I'm Actually a Cultivation Bigshot Chapter 208

I'm Actually a Cultivation Bigshot Chapter 208

Chapter 208: Man Can Conquer Nature

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation  Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Li Nianfan said calmly, “I'll tell you now, mark down my words.”

Without any delay, Meng Junliang took out his paper and pen, looking focused.

Li Nianfan's voice was slow and steady as he recited the usages of each herb. As there were too many herbs around, he only picked the more common and important herbs to talk about. He could speak of the rest in the future.

Even so, he had already spoken for half an hour before stopping for a break.

Meng Junliang and Zho Yunwu looked delighted! They looked at the written words as if looking at the most precious treasure in the world.

Even if there was a chance for them to be Immortalized, they would not exchange this moment for that. They had attained a long list of usages that could affect hundreds of thousands of ordinary men. This would be their survival guide!

Not only that, even Yao Mengji and Qin Manyun could feel the importance of this list.

With this list in hand, the vitality of ordinary men would improve drastically. In the future, they could rely less on the cultivators.

What was the most important thing for a group of people?


If they kept relying on others, it was equivalent to their lives being controlled by others. They would always be the weaker ones. Once they gained independence, their mindsets would be different and they would improve drastically!

Zhou Yunwu's eyes were brimming with tears. He stood up and bowed three times in a row to Li Nianfan. “Sir, on behalf of the rest of mankind, I thank you for your insights!”

Li Nianfan accepted it. Suddenly, he added on, “Oh right, there's one more important thing!”

“Sir, please, tell us.”

Li Nianfan said with a solemn tone, “This medicine book must be shared and spread to everyone to pass on the knowledge, but the book must be copyrighted! This book contains the law of nature. No piracy is allowed!”

Zhou Yunwu's face turned serious. He said instantly, “Rest assured, sir. I'll use the power of the nation to protect the originality of the book! I'll destroy all pirated copies!”

Li Nianfan looked satisfied. “Very well. You're lucky to have such a good understanding. Therefore, I'll teach you one more thing.”

Zhou Yunwu was delighted. “Please, teach us, sir.”

Li Nianfan asked, “How's your production of food?”

Zhou Yunwu said with a troubled face, “Not so well since our production of food is heavily affected by external factors. We haven't been producing a lot. It's not enough to feed all of us, especially since the plague hit. It came with famine.”

Due to the shortage of food, he had begged the cultivators for help on more than one occasion. During the drought, he begged them to cast a spell for rain. During winter storms, he asked them to cast a warming spell.

Li Nianfan turned to Meng Junliang and asked, “Mr. Meng, after visiting all the places you've been to, you must've seen different kinds of food production. Did you notice anything?”

After a moment of thinking, Meng Junliang told him the one that made the deepest impression on him, “Most foods are from the same kind but different breeds. Even their characteristics are different.”

Li Nianfan smiled and concluded, “Exactly! Have you thought of using two breeds, or even more breeds to cross-breed? This is so that they can make up for each other's shortcomings and produce a breed that can withstand winters and droughts.”


Everyone's minds were blown!

Such a different way of thinking instantly turned their worlds upside down! They had goosebumps all over!

So, so, so shocking!

Only an expert who understood the world thoroughly could come up with such an idea!

To breed animals that made up for each other's shortcomings? Was this not the same as humans?

If this was possible, they could pass this knowledge down for generations. Ordinary men would be self-sufficient!

The expert was indeed a Godly man!

Meng Junliang felt enlightened, as if a pathway in his head had cleared. His eyes lit up like two lightbulbs. “I understand now! I understand now!”

What was Dao? This was Dao!

To know each being well enough to use them accordingly!

Meanwhile, a soldier rushed in hastily. He said to Zhou Yunwu in a tormented voice, “Prince, the men don't believe in our medicine.”

They all frowned.

Zhou Yunwu scoffed coldly, “Why so?”

The soldier said awkwardly, “They believe in…the Demon God.”

Li Nianfan sighed softly. “Let's go out and have a look.”

They all walked out of the palace.

They could see that the street was somehow crowded with people who had gathered in a group. This group of people looked wild as they chanted along with the ten or so men in black robes. They were chanting for the Demon God!

Yao Mengji's eyes sparkled. Instantly, he saw his chance to impress the expert. He said hastily, “Mr. Li, some demons have possessed these men. I'll help you sort it out right away!”

Li Nianfan said, “Thank you, Mr. Yao.”

After a pause, he said, “Oh right, Mr. Yao. I need another favor from you. Later on, you could…”

“Mr. Li's a genius! It's a small matter. Just sit back and watch!” Yao Mengji laughed and went away. He felt good about himself. These demons were here for him to impress the expert!

Li Nianfan sighed again.

These ordinary men had to be more independent!

Li Nianfan hoped that there would be a clever leader leading the ordinary men, helping them to be independent!

This was the same for himself as well.

Respect was something one could only earn for one's self.

If the ordinary men did not respect themselves, how would they earn the respect of the cultivators?

Li Nianfan was an ordinary man with many cultivating friends. Although they were all friendly, if the rest of the ordinary men were all ignorant, humble, and low, it would drag him down as well.

Meanwhile, Zhou Yunwu was already standing on a tall tower. He called out, “Everyone, I'm the Prince of the Xia Kingdom, Zhou Yunwu. Please, believe me. We have the medicine to fight against the plague now. We'll be fine!”

Zhou Yunwu was a Prince, so his appearance did attract some audience.

Someone called out, “Lies! Even the Emperor of the Xia Kingdom doesn't dare to come out. Who would believe you?”

Zhou Yunwu straightened his face. He ordered, “Bring out the people!”

Instantly, a soldier appeared. He brought out all the infected patients.

Under the eyes of everyone, Zhou Yunwu gradually made his way to the patients.

He said to everyone in a loud voice, “As the Prince of the Xia Kingdom, from today onward, I'll live and eat with all the patients! We'll get treated together and wait for recovery!”

Everyone fell silent.

This scene was too shocking! Everyone was stunned!

He was the Prince. Yet he was willing to risk his life for the people?

Suddenly, everyone started to hesitate.

Among the people, a demon's face sank. The demon gradually approached Zhou Yunwu to kill him.

However, before the demon could approach him, he silently vanished from the world.

Yao Mengji smiled faintly as he pointed a finger at the leading demon and cast a spell.

Instantly, a gust of wind blew at them. The demon's black robes were blown away, revealing a face full of red marks!

Instantly, everyone went into an uproar, running in all directions.

“So, the disciple of the Demon God has been infected! There's no use believing in the Demon God!”

“I believe in Prince Zhou!”

“Prince Zhou is even risking his life to prove it to us! The medicine will work!”

“We're saved! All hail Prince Zhou!”

Soon, the crowd calmed down.

Li Nianfan looked at Zhou Yunwu and said, “I hope Prince Zhou can lead the ordinary men, teach them, and be an ordinary-man-loving Emperor!”

Zhou Yunwu looked determined. “I've learned a lot from your teaching today. Rest assured, the day will come. However, I have a humble request.”

Li Nianfan paused slightly. “Oh? What is it?”

Zhou Yunwu said anxiously, “If I were to face any problems along the way, can you please guide me?”

“Hhha, no problem,” Li Nianfan agreed.

He knew the importance of an Emperor. If he could help an Emperor, he would feel good about himself!

After coming to the Immortal Realm for five years, he was finally able to show off a little. After all, he had finally done something meaningful. He did not come here for nothing!

Li Nianfan was in a good mood. He said, “Oh right, let me write you some words.”

Zhou Yunwu was delighted. He said in excitement, “Please, sir!”

Qin Manyun and Yao Mengji were so envious! The expert was being so nice to this ordinary Emperor!

Daji prepared the ink. Li Nianfan picked up the brush.

Since they were all in this Immortal Realm, and this was written for an ordinary man, he could not think of four better words than these!

A powerful rush of air shot upward into the sky. Instantly, there were some changes in the world. The crowd could not help holding breaths while their hearts skipped a beat.

Li Nianfan's brush had landed on the paper…

[Man Can Conquer Nature]!

Chapter end

C992 – Deadly Chase
C991 – Entering the Mountain
C990 – Defeat
C989 – Danger Everywhere
C988 – Enticement
C987 – Rushed Arrival
Chapter 986 – Desperation
Chapter 985 – Cultivation World Calamity
Chapter 984 – Injured
Chapter 983 – : Flaw
Chapter 982
Chapter 981
Chapter 980 – Too Late
Chapter 979 – Arriving at the Battle
Chapter 978 – Straying From the Path
Chapter 977 – : The Unrivaled: It's Too Hard
Chapter 976 – The Unrivaled's Suprise
Chapter 975 – Forced Retreat
Chapter 974
Chapter 973
Chapter 972 – Shake the Skies, Fight for Wisdom
Chapter 971 – Wisdom is Falling
Chapter 970
Chapter 969
Chapter 968
Chapter 967 – Appearance
Chapter 966
Chapter 965 – Gray Mist In The Way
Chapter 964 – Door of Wonder Appears
Chapter 963 – : Burdens of the Past
Chapter 962 – Gathering Again
Chapter 961 – Wrong State
Chapter 960 – Door of Wonder
Chapter 959 – Expansion of the Unending Sea
Chapter 958 – Treasured Painting
C957 – Interfere
Chapter 956
Chapter 955
Chapter 954
Chapter 953
Chapter 952 – Fatal Blow  
Chapter 951
Chapter 950
Chapter 949
Chapter 948
Chapter 947
Chapter 946: Purple and Black Dao
Chapter 945
Chapter 944
Chapter 943
Chapter 942
Chapter 941
Chapter 940
Chapter 939 – Meeting Zhou Yuanhai Again  
Chapter 938 – The Undying   
Chapter 937
Chapter 936 – One Against Four  
Chapter 935 – Traitors Entering the World
Chapter 934 – Entering Supreme  
C933 – Igniting the Fire
C932 – Traitor
Chapter 931
Chapter 930
Chapter 929
Chapter 928
Chapter 927
Chapter 926
Chapter 925
Chapter 924
Chapter 923 – Ancient Demon Leaves  
Chapter 922 – The Strongest Past  
Chapter 921
Chapter 920
Chapter 919–
Chapter 918
Chapter 917
Chapter 916 – Second Serving of Wild Meat   
Chapter 915 – Golden Lake Appears  
Chapter 914 – Gathering  
Chapter 913 – Origin of the Contamination  
Chapter 912 – Generational Madman
Chapter 911 – No Swords Under the Heavens    
Chapter 910
Chapter 909 – : Drunkard Reappears  
Chapter 908 – Native Land and the Sun  
Chapter 907 – Supreme Being  
Chapter 906 – I Have the Advantage  
Chapter 905 – With This Person, You Can Rule Everything!  
Chapter 904 – Would You Believe Me?  
Chapter 903 – Like a Game  
Chapter 902
Chapter 901
Chapter 900
Chapter 899
Chapter 898
Chapter 897
Chapter 896
Chapter 895
Chapter 894
Chapter 893
Chapter 892 – Heading Out  
Chapter 891
Chapter 890
Chapter 889
Chapter 888 – The Victor Is Certain  
Chapter 887 – Supreme Power  
Chapter 886 – We Have the Real One  
Chapter 885 – What's the Meaning of My Hard Work?  
Chapter 884 – Big Demon Lord: I Don't Walk Alone  
Chapter 883
Chapter 882
Chapter 881 – The Wrong Choice Appears  
Chapter 880 – One Out of Three
Chapter 879 – Joining  
Chapter 878 – Hidden Realm of the Gray Mist  
Chapter 877 – Miraculous Soldier  
Chapter 876 – Praise My Name  
Chapter 875 – Eye Candy. Alliance Leader Revealed!
Chapter 874
Chapter 873
Chapter 872
Chapter 871
Chapter 870
Chapter 869
Chapter 868 – Two Buckets of Treasures
Chapter 867 – Come Get Materials With Me
Chapter 866 – Why is the World So Cruel
Chapter 865 – Stir Fried Pills
Chapter 864 – Blackie's Registration Fee
Chapter 863
Chapter 862
Chapter 861
Chapter 860 – Come, Blade!
Chapter 859 – You Can't Hold It
Chapter 858 – I Don't Know Any Swordsmanship
Chapter 857 – Smelting a Whole Mountain!
Chapter 856 – Free Meal
Chapter 855 – Your Scope of Vision Limits Your Abilities
Chapter 854 – Look, It's Starting Again
Chapter 853 – Battle Soul, Divine Sword
Chapter 852
Chapter 851
Chapter 850
Chapter 849 – Wisdom Pill Pavilion, Daylight Robbery
Chapter 848
Chapter 847
Chapter 846
Chapter 845
Chapter 844 – The Refreshing Smell
Chapter 843 – The Robber Getting Robbed
Chapter 842 – The Powerhouses' Plan
Chapter 841
Chapter 840
Chapter 839
Chapter 838
Chapter 837 – An Arrow to Save the Day
Chapter 836 – The Expert and The Bow
Chapter 835 – Daji's Conjecture
Chapter 834 – The Guardians
Chapter 833 – The Power of The Unknown has Reappeared
Chapter 832 – The Whole World Will Turn Upside Down
Chapter 831
Chapter 830
Chapter 829
Chapter 828 – The Overlord's Vestigial Consciousness
Chapter 827 – We'll Be Cheering for You
Chapter 826 – Devouring the Wisdom Dictator, Entering the Ancestral Land
Chapter 825 – Borrowing Power to Battle a Wisdom Dictator
Chapter 824 – Has the Yun Clan Fallen Behind in Times?
Chapter 823 – Abolish the Ancestral Teaching and Open Up the Ancestral Land
Chapter 822 – Yun Xiaolong: I'm Numb
Chapter 821 – The World Is to Blame
Chapter 820 – The Great Opportunity that Fell From the Sky
Chapter 819 – Blood Sacrifice Day, Fallen God Arrow
Chapter 818 – The Fallen God Bow, The Person Who Pulled the Bowstring
Chapter 817 – A Huge Haul of Game Meat
Chapter 816
Chapter 815
Chapter 814
Chapter 813
Chapter 812
Chapter 811
Chapter 810
Chapter 809 – Someone Actually Came Back Alive?
Chapter 808 – Wisdom Dictator vs Wisdom Dictator
Chapter 807 – The Arrival of a Real Wisdom Dictator
Chapter 806 – I Have a Stele
Chapter 805 – The Chess Pieces Are Like Stars Blanketing the Sky
Chapter 804 – Toy Man: See, Everybody? I'm the Epitome of Fairness
Chapter 803 – Master Fire: Victory Shall be Mine
Chapter 802 – The Rigged Game, Secretly Working Together
Chapter 801
Chapter 800
Chapter 799
Chapter 798
Chapter 797
Chapter 796
Chapter 795 – Taking the Heavenless Devil Palace's Spot
Chapter 794 – One After Another
Chapter 793 – The Domineering Power of the Heavenless Devil Palace
Chapter 792 – A Treasure Not Even the Heaven Plundering Alliance Can Get
Chapter 791 – Join Us and We'll Protect You
Chapter 790 – The Plan
Chapter 789 – The Whereabouts of the Five Battle Spirit Guardians
Chapter 788 – Garbage Ultimate Treasures
Chapter 787 – You're Up, Blackie!
Chapter 786 – Being Used as a Whetstone
Chapter 785 – Suppressing with Pure Power
Chapter 784 – Weak and Easy to Take Down You Say
Chapter 783 – Torture and Interrogation
Chapter 782 – A Battle Skill That Surpasses All Origins Skills
Chapter 781 – Bigger Fish to Fry
Chapter 780 – Going Back for Reinforcements
Chapter 779 – The Wisdom Dictator Made a Move
Chapter 778 – Chase After Them, Brave Cow!
Chapter 777 – Take Back Your Words
Chapter 776 – The Heaven Plundering Alliance
Chapter 775 – The Three Families Joined Forces
Chapter 774 – An Illusion
Chapter 773 – The Black–armored Men's Attack Plan
Chapter 772 – The Blood–Filled Fruit
Chapter 771 – The Nature of the World
Chapter 770 – Extreme Contrast
Chapter 769 – The Battle Spirit in the Origins Pond of Holy Dimension
Chapter 768 – Scheming To Enter Origins Ponds of Holy Dimension
Chapter 767 – Milk Cow: Destroy Your Own Spiritual Cultivation
Chapter 766 – For the Good of the Family
Chapter 765 – The Cruelty Of Human Nature
Chapter 764 – After Laughter Came the Tears
Chapter 763 – I Am Now a Gong Farmer
Chapter 762 – Visiting the Expert
Chapter 761 – The Young Master of the Su Family
Chapter 760 – Paving the Road for the Seven Dimensions
Chapter 759 – I Challenge You to a Battle
Chapter 758 – Going Home
Chapter 757 – Saved by the Expert
Chapter 756 –  A Shocking Set–up
Chapter 755 – Too Much Shit
Chapter 754 – On the Pursuit of the Eldritchs
Chapter 753 – The Song of Reincarnation
Chapter 752 – The Legend is Back
Chapter 751 – Catastrophe is Coming
Chapter 750 – The Ultimate Spell that Everyone Knows
Chapter 749 – The Sound of the Beating War Drum
Chapter 748 – Protecting the Environment is Everyone's Job
Chapter 747 – : In the Name of the Seventh Dimension
Chapter 746 – Chopping Wood is What I Do Best
Chapter 745 – The Sunberry Demons, Origins Fruit
Chapter 744 – We Want to be a Gong–Farmer Too!
Chapter 743 – There Is Nothing Normal In The Mountain
Chapter 742 – Left Messenger: I'm On Your Side. Let Me Lead The Way
Chapter 741 – The Eldritchs' Impending Attack
Chapter 740 – The Elite King's New Job
Chapter 739 – We Were Just Doing Morning Exercise
Chapter 738 – Don't Mess with the Local Powerhouses
Chapter 737 – Shi Turiming's Pride and Joy
Chapter 736 – The Safest Dimension of All
Chapter 735 – Wiping Out Their Memories, The Snow Globe
Chapter 734 – : Chaos is Approaching, Lost Memories
Chapter 733 – Old Pavilion Master: My Defense has been Broken
Chapter 732 – A Few Screws Loose
Chapter 731 – Little Fox: Do You Understand the Rules of the Game Now?
Chapter 730 – The Quest for the Antidote, A Struggle of Life and Death
Chapter 729 – The Insecticide, Trouble Knocking on Lord Angel's Door
Chapter 728 – A New Round Of Fertilizer Gold Battle
Chapter 727 – The Heaven–Defying People and the Seven Battle Spirit Guardians
Chapter 726 – The Old Nurturing the New
Chapter 725 – The Wonderful World Purified the Unknown
Chapter 724 – The Invincible Willow Tree, Do Not Defy 'Heaven'
Chapter 723 – Why Be So Irascible When We're Living in Such a Wonderful World?
Chapter 722 – The Eldritch Clan's Plan, Entering the Third Dimension
Chapter 721 – The First Batch of People in the Third Dimension, Reuniting with the Ancestors
Chapter 720 – Open–air Buffet, Portal to the Third Dimension
Chapter 719 – The Destruction of the Soul
Chapter 718 – Painting of a Wonderful World
Chapter 717 – Lord Demon's Escape,I'm Going to Explode
Chapter 716 – The Situation is Bad, Apocalypse Sky Dragon
Chapter 715 – Scheming and Variables
Chapter 714 – Guhui: I Need More
Chapter 713 – Osmanthus Cake, Guhui: I'll Handle it Personally
Chapter 712 –  The Blood–stained Stele, Metamorphosis of the Backyard
Chapter 711 – Battle Spirit Guardians, Tribute to the Fifth Dimension
Chapter 710 – Third Step Wisdom Elite!
Chapter 709 – Mosha Gone Bald
Chapter 708 – Abandoned by the Gods and Elites
Chapter 707 – Turmoil in the Fifth Dimension, Drawing out the Origins
Chapter 706 – Yun Qianshan: It Hurts Me to See You Like This
Chapter 705 – The Annihilation of Lord Angel's Worldview
Chapter 704 – : Successfully Stealing The Origins
Chapter 703 – The Heaven Mystery Pavilion Strikes Again
Chapter 702 – Alina was Saved by …?
Chapter 701 – Treating the Game Meat Well, Fallen Angel
Chapter 700 – The Heaven Mystery Pavilion is Scheming Again, A Crisis in the Backyard
Chapter 699 – Li Nianfan's Gift of Apology, The Discussion in the Fourth Dimension
Chapter 698 – It Will Be All Over Soon
Chapter 697 – Black Guardian Broke Down
Chapter 696 – The Trump Card, Saving Gu Yuan
Chapter 695 – Cross–dimension Battle, Clash of the Wisdom Elites
Chapter 694 – The Omniscient Black Guardian
Chapter 693 – Everybody's Scheming, Peeking into the Soul of Gu Yuan
Chapter 692 – Gu Yuan: Am I a Joke to You?
Chapter 691 – Witnessing The Miracle
Chapter 690 – A Sending Off Befitting Yang Jian
Chapter 689 – Soul Peek, Yang Jian's Cursed Contamination
Chapter 688 – The Heaven Mystery Pavilion's New Plan, A Dangerous Situation
Chapter 687 – Bathing Water for the Five Girls
Chapter 686 – The Heaven Mystery Pavilion's Plan, Origins Devouring Bug
Chapter 685 –  The Expert's Favorite, Tong Tian's Epiphany
Chapter 684 –  The Most Despairing Thing in the World
Chapter 683 – Lord Dog's Human Pet, The Origin of the Third Dimension
Chapter 682 – Murong Clan: One Backup After Another
Chapter 681 – Cultivator Tongtong: Every Day Will Have its Day
Chapter 680 – A Mysterious Stamp, Behold It Is Xing Ya in His Immeasurable Wisdom
Chapter 679 – A Gift from the Expert, When You've Reached Rock Bottom the Only Way is Up
Chapter 678 – The Laments of Tongtong
Chapter 677 – Body Strengthening Venison, A Bizarre Sensing
Chapter 676 – The Seventh Dimension that all Demons Feared
Chapter 675 – The Battle for Game Meat
Chapter 674 – Preparing a Feast, The Arrival of the Beings from the Fourth Dimension
Chapter 673 – Little Fox's Transformation, Shocking Change
Chapter 672 – Portal to Another Dimension, Little Fox's Determination
Chapter 671 – Cross–border Transcendence, The Passage Between Dimensions
Chapter 670 – Guhe: Where's My Sword?
Chapter 669 – : Fight to the Death, Plunder and Slaughter Seven Styles
Chapter 668 – Guhe Crossing the Dimension
Chapter 667 – The Heavenly Palace's New Night Scenery, Xing Ya's Ultimate Enemy
Chapter 666 – Suppressing the Demon Sword, The Eve of the War
Chapter 665 – The Eldritch's Atrocious Ambition, Wisdom Dictator
Chapter 664 – Spring Cleaning, The Ultimate Existence in the All of the Dimensions
Chapter 663 – The Demon Sword's Arrival in the Area of the Gods, The Power to Exterminate All Worlds
Chapter 662 – The Eternal Palm Star Pavilion
Chapter 661 – Unexpected Changes, The Divine Zombie Draws Sword
Chapter 660 – Guhe, Extermination Demon Sword
Chapter 659 – Wisdom Elite, One Fish Two Dishes
Chapter 658 – Born to Fight, Chaos Seventh Dimension
Chapter 657
Chapter 656 – Entering the River of Time, A Mysterious Phantom
Chapter 655 – Freedom, At Last, Turn of Events
Chapter 654 – Evil Blackie, A Cyclops Called Yanmo
Chapter 653 – In a Weird SpacePreserving One's Integrity in Old Age
Chapter 652 – Dragon Blood Wine, Keeping Fishes in the Backyard
Chapter 651 – Wisdom Level Seal
Chapter 650 – Winning With the Dao of Sycophancy, Luotian Dynasty's Ambition
Chapter 649 – What Is Wisdom? Preach!
Chapter 648 – The Power of the New Leather Short Pants
Chapter 647 – Just How Many Terrifying Creatures Does the Expert Keep?
Chapter 646 – Eating Cured Meat With Tears in Eyes
Chapter 645 – A Shocking Plot Twist, Resurrecting People From the River of Time
Chapter 644 – The One Who's Poor Is Me
Chapter 643 – Continuation Of The Ancient War
Chapter 642 – Fight And Suppress
Chapter 641 – Sudden Betrayal, Clearing The Family Register
Chapter 640 – The Heavenly Dragon Race, The Adaptive Old Dragon
Chapter 639 – Ancient Battlefield, Can't Erase The Fighting Spirit
Chapter 638 – The Fist Of Wisdom, I Can Teach You
Chapter 637 – Eat, Drink And Sleep, And Become Undefeatable
Chapter 636 –  You're All Too Noisy
Chapter 635 – Eldritchs: Our Luck Tonight Isn't Bad
Chapter 634 – Big Lord Demon: Don't Force Me, Don't Blame Me
Chapter 633 – Be Mentally Prepared for the Battle Conference, Free Big Lord Demon
Chapter 632 – The Gifts From the Expert Must Be Extraordinary
Chapter 631 – Words From the Expert, Huge Stir in the Area of the Gods
Chapter 630 –  One Sword to Kill the Elite
Chapter 629 – Nine Generations of Sword Masters
Chapter 628 – Garlic Detox, Ginseng Wine
Chapter 627 – Ninth Generation, the Scheme of the Sword Master
Chapter 626 –  Leave the Mountain to Cause Havoc
Chapter 625 – Nine Reincarnations Realm Cultivator, Pop Out Seeds With Your Life
Chapter 624 – These Are the Motivational Quotes I Ate, I Am the Master of My Own Fate
Chapter 623 – I'm Not Scared, The Expert Has My Back
Chapter 622 –  Rainbow Butterfly Clan, Legend of the Memorial Spirit
Chapter 621 – The Sky was Colored Red by the Sword Interns' Blood
Chapter 620 – Eighth Sword Intern, Sword Sharpener
Chapter 619 – Leaving the Mountain with a Sword, The Mysterious Legend in the Area of the Gods
Chapter 618 – Palm Sword Cliff, Jiang Lu's Dilemma
Chapter 617 – The Annihilation of the Ministry, An Eternal Situation
Chapter 616 – The Minister: I've Been Defiled?
Chapter 615 – Sword Pointed at the Heavenly Realm, Woken Up by Eldritch's Blood
Chapter 614 – The Sneaky Old Dragon That Has Everything
Chapter 613 – Chaos Storm, Secret Weapon Of The Eldritchs
Chapter 612 –  At Dawn Like Black Threads, By Evening Becoming Snow
Chapter 611 – Attention, The Expert Wants To Eat With Everyone
Chapter 610 – The Ministry And The Zombie World Tear Each Other Apart, Elite Reveals Himself
Chapter 609 – Neighbours Fight, Third Party Takes Advantage
Chapter 608 – Blackie: Old Dragon, Don't Insult My Intelligence
Chapter 607 – Senior Old Dragon, We Misunderstood you
Chapter 606 – Copper Coffin, Wisdom Realm Elite's Corpse
Chapter 605 – A Hidden Boundary, Chasing Corpses
Chapter 604 –  Gifting of a Sword, Pledging My Life As A Sign of Loyalty
Chapter 603 – Beautiful Wine in Luminous Glass
Chapter 602 – Our Dependable Ancestor
Chapter 601 – The Ministry's True Purpose, The Eight Great Tribes
Chapter 600 – The Super Clever Blackie, Left Messenger Left Without A Choice
Chapter 599 – Lord Dog's Fury, It Must Be Nice To Be You
Chapter 598 – The Lord of All Souls, Come Find Me!
Chapter 597 – The Evil Chef, Too Terrifying To Speak Of
Chapter 596 – The Evil Lord Dog, Dao Heart Shattered Into A Million Pieces
Chapter 595 – Epitome of the Word Stable, Golden Holy Water
Chapter 594 – Blessings and Opportunities Await Us
Chapter 593 – The Arrival of the Secret Border, Intelligent Blackie
Chapter 592 – The Generous Legendary Beast Sect, the Secret Border
Chapter 591 – Sit On a Realm Cultivator to Death
Chapter 590 – The Grand Entrance of the Ministry, Who Will Laugh in the End
Chapter 589 – Calligraphy Cultivation, Smart Blackie
Chapter 588 – Young Sect Master Hand Over, Bet
Chapter 587 –  Blackie's Leather Shorts, I Won't Allow It
Chapter 586 – The Wonderful Part of Working Out, Shi Tuyu's Scheme
Chapter 585 – The Forbidden Area, The Eldritchs
Chapter 584 – Cultivator Junjun Stretching His Wings
Chapter 583 – How Do I Repay You, Expert
Chapter 582 – So Even The String Master Can Lose
Chapter 581 –  String Master: I Feel Insulted
Chapter 580 – For Discussing Dao, There's Someone Else From The Heavenly Palace
Chapter 579 – The Winds And Clouds Of The Hometown
Chapter 578 – The Key To Closing The Gap In Skill
Chapter 577 – Paradise, The End Of Dao
Chapter 576 – My Master Never Miscalculates
Chapter 575 – Hating Someone Is Being Cruel To Yourself
Chapter 574 – The Old Green Man, A Lonely Self–Harming Person
Chapter 573 – The Big Battle of Taotie
Chapter 572 – A Very Narrow Perspective
Chapter 571 – Winning The Lottery Without Having To Buy The Winning Ticket
Chapter 570 – What Is Good, What is Evil
Chapter 569 – The Legendary Beast Sect, The Ministry's Ambition
Chapter 568 – Karma Is A B*tch
Chapter 567 – Li Nian Fan's Special Attack — Causing Blindness and Vertigo
Chapter 566 – A Surprise For Blackie
Chapter 565 – Witchcraft, Please Unfreeze Me
Chapter 564 – Ghastly Ghost King: My Life Is So Hard
Chapter 563 – The Dumbfounded Ghastly Ghost King
Chapter 562 – I Am Unimaginably Powerful
Chapter 561 – Simps Are So Crazy
Chapter 560 – The Correct Way to Eat Roast Duck
Chapter 559 – The Enviously Drooling Cultivator Mosquito
Chapter 558 – Stunning Little Fox. The Familiar Look
Chapter 557 – Flying Duck Demon King's Thirteenth Marriage Proposal
Chapter 556 – Demon City. State Your Name, Incomer
Chapter 555 – It Is Our Righteous Duty to Get Rid of Evil Forces
Chapter 554 – Gift From God Randomly Dropped From The Sky
Chapter 553 – The Underlying Meaning Behind The Superficial Question
Chapter 552 – Level Up The Settings For The Satisfaction of Having Legendary Powers
Chapter 551 – The First Experience of Using The Double Flying Stone. Don't Judge A Book By Its Cover
Chapter 550 – Tian Yu Split Apart
Chapter 549 – Bring Me To My Love's Side
Chapter 548 – That Good–For–Nothing Tian Yu
Chapter 547 – Please Don't Be Angry, Master. The Times Have Changed
Chapter 546 – A Tailor–Made Treasure
Chapter 545 – The Second Visit From The Empath Sect
Chapter 544 – Is There Something Wrong With My Absorption Stance?
Chapter 543 – Emotionless Ye Shuanghan
Chapter 542 –  Is That What You Call Poor Hospitality?
Chapter 541 – Qin Chuyue Regains Her Memories, Noble
Chapter 540 – Ye Shuanghan, Killing the Wife to Prove the Dao
Chapter 539 – A Life and Death Challenge for the Demon Lord
Chapter 538 – Is The Expert About To Move Personally?
Chapter 537 – Money Eyed Girl Qin Chuyue
Chapter 536 – : Definitely A True Love. Chaotic Situation
Chapter 535 – A Talented Demon King
Chapter 534 – Life Is So Boring and Dull
Chapter 533 – Empath Sect. The Water of the Suffering Sea's Blessing
Chapter 532 – Do You Know How Hard Money Has to Work?
Chapter 531 – : Be Brave to Be Yourself, Ruhua
Chapter 530 – Am I the Prettiest Lady in the Village
Chapter 529 –  Some People Are Still at the Starting Line, but I Had Reached the Finishing Line
Chapter 528 – Wisdom Evolution. Honeymoon Plan
Chapter 527 –  The Lucky Li Nianfan. Ruthless Hongjun
Chapter 526 – A Horrifyingly Thick Bolt of Lightning
Chapter 525 – Hongjun's Name Change. Powerful Cultivators From Everywhere
Chapter 524 – Two Faces And A Cracked Demon God
Chapter 523 – The Expert's Joy—An Era of Gaming
Chapter 522 – Merely Don't Want To Work Hard Anymore
Chapter 521 – Now That I'm Back, We Will Prosper
Chapter 520 – A World War, A Changing World
Chapter 519 – Dishes Are Life! Waste? Doesn't Exist!
Chapter 518 – Blackie Is Bald, Warrior Xiao Bai Is Fighting For Their Rights
Chapter 517 – Ying Yang Gives Birth To Everything
Chapter 516 – Capture the Prisoner, I'm Feeling Weak
Chapter 515 – Using the Candlelight to Destroy A Star!
Chapter 514 – Wedding Night. This World Will Be Over
Chapter 513 – A Worldly Celebration
Chapter 512 – A Godly Book At The Bottom Of The Pile. Learn From Pictures
Chapter 511 – Is This the Miracle They Spoke Of?
Chapter 510 – Try to Survive. The Hope in Despair
Chapter 509 – Worldwide Celebration. Forbidden Spell
Chapter 508 –  Can I Handle That as an Ordinary Man?
Chapter 507 – Wedding Ring. Ultimate Chaos Treasure
Chapter 506 – Blackie's Surprise. The Ministry
Chapter 505 – Fill In the Painting, Generous Lord Dog
Chapter 504 – Why Are You Glistening? Blackie Wants to Slice the Land
Chapter 503 –  How Bored Do You Have to Be to Do That
Chapter 502 – There Are Penalties and Punishment for Making Mistakes
Chapter 501 – I, Blackie, Will Make You Pay
Chapter 500 – Get Your Most Powerful Cultivator
Chapter 499 – Not Enough. Oh, They Were 'Roommates'
Chapter 498 – Thanks for the Reward, Lord Saint!
Chapter 497 – Tell Me Honestly, Am I Able to Make It Out Alive?
Chapter 496 – Who Gave You the Right to Kill on My Turf
Chapter 495 – You Bullies. Bad Dog
Chapter 494 – Blackie's Birthday, Are We Worthy Enough
Chapter 493 – The Bloody Commotion Caused by Two Fish
Chapter 492 – The Unlucky Goddess Nuwa
Chapter 491 – How Was This Casual
Chapter 490 – Li Nianfan Straight To The Point
Chapter 489 – A Harmless and Friendly Bigshot
Chapter 488 – It Seems Like You're Not As Knowledgeable
Chapter 487 – So Seductive. Can You Blame Me?
Chapter 486 – Daughter's Kingdom Is In Danger
Chapter 485 – Is She Insulting Our Friendship
Chapter 484 – Breaking Bottleneck From a Burp
Chapter 483 – A Visitor. Ali the Crystal Dragon
Chapter 482 – Fight For the Expert
Chapter 481 – A Hint From The Expert—My Duty
Chapter 480 – Never Forgetting That Shocking Day
Chapter 479 – Mighty Golden Cudgel—Show Thyself!
Chapter 478 – So, Those Are Black And White Impermanence
Chapter 477 – So Much Love From The Expert
Chapter 476 – It's Like Hitting A Jackpot To Stay Around Lord Saint
Chapter 475 – Intervening. Distinguishing Bulls
Chapter 474 – Self–Obsessed Ye Huaian
Chapter 473 – Onis Passing By. Ye Huaian Shocked
Chapter 472 – Can't Live Past Three Days
Chapter 471 – Go to Gaojia Village Together
Chapter 470 – A Spontaneous Trip
Chapter 469 – No Righteousness or Evil in the Chaos, Manage the Order of the Realms Again
Chapter 468 – Bigshot. Please Stop Playing With Us
Chapter 467 – Sh*t Luck Was the Best Luck
Chapter 466 – No Way, I Have Competition for Laying Eggs
Chapter 465 – The Excited Heavenly Palace, Peacock Saintess
Chapter 464 – The Impressive Li Nianfan
Chapter 463 – Goddess Nuwa: I Was the Fool the Whole Time
Chapter 462 – Oh No, Nanan Carried Goddess Nuwa Back Home
Chapter 461 – Sister Nuwa, I Don't Need These
Chapter 460 – A Replenishing Soup. An Uninvited Guest
Chapter 459 – Quote From The Television. Invincible Path
Chapter 458 – Bloody Sea Dried Out. Immortal Qi Revived
Chapter 457 – I Can't Afford To Miss This Battle!
Chapter 456 – Caught You!
Chapter 455 – Urgent: Learn and Share!
Chapter 454 – Plums Are Ready, Time To Part
Chapter 453 – Killing Path. Kill Everything and Everyone!
Chapter 452 – Natural Beast, Qiongqi. Massacre In West Mountain
Chapter 451 – Super Jealous, Expert's Cookbook
Chapter 450 – 'Classic of Mountains and Seas', 'The Taste Of Creatures' Meat'
Chapter 449 – Another Upgrade in the Four–Part Architecture, Expert's Humor
Chapter 448 – Wisdom Like the Sea, Showoff Blackie
Chapter 447 – The Expert Starts to Freestyle
Chapter 446 – Kill You Myself, The Ambitions of the Styx
Chapter 445 – Things Truly Worked In Mysterious Ways
Chapter 444 – Blood Battle of the Sea, God Jiro
Chapter 443 – The Destructive Plan
Chapter 442 – Our World Is the Expert's Bootlicker
Chapter 441 – Scared and Whiny Blackie
Chapter 440 – I Accidentally Stabbed You
Chapter 439 – The End of the Feast, Old and Weak Taibai Jinxing
Chapter 438 – Generosity of the Expert, Beyond the Sky
Chapter 437 – Eat Up Drink Up, Continue the Performances
Chapter 436 – Canary With a Dream, The Kunpeng Feast
Chapter 435 – Best Feast of All Times
Chapter 434 – A Sentence From the Expert, Gift From God
Chapter 433 – So We Are Carriers for the Expert
Chapter 432 – Power of Dao, Get In This Pot Now
Chapter 431 – Kun Is Big, One Pot Cannot Contain It
Chapter 430 – Li Nianfan, The One Who Doesn't Know
Chapter 429 – In A Fish In The Northern Ocean
Chapter 428 – The Expert's Qi. The Tip of the Iceberg
Chapter 427 – I Won't Allow You To Harm My Sister
Chapter 426 – What Happened? Everything Didn't Go As Planned
Chapter 425 – Sit Back And Watch; Pocket All Gains
Chapter 424 – : The Grace of Preaching. The Plan of Lord Kunpeng
Chapter 423
Chapter 422 – A New Record Since Prehistoric Times
Chapter 421 – : Mountain Is Not A Mountain; Water Is Not Water
Chapter 420 – : The Philosophical Plague God Lu Yue
Chapter 419 – We Accidentally Bumped Into The Expert
Chapter 418 – Frog In The Well
Chapter 417 – What A Pity Without Chicken Pox
Chapter 416 – Plague Versus Divine Farmer
Chapter 415 – Stopped By To Do Some Hunting
Chapter 414 – I'm Just An Ordinary Dog. Understand?
Chapter 413 – A Personalized Entrance Effect
Chapter 412 – Xiao Chengfeng Boasting
Chapter 411 – Perfectionist Deified Dog
Chapter 410 – His Awesomeness Is Right There, It Is Your Fault for Not Realizing It
Chapter 409 – Plague God, Stubborn Shy Small Mimosa
Chapter 408 – Goddess Chang'e With Weak Alcohol Tolerance
Chapter 407 – Weapon Level Up +1, Tear Trickster Li Nianfan
Chapter 406 – We Are the Strongest Allies
Chapter 405 – A Guangling Song, Extreme Purple Lightning Bolt
Chapter 404 – Western Sea Bait, The Plan of Group Destruction
Chapter 403 – Battle of the Western Sea, Fight for Being the Lord Dog
Chapter 402 – Heavenly Palace Army, Reckless Jade Emperor
Chapter 401 – Relationship Trouble, What Is Going on with the Realm
Chapter 400 – The Self–Compliment of Emperor Hao Tian
Chapter 399 – Sea Problem, Bluff
Chapter 398 – Dingshen Armor, Most Suitable Choice
Chapter 397 – I Have Never Been This Rich While Hugging You Guys
Chapter 396 – I Am Useful After All
Chapter 395 – I Am Such a Shameless Deluxe Merit Saint
Chapter 394 – I Am Such a Shameless Deluxe Merit Saint
Chapter 393 – All I Did Was To be Obsequious To Someone Else At The Right Timing
Chapter 392 – The Heavenly Spirits, Irritating Mosquitos
Chapter 391 – This Is Concrete Evidence. The Heavenly Palace Really Exists!
Chapter 390 – The Situation, The Current Villains
Chapter 389 – Maybe You Misunderstood Performances
Chapter 388 – End–of–the–Year Event Discussion, Borrow Us Your Spear
Chapter 387 – Preach, Household Tale
Chapter 386 – Nice, What a Nice Idea
Chapter 385 – Real Spy Operation, Start
Chapter 384 – The Expert's Hint, Missed Opportunity
Chapter 383 – Sorry, We Can't Go Along With This Performance of Yours
Chapter 382 – Plucking the Stars From the Sky
Chapter 381 – Certified Farmer Li Nianfan
Chapter 380 – New Year Is Coming. Celebration
Chapter 379 – A Godly Figure Like Pangu
Chapter 378 – Feeling the Joy of Living Again
Chapter 377 – No Need To Explain. We Trust You
Chapter 376 – You Know Nothing About Power
Chapter 375 – Your Opportunity Has Arrived
Chapter 374 – Three Thousand Years of Paths
Chapter 373 – Ziye's Conquering Act
Chapter 372 – Are You A Pig? Do You Believe This?
Chapter 371 – Li Nianfan's Plan. Someone Was Here!
Chapter 370 – Dragons… Shall Not Be Slaves
Chapter 369 – Sea Eyes, Where Is the Promising Tsunami?
Chapter 368 – Heaven Is Failing and the Source of Catastrophe
Chapter 367 – Splitting the Realms, Conspiracy
Chapter 366 – Theoretically There Is a Pass, Trick for Food
Chapter 365 – I Think This Could Be a Bonus
Chapter 364 – Odd Situation, Fix the Underworld
Chapter 363 – Bodhi Understandings, Acheron and Naihe Bridge
Chapter 362 – If You Don't Leave, Don't Blame Me for Lying Down
Chapter 361 – I Haven't Showed Up Yet, and I'm About to Die
Chapter 360 – Deluxe Merit Like An Ocean. Making Way
Chapter 359 – I Have No Fear!
Chapter 358 – This Vegetable…Is Poisonous!
Chapter 357 – Death Is Not Scary. We Have Friends In The Underworld
Chapter 356 – Greed and Steal
Chapter 355 – A Gift. Shock!
Chapter 354 – : If You Don't Live, How Would You Know?
Chapter 353 – You Must Be Burnt
Chapter 352 – : Test, Plan, and Big Matter
Chapter 351 – Unique Lotus Leaf. The Doctrine
Chapter 350 – Temptation Training, Red Clothes
Chapter 349 – The Talented Buddha
Chapter 348 – Shallow, We Were Too Shallow
Chapter 347 – The Sir Is Going to Bless the People Again
Chapter 346 – Smells Like a Bootlicker
Chapter 345 – Nice Management, a Different City
Chapter 344 – Cultivator, Do You Want Chives
Chapter 343 – What a Bunch of Hard–Working People
Chapter 342 – I Am Sorry, I Did Not Know My Meat Is so Tasty
Chapter 341 – Follow the Expert Will Truly Benefit a Lifetime
Chapter 340 – Demons of Great Vitality
Chapter 339 – You've Changed. You've All Changed!
Chapter 338 – One Hundred Thousand Fireworks Returned Here
Chapter 337 – Fallen Immortal Town. City God Temple
Chapter 336 – Wool. Payne Who Likes Chives
Chapter 335 – I'm Worse Than A Snowman
Chapter 334 – The Seal Melted. New Era
Chapter 333 – Better Than Newlyweds
Chapter 332 – Heavenly Temple. Daluo
Chapter 331 – Benefits of Befriending the Onis
Chapter 330 – Can You Allow Me to Call Your Name
Chapter 329 – Reappearance of the Death Note
Chapter 328 – Peace Guy, Pillars to the Sky
Chapter 327 – Deluxe Merit Saint, Super Scary
Chapter 326 – Whatever, Add–on Meal
Chapter 325 – Tears From Heartache, Death Note
Chapter 324 – Newfound Entertainment, It's Nice
Chapter 323
Chapter 322
Chapter 321 – I Think I Ate Sh*t
Chapter 320 – Ghost Town Near Us
Chapter 319 – : Compare the Abilities of Our Bosses
Chapter 318
Chapter 317
Chapter 316
Chapter 315
Chapter 314 – Where Is the Sect Master, Why Is the Sect Master Gone
Chapter 313 – Unwelcomed Guests
Chapter 312 – My Eyes Learned It But My Hands Don't
Chapter 311 – The Taste of Happiness at the Expert's Place
Chapter 310 – Black Market. Show Me
Chapter 309 – Written By A Saint!
Chapter 308 – Coming Back With A Huge Surprise
Chapter 307 – The Underworld Is So Stingy!
Chapter 306
Chapter 305
Chapter 304
Chapter 303
Chapter 302
Chapter 301 – Ghost Door…Is Open!
Chapter 300 – How Exciting
Chapter 299 – The Expert's Sense of Ritual
Chapter 298 – Dazzled By Beauty
Chapter 297 – My Bull Demon Is Bullish!
Chapter 296 – No.1 Demon Wife
Chapter 295 – The Misled Yuecha
Chapter 294
Chapter 293
Chapter 292
Chapter 291
Chapter 290
Chapter 289 – Reappeared Styx, Opened Door of the Underworld
Chapter 288 – Get Him Out of Here, Bury Him
Chapter 287
Chapter 286
Chapter 285 – We Understand
Chapter 284
Chapter 283
Chapter 282
Chapter 281 – Only the Expert Could Defeat the Expert
Chapter 280
Chapter 279 – Desperate Helpless Liuyun Lord Immortal
Chapter 278 – I Am Not Worthy as Dirt
Chapter 277 – Limited Growth Serum
Chapter 276
Chapter 275
Chapter 274
Chapter 273 – The Milk
Chapter 272
Chapter 271
Chapter 270 – A Test. Xuanyin Immortal Water
Chapter 269
Chapter 268
Chapter 267
Chapter 266
Chapter 265
Chapter 264
Chapter 263
Chapter 262
Chapter 261
Chapter 260
Chapter 259
Chapter 258
Chapter 257
Chapter 256
Chapter 255
Chapter 254
Chapter 253
Chapter 252
Chapter 251
Chapter 250
Chapter 249
Chapter 248
Chapter 247
Chapter 246
Chapter 245
Chapter 244
Chapter 243
Chapter 242
Chapter 241
Chapter 240
Chapter 239
Chapter 238
Chapter 237
Chapter 236
Chapter 235
Chapter 234
Chapter 233
Chapter 232
Chapter 231
Chapter 230
Chapter 229
Chapter 228 – : The Four
Chapter 227
Chapter 226
Chapter 225
Chapter 224
Chapter 223
Chapter 222
Chapter 221
Chapter 220
Chapter 219
Chapter 218
Chapter 217
Chapter 216
Chapter 215 – Lovey
Chapter 214
Chapter 213
Chapter 212
Chapter 211
Chapter 210
Chapter 209
Chapter 208
Chapter 207
Chapter 206
Chapter 205
Chapter 204
Chapter 203
Chapter 202
Chapter 201
Chapter 200
Chapter 199
Chapter 198
Chapter 197
Chapter 196
Chapter 195
Chapter 194
Chapter 193
Chapter 192
Chapter 191
Chapter 190
Chapter 189
Chapter 188
Chapter 187
Chapter 186
Chapter 185
Chapter 184
Chapter 183
Chapter 182
Chapter 181
Chapter 180
Chapter 179
Chapter 178
Chapter 177
Chapter 176
Chapter 175
Chapter 174
Chapter 173
Chapter 172
Chapter 171
Chapter 170
Chapter 169
Chapter 168
Chapter 167
Chapter 166
Chapter 165
Chapter 164
Chapter 163
Chapter 162
Chapter 161 – Three
Chapter 160
Chapter 159 – Complimentary Kiss
Chapter 158
Chapter 157
Chapter 156
Chapter 155
Chapter 154
Chapter 153
Chapter 152
Chapter 151
Chapter 150
Chapter 149
Chapter 148
Chapter 147
Chapter 146
Chapter 145
Chapter 144
Chapter 143
Chapter 142
Chapter 141
Chapter 140
Chapter 139
Chapter 138
Chapter 137
Chapter 136
Chapter 135
Chapter 134
Chapter 133
Chapter 132
Chapter 131
Chapter 130
Chapter 129
Chapter 128
Chapter 127
Chapter 126
Chapter 125
Chapter 124
Chapter 123
Chapter 122
Chapter 121
Chapter 120
Chapter 119
Chapter 118
Chapter 117
Chapter 116
Chapter 115
Chapter 114
Chapter 113
Chapter 112
Chapter 111
Chapter 110
Chapter 109
Chapter 108
Chapter 107
Chapter 106
Chapter 105
Chapter 104
Chapter 103
Chapter 102
Chapter 101
Chapter 100
Chapter 99
Chapter 98
Chapter 97
Chapter 96
Chapter 95
Chapter 94
Chapter 93
Chapter 92
Chapter 91
Chapter 90
Chapter 89
Chapter 88
Chapter 87 – The Right Way To Use Take
Chapter 86
Chapter 85
Chapter 84
Chapter 83
Chapter 82
Chapter 81
Chapter 80
Chapter 79
Chapter 78
Chapter 77
Chapter 76
Chapter 75
Chapter 74
Chapter 73
Chapter 72
Chapter 71 – Television, Another Voice
Chapter 70
Chapter 69
Chapter 68
Chapter 67
Chapter 66
Chapter 65
Chapter 64
Chapter 63
Chapter 62
Chapter 61
Chapter 60
Chapter 59
Chapter 58
Chapter 57
Chapter 56
Chapter 55
Chapter 54
Chapter 53
Chapter 52
Chapter 51
Chapter 50 – The All
Chapter 49
Chapter 48
Chapter 47
Chapter 46
Chapter 45
Chapter 44
Chapter 43
Chapter 42
Chapter 41 – The Rare Nine
Chapter 40
Chapter 39
Chapter 38
Chapter 37
Chapter 36
Chapter 35
Chapter 34
Chapter 33
Chapter 32
Chapter 31
Chapter 30
Chapter 29
Chapter 28
Chapter 27
Chapter 26
Chapter 25
Chapter 24
Chapter 23
Chapter 22
Chapter 21
Chapter 20
Chapter 19
Chapter 18
Chapter 17
Chapter 16
Chapter 15
Chapter 14
Chapter 13
Chapter 12
Chapter 11
Chapter 10
Chapter 9
Chapter 8
Chapter 7
Chapter 6
Chapter 5
Chapter 4
Chapter 3
Chapter 2
Chapter 1
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