tendencies within the Young Master.”

Who do you think I am, Baduk?! And do you really think she could turn me into a masochist when she’s not even hitting me with her fists or feet?

…Actually, I wouldn’t become one even if she were.

“If that were possible, it would’ve happened a long time ago!”

It looked like Narae agreed.

“This explains the Young Master’s personality.”

“I said he’s not! Ah, and also. Saehee. I’ve wanted to tell you this for ages, but could you stop making Sunghoon look like a pervert? I’m getting seriously tired of you calling him a lolicon and stuff! Sunghoon isn’t like that!”

Whoa! Narae’s words amazed me into a stupor. And I’m not just saying that because I was happy that Narae stopped hitting me with the pillow. I was touched that Narae genuinely took my side!

“I know his tastes better than you! Sunghoon’s a pervert who likes well-endowed women like me! Actually, he’s a pervert who likes anyone with huge breasts! He may look normal, but on the inside he’s just a dirty old man!”

I take that back. Suffering massive mental damage, I crawled to the corner of the room, hugged my legs to my chest, and covered my face. Did that mean Narae knew the reason why I like well-endowed women in the first place?

Probably not. Hahaha. So this is how Narae felt about my eight year long pure love for her. Hahahahaha!

“…What’s wrong?”

While I was busy trying to avoid reality, Narae walked forward and crouched in front of me. I looked up.The first thing I saw was her prominent cleavage, magnified by her kneeling posture, before my eyes settled on her worried face.

Yeah, I’ve always been like this. Someone who’ll fall for anyone with huge breasts! That’s right! I’m a dirty old man! To prove that point, I extended my hand and groped her breasts.

Of course I didn’t. I should stop thinking these idiotic thoughts. Narae was seriously worried.

“Nothing, I’m fine. Just trying to find my mental second wind.”

Narae got up and sighed with her hands on her hips.

“Phew. You’ve been saying weird things a lot more these days.”

“Because weird things have been happening a lot these days.”

“The most recent of those weird things is located in the corner of this very room, Young Master.”

The way you entered Narae’s room is way weirder.

“Enough joking around. Why did you come here? That wasn’t the real reason, was it?”

“You have been elevated from a frog to a lizard, Young Master.”

Was that right? I wasn’t sure which of the two were more evolved. I should have focused more during biology.

“Isn’t Sunghoon more a dog than a lizard?”

“I see you are referring to the mutts that often inhabit the countryside. So this is how the shocking revelation that the Young Master is, in truth, Baduk’s son is revealed.”

I couldn’t understand how Baduk could be so happy and lively when she’s treated like this. Though that wasn’t the important thing right now.

“Could we get back to the original topic?”

Because I felt the need for a rest. After we finish unpacking, I wanted to go into my room and sleep. I was still tired from everything that happened yesterday, and today was exhausting as well.

“Then can you please read this?”

Saehee took out a book from her sleeve and handed it to me. Was that her purpose all along? The memories of The Grateful Magpie, the book she gave me a few days ago, came back to me. This time, there were Me and the Tigress written on the cover and a picture of Rangii in an energetic pose. On the back cover were “Written by Kang Saehee,” “Acorn Publishers,” and “Price: 6,800₩.”

“What is that?”

“A novel.”

Another question popped into my head.

“What about that encyclopedia I asked you to write?”

“I am currently writing it.”

So she really is working on it.

“If you two would, please read it.”

“Do you only have the one book?”

“I did not have enough time to write more than one. It is handmade, you see.”

How does she have the time to do this?

“Then I guess I’ll just read it later.”

“Please read it together. Filming the two of you together would be an excellent opportunity.”

“Do we really need to do it right now?”

“Indeed. Would you not agree that time is of the essence, Narae-nim?”

Saehee’s mysterious words elicited a sigh from Narae.

“…I guess there’s no helping it.”

Whoa? Narae was suddenly right next to me. A faint sweet smell was coming off Narae. And was that all? I could feel Narae’s soft chest against my arm, making it difficult to maintain my sanity. H-How does she expect me to read like this? It feels like I could cause her breasts to jiggle if I moved my arm, so should I pretend to slip and do just that?

“G-Get any funny thoughts, and you’re dead.”

It looked like I had to face death. Narae clung to me tighter even as she blushed. I was about to ask her why she was doing that, when I realized what Narae was telling me with her eyes.

Saehee’s already filming, you idiot.

When I looked up, I saw Saehee with a smartphone in hand and a smile lifting the corners of her mouth. She really wasn’t kidding? Well, then there’s no helping it. I just have to man up and soldier through this!

…Of course that was impossible.

“C-Could you just move to the side a little bit more, though?”

“Th-Then she can’t film both of us together!”

“B-But still!”

Your breasts are on me!

“You got something to say?”

I know! The choices you’re giving me are to either die or read!

“N-Not at all!”

I reluctantly decided to read the book with Narae clinging to me.

Saehee said it was a novel, but the book she gave me was written more like a screenplay. I began reading.

Scene #1. On the living room sofa.

Sunghoon and Narae are lounging on the sofa while watching TV. Playing on the TV is the lovemaking of two lovers on a bed with raunchy music playing. After watching the show for a few seconds, Sunghoon wordlessly wraps his arm around Narae and pulls her to him.

Narae: S-Sunghoon? What is it?

Sunghoon: Let’s do it.

Narae: W-Wait a sec. It’s still sunny out. Wait until it’s nighttime.

Sunghoon: What’s the point?

Sunghoon pulls Narae up by her hand to have her sitting on his lap. Satisfied with the soft sensation on his lap, a smile spreads across his face, and, while Narae hesitates, too embarrassed to decide what to do in response, he drapes his arms around her and whispers into her ear.

Sunghoon: You don’t want to?

Narae: (With her head down) No, but…(turns head to look at the door that opens into the courtyard) Rangii might show up at any time.

Sunghoon nibbles on Narae’s ear. Narae lets out a soft moan.

Sunghoon: Doesn’t that make it better? She can just join in after we start.

Narae: (Looking around the room) Y-You pervert.

Narae looks down at Sunghoon’s thigh.

Narae: I-I’ve been feeling something touching my butt for a while now.

Sunghoon: Are you asking for real? You’ve already seen it a few times.

Narae: F-For real. You idiot.

Sunghoon holds Narae’s chin, angling it so that they are facing each other.

Sunghoon: Want a better look?

Narae is speechless as Sunghoon holds Narae’s hand and brings it lower. Narae moves her hand away as if disgusted.

Narae: (Shaking her head) N-Not right now. Let’s do it at night. Okay?

Sunghoon: Really? Then I’ll just have to do this instead.

Sunghoon holds Narae by the waist and puts her down at his side. Sunghoon then stands up, and Narae, confused, looks up at him.

Narae: …What are you doing?

Sunghoon: You said no, so what am I supposed to do? I guess I’ll go to Rangii now. (While looking at the door) Since Rangii always does exactly as I tell her to. Wherever and whenever, no matter what.

Narae: (Taken aback at what Sunghoon said, she grabs his hand.) Wait, Sunghoon.

Sunghoon: (A smile plays at the corners of his mouth.) What is it?

Narae: (Speaking clearly even with her head lowered and shaking) L-Let’s do it. Right now. Take your **** and **** me in my ****** and make me “UWAAAAGH!!”

I threw the book on the ground. This is probably obvious without explaining it, but my face was redder than a piece of heated steel. The same was true for Narae, who was reading the book with me. Did Narae get as far as me? Actually, Narae reads faster than me, so she must have read even more!

Narae turned her head towards me. The moment our eyes met, we almost simultaneously turned our heads, staring straight into the ground. Seeing Narae crouch on the floor, her face burning red, I remembered the explicit contents of what I just read, and those memories began to overlap with reality.

B-But that’s only because what I just read was so shocking!

“W-W-Where do you think you’re looking?!”

“W-Wait! I wasn’t thinking anything weird!”

“Don’t look at me like that!”

Why are you covering your breasts with one hand and with your other hand covering the place where your legs meet?! Do you think I have x-ray vision or something?

“And just how exactly am I looking at you?!”

“Obviously with the eyes of a mutt half out of its mind in heat.”

Thanks so much for that explanation, Saehee. Saehee, the cause for all this panic, hid the smart phone she had just been holding by putting it in her sleeve. I lost my temper after seeing that Saehee was the only one who looked completely normal.

“What the hell did you just give us?”

“It was a guidebook.”

“You just said it was a novel!”

“Did I really? My apologies. It was a slip of the tongue. It is a guidebook.”

Seeing Saehee so calmly admit her own mistake just makes me want to fall for her, dammit!

“A guidebook? Wait, are you kidding me?!”

Rather than solely getting angry like me, Narae seems to have realized something at what Saehee said.

“Are you telling us to do what you wrote?”

“That is correct.”

“I-I can’t! I absolutely, positively cannot!!”

“There is no need to worry. That part of the guidebook has a high difficulty level. There are easier parts written elsewhere.”

“I still can’t!’

Wait just one second. From what I gather based on Narae and Saehee’s banter, Saehee wants Narae and me—and Rangii, who, despite not appearing in that scene, likely has a sizable number of lines—to act just as she wrote in that book. And why? So that Ungnyeo will accept that we truly are lovers. Hm, I understand.


I’m having difficult working my mouth.

“You expect me to do all this?!”

“Shall I assume, then, that, in your very brain, you have downloaded the 1995 software famous for its frequent blue screens?

I’m not in the mood for jokes.

“How do you expect me to do that?! Are you trying to kill me?!”

“It is impossible to die from embarrassment.”

“I will! I seriously will die!”

Because of Narae. And I simply don’t want that to happen.

I’ll admit that I do want some kind of relationship to form between Narae and me, but not even in the slightest do I want to do erotic things with her by using something like this as an excuse. I want something like that to happen naturally after we become lovers, after we’ve had time to talk with each other and make sure we’re both ready. Do you think I’m an idiot? Hah! I’ve known for 10 years how stupid that sentiment is, but don’t you look down on the pure, genuine love I’ve felt for these past 8 years for a single girl. I know full well what you think.

Saehee turned that pure, genuine love into something perverted.

“What could be the issue with something like this? After all, Young Master, are you not also the one who so freely fondled Kkachi-nim’s breasts, buttocks, and thighs with those hands of yours?”

“Let’s take this outside, dammit. Only one of us is going to survive today!!”


I intended to grab Saehee by the collar and get in a full phantom vs human brawl with her in the courtyard, but instead, Narae grabbed me by the collar. Narae was so angry that I was afraid her lip would burst from how hard she was biting it. And with her other hand, she was tightening her fist. One wrong word, and my teeth might no longer be attached firmly to my mouth. I needed to focus on my survival first.

“Explain. Right now.”

I told her the truth.

“Chii, the kid I told you about earlier, stayed outside at night with wet clothes for a long time, and to stop her from dying of hypothermia, I had to massage her body!”

I only realized today that I was capable of both speaking so quickly and so logically.

“Is that the truth?”

Narae’s eyes narrowed, becoming sharp lines. An imperious stare shared between friends.

“You already said that you can tell when I lie.”

I quickly blinked my eyes innocently. Narae grimaced, as if nauseated, and looked away.

“Didn’t I already tell you not to do that again?”

“…I’m sorry.”

Chapter end

Volume 5 prologue
Volume 5 Chapter 2 part3
Volume 5 Chapter 2 part2
Volume 5 Chapter 2 part1
Volume 5 Chapter 1 part5
Volume 5 Chapter 1 part4
Volume 5 Chapter 1 part3
Volume 5 Chapter 1 part2
Volume 5 Chapter 1 part1
Volume 4 Chapter 6
Volume 4 Chapter 5 part2
Volume 4 Chapter 5 part1
Volume 4 Chapter 4 part2
Volume 4 Chapter 4 part1
Volume 4 scribbles
Volume 4 Chapter 3 part8
Volume 4 Chapter 3 part7
Volume 4 Chapter 3 part6
Volume 4 Chapter 3 part5
Volume 4 Chapter 3 part4
Volume 4 prologue part3
Volume 4 Chapter 3 part2
Volume 4 Chapter 3 part1
Volume 4 Chapter 2 part3
Volume 4 prologue part2
Volume 4 Chapter 2 part1
Volume 4 Chapter 1 part5
Volume 4 Chapter 1 part4
Volume 4 Chapter 1 part3
Volume 4 Chapter 1 part2
Volume 4 prologue part1
Volume 3 Chapter 5
Volume 3 Chapter 4 part5
Volume 3 Chapter 4 part4
Volume 3 Chapter 4 part3
Volume 3 Chapter 4 part2
Volume 3 Chapter 4 part1
Volume 3 Chapter 3 part7
Volume 3 Chapter 3 part6
Volume 3 Chapter 3 part5
Volume 3 Chapter 3 part4
Volume 3 prologue part3
Volume 3 Chapter 3 part2
Volume 3 Chapter 3 part1
Volume 3 afterword
Volume 3 Chapter 2 part4
Volume 3 Chapter 2 part3
Volume 3 prologue part2
Volume 3 Chapter 2 part1
Volume 3 Chapter 1 part4
Volume 3 Chapter 1 part3
Volume 3 Chapter 1 part2
Volume 3 prologue part1
Volume 2 Chapter 5
Volume 2 Chapter 4 part7
Volume 2 Chapter 4 part6
Volume 2 Chapter 4 part4
Volume 2 Chapter 4 part3
Volume 2 Chapter 4 part2
Volume 2 Chapter 4 part1
Volume 2 Chapter 3 part8
Volume 2 Chapter 3 part7
Volume 2 Chapter 3 part6
Volume 2 Chapter 3 part5
Volume 2 Chapter 3 part4
Volume 2 Chapter 3 part3
Volume 2 Chapter 3 part2
Volume 2 Chapter 3 part1
Volume 2 Chapter 2 part7
Volume 2 Chapter 2 part6
Volume 2 Chapter 2 part5
Volume 2 Chapter 2 part4
Volume 2 Chapter 2 part3
Volume 2 Chapter 2 part2
Volume 2 Chapter 2 part1
Volume 2 authors scribbles
Volume 2 Chapter 1 part3
Volume 2 Chapter 1 part2
Volume 2 Chapter 1 part1
Volume 1 Chapter 5
Volume 1 Chapter 4 part2
Volume 1 Chapter 4 part1
Volume 1 Chapter 3 part6
Volume 1 Chapter 3 part5
Volume 1 Chapter 3 part4
Volume 1 Chapter 3 part3
Volume 1 Chapter 3 part2
Volume 1 Chapter 3 part1
Volume 1 Chapter 2 part3
Volume 1 Chapter 2 part2
Volume 1 Chapter 2 part1
Volume 1 Chapter 1 part9
Volume 1 Chapter 1 part8
Volume 1 Chapter 1 part7
Volume 1 Chapter 1 part6
Volume 1 Chapter 1 part5
Volume 1 Chapter 1 part4
Volume 1 Chapter 1 part3
Volume 1 Chapter 1 part2
Volume 1 Chapter 1 part14
Volume 1 Chapter 1 part13
Volume 1 Chapter 1 part12
Volume 1 Chapter 1 part11
Volume 1 Chapter 1 part1
ch.38 (v2017)
Chapter 283 New
Chapter 282
Chapter 281
Chapter 280
Chapter 279
Chapter 278
Chapter 277
Chapter 276
Chapter 275
Chapter 274
Chapter 273
Chapter 272
Chapter 271
Chapter 270
Chapter 269
Chapter 268
Chapter 266
Chapter 265
Chapter 263
Chapter 262
Chapter 261
Chapter 260
Chapter 258
Chapter 257
Chapter 256
Chapter 255.5
Chapter 254
Chapter 253
Chapter 252
Chapter 251
Chapter 250
Chapter 249
Chapter 248
Chapter 247
Chapter 246
Chapter 245
Chapter 244
Chapter 243
Chapter 242
Chapter 241
Chapter 240
Chapter 239
Chapter 238
Chapter 237
Chapter 236
Chapter 235
Chapter 234
Chapter 233
Chapter 232
Chapter 231
Chapter 230
Chapter 229
Chapter 227
Chapter 226
Chapter 225
Chapter 224
Chapter 221
Chapter 220
Chapter 219
Chapter 218
Chapter 217
Chapter 216
Chapter 215
Chapter 214
Chapter 213
Chapter 212
Chapter 211
Chapter 210
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Chapter 112
Chapter 111
Chapter 98
Chapter 97
Chapter 96
Chapter 95
Chapter 94
Chapter 93
Chapter 92
Chapter 91
Chapter 90
Chapter 89
Chapter 88
Chapter 87
Chapter 86
Chapter 85
Chapter 84
Chapter 83
Chapter 82
Chapter 81
Chapter 80
Chapter 79
Chapter 78
Chapter 77
Chapter 76
Chapter 75
Chapter 74
Chapter 73
Chapter 72
Chapter 71
Chapter 70
Chapter 69
Chapter 68
Chapter 67
Chapter 66
Chapter 65
Chapter 64
Chapter 63
Chapter 62
Chapter 61
Chapter 60
Chapter 59
Chapter 58
Chapter 57
Chapter 56
Chapter 55
Chapter 54
Chapter 53
Chapter 52
Chapter 51
Chapter 50
Chapter 49
Chapter 48
Chapter 47
Chapter 46
Chapter 45
Chapter 44
Chapter 43
Chapter 42
Chapter 41
Chapter 40
Chapter 39
Chapter 38
Chapter 37
Chapter 36
Chapter 35
Chapter 34
Chapter 33
Chapter 32
Chapter 31
Chapter 30
Chapter 29
Chapter 28
Chapter 27
Chapter 26
Chapter 25
Chapter 24
Chapter 23
Chapter 22
Chapter 21
Chapter 20
Chapter 19
Chapter 18
Chapter 17
Chapter 16
Chapter 15
Chapter 14
Chapter 13
Chapter 12
Chapter 11
Chapter 10
Chapter 9
Chapter 8
Chapter 7
Chapter 0
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