

November, Year 764

Red vibrant liquid escape between a pair of soft plum lips of a man with delicate black hair and mercury coloured eyes. Dripping down his chin enhancing it's bright color along the paper white pale skin.

Sobs echoed throughout the dimly-lit room with only a bed and a nightstand decorating the vicinity. Laying on the bed is the master of the house, Reighlian Ethan De Gracia.

A name that should've been indulge with so much wealth and happiness yet here lies the once strong and brave man, crippled and already standing at the death's door.

Weakly opening his eyes and look around the people surrounding the rundown bed he was in. Three boys, one girl and servants that pledged their loyalty to him until this very moment.

Simon Eleazar De Gracia — the first son, Govanni Sebastian De Gracia — the second son, Tobias Crisanto De Gracia and Thalia Corazon De Gracia — the twins. Four lovely children of the archduke that are now hovering over him with tear-stained faces.

Couching up once more with blood oozing out of his mouth, he lean in and took his children's hands. With bated breath, the people inside the room watch the weak man with anticipation.

“ I'm so sorry, I have to leave you all like this. I couldn't even leave you with a decent life to live with. I'm such a disappointment, after the war — all I've ever been is burden to all of you. I feel really sorry that the duchy isn't even in it's best condition. I couldn't even leave my children with a legacy they'll be proud of. ”

Sobs intensified and some are even wailing. The scene was heartbreaking for the people who's witnessing it at the moment. It's true that after the war, the archduke was crippled with no guarantee of recovery.

For some reason, the archduchy became a laughingstock for the nobles and aristocrats after the archduke's return. It happened so fast that no one could even pinpoint how it even started.

Income became a problem and the archduchy suffered so much that they never showed themselves to the high society anymore. The once proud and respected De Gracia Archduchy — who people thought could rival to the imperial family, crumbled and burned to dust in a split second. Now, Reighlian is here bearing his last words to the people who served and loved his family.

His breath start to accelerate and his body growing limp by the second when the door burst open and there stood, the person that Reighlian trusted the most — the person who took his side every single time, the person who had his back — the Emperor, Acrasius Stephan Villaria.

“ Am I late? Oh thank goodness! Reigh! ” rushed the Emperor.

Turning to the people around and inaudibly ordered for privacy. When all of the people are gone — and just the two of them, laughter rang out the whole room.

Reighlian looked at the man in confusion. Why the hell is he laughing?

“ Oh my God! Finally, you're going to die. ”

Those words hit Reighlian like a brick and tried to muster an angry expression yet his body is too weak to even lift a finger.

“ Like come on! For 47 years, the people looked up to the De Gracia Archdukedom and I'm so sick of it. People always say that De Gracia has the power to over throw the Villaria, do you know how that feels? Wait no, you don't. ” Acrasius turn to the half deadman with a scowl.

“ You don't know that coz all these years everyone thinks that you're the better one out of us two. You're the responsible, the clairvoyant, the swordmaster, EVERYTHING! You're always the best in their eyes and me... I always shadow you, I'm always in the dark, I'm looking like a dog following you around. But it would be like that anymore. Because now, you're going to die — like a dog! ” he said with face contouring into an angry one and evil cackling was heard soon after.

“ W-wha.... ”

“ Hahahahaha how does it felt to be humiliated and lost everything you've worked hard on? The oh-so-mighty Archduke became crippled and lost everything. Now, not even a penny would go under your children's names. How pitiful, honestly how am I inferior to you if you're that naive and timid. Everything you built came crushing just by sending you to the war hah! Hilarious! ”

Anger, sadness, betrayal, and Regret rose upon Reighlian chest but his body is too weak to even utter a word.

Blurry eyes and dots start to engulf Reighlian's vision until everything is pitch black with one thought lingering in his head.

“ If only I could turn back time, you'll feel the same pain I've suffered Acrasius.”

Chapter end

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