Joy of Life 681 Bamboo Flowering Inside The Royal Study

Joy of Life 681 Bamboo Flowering Inside The Royal Study

Without a doubt, Chen Pingping was an ace, at least he was once an ace. Chen Wuchang, one of the eunuchs in the Palace back in the day, was one of the ranked few, even if he couldn't compare to the incredibly talented Eunuch Hong Siyang. His own martial prowess could not be underestimated.

If he was not a powerful figure, how could he have challenged the powerful Xiao En when the world was in such an unstable circumstance? How could he have created such a sinister Overwatch Council under the eyes of a court full of enemy gazes? If Chen Pingping was not a powerful figure, how could he have led the Black Knights like a black storm across the land to carry out the astonishing thousand li attacks?

However, time and experience were the most effective tools of torment. Too much time had passed. Chen Pingping was already old. Unfortunately, during the attack to bring Xiao En back to the capital, Chen Pingping was heavily wounded. Half his body became crippled. He lost all feeling below his waist. His lifetime of cultivation also went with the wind, without a shred left behind.

This was history that all officials and people of the Qing Kingdom knew about. It was a truth that either made them feel great pity or great joy. When news came out of the Royal Palace to bring Chen Pingping back to the capital, no one, not even Ye Zhong, Gong Dian, Eunuch Yao, Commander Shi Fei, or He Zongwei focused their cautious gazes on Director Chen's body or the black wheelchair he sat on.

They knew Chen Pingping was a cripple. It was impossible for him to have any personal strength. The rightful caution and fear in their hearts were not because of how strong Chen Pingping's physical body was. Instead, it was a difficult-to-resist thought toward the sinister conspiracies in this old cripples head, as well as the incredible strength of the Overwatch Council that he could call on.

Chen Pingping entered the capital alone. With the Overwatch Council under strict surveillance and an important figure within cooperating fully, the major officials around the Emperor all let out a breath at the same time. As long as Chen Pingping was unable to use the dark force tied to his withered fingers, then the Royal Palace was safe.

Precisely because of this judgment, they were not worried that Chen Pingping would do any harm to the Emperor in the royal study. Even if Chen Pingping was still the powerful figure on the black warhorse, he would not have any ability to retaliate in front of the Emperor, the foremost ace in the world. And, as for that black wheelchair? The old Director had sat in this wheelchair for many years. Everyone was used to the existence of this wheelchair. Some even saw it as a part of Chen Pingping.

Habit was a powerful thing, enough so that people could completely disregard it. When Chen Pingping entered the royal study in his black wheelchair, no one, including Eunuch Yao, was alerted by it. This was their major mistake.

Just like them, the Emperor, after having talked for a long time in the dim morning rain, also made a mistake in the moment his state of mind recovered its indifference and calm. When the pale-faced Chen Pingping looked at the snow-white wall of the royal study behind him and quietly called out that woman's name, his state of mind relaxed slightly. Following Chen Pingping's gaze with his own eyes, he missed the movement of Chen Pingping's arms resting on the arms of the black wheelchair.

Perhaps everyone had played a childish and cute game in their childhood. A friend would pretend to see a stern elder or harsh teacher approaching from behind and cry out. Once the friend turned their head, a punch would land on their body.

Such a childish trick was used on the Qing Emperor, the most powerful man in the world. It had to be said, Chen Pingping's thoughts were marvelous, clever, and effective. Perhaps it was because the Emperor's state of mind had been shaken in that moment or because the Emperor's entire person had sunk into a realm of absolute confidence after Ku He and Sigu Jian died and Ye Liuyun went out to the ocean that he did not care about anything and turned his head.

Presently, there should be no one who would be able to hurt this powerful Emperor. Even if Fan Xian, Haitang, Thirteenth Wang, Yun Zhilan, Lang Tao, and the Shadow, all appeared in the royal study at the same time and aimed a fatal blow at the Emperor, the Emperor's expression would probably not change in the slightest.

However, when he turned his head, he only saw a completely empty snow-white wall. His pupils shrank. He turned his gaze back to Chen Pingping in the wheelchair only to see that Chen Pingping's hands, which had been lying on the arms of the wheelchair, were holding tightly to the inner side of the armrests while his forearm pulled back abruptly.

With a crack, the two smooth arms of the wheelchair suddenly split to the side and made a series of wondrous metallic sounds. Following the two simultaneous explosions, two powerful streams of air sprayed out of the two holes that suddenly appeared at the front of the armrests.

Thump! Thump!

Cleanly and crisply, without any hesitation, coolly and coldly, Chen Pingping gripped the arms of the wheelchair, which he had touched for years, and triggered the switch. Countless shards of metal and steel exploded toward the Qing Emperor's body with great force, propelled by the powerful fire powder. The black wheelchair opened up two paths of brilliant and dazzling sparks.

In this world, there was no one who could hurt the Emperor. That did not mean there were no objects that could hurt him. At least, the Emperor and Chen Pingping knew that the long mysterious black chest was certainly a threat to the Emperor. The wheelchair that Chen Pingping had sat on for decades seemed to be demonstrating a similar effect.

This black wheelchair had been carefully crafted decades ago by the palace treasury and the Third Bureau of the Overwatch Council. The pair of firearms that contained countless years of anger had been personally created by the woman who had died long ago.

At that time, Chen Pingping was crippled. She was worried for his safety, so she had mobilized all of her abilities and secretly arranged for him to have the best life-saving treasure. Over these years, the wheels and backing of this wheelchair had been changed a number of times, but this pair of armrests had never been changed.

Many people knew that Chen Pingping had a habitual action of gently stroking the smooth armrests. People close to him, like Fan Xian, knew that when they were silent and alone, the Director liked to use his knuckles to gently knock against the armrests. Each time, the armrests made a hollow sound, like a hollow bamboo. Bamboos had joints, strength, and bones. Chen Pingping did too.

The two blossoms of sparks in front of the armrests exploded. After the two almost simultaneous explosions, the sound of countless shards of metal and fire powder flew toward the Emperor's body rang out with a splatter, like rain hitting sand and hail hitting the ground, creating thousands of little pits and breaking countless Japanese banana leaves.

The royal study filled with smoke. It dissipated with unusual speed. Gradually, the figure of the Emperor on the low couch was revealed.

The Emperor was a Great Grandmaster. In the end, they were not gods. Their bodies were still that of mortal men. Although their minds were powerful, they could not react like a god.

When Chen Pingping activated the trigger on the wheelchair, he was very close to the Qing Emperor. The canister shot that fired from his armrests was unusually powerful and covered half the space. Even if the Emperor flashed away like an immortal, he still could not escape the boundaries of the weapon.

The Qing Emperor did not flash away. He remained sitting on the soft couch while the stone wall beside him was shredded into pieces and shattered bricks rustled down. A few pieces of broken wall hung in mid-air. The low couch beneath his body had already broken in half while the table in front of him had been shattered into wood shards.

Many fine holes and tears appeared in the dragon robe beneath the Emperor. With different shapes and different tracks, the holes appeared to be slightly burnt.

A pair of hands covered his face. The index finger of his left hand was slightly bent while the thumb quirked slightly. The blue porcelain teacup sat between his thumb and index finger without moving a tall. Even the teacup had not shattered, so the Emperor's face was fine.

Everything happened in a brief moment. The qi all over the Emperor's body was substantial. It whistled like the wind while the blue porcelain teacup between his fingers flew into the air with a puff.

With two gunshots, the black wheelchair was pushed back with enormous recoil and slid back at a remarkable speed. The wheelchair screeched against the floor of the royal study like it was going to produce sparks. It crashed hard against the wall of the royal study with a bang.

Chen Pingping's expression was indifferent. His pupils slightly constricted. However, he didn't have time to make any movement before he saw the jade green reflected in his eyes.

With a crack, the teacup flew out of the sky and crashed onto Chen Pingping's frail chest, breaking a number of bones.

Countless pieces of porcelain that had shattered into powder plunged like countless thin needles into Chen Pingping's body. It was painful and itchy, not something mortal men could endure.

A mouthful of black blood sprayed out from between Chen Pingping's lips, wetting his chest. Immediately afterward, a boundless, shapeless, and intangible force of zhenqi surged forward and subdued the remaining meridians in his body in an instant. It controlled the movement of every single one of his muscles so that he could not speak, move, or end his own life.

This powerful Tyrannical zhenqi sank into his body across the air and through his clothes. It followed his meridians and slowly forced out the powerful poison the old Director had taken earlier.

In the air, there seemed to be a shapeless giant gripping Chen Pingping's withered body tightly and picked him up from the black wheelchair. Hovering in the air, this scene appeared particularly strange.

Chen Pingping's white hair had long become a mess and lay in disarray across his forehead, gently covering the deep lines on his face. His clothes were covered in tears. The life in his body had been suppressed to the edge of life and death in an instant.

However, the old man's eyes were cold, without a glimmer of fear. They only carried a sliver of pity and disdain. Gradually, these emotions also disappeared leaving behind only calm.

Heavy footsteps rang out in the royal study. Slowly and heavily, the Emperor stepped across the debris on the ground and walked toward him.

The Emperor's right hand opened slightly. Streams of powerful zhenqi shot through the air and held Chen Pingping's thin body firmly in the air.

Other than coldness, the Emperor's gaze was dyed a wild blood red. The Emperor's hands trembled. They were covered with fresh blood and terrifying wounds.

The small tears on the Emperor's dragon robe began to flow with blood, seeping out endlessly and washing away the metal debris and remaining burned fire powder. The dragon robe had already been burned black.

The Emperor was heavily injured. The metal shards that could travel through stone should still be stuck in his body, but he did not die.

The shards of the teacup were inside Chen Pingping's body. He also began to bleed. Perhaps he didn't have much blood to start with, but the speed of bleeding was not very fast. It still soaked through his tattered black Overwatch Council robes in an instant.

The Emperor approached Chen Pingping, his chest rising and falling. The Emperor and official were both covered with small but deep cuts. The pain went deep, and the blood flowed without stopping, making them look very similar.

He lowered his head and glanced at the terrible wound in his chest. The corners of his brows trembled slightly. It was as if he had not thought that there was still someone present in the world who could make him come so close to death. A wave of hate and anger began to ferment and rise in the Emperor's body.

His hand closed around Chen Pingping's throat as he stared into his eyes. A bone-chilling hatred flashed through his eyes. "If I don't want you to die, you will not die."

Gray shadows flashed by the windows of the royal study. A few people slammed into the wooden door of the royal study, charging in. By the door to the garden, Ye Zhong, Eunuch Yao, and a few major figures stood far away from the royal study. They still heard the two explosions clearly. They knew something was wrong. They rushed over to protect the Emperor but came late.

Ye Zhong arrived the fastest. Eunuch Yao was close behind. After they entered the royal study and saw the blood scene in front of them, they fell silent because the scene burned their eyes too much.

They saw the blood-covered Emperor clutching the throat of the blood-covered Director Chen. They were stunned and did not know what to say.

The Emperor released his grip and allowed Chen Pingping's body to slide out of his hand and fall to the ground with a dull thud. He looked at his old comrade, friend, and servant at his feet with a strange gaze. He said in a cold and angry voice, "Escort him to the prison in the Overwatch Council. The treasonous bastard is to die by a thousand cuts tomorrow. If he dies before 36,000 cuts, you and all the useless bastards in the Imperial Academy of Medicine will accompany him to the grave."

Ye Zhong and Eunuch Yao felt like they had fallen into an icehouse. He Zongwei, who had just rushed into the royal study with a face full of fear, trembled in fright. It was not just because of the shocking sight in front of him, Chen Pingping's crime, or the Emperor's bone-chillingly angry order. No high-level official had died by a thousand cuts. This was the most humiliating and cruelest way to die. Furthermore, this order was directed at Chen Pingping.

The three people did not say anything. They immediately knelt down at the Emperor's feet, not daring to offer any admonishment.

The Emperor glanced one last time the Chen Pingping looking at him with a kind of cynical gaze then suddenly felt a burning pain in his chest.

How many years had it been since he was injured? The Emperor wondered this as his body swayed.

"The Emperor was attacked, send for the imperial doctors!"

The royal study rang out with Scholar He's frightened and worried voice. Ye Zhong was holding the Emperor's fallen body with fear in his heart. Unconsciously, he tilted his head slightly and slanted a glance at this scholar with vicious intentions.

The Royal Palace was in a state of chaos. Imperial doctors filed in and out of the palace. Periodically, pale-faced serving girls and eunuchs carried golden basins in and out. The water in the basin was already dyed a red color.

Eunuch Yao was serving the injured Emperor. Gong Dian, leading the Imperial Soldiers and aces of the internal court, had the Palace surrounded tightly. After Ye Zhong had given a few orders to the Bureau of Military Affairs, he stood guard outside.

The head doctor of the Imperial Academy had just walked out with his head covered in sweat. Ye Zhong looked at him coldly and asked, "How is the Emperor?"

The head doctor saw that it was him and replied in a trembling voice, "Commander Ye, although the Emperor was injured, his meridians are rick and strong. He should be fine, but…"

Ye Zhong's brows furrowed and he asked harshly, "But what?"

"The metal shards in the Emperor's body have been removed. But, looking at the Emperor's injuries, there should be some pieces still in the Emperor's body that have injured the internal organs. If these shards are not removed, I'm afraid…"

"Afraid of what? Is the Emperor in danger?"

"The Emperor is blessed and not of the mortal realm." The head doctor's voice trembled as he changed a way to describe the Emperor's Great Grandmaster realm. "There shouldn't be any major problems, but no one knows if it will have an effect in the future."

"Then, why aren't you thinking of a way to get them out?" Ye Zhong's body was short and round. It always gave one a sense of warmth. Now, the anger on his face was terrifying.

"I truly do not have such skills." The head doctor watched as Ye Zhong's expression grew uglier and uglier. He quickly swallowed and said, "However, Sir Fan Junior has managed a similar case in the Palace before. I ask that you quickly summon Sir Fan junior back to the capital. With him handling this matter, no latent danger should remain."

"The Duke of Danbo?" Ye Zhong's heart thumped and became half cold. From this morning to now, too many things had happened inside and outside Jingdou and the royal study. He hadn't been able to digest everything. Hearing Fan Xian's name, only now did he think of what a blow Chen Pingping's assassination of the Emperor was on the Qing Kingdom.

Ye Zhong's lips were slightly dry. After a moment, he slowly said, "Sir Fan junior can't get back immediately. Is there any other way?"

"The young lady of the Fan family. She works in the Danbo medical shop. She trained at Qing Mountain and was personally taught by Sir Fan junior…"

Coldness appeared in Ye Zhong's eyes. He straightforwardly said, "Immediately summon her into the Palace!"

After the head doctor left with the guards, Ye Zhong suddenly felt that his back was covered in cold sweat. Only now did he have the time to analyze the situation in front of him. When the head doctor brought up Fan Xian's name, he couldn't help but remember that before long, this young and powerful official would return triumphantly to the capital with the achievement of having taken Dongyi. If, at that time, Fan Xian discovered that Chen Pingping had been killed by a thousand cuts on the Emperor's orders, what reaction would he have?

Ye Zhong felt a chill envelop his body. The Emperor was heavily injured, and Director Chen's life was hanging on by a thread. Another batch of imperial doctors were working to save his life. He would then immediately be transferred into the Overwatch Council's prison.

He knew why the Emperor had ordered Chen Pingping to be escorted to the Overwatch Council. The scheming Emperor, even at this time, did not forget to demonstrate his coldness.

Presently, all the defensive power of Jingdou was in Ye Zhong's hands. He had absolutely no intention of resisting the Emperor's orders. However, he felt a weight that was difficult to shoulder. If the Overwatch Council actually rebelled, what should he do? Fortunately, the Emperor was only injured and did not actually faint.

There was no need to pay attention to what exactly happened between the Emperor and Director Chen. The assassination attempt in the royal study was something everyone saw. No one could, and no one dared, to ask for mercy on Director Chen's behalf. Assassinating the Emperor was always a capital offense punished by death by a thousand cuts.

A chill rose in Ye Zhong's heart. He understood the connection and friendship between the Emperor and Chen Pingping. The Emperor had probably been angry and disappointed to an extreme to grant Director Chen such a tragic end.

Except, ever since the inception of the Qing Kingdom, although imperial authority was as difficult to rock as the thousands of years of history of this land, each successive Emperor had always held a warm attitude toward the officials. Particularly during the last few decades, the Qing law has been revised and countless cruel punishments were gotten rid of. Even for those who committed treason, it was often just decapitation and wiping out the clan.

When it came to scholars and court officials, the Emperor had always been kind. Even during the Jingdou rebellion three years ago, in the end, he only sliced up the Commander of the 13 gate guards, Zhang Deqing. Compared to Director Chen of the Overwatch Council, what did Zhang Deqing count as?

Ye Zhong slowly closed his eyes. He involuntarily thought of the words Scholar He had cried out harshly when the Emperor had fallen into his arms earlier. He couldn't help a coldness flashing across the corners of his lips.

With He Zongwei's shout, the news of Chen Pingping assassinating the Emperor was immediately spread throughout the Royal Palace, alerting every single person in the palace. Then, it became something everyone in Jingdou knew.

Afterward, the Emperor might be mindful of the stability of the Qing court and attitudes of Fan Xian and all of the officials in the Overwatch Council. He might perhaps even be mindful of all the deeds the Director had performed for the Qing Kingdom.

Ye Zhong understood the Emperor's character. Even if he was going to grant the Director a glorious death, it would not be because of the affection between him and the old Director. After the sound of the strange weapon in the royal study, the Emperor only had anger and hatred toward Chen Pingping. There was nothing else.

The only reason the Emperor would call back his order for death by a thousand cuts would be for the sake of the Qing Kingdom's future, Fan Xian, the Great Prince, and territories of the kingdom.

There were many ways to die. Compared to a length of white silk and a cup of poisoned wine, the humiliating and cruel death by a thousand cuts would certainly make the Overwatch Council, Fan Xian, and the Great Prince feel a great deal more resentment.

All of this became impossible with Scholar He's perfectly timed shout because the Emperor had an Emperor's dignity and anger.

Ye Zhong sighed and gazed dazedly at the Royal Palace through the autumn rain, feeling hundreds of emotions mixing in his heart. He wondered how many stories would happen within the Overwatch Council's square building tonight and if the 10,000 elite troops he and Shi Fei had stationed outside the Overwatch Council following orders would actually have to be involved in a battle.

The autumn rain fell slowly. He coughed a few times. He knew the order the Emperor had given in his anger would not change. He only hoped that by the time Fan Xian returned, everything was already set in stone. Otherwise, no one knew what kind of chaos the Qing Kingdom would fall into.

Outside the square Overwatch Council building, the autumn rain fell. It grew colder and colder. Yan Bingyun stood coldly by the window. He had torn off the black cloth that had always covered the window and thrown it by his feet.

He looked in the direction of the Royal Palace and gave an order calmly and firmly. Thanks to Chen Pingping and Fan Xian's trust, he already held a great deal of power in the Overwatch Council. Even with such power, he still could not suppress the fires of trouble glowering within the Overwatch Council—the black fires growing in the hearts of black-uniform wearing officials.

Fortunately, Yan Bingyun had prepared adequately. The old officials and those who were absolutely loyal to the old Director had been sent by him to Xiliang, Jiangnan, and Dongyi. They had left the Jingdou. Otherwise, the situation would even more difficult to control.

The news from the Palace had already reached the Council. The news of Director Chen assassinating the Emperor had already become fact. The Emperor was heavily injured? Yan Bingyun did not know if this was the Emperor's excuse or if the old Director, who he had always worshipped, had actually done the thing that many people were unable to accomplish.

However, none of this was important. He coldly turned his gaze to look at the Qing elite troops in the streets and alleys outside the Overwatch Council and shook his head. He had to protect this Council, particularly under the circumstances of Chen Pingping's certain death and before Fan Xian returned.

No one could stand against the Emperor and the powerful machinery of the Qing Kingdom, even if the Overwatch Council was the biggest cog in that machine.

Yan Bingyun turned his head and looked at the seven heads of bureaus in the room. Faintly, he said, "Prepare to take over…" His brows furrowed. After a pause, he completed his sentence with great difficulty. "Imperial criminal Chen Pingping."

Chapter end

Chapter 727
Chapter 726
Chapter 725
Chapter 724
Chapter 723
Chapter 722
Chapter 721
Chapter 720
Chapter 719
Chapter 718
Chapter 717
Chapter 711
Chapter 710
Chapter 709
Chapter 708
Chapter 697
Chapter 618
Chapter 617
Chapter 616
Chapter 615
Chapter 614
Chapter 613
Chapter 612
Chapter 611
Chapter 610
Chapter 609
Chapter 608
Chapter 607
Chapter 606
Chapter 605
Chapter 604
Chapter 603
Chapter 602
Chapter 601
Chapter 600
Chapter 599
Chapter 598
Chapter 597
Chapter 596
Chapter 595
Chapter 594
Chapter 592
Chapter 591
Chapter 590
Chapter 593
Chapter 589
Chapter 588
Chapter 587
Chapter 586
Chapter 585
Chapter 584
Chapter 583
Chapter 582
Chapter 581
Chapter 580
Chapter 579
Chapter 578
Chapter 577
Chapter 576
Chapter 575
Chapter 574
Chapter 573
Chapter 572
Chapter 571
Chapter 570
Chapter 569
Chapter 568
Chapter 567
Chapter 566
Chapter 565
Chapter 564
Chapter 563
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Chapter 561
Chapter 560
Chapter 559
Chapter 558
Chapter 557
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Chapter 467
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Chapter 473
Chapter 472
Chapter 465
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Chapter 347
Chapter 346
Chapter 345
Chapter 324
Chapter 321
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Vol 2 Chapter 76
Vol 2 Chapter 75
Vol 2 Chapter 74
Vol 2 Chapter 73
Vol 2 Chapter 72
Vol 2 Chapter 71
Vol 2 Chapter 70
Vol 2 Chapter 69
Vol 2 Chapter 68
Vol 2 Chapter 67
Vol 2 Chapter 66
Vol 2 Chapter 65
Vol 2 Chapter 64
Vol 2 Chapter 63
Vol 2 Chapter 62
Vol 2 Chapter 61
Vol 2 Chapter 60
Vol 2 Chapter 59
Vol 2 Chapter 58
Vol 2 Chapter 57
Vol 2 Chapter 56
Vol 2 Chapter 55
Vol 2 Chapter 54
Vol 2 Chapter 53
Vol 2 Chapter 52
Vol 2 Chapter 51
Vol 2 Chapter 50
Vol 2 Chapter 49
Vol 2 Chapter 48
Vol 2 Chapter 47
Vol 2 Chapter 46
Chapter 45
Chapter 44
Chapter 43
Chapter 42
Vol 2 Chapter 41
Vol 2 Chapter 40
Vol 2 Chapter 39
Vol 2 Chapter 38
Vol 2 Chapter 37
Vol 2 Chapter 36
Vol 2 Chapter 35
Vol 2 Chapter 34
Vol 2 Chapter 33
Vol 2 Chapter 32
Vol 2 Chapter 31
Vol 2 Chapter 26
Vol 2 Chapter 25
Vol 2 Chapter 24
Vol 2 Chapter 23
Vol 2 Chapter 22
Vol 2 Chapter 21
Vol 2 Chapter 16
Vol 2 Chapter 11
Vol 2 Chapter 7
Vol 2 Chapter 6
Vol 2 Chapter 5
Vol 2 Chapter 4
Vol 2 Chapter 3
Vol 2 Chapter 2
Vol 2 Chapter 1
Vol 1 Chapter 39
Vol 1 Chapter 38
Vol 1 Chapter 37
Vol 1 Chapter 36
Vol 1 Chapter 35
Vol 1 Chapter 34
Vol 1 Chapter 33
Vol 1 Chapter 32
Vol 1 Chapter 31
Vol 1 Chapter 30
Vol 1 Chapter 29
Vol 1 Chapter 28
Vol 1 Chapter 27
Vol 1 Chapter 26
Vol 1 Chapter 25
Vol 1 Chapter 24
Vol 1 Chapter 23
Vol 1 Chapter 22
Vol 1 Chapter 21
Vol 1 Chapter 20
Vol 1 Chapter 19
Vol 1 Chapter 18
Vol 1 Chapter 17
Vol 1 Chapter 16
Vol 1 Chapter 15
Vol 1 Chapter 14
Vol 1 Chapter 13
Vol 1 Chapter 12
Vol 1 Chapter 11
Vol 1 Chapter 10
Vol 1 Chapter 9
Vol 1 Chapter 8
Vol 1 Chapter 7
Vol 1 Chapter 6
Vol 1 Chapter 5
Vol 1 Chapter 4
Vol 1 Chapter 3
Vol 1 Chapter 2
Vol 1 Chapter 1
Vol 1 Prologue
Chapter 746 Afterward
Chapter 745 The Rainbow In The 12th Year Of The Qing Calendar 3
Chapter 744 The Rainbow In The 12th Year Of The Qing Calendar 2
Chapter 743 The Rainbow In The 12th Year Of The Qing Calendar 1
Chapter 742 Walking In Front Of The Palace, Who Will Die?
Chapter 741 A Rainy Day In Front Of The Royal Palace
Chapter 740 Glass Flower
Chapter 739 Noon 2
Chapter 738 Noon 1
Chapter 737 Wither
Chapter 736 Dusk
Chapter 735 No Lake That A Garden Shall Not Reclaim 2
Chapter 734 No Lake That A Garden Shall Not Reclaim 1
Chapter 733 The Name Of The Most Powerful Person
Chapter 732 The Loneliness Of One Person
Chapter 731 Scene Of Radiation And Legend
Chapter 730 That Person Told a Story
Chapter 729 Someone In The Temple 3
Chapter 728 Someone In The Temple 2
716 There Are Snowy Swords And Frost At Cang Mountain 1
715 A Commoner Facing The Emperor Alone 5
714 A Commoner Facing The Emperor Alone 4
713 A Commoner Facing The Emperor Alone 3
712 A Commoner Facing The Emperor Alone 2
707 Chaos In Jiangnan
706 Pacifying Xiliang
705 A Sorrowful Song Of Defeat In Western Hu
704 Winter Arrives Again
703 The Truth Behind The Snowflakes
702 Variables In The North
701 Jingdou's Man Of Leisure
700 Look, It's Beautiful Up There
699 A Small Gif
698 Yes, Your Majesty
696 Prepared
695 Name Of The Temple, Shadow Of The Person
694 Rain At The Qing Temple
693 The Members Of The Qinian Unit Embark On Their Own Paths
692 Seven Days
691 Washing One's Hands Of An Official
690 Snowy Mountain In Dreams, Bloody Water In Basin
689 Unwilling To Wake From A Long Sleep In Fan Manor
688 Untitled Again
687 Sending Off Chen Pingping In The Rain
686 Looking And Laughing At Heroes Was Not Common 3
685 Looking And Laughing At Heroes Was Not Common 2
684 Looking And Laughing At Heroes Was Not Common 1
683 Chaos In Jingdou, Swaying Red Candle
682 A Finger Pointed To The Overwatch Council's Subjugation
681 Bamboo Flowering Inside The Royal Study
680 Chen Pingping's Revenge
679 Investigating Heaven And Earth Without Retrea
678 So What?
677 Decades Of Past Events And Anger
676 A Carriage Enters The City Alone
675 The Beginning Of A Battle Between Two People
674 The Wheelchair In The Night Wind
673 Gentlemen, Friend, Escape
672 I Want That Old Dog To Live
671 A Match Made In Heaven
670 Risking It All
669 Everyone Came From Jingdou
668 Wife
667 Rising Wind
666 The Return Road Is Bloody
665 Desire To Quell A Rebellion
664 A Simple Conquering
663 One Should Do As One Thinks
662 Opening The Hu
661 The Money Markets Of The World Must Be Killed!
660 One Object in the Air, the Swords in One Hand
659 Covered In Rain, I Came From The Sea 3
658 Covered In Rain, I Came From The Sea 2
657 Covered In Rain, I Came From The Sea 1
656 Temple, Ant, Notebook
655 Willpower Was The Way Of The Emperor
654 The Starlight Spilling Into The World
653 The Way Of Heaven
652 Ten Family Village
651 Farmer, Country Estate, Some Fields
650 Fish Guts
649 Making A Mistake
648 An Opening
647 Chaos In Spring Garden
646 The Black Umbrella In The Imperial Academy And The Light On The Nose Bridge明
645 Fake Impetuousness During The Banque
644 To Know The Situation From A Cup Of Light Tea
643 Separate Challenges
642 Graves
641 Thinking Bitterly By The Courtyard
640 Growing Up Overnigh
639 Taking The Courtyard, Seizing Power
638 Discussing Marriage, Discussing Meri
637 Returning To The Capital To Beg For A Position
636 The Waves Retreating
635 The Waves Retreating
634 We Are All Seas Of Different Colors
633 Poisoned
632 Only Saints Should Use Them
631 Drawing Four Swords, Considering A Vacant Hear
630 If Three Walk Together
629 In A Flash
628 A Large Tree
627 Old Man
626 The Pit In The Sword Hu
625 Brushing Hair
624 Each Emperor Has His Own Officials
623 True Joy In Front Of A Palace
622 The Secret In The Dusk
621 Guests In The Hu
620 Breaking The Willow, Entering The Hu
619 The Woman In The Mountain Residence And The Heart Of An Emperor
Chapter 344
Chapter 343
Chapter 342
Chapter 341
Chapter 340
Chapter 339
Chapter 338
Chapter 337
Chapter 336
Chapter 335
Chapter 334
Chapter 333
Chapter 332
Chapter 331
Chapter 330: Disturbance Before Leaving (Part 1)
Chapter 330
Chapter 329
Chapter 328
Chapter 327
Chapter 326
Chapter 325
Chapter 323
Chapter 322
Chapter 320
Chapter 319
Chapter 318
Chapter 317
Chapter 316
Chapter 315
Chapter 314
Chapter 313
Chapter 311
Chapter 310
Chapter 309
Chapter 308
Chapter 307
Chapter 305
Chapter 304
Chapter 303
Chapter 300
Chapter 299
Chapter 298
Chapter 297
Chapter 296
Chapter 295
Chapter 294
Chapter 293
Chapter 292
Chapter 291
Chapter 290
Chapter 289
Chapter 288
Chapter 287
Chapter 286
Chapter 285
Chapter 284
Chapter 283
Chapter 282
Chapter 168: A Visitor in the Rain (Part 2)
Chapter 167: A Visitor in the Rain (Part 1)
Chapter 156: Court Discussions (Part 2)
Chapter 155: Court Discussions (Part 1)
Chapter 150: Gifts (Part 2)
Chapter 149: Gifts (Part 1)
Chapter 141: Secrets of the Box (Part 1)
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